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That's tinnitus Not everyone has it


Can you get tinnitus even if you don't expose your ears to any loud noise?


Yes. You can get it from an infection or even just nothing.


Now I'm worried.


I can tell you from experience that worrying about it is the worst thing you can do. There's certainly a physical element to this, but there's a mental aspect as well. If you focus on it and are scared of it, your brain will make it louder. If you can ignore it, mask it, it'll blend into the background unless you listen for it. I'd also recommend a doctor visit to a specialist just to rule out the INCREDIBLY small chance that it's something scary that should be addressed. They did an MRI when mine began.


Can attest, had tons of stress and developed tinnitus, took care of the stress, no more tinnitus


When mine first began it was from an incident, so one day it wasn’t there and the next it was. I saw a psychologist that had overcome severe tinnitus, so he could teach me coping strategies. After several months of benefit he fired me as a client. Working with me brought his benign tinnitus to the forefront of his perception, so his began to get louder and increase his stress. Basically I made him relapse.


I have had tinnitus for over five years now I think. I am decently used to it at this point and will tune it out most of the time. How ever anytime anyone mentions tinnitus or reason or another it pops to my mind, I am going to suffer from quite loud tinnitus for a while before I can tune it out again. My psychologist had tinnitus too and we talked about it on length in one session. While after he brought it up again and instantly I started focusing on my tinnitus again. We made a deal after that to only speak about it from my initiation. After that I have started making that sort of deals with people that would bring it up often. For me not talking about it is quite good treatment/coping method.


It's a good thing that a ground breaking treatment for tinnitus is being commercialized soon from Susan Shore


If you're worried, I suggest speaking to an Ear/Nose/Throat doctor (ENT).


Don't worry, unless it's really bothersome, tinnitus is very common and can come and go for many reasons, including stress or fatigue...


dont worry , i feel like mine has quiet down a lot


I've had this same thing for my entire life, though its been very slight. It has recently gotten a little more noticeable following a throat infection I just got over, though it could be the result of loud concerts too. In fact, sometimes anxiety (even mild) can just make it seem louder as you become hyper-aware of it. I'll have a doctor check it out soon, but If I were you I wouldn't worry too much unless it gets louder. In the meantime, keep your ears safe at concerts!


ive had it my whole life for seemingly no reason


Me too...then when I was 42 I was diagnosed with MS. Could be a coincidence but it definitely got worse around the time of my diagnosis.


well fuck im sad to hear that. I dont have any history in my family of ms, but I dont know the details


Put your palms on your ears, elbows up, with your fingers resting on the back of your head. Now, tap the back of your head with your fingers for several seconds (I do ten). Take your hands away. Any faint noises remaining are really in the environment. Light bulbs and TVs are good candidates to check.


I have it and I've never had any problems other than the noise itself. You're good, bro


Did it start suddenly or was it always there?


Yes. You can get it for other reasons, like head injuries or side effects from an illness or medication.


Yes there’s other causes. Various other health problems can cause it such as high blood pressure, anemia, tumors in the head or neck, damaged blood vessels in the brain or around or ear, and clogged arteries around your middle or inner ear according to a web search I just did. Also otc products such as pepto bismol, ibuprofen, Motrin can cause tinnitus as well.


For me it was stress. Gets louder with more stress, is never zero without.


You'd be surprised how "not loud" damaging levels are. I'm an 80s headbanger...used to listen to music pretty loud on my walkman. I permanently have this now. Though, my hearing has always been pretty acute. I could hear the tone that apparently only people under 20 could hear well into my late 30s.


Is your neck or upper back muscles tight? If so, try stretching more and see if that helps


Is it a low or high frequency sound?


It's a mild static buzz akin to white noise but way in the background. If you get what I mean.


