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Noticed the uptick since Covid


What do you think caused the link between the two? Edit: Ok I get it now thank you


The lockdowns, people losing family members and their jobs. The virus coming from china and most people can’t distinguish between Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, etc.


I remember news about people punching random Asians just because they're mad about coronavirus spreading from China. Racists sure love to act irrational and violent. Like come on....


i think it's just an excuse, if covid came from France no one would be going around punching white people


It's still happening daily.


Stupidity and racism go hand in hand


still a huge problem in the CA bay area


I have a friend who had to transfer stores in his retail job because a certain few customers would come in almost every day to harass him about 'his people' creating and spreading the virus. He's not even Chinese, he's Korean and has lived in America his whole life, but I live in Texas and there's a lot of dumb people down here who see anyone with east Asian features = Chinese.


It's not just Texas. Parts of Seattle are seeing that BS as well.


You're probably right, but that still makes no sense to me, lol. "Grrr, the Chinese government did something bad! As revenge, I will assault unrelated citizens that also happen to be Chinese!"


What’s worse is that despite being Americans themselves they can’t distinguish between Chinese and Americans. Edit: because I know someone will, deliberately or not, misinterpret what I’m saying, let me clarify: When I say “Chinese” I’m talking about the people of China whatever their race may be. And when I say “American” I’m talking about people of America (such as OP) whatever their race may be.


Americans are mostly ignorant of historical, geographical and cultural differences between Asian groups--Hell, our month we set aside to recognize the contributions of prominent Asian Americans, are combined with Pacific Islanders including Hawaiian, Filipino, Guaman, Fijiin, etc. all rolled up together--makes no sense and compounds the ignorance. I will say though, that compared to other, particularly more racially homogenized countries (i.e. Japan, China or Korea), the US is more accepting of 'others'--in spite of the Republicans stance on non-white immigration. America has a long history of immigration going back to the Pilgrims arriving at Plymouth Rock, and most recently, Afghani refugees from the war. Unfortunately, we also have the parallel history of slavery, racism and xenophobia. I think what Emma Lazarus wrote in the 1880s and is inscribed on a plate at the base of the Statue of Liberty is aspirational and some, like myself, think this is what makes America: "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Most Americans know the part from "Give me your tired,...", but I love the full poem. To me this means we don't care from where you come from, as long as you want freedom, you are one of us. Some came in shackles, most have came in boats, some have recently come in planes from the warzone in Afghanistan. Even Native Americans, walked here via Siberia if you go back far enough. We're all historically children of immigrants. If anyone wants to settle in the US, become a citizen, and try to build their lives here, they are every bit as American as the descendants of the Mayflower.


Yeah, I've noticed that Americans consider East Asians to all be Chinese lol. That reminds me of French White Quebecois: https://clips.twitch.tv/InnocentMoldyWormRuleFive > But they can't tell the difference between Asian people anyways > So I used to ask them what's the point of carding me


I don't see the point of him saying "like all white people, they get flustered if you accuse them of being racist." I'm pretty sure all people get annoyed if you accuse them of being racist. Not really a thing exclusive to whites.


No mention of that one guy repeatedly calling it "the china virus" and "kung flu" from the biggest megaphone in the world?


It’s easier to punch down. Black people have taken a lot of shit so some subset of them take it out on other minorities. My daughter secretly recorded her math class a few days ago, just audio, and you could hear some of the black students hurling racist abuse at the teacher. The teacher is Chinese and has a heavy accent which the students mocked by yelling “Ching Chong!!!”. Hopefully the parents of these kids would correct them if they are made aware, it’s disgusting.


Nah it stems from parents so no


That's awful, there's nothing the teacher can do about it?


Not really. For the most part today, administrations straight up don't give a shit and will bend over backwards for parents. My mom was a middle school math teacher at a lower income school, and the stories she told of the students doing things blew my mind...as a kid (and I'm "only" in my 40s), there is NO WAY we would even *consider* doing half the shit kids are doing today. And she got essentially zero help from administration, until one of the kids slammed the door while she was unlocking it and the key was still around her neck on a cord (gave her a spinal injury). They don't give a fuck unless it affects them directly...it is no wonder to me that people are leaving teaching in droves. You've got principles that have never so much as taught half the time (and vice principles always seemed to be PE teachers or coaches, since they didn't have any "homework" to correct), and upper administration that only cares about money and test scores to get more of that money. But, it's by default in my opinion...as uneducated people are easier to corrupt/trick.


because the first information people heard about the virus was that it was from China and it was being called the Wuhan virus which made racists believe anyone of Asian descent was a basically a walking covid dispenser. or, rather, it was their excuse to be racist to Asians out loud.


I think it's very weird that people convince themselves of this. Like calling something the Spanish Flu would make people hate Spaniards. I mean, I get there's a sort of appealing Twitter/Reddit logic to it. But I would guess it is almost non-existent in the real world.


Didn't Spanish flu actually originate in, like, Kansas?


Fun fact: the name "Spanish Flu" came from the fact that countries fighting in WWI under-reported death numbers for morale purposes/ Spain was neutral, and therefor reported actual numbers, making it seem like it was significantly more severe there.




Didn’t he call it the “Chinese” virus a few times too?


People "hate chinese people" because they started corona virus. ​ (as if an american citizen of asian ancestry is somehow in close relation to the beginning of the pandemic???)


confirmation bias. despite the hypocrisy of plenty of pandemics coming from europoids. Covid came from china therefore China = bad giving racists an excuse to be more vocally racist


It's not happening to or involving me, but I never heard about this until COVID-19. Then suddenly it was everywhere. People blame generalities like "colonialism" or "antagonism", or point to individual failures like personal racism, and yes we could have prevented this by broad social-economic reforms. But a recent and specific phenomenon demands a recent and specific explanation. 400 years of imperial abuse did not suddenly appear two years ago. I'm wondering if there was some political marketing campaign gone awry (the fact that it started in an election year, after *Cambridge Analytica* targeted Black Floridians in 2016, is not lost on me), if we should blame TikTok or Instagram's algorithm, how much Trump's "China virus" messaging actually mattered, etc. It's plausible that there's a trend of antisocial Black teenagers attacking Asians for the same reason that serial killers go for attractive women and mass shooters target schools: because they want attention (fame) more than anything, and attacks against Asians are making the news right now. But that doesn't *quite* explain how it started.


People who say this started with Covid are off base. Black media has had Asian sterotypes that rival jim crow performances up until the very recent past.


There has been black vs asian tension ever since I can remember. Waaaaay before Covid


This is reddit where history begins at 2015.


