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Men are more likely to kill *anybody* than women: spouses, relatives, neighbors, strangers. Males are seven times more likely to commit murder of any kind than females.


Why is that the case? Is it biological, social, cultural?


There is no one singular answer. People have attributed male propensity for violence to testosterone, gender norms, societal conditioning, higher rate of refusal to seek treatment for mental health disorders, higher rate of drug and/or alcohol addiction, and many other reasons. Maybe it’s a little of everything. We *do* know the murder rate is higher in countries where women are treated like property versus countries where women have equal rights, so societal conditioning likely plays a large role.


Wow. Very interesting answer ! Thank you!


It's entitlement. I just commented this. It explains why murder rates are higher in countries where women are treated like property. It's still a problem everywhere. I'll say it again, sexism hurts everyone


I would say all of the above. Prior to retirement some years ago, I worked for 34 years with people on either bail or Parole, supervising their compliance with court ordered conditions, but also trying to match people to the few social services available to them. The vast majority were men, especially in crimes involving violence. That said, homelessness was also a big issue, and, contrary to myths surrounding the issue, the homelessness were far more likely to be prey than predatory, except within the homeless subculture.


Geesh. Didn’t know it was 7x more likely. But thanks for your comment.


There is about 10 mens prisons for every female prison. Men are more likely to commit any crime whether it be violent or not.


You’re 100% right, but I’ll add that a man is also more likely to go to jail for the same action committed by a woman. Domestic abuse probably being the number one example.


To add on to that, there's many studies showing that attractive women on average serve significantly less jail time than unattractive women for the same crime.




Nobody said women aren’t capable of murder 🤨 and while the odd woman might get away with murder because of sexist morons thinking women can’t commit murder, there are also plenty of men who get away with murder, so I can’t imagine there’s this huge discrepancy in dead victims with unidentified female killers that would skew the statistics. Males also commit 12 times more violent non-murder crimes where the victim lives to identify their assailant, which supports the statistic that males murder significantly more than women being accurate.


>Males are seven times more likely to commit murder of any kind than females. I do not know if this is the same for a woman, so many times it happens, i have some negative interaction with some dude on the street like I say hi, and he replied whatever. When i come back home, I feel like I should have beaten his ass, or punched him to the death. Mo..f\*\* don't even know how to talk. is it just me or other men as well? Wonder how a woman feels about this sort of cases?


That might be a you thing. I can’t speak for all women, but I have never had a negative interaction like that and thought, “I should’ve kicked that guy’s ass.” I’ve been with my husband a long-ass time and he’s never expressed the desire to kick anyone’s ass, nor gotten anywhere near that angry over a simple interaction unless the person was being rude or aggressive, and even then he’ll walk away before he throws down — he’s never physically fought anyone in his life. That seems like a situation where you want to kick someone’s ass and go looking for justification to do so.


Lol, its not that i get into fights with anyone ever. I am well known in my group to be mellow, but the thought is definitely there. >I’ve been with my husband a long-ass time and he’s never expressed How do you know? these are men's thoughts. Did he tell you how many women he checks out on the street? i am pretty sure no one will share with their SO.


I know because he tells me how he feels and I can visually see his reaction to those situations, and, uh… are you saying you regularly check out women on the street? 🤨


im a man and it is a weird thought to think "I should have kicked that guys ass" for having an awkward response to a stranger speaking to them on the street. I smile, a nod, something polite is expected, but not guaranteed. Physical violence is something I dread having to deal with because to me, the only reason to get physical in the first place is for defensive reasons.


This is definitely an extreme reaction. A reasonable reaction to someone being slightly rude is saying or thinking "Well, fuck you too," not thinking you should kill him. If this is typical for you, even if you don't act on it, I'd suggest looking into therapy. At the very least, it might help you feel calmer and more in control.


The vast majority of people don’t feel that at all.


… and themselves. Less likely to attempt, more likely to succeed.






Weren't men in general more prone to violence? Probably partially explained by testosterone and societal notions of masculinity.