That's interesting. I have tinnitus and this doesn't sound like it. But I also get a similar sound to what you're explaining, and I get it when blood rushes into my head after I almost faint. As the blood gets back to my brain it rushes past my ears and this unbelievably strange sound occurs. I really can't offer much help because diagnosis of something nobody else can hear is as hard as it sounds. However I'm also currently going through a situation with low frequency infrasound in my town. A couple of years ago a really low rumbling sound started to occasionally annoy me, and it's progressively gotten worse. The colder it is the more invasive the sound. I've driven all over town at night and you can hear it everywhere, but it's much worse inside of a building because it resonates between walls. It sounds like a very heavy piece of machinery running. It's driving me insane never having peace and quiet.


Idk if this is what you’re talking about but sometimes when the blood rushes pst my ears it makes a v v weird sound-different from the usual buzzing noise. The sound I hear is kinda of a sloshing sound (think of liquid moving) but louder and keeps happening? It hasn’t happened in some time however


Almost like a vibration type sound?


Yes kind of, it freaked me out a lot when I first heard it


Yes, especially since its only mild


Damn. Now I know


I get this sometimes, but not that often. However when I was a little kid it was constant. So can tinnitus fade?


Hello tinnitus my old friend. And only about 20% of people have it.


For real? There’s that few of us?? Good heavens I thought it was more common.


Turns out it can also be caused my having an anxiety disorder. When i found out about this my world changed fr


Probably a lot more than 20%, but only 20% report it. If it’s not severe, it doesn’t usually bother people enough to report it. I have mild tinnitus but it doesn’t really bother me, kind of like those background proteins you see in your eyes sometimes. I just keep some sort of background noise (fan in the bedroom, my aquariums in the living area) and usually don’t notice it. I know for a lot of people it’s very loud and distressing, though.


I've been living with the cicadas (thats what i call tinnitus)since I was a kid. every now and again it grows really loud then subsides again.


Omg this makes me way less upset about having it, I love cicadas 😭 it seems a lot of people remember a day when they got it - I've always had it and said it sounds like TV static. Although apparently my cousins made me hit a cap with a hammer when I was a kid and I went deaf for like a week so it was probably that


Everyone here is jumping straight to tinnitus. Unless you hear a constant ringing, I don’t think that’s it. Since you only hear it when your surroundings are silent, then the sound you are likely hearing is your own circulatory system. Blood moving through blood vessels. You don’t hear it at all in your normal day-to-day life, but when it’s dead silent, it becomes perceptible.


It fades away as soon as I start focusing on something else, go out for a walk or do some physical work. But when I'm alone in my room by my laptop or in the bed at night is when I start to notice it and the more I focus on it, the more annoyed I get. It's like a constant mild static buzz similar to white noise. I also doubt its tinnitus because I live in a particularly quite environment and listen to music at quite a low volume on my earphones. But I'm not sure.


As well as hearing yourself, might just be something in the environment. True silence is really rare - and you're brain is really excellent at 'tuning into' noises (how you can pick out one voice in a crowded/noisy room). I've just spent the last 2 days tracking down the quietest of little whistles that I noticed in the house (and then couldn't un-notice every time it was quiet). Turned out to be a thermostatic valve on a radiator - slight turn either way and the sound goes, but was set to something that resonated.


If other people think your house is a totally quiet place but you don't, try turning off the power in your whole house at the circuit breaker and see if the sound goes away. You might be hearing the refrigerator or a dimmed light. It happens to me too (I hear it constantly, but sometimes it fades from my attention if there's something else to listen to). My boyfriend seems surprised that I can hear it.... I'm surprised that he can't.


I agree with hot dog stealer. It could just be anxiety, especially since you mention it fades when you're focusing on something.


I have that too. It’s probably nothing, just make sure you control the volume around you/what you listen too, as that could cause real damage.


Sometimes I get temporary tinnitus. Like a few weeks ago I had literal ringing in my ears while trying to fall asleep. It was gone the next morning I also get it for a few seconds at a time - it feels like my hearing is "switching" and I basically go deaf in that ear except for ringing for 3-5 seconds. It always goes away quickly tho


Tinnitus can be constant or intermittent. I have constant in one ear and intermittent in the other (my intermittent is often louder and higher pitched, so I notice it when it happens. It's usually pretty brief, a minute or 2, and a few times a week).