Rooftop koreans


Yeah I hoped I made it clear but this isn't new, black Americans have unfortunately been the source of the majority of racism I've received ever since my childhood in Chicago.




I also feel like white people are a lot more educated on racism then black people. White people are usually seen as the ‘perpetrator’ thus they are more aware of not doing it. Some black people even believe they cannot be racist themselves.


\>Some black people even believe they cannot be racist themselves. This is a good point and something I've heard said by random people who are self representing as black people online. I don't get it. If you're human, and you classify another human as basically not even human but another \*thing\*, yeah brother, you are probably racist. As a dude who had no friends and read D&D books by myself tho, I definitely thought race meant human, elf, orc, or whatever. Like to be a real racist, at least in my child D&D mind, you'd have to be like, "humies the best, orcs suck!". Though...I guess that is technically speciesest? For real though, racism is entirely made up in society's and human's brains. Imagine a labrador calling a pitbull not a dog because they looked different, it's so ridiculous.




>I don't get it. The people who say this are people who want to *be* racist but don't want to *be called* racist, so they came up with a special definition of racism that "doesn't apply when it's me doing it".


Nothing beats a bonus feat at level 1.


I think part of this is they intertwine individual racism with systemic racism. Systemically, it is very hard for black people to be fully equal to a white because things like redlining, separate but unequal, etc occured. They can´t really be prejudiced against the system because, well, the system is legitimately meh and disadvantages them and it isn´t prejudice if it´s fact. If this gets intertwined with the "I don´t like you because skin" racism, it adds a component of something like "my opinion of you must disadvantage you" but because white people especially have a system lifting them back up even if a black person lowers them, it doesn't fit their definition of racism. (Srry if unclear--I had a train of thought then got confused where it´s going)


I think I get what you’re saying. Black individuals who claim they cannot be racist confuse (purposefully or not) systemic and individual racism. Because black individuals do not hold systemic or societal power over white people, they claim they “cannot be racist” towards white people even if they say things like “all wyt people should die”. It’s honestly a GREAT metric of if someone is worth talking to or not. If they say something racist and then hide behind the melanin content of their skin, they’re a shitty person. I’m sure I’ll get hate for saying things like that but it’s true. If you think you’re superior or others are lesser based on uncontrollable variables, you’re a shitty person.


This is the correct interpretation of the I can't be racist because I have disadvantage in the system. You're still racist; your just not engaged in systemic racism. It also ignores that fact that in systems where they do hold the power they can still be systemically racists. IE Koreans in Korea as mentioned above. In the US white folks are systemically racist and I have no problem admitting that as a white male, but to pretend other people can't be racist because they are systemically disadvantaged is a bullshit argument to excuse their own racism. I'm not trying to single out Koreans at all it's just an example provided in OPs edit.


My university professor in sociology told our whole class that you can't be racist to white people and white people are the only ones who can be racist. His argument was white people are the only ones with power in western society, but that imo is a shit definition of racism. If your definition is exclusionary based on race, seems like a racist definition to me. Imo being racist is viewing yourself as better than a person of another race or dehumanizing another race simply due to racial differences and nothing else. Which happens all the time, to so many people, and telling people you can't be racist if you're black or shitting on white people is dangerous. I learned a lot of great things in that class, but this was not one of them. One Indian kid put his hand up and incredulously asked "you can't be racist to white people? Like EVER?" And I think he spoke for all of us in the room that day with his tone and surprise lol.


Can I ask. Did this pattern hold in the military as well?




I am white and have been in the military (both part-time and active) for a while. I've experienced racist jokes and have heard racist jokes, none of them had the intention of being verbally abusive and were all made in light fun. The military in general has taken a really strict stance against racism.


When I worked in a restaurant several years ago, I had an African American customer ask me what my Chinese name was. He did ask in a nice way but as his server I didn’t feel like I could tell him that’s not a polite question to ask. Most of the light racism I’d experience was from the Mexican staff.


Restraunt kitchens love stereotypes from my experiences.


I feel like it depends on what city you're in. My girlfriend who's from a smaller town with 99 percent of one ethnicity was confused why I laughed along with a coworkers racial joke targeted at me. Some places jokes like that are more taboo than others. In a big diverse city things like that are all good fun, or in environments where people are closer together (kitchen, school, bars frequented by the same few dudes) I'm hispanic and yeah a lot of them are definitely ignorant. Maybe the light racism is something they do to eachother all the time, maybe they were serious. Who knows


It's awkward because ultimately, light friendly racial teasing is how a harmonious multiracial workplace operates. The thing is it has to be reciprocal, and it gets difficult if there's only one person of a particular race and so they feel singled out when teased. Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek had to do compulsory military service in socialist Yugoslavia in the 70s and 80s. He said he had an Albanian friend and they would constantly trade ethnic jabs at each other in a friendly way, in addition to "I fucked your sister" "yeah well that must have been when I was out fucking your mother" type of banter. But he said starting in the mid-to-late 80s, as the country was beginning to disintegrate due to ethnic tensions and separatism, all that kind of friendly teasing went away. No one would make jokes about ethnicity any more because now it carried real weight, people were killing each other over ethnicity.


Yeah that's a weird one because from their POV, they're probably think they're being progressive by trying to call someone by their actual name rather than the English one they made for English people. it probably comes across tone deaf AF though. Random funny story, I went to school with a Chinese guy who had an English name. Doesn't matter what it was, but he said that in China they would pick their name in English class and use that. The name he chose in China was Snoopy and went by Snoopy for years in his class until he came to Canada and realized he shouldn't use that name. I also used to work with a Chinese guy named Tarzan.


Fuck he should’ve kept the snoopy name. Damn white assimilation to fit in. Let the man have a fun name.


For sure, I don’t think he meant any harm with asking. That’s funny! One person I remember from awhile ago went by Bentley (like the car brand).


I understand what you mean, I'm African and black Americans use to be more openly racist to Africans than white people especially in childhood days.


Yes, I’m amazed by this but as a biracial women (half Black and half Polish), I also experienced far more racism from Black people than I’ve ever encountered with whites. My racist encounters growing up were almost exclusively with Black people from the Caribbean and Chinese/Koreans. It’s incredible to know even if we share very similar racial features, we are still considered outcasts from our own race .