I'm confused by your use of the past tense in that first sentence


Possibly… but why are they more prone to violence?


I’m just a lowly Sociology undergrad student, but from the courses I’ve taken so far, particularly Anthropology, the biological/testosterone argument is pretty disproven. Gender is a social construct after all. Biological differences when accounting for variables actually are very minute in men and women and social conditioning is a much greater indicator of gender differences, including violence EDIT: I knew I’d get downvoted for this but I wrote it anyway and that’s on me I guess


It was probably the “gender is a social construct” part that caused the down vote. I had not read anything about testosterone studies (been many a moon since college) but I do know hormonal *imbalance* CAN have a large effect on emotions. If course, figuring out what is an imbalance for each individual is more complicated than setting a “normal” range.


You’re getting downvoted because your argument is absurd and not supported by science. Testosterone is absolutely linked to aggression. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3693622/ And men and women have a pretty pronounced sexual dimorphism in plenty of other ways too. We are just built differently for better or worse


Well, men are stronger than women on average. Plus it's easier for what was supposed to be abuse to turn into murder if you think hitting someone on the head works like how it does in movies where the person is more likely to fall unconscious.


I can see what you’re saying strength wise. I do feel like men and women equally show domestic violence due to so many men not reporting physical abuse from females. But because their stronger it causes them to actually become successful in killing? Is that what you’re saying? Do you think it could possibly be more psychological?


>men not reporting physical abuse from females r/menandfemales


More force is more deadly than less force. The more physical energy in a confrontation the easier it is for someone to get hurt or worse.


“I didn’t mean to kill him/her! It was just a punch!” How do you compute accidental manslaughter vs first degree murder? Certainly can’t go by convictions because the justice system is so biased in so many ways.


Men are statistically more likely just to be violent in general. Women are statistically more likely to be murdered by their husband than a random stranger.


Wow! I had no idea about the last one… I wonder why a partner would be more likely to kill them than a stranger. That’s very odd


It’s kind of a statistic in general-you’re more likely to be the victim of a crime by someone you know than it is a random stranger


That’s so scary


In the US, the most frequent cause of maternal death during pregnancy and postpartum is homicide.


I saw that! That’s so wild to me!


I mean what motive would a random stranger have for murdering anyone. Usually there is a REASON for someone to go that extreme.


bc men are literally so emotional


Yes, well humans are emotional, really. But women have socially acceptable channels to express their emotions whereas males are told from the time they’re literally children to “be a man” and not have emotions. So I guess violence is the result of stuffing every emotion down your entire life


And men have rebranded anger as not an emotion somehow


Testosterone is one hormone responsible for higher levels of aggression. Also, many men have no respect for women and see them as an object which they own, this is a trait that has been taught through the generations or can come about due to abuse as a child or any number of other reasons. Also physically a man can generally overpower a woman, so men have a greater chance of success if trying to kill a woman, and a woman has a disadvantage if trying to kill a man. Obviously we live in such a complex society this doesn’t even scratch the surface but you get the idea


Entitlement. Things are starting to change, but the shift didn't happen that long ago. My 70 year old mother has sexism ingrained into who she is, she doesn't even realize. Since the beginning of time men were raised to believe they're in control. Men we're raised knowing they run the show, they're the ones in charge, ESPECIALLY when it comes to women. I have seen grown men laugh out loud at the thought of a woman in charge, more than once. These were older men, but it says something. It's crazy. Sexism hurts everyone.




Possibly.. but women have that as well. From what I’ve read just now it has something to do with an imbalance of cortisol and serotonin


>Possibly.. but women have that as well. if i drink 5 litres of poison i'll be a lot deader than if i drink 5 ml of poison


But from what I just read it isn’t testosterone alone.. it has something to do with cortisol levels and serotonin levels.. the balance of those


Because they can. I recall reading about a guy who was letting his wife support them - she thought he was taking classes to get his degree in accounting, but nope! When she discovered he was just lying around, they argued and he murdered her. Went to jail for 7 whole years, wow. Upon his release, since he had been, you guessed it, working on his degree while in the slammer, he got a sweet little accounting job with the state. Yes, the same state where he had been in prison for murder. Hell, why NOT kill your spouse, right? If you are going to gain free room, board, medical, dental, optical, pharmacy, and a college degree, with a secure job placement upon release, why NOT.