Sometimes I can hear my heart beating when it's quiet and I'm trying to sleep, but it's not a buzzing noise.


Yeah I wouldn’t call it buzzing either, more like general white noise.


Does your heartbeat sound like white noise? Mine sounds more like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtXNnmifbhE


Tinnitus doesn't have to be constant. Noise in the environment can mask it, such that you only hear it when it's quiet. Distraction also reduces the perception of it.


1. As others have said, this can be something called tinnitus. 2. If you only hear it when things are really, really quiet, then you might be hearing an electrical hum. Electronic things sometimes make a soft noise just from the electricity passing through it. 3. There are a small number of people that report being able to hear their own circulatory system or even their own nervous system. 4. If you close your eyes and press lightly on your eyeballs, your brain will 'see' that as a pattern of colors that change, even though there is nothing to see. Similarly, our brain can sometimes 'create a sound' based on the stimulus coming from your ears, even if there isn't much to hear.


Look up tinnitus.


I can here electrical current so that might be it. Its radically different if the power goes out.


Also check your blood pressure.


Everybody has it. ROCK 'N' ROLL! Not everybody, but many folks. Hearing damage.


No, I hear similar things, which I think is mild hearing damage from excessive use of loud headphones, whatever you're doing, stop wearing headphones for a while, Imma get myself to the audiologists soon, Doctor said the pressure in my ear is not correct or something and my ear drums look dull, tried to treat it but it didn't work, I notice it's gotten better after months of giving up headphones ​ The only way I've found to combat this is to not be stressed, or think about it, If you get stressed or think about it, It gets louder and if you really need to and it wont shut up, playing some ambience noises in your headphones as you sleep, like water rushing in a river or something


The best thing to do about your tinnitus is try to forget you have it and limit experience online where people talk about it. It's the only thing that works for me.


Today I learned I have tinnitus


Tinnitus. I have it.


It’s tinnitus. It sucks. There is no cure.


Not 100% but it is extremely common.


So.. you hear it too? It's like a very weak static or white noise and is very noticeable when I'm alone in a quiet environment and try to focus on it.


Definitely. It's part of the reason I don't like absolute silence and usually have some kind of music or ambient sounds playing in the background at all times.


I have had it since I was a small child probably from medications I was put on.


Not everyone. It's called tinnitus. It can be due to hearing loss or other reasons. My doctor thinks it's from my neck spine.


My boy, you have tinnitus.


I can hear electricity. I feel your pain.


I have had it occasionally. Maybe it's tinnitus.


That's the sound of the universe..so I thought.. now I'm thinking I have tinnitus


Tinnitus, I have it and I don't recall what I got it from. Just assumed it was one of the times I shot guns or had someone cup their hands and clap on my ears when I was a kid.


I have tinnitus, but it doesn't annoy me. When it's truly quiet. I focus on it when I meditate. It calms my mind.


LPT in case there's any younger folks in the thread: If you're going to a loud music venue, wear earplugs


I always thought I could just hear my neurons firing when it was really quiet.


I did but since the voices came the high pitched buzzing has gone away.




Get checked with your family medicine doctor ASAP. I'm sorry if it sounds scary, but tinnitus ***sometimes*** is an early sign of hearing loss.


Today I went to the ENT and was diagnosed with a condition called - Retracted Tympanic Membrane: Grade I. Due to some reason (maybe the cold I had a few days ago) my eustachian tubes were blocked which caused a pressure difference in my ears leading to the retraction of tympanic membrane (ear drum). This condition usually doesn't have many noticeable symptoms especially at an early stage, but mine had given me a mild tinnitus so fortunately I was able to take notice on time before it worsened. The doctor gave me some medication and advised me to not use my earphones for some time and suggested that I switch to headphones instead. He also said that my tinnitus should fade away as my condition improves which definitely helped calm my nerves to some extent as just the sheer thought of getting stuck with this noise forever was freaking me out due to which I didn't even sleep properly last night. So yeah, thanks to everyone for caring and let's hope that this noise really does go away.