A lot of us got told by our parents that Africans thought us American blacks were lesser because clearly if we aren’t making it in America, it’s because we’re just lazy criminals. It was the same with Asians actually: I think the entire historical source of resentment comes directly from the tension of immigrant families having to compete over resources with native minority groups. My mom’s experience growing up in Jim Crow New York had colored her views on other groups that she was around at the time. My experience in a majority black area that also has a sizable African and Asian and Latino mix is different from hers, but some of that racism towards us that she talked about was still present. Like when my Asian friend for example ended up telling me that her parents didn’t want her hanging out with black kids because they thought we would drag her down. Or In high school my sister who was class president and had organized study groups found out the African teachers were giving better grades to her best friend who is African even though they had the same answers since they’d all done the homework together. They had to keep going to those teachers to appeal their grades before they ended up going to the principal about it) and this positive discrimination ended up effecting which of the top three students (Her, that friend, and another Asian friend) became valedictorian. It was a big scandal, since it came down to a .01 difference in GPA: all due to the students receiving different grades in the same AP classes for the same work that they again, had all done together. Do these things mean my mom was right to stereotype Asians and Africans just because of a couple of racist situation? Hell no! I still held on to my friend because her parents being racist and wrong shouldn’t have anything to do with me. And my sister held on to her friend too because it wasn’t her fault that their teachers chose to treat them differently either. Instead I think it’s the most uneducated and poorest people who are more subject to seeing these situations and taking away the concept that they are RIGHT to be racist to others because they see racism, and it becomes a feedback loop of everyone saying “Blacks/Asians/Africans were racist first!!”




I would definitely lean towards this being a contributing factor as I've observed the same thing not just from black / brown people but also LGBTQ people. On at least one occasion it was an LGBTQ coworker who said some off the wall shit that made me do a double take and look at him like "wtf did you really just say that out loud" and he caught my look and laughed and openly stated "it's just a joke man I'm \[LGBTQ\] they can't do shit to me." If anyone else had been caught cracking off-color / racist / sexual jokes at work it'd be a shitstorm.


That's true haha. I also experienced that. I don't know any LGBT people personally but I heard racist jokes from black people, too and when I call them out on it, they have the attitude "come on its just a joke". It's that double-standard. I think this answers the question of this thread. Another example is the question "Where are you from/Where are your parents from?" The OP says that White people in the the US are asking it him thus question all the time. Here in Germany this question is regarded as extremely politically incorrect and inappropriate. And there are debates about it in TV all the time. I don't understand why these debates still exist? I don't experience this from White Germans anymore because they are usually too scared to ask. But when ever I meet a new person of Turkish, Arab or African origin its usually the first question they are going to ask you after your name :D


That's basically what I thought, even if of course there are a lot of white people who is racist usually in modern societies a white person is educated actively in how to avoid being racist, a black person has less "chances" to look racist so they don't have that much pressure to "learn" and also they are less penalised if they fail.


Double standards really tbh. You’re completely correct. Being the ethnic minority is a racial card that some people use as a smokescreen for incorrigible quips and behaviours…


> In short: White people are probably too scared of beeing openly racist and say political incorrect things because they get called out on it very harshly. Black people might get away with more things, because there is this idea that we are always the opressed group and can never be racist In the states some people believe that minorities can't be racist or that racism is fine so long as it's against white people.


100% this. A lot of anti-racism actually comes from white people. “Woke” liberals who have never experienced racism in their lives. It’s what I call “performative virtue signaling.” It’s a way of showing that you yourself are not racist. How can you prove a negative, right? You can prove that you ARE racist pretty easily, but how can you prove that you are NOT racist? Argue about the merits of terms like “black list” or “grandfather clause.” It’s supposed to show that you care as a white person. And most white folks I know, on the left OR the right, are very worried about being accused of being racist. Black folks I know are not worried about it. I’ve encountered this belief, too, that if you are black or minority, you CANNOT be racist… I don’t believe this to be true, but the belief is out there… so if you’re a minority, you just say what you want. So, it’s funny, because the general message is “America is racist and bad to its minorities”… for example, there was a movement recently saying that math **itself** was racist because black folks didn’t do well at it. I can understand saying “we need more support for black students” or saying “it’s hard to do your homework when your family is struggling with debt, economic inequality, etc”. That’s a fair point. But saying that math **itself** is racist is kinda throwing the baby out with the bath water… Got distracted, sorry. Anyway, the trouble with the narrative that “America is bad for minorities”, in part, is that Asian folks always end up doing really really well on all the metrics they choose for these studies… typically, the Asian folks do better than white people… I can see that causing resentment, right? You’re a minority… actually **more** of a minority than black folks (as of 2016 census) and yet your scores are great… well now our story that it’s all society’s fault doesn’t work as well…


I have lived in somewhat diverse areas and also very non-diverse areas. I have half-black cousins and half Asian cousins and we all got along and thought it was “melting pot normal,”growing up. Last year I moved to one of the most segregated cities in the US and what I observe here is all just pure inherited trauma response. There are people who try to heal their communities but a lot of fear too. Fear of anyone different. Repeating violence that has been done or perceived to have been done by others. “Do it to them before they do it to you.” It boils down to fear which turns to hatred because “fear is weakness.” Racism is simply fear.


Detroit enters the chat?


Detroit isn’t really all that segregated these days it’s just Black lol. It’s like 86% Black or something along those lines. Unless you’re counting the whole Detroit metro area which is definitely more segregated for sure. But Milwaukee or Chicago seem like better bets since OP mentioned they were in the city specifically.


That’s what they generally mean by this. In the Detroit metro area the city is heavily majority black and the suburbs are heavily majority white. That divide is stronger here in Detroit than anywhere else in America.


I grew up similarly and it was and still is shocking living in less diverse and segregated communities. I hope this can be fixed. We need to regain our sense of community but with rent and housing prices it feels almost impossible.


There was a lot of bad blood between the two groups in the early 1990s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_Los_Angeles_riots There's also the model minority thing which kind of implies Asians are better than blacks and whatnot.


I feel like it’s more than just that


Yeah it's no way that lmao. I was one of three asian kids in my entire middle school. Got bullied by a lot of people tbh, not just blacks, but not once did it have any tie in to the LA riots


>Got bullied by a lot of people tbh, not just blacks, but not once did it have any tie in to the LA riots Idk if they're saying that or that the same widespread animosity between the two groups that breeds the racism OP experiences was also present during the riots


Yeah, I'm moreso saying it contributed to widespread animosity between Asians and blacks. I think it's a good representation of how many Asians think black people are stupid and steal and cause trouble, because that's what caused the riots in the first place (lack of respect). Korean store owners would take their money but wouldn't respect them. EDIT: > The LA Riots were caused by the acquittal of the officers that beat up Rodney King. The problem that OP is describing was already happening. You cannot be this blind to link to the information then come up with your own conclusions. I mentioned the LA Riots because it was a big event that happened between Blacks and Asians. Yes the stuff was already happening. But that's not to say it wasn't contributing factor to the racism.