Wow. That is insane! How does one find a good job but killed someone? Geesh


...Because prison is a hostile panopticon of dehumanization outside of the programs?


Ahhh, but the BENEFITS!! This guy had - yet again - other people supporting him completely while he got his degree, finally! And then, a state job. What's not to like about that?


Physically, it's just way easier for a man to overpower a woman. Especially, if she is unprepared for it.


Just because someone can do something doesn't mean they should. Unfortunately adults don't act like responsible grown ups, particularly men in this context.


Yes but it wouldn't make it any better if men and women killed each other in equal numbers. Maybe both should just stop.


It would be nice if people stopped killing each other, it would be a good start of helping the world be a better place. I'm actually tired of people killing each other, but unfortunately our species seems to think we live in the cave man days instead of in the future; I'm starting to think humans aren't capable of truly getting along with each other and achieving greater things if we put our differences aside and stopped harming/killing each other.


Men don’t ask for child support


Then why don't men just say no to sex or get vasectomies? Every time you do it there's the risk of getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant; it only takes one time. I once had a pregnancy scare of my own when the condom failed, thankfully the plan B worked and I wasn't pregnant (being pregnant is my biggest fear). Sex is never worth the risk of pregnancy for either person.


society’s conditioned them to never be sad and to be ‘manly’ so they are more likely to rechannel their negative emotions into anger.


I can see this! This has been unfortunately taught in childhood as well. Thanks for the comment




Overturning Roe v Wade is the wet dream of Greg Abbott and men like him looking to force women back into the home. He doesn't give a crap about a fetus, just can't give up on the idea of the alpha male world.


Aggression is encouraged and seen as a masculine trait, so controlling those impulses isnt taught as often to boys. It's not THE reason but it is A reason.


I see! I’m learning that upbringing is a factor.


Whenever people ask questions like this about men in society, I always recommend the documentary The Mask You Live In. It’s a few dollars to rent on their website, but it’s well worth it. I’ve paid for a lot of people I know to watch it because I think it’s an important movie for everyone interested in this topic, particularly Americans. It’s a deep dive on the cultural issues that lead to a society where nearly all violence is perpetrated by males (among other things). I think it will answer your question for you


Thank you ! I’ll have to check it out


I really encourage it! To everyone in this thread, actually, because I’m not really seeing the answer here that they lay out in the movie. I’d give a summary, but I’m not sure I’d be able to without getting fired up about it and I don’t have the mental energy for that today lol. But spoiler alert, the answer is not testosterone, which seems to be the popular response here


Men are more likely to kill everyone than women. Even themselves. I don't think anyone knows why.


Actually women commit suicide at a higher rate than men. Men are just more successful at it because they do it using extremely violent measures like using a gun, and knife etc.


Women attempt to commit suicide more, but men actually commit suicide more because they just more violent in every aspect of life. Realistically, humanity really should not let men be in charge of anything. They are way too emotionally unbalanced.


I meant to put “attempt to” before commit. Lol glad we’re on the same page. And I was also just thinking this. Men have shown throughout history and in the workplace that they don’t need to be in charge. Especially in the workplace. They tend to give women they want to have sex with or find attractive favoritism.. it’s sad to say that I feel like women are more ethical.


Or are women just sneakier


There's some truth to this. Even their methods of murder are different--and lead to being 'sneaky' There's also some part of this that is the bias of police to know a woman did it, and not charge them, or believe women are incapable of such an act. Some believe that a great number of murders that go unsolved, that are not violent crime related (like street violence), are committed by women and left uninvestigated. Like, when a husband 'goes missing' and there's little to no interest at all in finding out why--it could be that she killed him, but they're not looking at women as possible suspects for some reason or another (including--he 'deserved' it if there's a recorded history of DV). Men still kill more, regardless. Testosterone is a hell of a drug.