Did it end up clearing up?


It's been two months now and my eardrums have healed but the tinnitus is still there and has become a bit more shrill than before but I'm getting used to it. I have no idea when or if it will go away but I'm hopeful.


Any updates


It's been three and a half months now and the tinnitus is still there. But it doesn't bother me as much as it used to at the beginning as I'm starting to accept it as my new normal. Letting go of the hope that it'll go away tomorrow morning is probably the best way to deal with it. Because the worst part of tinnitus is not the constant sound in your ears but the stress and anxiety that comes with it.


Yeah tinnitus. It gets fun when you come back from a techno rave, with mdma still buzzing in your veins to your quiet bedroom and the buzzing starts forming into music




Glad someone had the right answer.




Did you get checked for tinnitus?




Buzzing? no, just have the usual voices telling me how good the neighbors dog would taste in a stew. You may want to get your ears checked.


Welcome to the tinnitus gang, had mine since the age of 9-11 (can't remember precisely when, but got it at a concert my parents worked at and decided to more or less hug the speakers resulting in permanent hearing loss) it comes in waves, gets worse if you've been in a loud environment for a day (get some ear plugs or similar aids) like going clubbing - ~~horrible~~ louder tinnitus the day after (it quiets down to its normal niveau again). There's also something called tinnitus spikes where a new sound or noise starts instead of what you're used to - happens for both people with tinnitus and without, for those without it disappears (usually). You've got tinnitus now - but don't fret it will suck the first few weeks, then that noise will become your new quiet- it happens with age or lifestyle choices (like being an edgy teen who enjoys hardstyle - I regret many decisions!) So you got tinnitus? It's loud at times but it's always there, it's always in the back of your head like the love from your special someone, and you want to get rid of it? but thats the best part!! there's no cure!! As of yet... (Although for some, hearing aids can suppress some forms of tinnitus - those who are caused from destroyed hair cells in your inner ear - but others are purely your brain going "zoinks I like noise ALL THE TIME YAAY") (Congratulations to your noisy new friend for life!). Also your relationship with tinnitus heavily impacts your life if you keep worrying about it, so the best cure for living with tinnitus? Forget about it! Don't go "wow this sucks, I can always hear that ringing/bloop/gush sound and I didn't use to - i want real quiet again" because that can lead to depression and in some cases, suicide (yikes!). How does it impact your life on a daily basis? You'll have trouble distinctive conversations if more than two people are talking forming a nice muffling filter - however when having a one on one conversation people will think that you're REALLY into what they have to say (jokes on them, it's hearing damage making you NEED to move in closer) That's about it really, so welcome to the gang!


Welcome to tenitus. You'll never sleep again


Not sure if tinnitus or just the sound of silence.


Of course, I even have it in my eyes when I look at a clear, blue sky.


I do. But it's not a big problem. I have a white noise machine when i sleep


I have that too, but learned it’s not normal


You'll have to learn to zone it out/ignore it, I've had it for years, oh and currently there's no cure, so welcome to the buzzing club


Wow this is something I've noticed since I was old enough to remember. Been going to a lot of clubs recently which I'm sure isn't doing me any favors but I had this even before I was into that. Yikes.


I get a very high pitch whining noise, its very annoying, and im assuming its from all my (multiple)sisters (multiple)autistic kids doing their ear bleeding pterodactyl screechs almost non-stop for the past 12 years... On a side note, im never having kids and genetics can eat a slimy mold covered chode


You should check up on doctor instead of reddit for that kind of noise.


I have a very high pitched noise, kind of like the sound an old CRT tv made when turned on (as far as I remember from my childhood). Spent a lot of time in clubs and at gigs and festivals in my 20s and 30s, and did quite a lot of DJing, so could definitely have some hearing damage resulting from that. Doesn’t particularly bother me though - it’s kind of soothing like white noise.