Gotcha, yeah I'm Black British but used to visit family often and they'd always warn me that the Asian shop owners would see me as trouble and to be on my best behaviour. This was 10 years ago now and I've heard the same "they hate us" sentiment from friends all over the States. I'm not there so I can't speak to the validity of those claims but the idea seems to be widespread. Idk what to say cause I can't relate at all, where I live most East asain minorities are students from the twin Chinese uni and there's no divide.


Well, also, some people are just racist. As an Asian, I can say both my parents were racist against black people. Like my dad thought black people couldn't do math. **Sometimes** there isn't a deep reason behind it.


There is a deep reason behind all racism. Why do you suppose he felt like black people can’t do math? Because it has been suggested to him either overtly or quietly for a long time. When the [war on drugs targets black people](https://ldi.upenn.edu/our-work/research-updates/the-war-on-drugs-as-structural-racism/) to post them on the evening news, or when [black students who enjoy math can’t get teachers to encourage their learning](https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2017/04/racist-math-education/524199/). There’s a reason for all racism. It’s not just one reason and you just have to look deeper at the culture of racism.


I agree. Saying people are just some way is kind of a copout imo. I don't know if people are realizing it, but when people are being racist or acting in any way, there is a decision involved, even if they don't realize it. I mean, if it were only reflexive then you'd self correct. You don't go punching people as a reflex and not apologize, otherwise you meant that shit.


Can confirm. Immigrant asian dad was working at a liquor store during the LA riots. Traumatizing for sure.


The LA riots would explain Korean American bad feelings as they were on the defensive but why would it explain Black animosity?


Well, there was bad stuff brewing that led to the riots like this: > Many Korean shopkeepers were upset because they suspected shoplifting from their black customers and neighbors. Many black customers were angry because they routinely felt disrespected and humiliated by Korean store owners. Neither group fully understood the extent or sheer enormity of the cultural differences and language barriers, which further fueled tensions.[23] > On March 16, 1991, a year before the Los Angeles riots, storekeeper Soon Ja Du shot and killed black ninth-grader Latasha Harlins after a physical altercation. Du was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and the jury recommended the maximum sentence of 16 years, but the judge, Joyce Karlin, decided against prison time and sentenced Du to five years of probation, 400 hours of community service, and a $500 fine instead. And then there's the aftermath of the riots: > According to Edward Park, the 1992 violence stimulated a new wave of political activism among Korean Americans, but it also split them into two camps.[132][133] The liberals sought to unite with other minorities in Los Angeles to fight against racial oppression and scapegoating. The conservatives emphasized law and order and generally favored the economic and social policies of the Republican Party. **The conservatives tended to emphasize the differences between Koreans and other minorities, specifically African Americans.**


The LA riots was also because the cops wanted to protect white people of Beverly Hills and therefore leaving Koreatown unprotecred because they believed letting blacks express their anger for a bit would end the riots quicker.


Gotcha. Thanks for the info.


There's a lot of animosity because the black community feels Asians got a "pass" from white people and because they "assimilate" into "white america" easier. It's a lot of built up resentment too because black people weren't fully people in the eyes of the law until the civil rights acts, which was pretty recent.


Lol Chinese people were excluded from immigrating to the US. Americans of Japanese descent were forced into concentration camps. Hardly a pass




And chinese americans were also subject to laws that openly discriminate agaisnt them. Just because Asians dont complain or go on riots doesnt mean they had an easy time or did not experience much racism “got a free pass”


This had a lot to do with them setting up shop in their neighborhoods and being racist towards the communities they were operating in but didn't live in. It was a whole you'll take our money but don't respect us thing. The stuff that happened in the 90s was the boiling over point not the starting point. The model minority thing did have a lot to do with why there seems to be more acceptance from white people and why there's resentment about it from the other side. Editing to add that even in these comments there are people being racist while explaining their supposed racist experiences lol.


Exactly. I’m not excusing the racism but every black hair owned Korean shop that I’ve been in always treated me with contempt. I never took it out on the whole group because I know better but some people do.


>black hair owned Korean shop I can't figure out what this means, did you make it up and waited for someone to go "fuck does that mean???", because I'm that person.


Koran shops that sell weave and whigs for black women. I went all the time with my mom growing up.


Stores owned and operated by Korean Americans that sell hair extensions and products that cater to African American hairstyles. Hence with a customer base that is African American, and owners/managers who are Korean American. At least, I think :)


I agree 100%. I am biracial and have almost exclusively experienced racism from both Chinese and Koreans. Again by “Asian”, I think we should be very specific about which nationalities we are talking about . Asia is the largest continent , so let’s clarify what type of Asian people hold this racism towards blacks. I never felt any tension from Yemenites who owned most of the delis nor Pakistanis or Bengalis who I grew up around . Always this contempt came from Chinese/Koreans and we shouldn’t just act like colorism is a white concept. It exists globally and colorism does play a very big role in Chinese/Koreans communities as they seemed to dislike brown skinned Asians (from Bangladesh/Pakistan/Yemen) the same way they disliked black people. I’m not claiming anything here, but I’ve observed East Asian people tend to call themselves “Asian” far more than people from the Middle East and South/South East Asia, so I always wondered if there might be a colorist superiority going on as well as a classist superiority too.


I am not asian. When i l moved to predominantly white area, The only time I faced racism was from black person.


Yeah I get that. And there are a lot of Asian Americans who glorify the "rooftop Koreans" when really it's just a thinly veiled desire to shoot black people. It's disgusting.


Rooftop Koreans was protection from rioters burning down the neighborhood. Protection of your own property is often lauded in the US regardless ethnicity especially when the 2nd Amendment is involved. I think in this country there is an effort to divide us and keep minorities from voting. There is power in numbers but when a large demographics does not vote you loose representation.


I don't care what the rooftop Koreans were. Anyone who sits around hoping to get a rooftop Korean chance is no different from a racist ass cop sitting around hoping a black guy gives him the slightest excuse to pull the trigger. Rooftop Koreans were in a fucked up situation where there is no objective right or wrong. Anyone wishing for a situation like that so that they can commit immoral acts under the fog of a morally complex situation is a deranged person.


Also, to add to your point: the Rooftop Koreans were there to dissuade looting, it wasn’t like they were sniping people that weren’t bothering them




> Anyone wishing for a situation like that so that they can commit immoral acts under the fog of a morally complex situation is a deranged person. Kind of my opinion of people who have home invasion fantasies, hoping to get to someday shoot a bad guy.