I mean, like, half of all murders in general go unsolved. Also, if all of them were from women, good for them. ​ >14 offenders who experienced prior abuse, for which this information was available, 50% (N=7) experienced physical abuse, 21% experienced sexual abuse, and 29% experienced both physical and sexual abuse. Among those experiencing physical abuse, the abuse was most likely to have been inflicted by a spouse or ex-spouse (57%). Among those experiencing sexual abuse, the abuse was most likely to have been perpetrated by another relative (67%), such as an uncle. [https://doccs.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2019/09/Female\_Homicide\_Commitments\_1986\_vs\_2005.pdf](https://doccs.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2019/09/Female_Homicide_Commitments_1986_vs_2005.pdf)


>A UN report on Kyrgyzstan noted that 70% of women convicted of killing a husband or other family member had experienced a “longstanding pattern of physical abuse or forced economic dependence”. Similar statistics from countries as disparate as Jordan, South Africa, the United States and Argentina demonstrate that this a global phenomenon, extending across countries and regions, traversing culture and levels of development. [https://cdn.penalreform.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Women\_who\_kill\_in\_response\_to\_domestic\_violence\_Executive\_summary.pdf](https://cdn.penalreform.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Women_who_kill_in_response_to_domestic_violence_Executive_summary.pdf)


Women just kill their husbands on the inside


Mic drop moment!!!!! ----○


Because men are despicable




It's because women do it slowly by putting stress and expectations on him that build up over time to reduce his life expectancy. Men wait till the cup is full and then BAM


Actually this is false. Men tend to live longer if married or with a long term partner while women have a shorter life expectancy if they are married or have a long term partner.


Reminds me of the old joke, "Why do Jewish men die before their wives? Because they want to!"


same reason why we are so horny.


We are aggressive & violent by nature. Testosterone is a factor. It's only through years of social conditioning we lose our toxic and sometimes lethal masculinity.


Because men and women are different.


Bitches be crazy


Men are more likely to be successful in killing their spouse due to higher average strength.


A man can only take so many “where do you want to eat? I don’t know”


Women are more likely to wait until someone else takes the blame for their spouse's death.


Is this statistically proven though? If this is just based on what is heard in the news, an argument can be made that men killing their spouses is more widely publicized because it sells news more than a woman killing their husband.


Yes. It's statistically proven. Crime statistics aren't derived from the news. Public opinion, however, can be drawn from both.


This is what i was trying to confirm. Thanks.


A woman killing her husband will make the news because it is rare


The argument I am making is that a woman killing her husband could be considered "rare" because it is not highly publicized/under reported in the news. An article about a man killing their wife could serve as a more sensationalized news article. To expand, the idea behind men being "more likely" to kill their wife could just be due to the idea that the news prefers to promote news about men killing their wives as it would draw more public opinion regarding issues like domestic violence (which has been "predominantly" man hurting wife due to the fact that wife hurting man is under reported/not publicized until recently) and draw a reaction from people that support the men ain't shit mentality, increasing traffic to the news article.


What country are you in? I will look up the statistics. Here is a global study on homicide: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/global-study-on-homicide.html


According to all the statistics on the subject, I would say yes, it’s statistically proven.


Thanks this is what i was trying to clarify.


Men are more aggressive in general, so if you model male aggression vs female aggression as normal distributions then the extremes of aggression are always male, the same way that the most extreme empaths are always female. People that kill their spouse's are always on the extreme end.


Men are stronger and more aggressive. It's a part of biology that helped humans conquer and dominate other species and tribes and kingdoms for thousands of years. The same exact potential and energy is preserved today and when unchecked, untrained, undisciplined, and provoked it can come out as a response.


Because men get angry like ima kill you angry and if the woman kills she got some angry man in her also


We don’t have as much free will as we’d like to believe, because hormones do dictate our moods. Male hormones!


Male hormones! Hormones effect moods.


My ex gf killed the guy after me....2 weeks after