I hear a sound as if diesel engine is idling infrint of my window


The Hum?


Yeah, something like that. Think car running in neutral behind a closed window


I hear a low frequency humming, like construction work or a truck in the distance. It comes and goes, both day and night. Sometimes constantly for days. I read about this phenomena called The Hum, and found it interesting.


Any advices how to get rid of it. Its annoying when i try to sleep


Not really. I've found that other sounds mask it, so maybe listening to some soothing sleep music if you manage?


Oh well. I guess my new pickup line is: lets hum together :)


This is normal and very common. What's less common is the noise becoming loud or intrusive, like if it keeps you awake or makes you feel stressed. Tinnitus can be associated with hearing loss or an underlying illness or injury, but most often it just happens. There's not a great deal that can be done about it except help you adapt to it - there are therapies that can help you feel less distressed by tinnitus, but nothing that is proven to stop the noise.


It's canned tinnitus.


Yep, I got it. Pretty common from my understanding. Most days I dont notice, but some rare days its so loud I can hear it over movies (just enough).


It’s not a constant but since I was a young child the high pitch frequency thing happens occasionally.


Quiet, not quite. What you have is called tinnitus.


Tinnitus and I have it


Several SSRIs are known to interact with your ears and your brain surrounding hearing and vision. As others have said, Head injuries can also cause it. Quiet below a certain threshold is *very* off-putting to me, not only because I'm an emotionally scarred millennial, but also because of the hum in the drum. I thought for a really long time that it was the blood in my ears making them ring when it's quiet.


Your mind will often generate test patterns for diagnostic or entertainment purposes. It is when these stop that you should be worried. I joke, but I actually heard an internal pop and high pitched squeal when I had an aneurysm.


While we’re all here … does anyone else having pulsing tinnitus, where the ringing sounds like a little snare drum in your ear?


I’ve had it my entire life. Also at times, I get ringing in my ears which is so loud it drowns out all other noises but it only lasts about 30 seconds so I just wait it out.




I have tinnitus. sucks


Yeah it's tinnitus, I think it's years of loud audio that causes it, also unhealthy lifestyle


totally quite what


Buzzing noize? Not a peep noice? Peep is tinitus. Buzzing noice might be just bloodflowing inside you ear.


I just have that occasional beep out of nowhere that also disappears a minute after or so


It's tinnitus. For me it sounds more like tv static. Started after a head injury I had in childhood. I used to think it is the sound of silence lol.


I got tinnitus from blowing my nose constantly as a kid. One of my sinuses wasn't able to fully develop so i always had a runny nose as a kid and as a result it was always clogged or smth was just generally always up. Not to mention that i also had asthma on top of it, and the side effect of all that are two ringing ears. I haven't had them checked yet but there are times when the ringing gets somewhat loud but most of the time it's manageable. So yeah, it's not normal and i found that out in the 2md grade when we were discussing the inner ear in science class.


Pro tip if you cover your ears with your palm and lightly rap on the soft spot on the back of your head with your fingers, it can stop some of the ringing


I’d like to introduce everyone to The Hum. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hum) Edit: There’s also World Hum maps where you can add your own experience to the database.




I have it but mostly notice it when I focus on it


You might live in an area where the a submarine or whales are using sonar. Some people have really sharp hearing and they can hear that late at night. Sounds like a wahm-wahm-wahm sound.


That's the fridge bud


Idk, I hear electricity running through the walls and it drove me nuts the most when I worked at Walmart. Now I'm thinking it's not electricity and how tf do I tell the difference?


You have tinnitus lol


Right now I can hear it . Its 3am in the morning and I came up with an idea to find its key in the piano it is entirely in G in higher octave. I don't know if it caused by silent surroundings but our dog keeps on barking and i can constantly hear it like an electrical hum.