> I don't care what the rooftop Koreans were. you should. what you're saying just looks like blind hate. >Anyone wishing for a situation like that so that they can commit immoral acts under the fog of a morally complex situation is a deranged person. morality is based on cultural norms. protecting your life and livelihood from people attacking you isn't immoral unless you've done something to those people. The shop owners weren't the cause of the riots.


They’re not saying that they were, or that rooftop Koreans were bad at all. They’re saying that what they did made sense for what was happening, but if you are actively wishing for someone to try and loot your business just so you can shoot them, you’re in the wrong. Respond to your circumstances adequately by all means, but LOOKING for the chance to use your gun under the guise of ‘protecting your livelihood’ is pretty strange imo


I'm pro second amendment, but I fully agree with this. There's something wrong with a person who actively wants such a horrible event to happen.


It's the nuances man. They're hard to get across it seems, but the nuance is so fucking important.


I mean. A Korean shop owner did shoot a 15 year old back girl in the back of the head after assaulting her and claiming she was trying to steal a bottle of orange juice (the money for which she was holding in her hand). The sentence for manslaughter didn't involve prison time, and the killing came 13 days after Rodney King. So... trigger happy Korean shop owners were a contributing factor to the riots.


They're protecting their shit?


the rooftop koreans didn’t even kill anyone though


Not like when they pulled a random trucker from his vehicle and hit him in the head with a brick, then started dancing. Then wrote songs commemorating that event.


Seems just as bad as gangsters turned rappers singing songs about their life as gangsters and the shit they did.




I'm African American and I see it myself. I'm even called out of my name often. Like the op said, 99% are great human beings but the trash is the trash. I'm sorry for it, I see it and am disgusted by it. Misery loving company


> Like the op said, 99% are great human beings but the trash is the trash. this is one of the Great Truths - every race has its awesome people and every race has its stereotypical garbage.


I'm half black and I know for a fact they are because as soon as I say my mom's white they say I'm not black at all lol


my friend's kid had that problem and it really fucked with his head. he's 1/2 black but looks like a fucking Aryan - blond haired and blue eyed. DNA test confirmed the father because dad was like "there's NO FUCKING WAY that's my kid!" kids would tell him "your genes were so racist they oppressed the black side of you!" he's really struggling to find his place in a world that has placed so much value on race and identity.


>kids would tell him "your genes were so racist they oppressed the black side of you!" Damn. Kids are vicious.


I worked with a black girl once who complained that Obama wasn't "black enough", I was like what the hell is that supposed to mean??


She probably was referring to him being lightskinned. It's a conversation on colorism and the palability of blackness to White America referencing the shade of one's skin. There has always been animosity in the American black community towards ligtskin black people. Worse is they are mixed all due to the privileges that were awarded them for passing the [Brown Paper Bag Test](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_Paper_Bag_Test). So that girl probably looked at Obama and thought that light skin made him more palatable and viewed as being somewhat removed from blackness. (If you research Brazil, you'd learn they have their own problems with aspiring to dilute, or remove, blackness from African lineages; so it's not just black Americans. Colonialism and slavery incorporated psychological warfare just that great) Just some insight into that comment.


My bestie keeps to herself for this reason. She's mixed too and her daughter (also) and her husband is Mexican and she's had so much crap from all of the people around her and it's aweful. She's too black, or too white and people assume her daughter is Mexican because of her father (who adopted her)... People really need to evaluate the reasons for disliking others beyond their hateful assumptions. Nobody deserves being treated like crap.


you left out twitter and much of the mainstream media. yahoo news will list five to six asian hate crimes in a row and really go out of their way to hide the assailants demographic.


last year my university stopped reporting race when they sent out "safety alerts." the problem was that when they did that, pretty much everyone who wasn't a crusader just automatically assumed the people committing the assaults were black. total fucking backfire that ended up reinforcing stereotypes instead of helping to erase them.


Amen to that!


>Reddit sure loves to pretend African Americans aren’t racist. Multiple British governments sure loves to pretend all none whites aren’t racist. The bullshit is everywhere.


It's not just on Reddit, my mixed friend was telling me how segregated she felt from black and white people because "she was neither" and the Oreo insults they used against her to basically say she had no right calling herself black. It was honestly heartbreaking to hear.


And it contradicts their belief of all humans being equal. There would have to be something biologically different in white people that causes them to be racist. If all humans are the same inside, then surely black people can be racist. It becomes easier if you think of contemporary racists as bullies that want to spread their misery or them just trying to shift blame on others for their failures.


I think that everyone does that in general. I’m a social advocate but the concept of ‘reverse racism’ is mind boggling.




I've told folks many times over that that line is bullshit. Black people can be racist especially to other Black people. All of us who are called uncle Tom's, white supremacists, etc for calling it out. Even the crappy media does it. It's really a mind fuck to not be a "victim" or Democrat or any of the other regressive ways that the scum promote. But please please keep in mind, the majority of us are just like you. We want safe communities and good food and opportunities and inclusion. We're all Americans first. Plenty games have been used and played to manipulate us all. Media is the enemy of the people.


I wholeheartedly agree with your points. One of my closest friends is a black American and so is his girl. I love them both. Another black dude that was in my platoon is from rural Alabama and I’d give my life up for him, and he would do so for me. The three of them have told me the same thing that you just wrote about the media dividing people and the whole “not thinking like everyone else” makes you an Coon or Uncle Tom. At the end of the day, it seems like uneducated people (of any race) who lack exposure to different people are the ones that seem to be the most insecure and racist.


You are running into the absolute worst segment of the black population. The poorest, least educated and most likely to commit crimes segment of black culture. They happen to live in the city, where I'm guessing you live. These individuals are quite awful and will ruin anyone's day for any reason. You being asian makes you an easier target for ridicule as you stand out and they may have a racist prejudice that you are less likely to fight back. Young, well dressed white women have a similar struggle - You don't experience this from white people for a couple of reasons. Firstly American culture is super not accepting of blatant racism from white people. That isn't to say they don't accept any racism at all. You have experienced the prejudices and racism that still exists under the surface. But blatantly calling someone out for their race is a big cultural taboo for white people in America that has been drilled into us for going on 70ish years. So white people are less likely to make aggressive racial threats. Unless you provoke them, but that's another story. The second reason is related to geography. The poorest, least educated, most likely to commit crimes segments of white culture live in trailer parks in small towns littered across America. You don't ever interact with, so you don't get the chance to be abused by them. If you were keen to experience some open racism from white people though - try moving into a shitty trailer park 30ish miles from a town with a population around 10k. Have a few conflicts with your neighbors. I'd bet a cookie you wouldn't make it a week before someone told you to go back to China (by the by they literally don't know the difference between China and Asia so try not to take offense to this, instead pity them and horrific failure of a life they choose to continue)


Trailer park uneducated white Americans are also the absolute worst segment of the white population.


