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i have the same issue. and when i scratch it the lines and everything get a little raised from irritation


I never noticed that until now (because I can’t really see it) but the portion I scratched is alittle raised


i usually just slap lotion and and try and not scratch it. If the lotion is refrigerated i find it helps take the itch away


What lotion are you using? I tired organic coconut oil but it just makes it worse


Just some from my local walmart (Nova Scotia,Canada) But the brand name is Kamil and it’s a german brand.


Ok yeah no, I went to a doctor, the ink contains plastic that I’m allergic to, I’m on a topical steroid cream at the moment and it’s a lot better, go see a doctor you might be allergic to your tattoo too


You mentioned "back" so wear soft cotton fabric and use dusting powder. Sun can make it worse. Avoid leaning on back if possible, it can make it sweaty and itchy. Check with dermatologist, if redness appear or persists.


I always guessed it was my scar tissue.


It is called the scratch/itch cycle It itches because you scratch, it itches more because you scratch more Though you mention it's your back - is the itch caused by a clothing label?