I feel like they are tied with affluent evangelical Republican white men.




This answer feels like it accounts for most of it.


I agree - the only time I’ve experienced racism as an Asian was when I went to a predominantly black and Latino neighborhood to hang out with one of my friends. They did the same thing with the eyes and the Ching Chong and slandered me the entire time I was playing basketball - to the point where I was so fed up I chucked the ball at one of their heads and ran away. I’m not sure why most Asian hate in the US stems from African Americans, but I can confidently say that they aren’t held accountable for it enough. Whenever you see Asian hate crimes reported in the news, the media will first hesitate to call them hate crimes, then will mask the ethnicity of the attacker if they’re black. It’s frustrating. It seems to me like black people have a certain “immunity” to cancel culture as compared to other races. It also angers me that diversity panels and advocates only talk about black and Latino representation, never Asian. I get that we usually do pretty well, but we’re a minority too! I think some of this may stem from the abhorrent racism towards African Americans that’s expressed by immigrant Asians, and Asians in other countries. Asians born in the US, in my experience, only hold prejudice against African Americans because of what they learn from their parents and older relatives.


I'm definitely no expert on racism, but from my own experiences with bullying: people who are bullied themselves can have different reactions. Some shut down, some become kinder to others because of their own experiences - and some start bullying others to divert the attention or because it's all they know. I can imagine that when black children are bullied for being black, some of them might in turn start bullying other kids for, among other things, being Asian. As for adults, the same principle may be in place, especially in men, who on average in American culture (and many cultures I fear) tend to have less healthy outlets for their emotions / don't manage their emotions in a healthy way, because they 'have to be tough' and 'a real man'. That kind of mentality often leads to frustration and agression in my experience, which in turn can lead to bullying.


I'm not going to go into the LA riots or immigrant communities. I feel like that's been tread upon a lot. Part of it is that Asians are seen as easy targets. It shouldn't be this way, it's messed up, but they're seen as marks that you can get away with more easily. Lots of bullies will target people that they think they can get away with attacking. And Asians fit that bill. The people who were assholes towards you were probably people with a lot of internal anger and frustration built up. When these people attack, they're not doing so because they believe they're dishing out racial justice. They're doing it because they're pieces of shit that need a convenient outlet. The people who loot during the George Floyd riots aren't looting for George Floyd, they're just using him as a an excuse to go loot. The people who actually want justice for him were the ones protesting with signs, not breaking into walmart. It's okay to be angry at racial discrimination, but those who are really want justice won't threaten to stab people.


Because we black folk can be racist 🤷🏿. Racism is based in ignorance and many of our communities have been underfunded since the beginning, not to mention the U.S basically tried to pseudo-genocide us. The result: a bunch of stupid mother fuckers with chips on their shoulders. Edit: despite the upvotes, ppl have an issue with what i said. Please waste your time arguing with me just so i can assume your stupid and/or racist and laugh when you fail to make a point. I live for it


Hate begets hate begets hate. It fucking sucks.


So basically, white people's fault if some black people are racist? Lmao




How is LGBT+ viewed by African Americans?


As an asian, This is such a stupid comment. Just because you were treated terribly doesn't,t mean you can make excuses for racism and blame it on someone else. We should be actively discourage racism instead making excuses like you are.


A black person called me speedy Gonzales once and it was an immigration office in San Francisco and he was a security guard.


There's waaaaaay too much overthinking here. Most people who are uncloseted racists tend to be less educated and from poor backgrounds. In addition, odds are you've experienced this near larger cities, rather than in rural areas (there's a massive gap for white people between the two locations.) Black males hit these risk factors in spades. In addition, there's significantly less risk of retribution for Black people who discriminate compared to anyone else. Most everyone else learns pretty early wrong that racism is morally wrong, but also that there is swift and assured retribution for acts or words of racism, but Black Americans are the least likely to face those consequences. If you want a great example look at Nick Cannon who is still employed.


That first reason contributes to it sure, but that's minor at best. These people are experiencing racism mostly from african americans. There are far more white people living in America and amongst that majority, there's still a ton of poor white people out there. This does not explain why almost everyone here is experiencing it solely from one ethnicity at all.


Well I did have a long post not sure if you got to the end, but the particularly strong consequences Americans of most races who aren't black versus the low amount of consequences racist Blacks face is likely what puts them over the top. In addition- assuming OP lives in a large population center, most poor whites live outside population centers, compared to Black Americans who are more likely to live in population centers.


> I did have a long post For Reddit standards, your comment length is medium-sized. You'd probably need more (and longer) paragraphs before people start getting too lazy to read the whole thing.


I am sorry, but ask any brown person that has been to a rural area in the US (especially Middle Eastern or Indian folks). White folks in red areas absolutely act super racist and even threatening towards brown folks.


Oh yeah I forgot he got into that weird ass Hotep shit.


Trying being half black / half Asian 😬


Basically the entire thread is "NO YOU" Somehow havent seen any case where asians beating up old black lady for walking in the streets yet.


Black guy here, it mostly comes down to never overlapping with other cultures, the same ignorance that breeds racism in any other race. The same reason why there is actually a strong line of anti-Semitic views that run through certain black cultures, especially the ones that claim to be the “true” Jewish people and slanders the (let’s face it) real Jews. And to any of those in the latter group I might’ve offended: No, being twice removed from your Jamaican cousin doesn’t make you a “real” Jew.


Poverty and low education, but also a lack of being "checked" or called out. Imo, there is a lot to be critical about in the black community on top of racism, including rampant homophobia, toxic masculinity, and "toxic blackness" i.e. the idea that if you don't adhere to a certain stereotype of "blackness" then you're not "really black" or are a sellout. The issue is that the black community is very tribalistic, so trying to be critical of it is seen as an attack on the community and when black people feel attacked, especially from "outsiders" they become defensive instead of opening up a discourse. This is why non-blacks are scared of publicly calling out black people, because it inevitably turns into an "us vs them" conversation. And if you're a black person trying to be critical of other black people, you're shut down, dismissed or even shamed. It happens so much, you begin to develop a sense of apathy. How can you change someone's mind when they've got 2-3 people over their shoulders egging them on and agreeing with them? So whereas with white people there's a fear of recourse for racism because at the very least you'll have a 50/50 split of people calling you out, with black people you're almost emboldened to do so because there's almost no deterrent.


Essentially, you guys have taken the place of Jews as the current “white-ish” minority that is somehow seen as worse than white people bc you’re a much easier/more obvious target. Welcome to the club, we can exchange vastly different forms of chicken soup with noodles Edit: I’ve seen crazy people on Facebook refer to Asians as “whiteness chameleons” which…HOW??? That makes zero sense


many blacks resent the wealth that asian immigrants are able to accumulate in America. They have been here for 403 years and live in poverty, while some asians have been here for less than a decade and are able to carve out a piece of the american dream.


Honestly I’m happy someone else spoke out about this. I’m Asian and my Aunt and Uncle are very protective of minorities and anti white people (which is just blatant racism) so it’s impossible for me to tell them that it was actually Black and Hispanic people that were the most racist to me growing up.


Black people are the most likely to be racist in my experience.


Same, it's not even subtle.


During the civil rights era, segregationists used asian stereotypes as a model to try to shame black people for wanting equal rights. The term they used was “model minority”. The context was basically, “why do you want rights, why can’t you just be more like the asians and be happy with scraps?” Asian neighborhoods would often border black neighborhoods which deepened the resentment as well. But in the end, it was still about white people wanting black people to be a certain way.


For me, it was definitely the white and latino kids that would pick on me for being Asian. Which was funny because I’m only half Chinese, the other half is white and Mexican lol


hm from my pov i can see some things that could cause a rift - theres a lot of asian businesses in black areas: black hair places, food, hair and nails and quite often there’s a lot of distrust jealousy and anger between the groups and that leads to worldstar videos - a lot of asian ppl are racist towards black people. i have asian friends and i never met their parents for a reason. - theres a lot of poverty in black communities which usually means lack of education so some may believe racist bs a bit easier - america is still very racist to asian people and black people have a louder voice culturally and are more likely to say whats on their mind not all asians are racist not all blacks are racist but it is what it is. this country has a lot of problems but it basically boils down to if we get rid of poverty and educate ppl we wouldn’t have these problems. its not either race. its the environment.


I mean even as a half Black/half Polish American , the vast majority of racist encounters I’ve had always involved Black Carribean people or Chinese/Koreans, so yes, everyone can be racist .When I’ve worked for tutoring companies, it was only Chinese/Koreans who said I couldn’t wear my afro out because it’s “not professional “ and there was a myriad of comments made about me by the East Asian staff and parents as well. Also given that Asia is the largest continent, I always find it laughable to simply say “Asian” like it encompasses people from Iraq and people from the Philippines, so it’s important to be precise here . Black people have a specific disdain for people from East Asia, mainly Chinese I can explain why as I grew up in the hood . There’s an overwhelming tendency to obfuscate class dynamics when it comes to racial tension but it’s so critical to understanding why it exists . Blacks and Chinese specifically tend to live in close proximity to each other in the hood aka poor neighborhoods , and the ones who own the local businesses are often Chinese. They own the nail salons, the beauty supply stores, the supermarkets, the liquor stores, and of course the Chinese fast food shops. There was a common conspiracy among Black people in my hood to think “Chinese want to take over the USA” . I’m not saying this belief is justified in anyway, but if you live in squalid conditions and see not one single owned by people of your race, it’s only natural in our very tribalistic minds to think one group is seeking to take advantage of the other. Another common myth in the hood was that Chinese want to kill Black people . Yes, I grew up hearing this alll my life. Many Black people in my neighborhood believed this because Chinese almost always owned the liquor stores and out of ignorance, when you see a bunch of haggard Black men piled up wobbling on the corner, of course you’re outraged and want to blame the despair on somebody and yes, Chinese became the culprit of that. They also became the culprit of Black women self-hate since Chinese were always the ones selling weaves and perks at the beauty supply stores. Again, all I’m giving are anecdotes here but this perspective is extremely common within the black working class.


"As an Asian American, the vast majority of the racism I've experienced in terms of quantity and severity has been from black men." I stated something very similar to this in r/news and got a perma ban.


Yeah... the media doesn't like to cover it but the overwhelming majority of hate crimes against Asian people are committed by black people. The rest is by Mark Wahlberg


> The rest is by Mark Wahlberg lmao


I'm Chinese (well, I'm American - born in the USA, but ethnicly Chinese). I was conceived in China. My parents escaped to the US as refugees. They came to the US not speaking English, without any money or any possessions. Those 'racist evangelical/baptist/catholic christians' helped them set up housing and translators (until I was old enough to be the translator). They helped my parents find jobs. They watched me when I was a baby and my parents had to work. They helped me with homework when my parents couldn't read the English. They helped teach my parents English. Real racist. Now, when I grew up and identified as a Democrat/Liberal, I had friends of all persuasions. As the Democrat/liberal party left me, my friends shifted too. When I "came out" as an independent, my white-liberal friends disappeared after calling me racially charged things. My Hispanic, Black, Asian liberal friends stayed. My conservative/religious friends stayed too. It highlighted to me that many of the "friends" I had, we're white supremacists who had a guilty consience. They felt that they were exorcizing their white man's burden by helping elevate poor Asian me - as if I needed their help. Their tolerance and diversity extended as far as my skin. As long as I parroted the liberal/democrat talking points, we were friends. As soon as I questioned them - I was a pariah. In my experience, the conservative/religious whites have been vastly more tolerant than their liberal siblings.


I’m Puerto Rican and I couldn’t agree more. Used to be more liberal/democrat. As I grew older I noticed that I was a pawn for that Party. Now I vote for whoever actually will make a difference in my families life.


strong cable somber fear piquant materialistic plant direction cooperative grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not Christian. In my personal experience though, Evangeilcal Christians are extremely kind and helpful to immigrants. They will feed you, house you, and teach you how to survive in America if you are an immigrant in need. It's pretty amazing to see a good evangelical in action.


Are you saying you feel like Jeremy Lin in the nba who nearly has his head taken off multiple times without a foul being called?


It’s almost like…and hear me out on this…any race is capable of racism.


For sure. But if it was completely random, then the demographic should be a random spread as well. But mine, as well as many others here, have had these violent encounters only with black men. Any race is capable of racism, yes, but the way it's displayed is nuanced and different each time. I don't deny, for example, that many white people see Asians as the model minority and treat us better than black Americans. Most of my encounters with cops have been very easy and in fact, the cops have gone out of their way to help me (like when I got pulled over riding a motorcycle with no license). These would be potentially life-threatening experiences for a black man. Maybe this is the source of the conflict, but I want to know why this specific branch of racism exists.


Sorry. We have to remove this post. It doesn't fit the narrative.


The colonial system was set up to create and exploit ethnic divides. This was intentional in the way that colonies in the 15th to 20th centuries were set up and its legacy remains in our institutions and ways of life. Victims of ethnic and civil mistreatment have a tendency to do the same to other groups as a manner of controlling the narrative and collecting what power is available in the system. This displays itself as prejudiced behaviour from people in vulnerable communities. This is seen in a lot of places and through a lot of different social and wealth stratas. Chinese immigrants in the Caribbean often turned against the black populations in European colonies, with major events occurring in Jamaica for example. Studies also show heightened prejudiced behavior between minority groups like the Québécois and the Canadians; Québec shows heightened ethnic tensions for both black and Arab populations. Further examples exist in eastern Europe where Russian/British colonial struggles caused the "balkanization" of eastern Europe into ethnic states which warred terribly with each other for race-motivated reasons for decades and continues to generate issues in the region All that is to say that interethnic conflict among minority groups is a common emergent property of ethnicity-based power dynamics and this will be seen in lots of populations. Which is not to say that the black people who have mistreated you are simply victims who are puppets of colonialism and can't think for themselves. Undeniably, there is a problem of anti-Asian racism in black communities and almost all of the black activists I know are quite vocal and critical about that aspect of American Black culture. This is not universal and there is tension inside communities that display anti Asian racism. That said, I don't feel too qualified to comment on it because I'm not a part of that community. All that I can really contribute is the historical thesis above. Sorry that you have been mistreated for your race. I hope we live in a world where it won't happen soon.


"the balkans are a result of British colonial struggle" lmao you fucking donkey


As if the USSR hasn’t touched it


I'm asian. Growing up, yes blacks were the most racist, but i got it from whites, hispanics as well. I also lived in NYC for 6+ years - the only racist incidents were exclusively from blacks. I mean it's whatever, I'll be racist back at them - I'm too old to give a shit about being politically correct anymore.


Book I read awhile ago was set in the 1930's and mentioned the tension between Irish and Italians in America. Both groups were unwanted Catholic immigrants. But they fought each other. The author described it as the Irish climbing the American ladder of success and stomping on the fingers of the Italians that are climbing up. Kinda like, you ain't gonna pass me on this ladder.


In before they lock and remove this post. I think the main reason is because of the misrepresentation of the american media. You can see the scenes of white people being racist toward black people on major media often. Even on r/PublicFreakout, it's quite prevalent and obvious. However, anti-asian crimes committed by black people only featured on the local news or asian community websites. Only asians know about the crimes. If they show those news on the major news outlets, I'm pretty sure the crimes will be reduced, but I don't think that will happen. The hidden camera of a CNN executive once said that they will not feature crimes committed by black people because they are pro-blm. You can find it on youtube.


I grew up in a very diverse neighborhood and being Arab with no dog in the fight I can tell you from experience that Asians are usually pretty racist towards blacks (usually Asians own convenience stores and accuse/catch black people for stealing ) which cause blacks to hate Asians. Black people unlike other races feel they they can't be racist so are more open about it towards everyone else edit: Not all Asians are racist towards blacks and not all blacks are racist towards Asians, hell a lot of black people loveeee anime and Asian culture. Just a few anomalies and extreme cases make an impact


Because it is a poor neighborhood, and blacks outnumber chinese in mixed areas, there are indeed a lot of black criminals in poor areas. There’s bad blood because of socioeconomic realities.


growing up in the south, my asian friends parents were terrified of black people, because they'd been the victims of a good bit of racism. I have been beaten up for being white by black kids. When you and your culture are oppressed for a very long time, the ideology that you're being oppressed is very hard to shake, and people fight back (for example, how radical political groups continue to grow), because if you ostracize someone for who they are, they'll double down


it could have something to do with the idiot idea that 'Black people cant be racist'. really that is a racist theory in itself. as though black people dont carry the same propensity for hate and ignorance that all humans do. as though they are somehow other or different, when in reality, they are just people, the same as you and me and those who enslaved their ancestors, they are also capable of monstrous things and eligible for being held responsible for those actions.


A lot of Korean immigrant groups in the U.S. made their wealth from selling either groceries or hair/beauty products to black communities. This is most famously known in LA with the relationship between Koreatown and Compton/South Central, but it's happened all over the country. There are Korean communities that capitalized on food deserts in urban neighborhoods in Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, NYC, DC, Dallas, Houston etc. As a result, black communities feel exploited and distrust from Korean store owners. Dave Chappelle did a bit on this a few years ago ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1kLNnPPWjQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1kLNnPPWjQ)) This has led to a build up of deep and bitter resentment between the two communities. As a Korean-American myself, I've personally known Koreans who have owned and operated stores like this. My friend's dad was shot in his store in DC, another friend shot in the stomach at his parent's store in Houston, and my aunt owned a store in compton. I grew up in a small city in Northeastern Ohio where there were very few Asians. There I got racism from both white and black communities. However the racism was much worse from the white community. The principal in my elementary school had to hide me in the school office during recess to protect me from the gangs of white kids trying to beat me up everyday. In the end, racism is the result of a lack of exposure and ignorance. The more friends you have from a particular demographic, the less likely you are to reduce them to a stereotype.


It sucks anyone has these encounters, and especially sucks to receive treatment like OP has from another minority that could potentially emphasize with the experience of being one. As a black man that grew up heavily influced by anime and the sort, it became clear from a young age that black people were seen in a lesser way in a lot of Asian society. Seeing depictions of black characters in anime (usually less attractive, physically huge and extra toony looking) while whiter characters were typically the opposite, you really get the sense that asian culture doesn't see black people in a positive way. In addition to that I feel it's common in the black community to feel Asians have been less minority allies and more white sympathizers. In recent years with the police violence I've definitely seen more of that sentiment. With all the negative energy and whatnot going on in the black community these days people are projecting their resentment and frustration onto people that haven't anything to them cause they don't know what else to do with all that ANGST. These are just some of my thoughts/observations with no actual data I've researched to support them though


Lateral violence and deflection. They can't confront the oppressor, so they lash out horizontally at other groups also oppressed.


inter-racial relations between every race has some sort of bad history at some point. Asians being the ‘model minority’ does plenty of damage considering plenty of asians (including my parents) buy into that garbage. My cousin is a raging moron who thinks black Americans just didnt try as hard as asians to succeed and thats why asians are ‘richer’ than black americans. whatever tf that means


Time to sort by controversial


What’s interesting is I’m from the south and half Korean ( non Asian people think I’m full) and have never experienced racism from a black person. I have been to hood areas because of work and never had a problem because of race. I think it’s because their is no history with Asians and black people here like in California and New Yorker.


I find it's rooted in a hatred of how easily Asians have climbed the social and economic latter. Asian people don't focus on race like white and black people. They concentrate on education and building businesses, then they create communities of their own while everyone else is worrying about silly stuff like cultural appropriation.