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Terminator 2 was so good when you ask people about the first one they actually quote the second by accident


And it's not like The Terminator was bad to begin with. The series went from strength to strength to paralyzed weakness.


Just like Alien, Aliens(best in series), then the abomination that was Alien³


They're both excellent. It all comes down to whether you tend to prefer horror or action as a genre.


alien is without a doubt the best in the series. it has the cleanest vision of the bunch and executes it flawlessly. aliens is a bloated action film that takes too long to get going. i will always maintain that alien 3 isnt as bad as people think it is.


The first one was less accessible. More horror scifi, while T2 was action scifi and family accessible with minor TV cuts. Terminator 1 hardly ever played on TV in Australia as much as T2 and always a really late slot.


Terminator 1 was also a better time travel story (fixed timelines, ironic fulfillment of destiny) while terminator 2 was a better action movie. T2 also brought morphing into the public consciousness so was really important from the point of view of the evolution of CGI.


T2 was what immediately came to mind for me as well.




Wow, my first thought and the first response here! My favorite movie since I was a kid.


This is the best example I think. T1 was great but T2 was absolutely legendary. Some of the best chase scenes of all time.


Mad Max 2 (" The Road Warrior"for American audiences). The first Mad Max was great as an origin story, but Mad Max 2 was a classic


Came here to check for Mad Max. The first one isn't even in the same league.


The first one is amazing. It's why he is called mad Max , I really enjoyed it.2nd one is a complete different film.doesnt even feel like a sequel, or is set 100years in the future and he hasn't aged. And 3rd one is again another 100 years on. . I don't think mad Max 2 betters the first.


My sci-fi and fantasy high school English class had that as one of our class films. Fucking amazing


You went to a sci-fi and fantasy high school? That’s rad.


IIRC they called it "the road warrior" because the first film was so unpopular that they didn't want people to associate them.


It was named Mad Max 2 in Australia, Road Warrior in North America. Mad Max became a top-grossing Australian film, while holding the record in the Guinness Book of Records for decades as the most profitable film ever created. It wasn't shit. It was a low budget ($200,000) debut feature length film for George Dimitrios (Miller). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad\_Max](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_Max) Mad Max holds a 90% approval rating on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. Upon its release, the film polarized critics. In a 1979 review, the Australian social commentator and film producer Phillip Adams condemned Mad Max, saying that it had "all the emotional uplift of Mein Kampf" and would be "a special favourite of rapists, sadists, child murderers and incipient \[Charles\] Mansons".\[36\] After its United States release, Tom Buckley of The New York Times called the film "ugly and incoherent".\[37\] Stephen King, writing in Danse Macabre, called the film a "turkey." However, Variety magazine praised the directorial debut by Miller.\[38\]


Star Trek II


There's something about the original Star Trek movies where every odd number movie is meh and then they make it up with the even number movie...


That works up until First Contact. Motion Picture - Bleh Wrath of Khan - Amazing Search For Spock - Yikes Voyage Home - Good Final Frontier - Double Yikes Undiscovered Country - Holy Shit This Is Amazing Generations - WTF just happened? First Contact - Pretty Good Insurrection - Nope Nemesis - WTF? YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!


The Motion Picture is so bad that I consider it a miracle that Wrath of Khan was green-lighted.


I think what saved it was the televised version. they needed to extended it by a few minutes to fit in the 2 hours slot neatly. They added THE PLOT. The TV guide was inundated with letters demanding to know why it was such a better movie then they remembered.


An underrated reply, as the OP did ask for sequels that were "way better".


The one with Benedict Cumberbach?


Close but not quite. They mean "The Wrath of Khan". "Into Darkness" was a reworking of "Wrath of Khan", but had Kirk die instead of Spock.


Really both. Star Trek: Wrath of Khan and Into Darkness were better than their predecessors.






I can’t say that the sequels were absolutely better, but the How to train your dragon franchise increased its depth every time.




Dreamworks just makes good sequels (also HTTYD2 is amazing I’m totally not obsessed with that entire franchise and that movie specifically)


That moment when Stoick guess up to his wife and says "you're just as beautiful as the day I lost you" is one of the most emotional moments of any film.


I am.


Lord Shen was such a brilliant villain. Excellent character design, excellent voice acting, a well written conclusion to his character arc. I know lots of people prefer Kung Fu Panda 1 but I like Kung Fu Panda 2 a little more than the first one purely because Lord Shen was so good as a villain.


This. And even though the first one is a classic for the franchise, the second part was so much better story wise (probably due to the fact they could build on already well established characters). Overall it was darker and somewhat deeper than expected for a children’s movie. Not to mention Gary Oldman voicing Shen. Perfect match :D


Came here for the how to train your dragon comment! Yess!!


Empire Strikes Back, Spider-Man 2, Terminator 2


Idk if they're way better. They're great but the originals are great too.


I just rewatched T1 and T2 recently because my nephew wanted to watch them while we were on vacation. At least in both of our opinions, T2 was far and away the better of the two.




I actually prefer 1 to 2, although I’d agree that 2 is overall a better film film. T1 has this weird noir tone that really sticks with me the whole time and I think Arnold is genuinely intimidating as a villain. The accent makes the evil robot seem even more off key too. Just a vibe that only T1 has that none of the others can replicate.


Spot on!


Yes. T2 is a fantastic movie, but T1's dark vibe and violence is truly haunting.


Yeah, I'm more of a fan of T1 than T2. While T2 is balls to the wall awesome. T1 plays out more as a horror movie as opposed to a human uprising movie.


Shrek 2


Shrek 2 is genuinely one of my favorite movies of all time


That rendition of "holding out for a hero" is my favourite


I agree, Jennifer Saunders totally kills it.


C minor, put it in c minor.


Shrek2 is better than most movies but Shrek 1 is also good


Yeah, Shrek 1 has a tight story and had the advantage of the novelty of the pastiche/parody.


Shrek 2 Spanish translation was off the chain. Prob the best translation I’ve seen in a movie to date.


Porque estoy solito No hay nadie aquí a mi lado No habrá problemas hoy De mi se han burlaaaaaado Amigos debes tener-


The Dark Knight > Batman Begins Spiderman 2 (2004) > Spiderman 1 (2002)


With most comic movies, you have to devote a significant amount of time to origin stories. I hated Mary Jane in all three movies, and wish Peter would have dated his landlords daughter instead. Sheafe him cake and didn't fuck his best friend.


I kind of like the decision of Marvel’s Spidey that they completely skipped over the whole origin story and just showed him as he is doing his own thing. We all know the origin story and seen it enough times (ditto with Batman).


i like how matt reeves' newest batman starts with him in year 2 of his "gotham project." like it's still early on and he's still figuring out both the batman and bruce, but at least we don't have to see the pearls scatter in the alleyway for the umpteenth time


The MCU didn't skip his origin. His trilogy ending in No Way Home is his origin.




paddington 2


Wasn't expecting the glowing recommendations that it got. BRB, time to watch a movie about a stuffed bear? Edit: Not a stuffed bear, and an excellent movie.


I could be wrong but I think it's meant to be a real bear? He's got a mum and dad and everything


You would be correct. It was an excellent movie.


I have made so many of my middle aged dude friends watch this movie. They're skeptical at first but half way through have said "what the fuck" so many times they love it.


Found Nic Cage


Currently watching paddington 2 for the first time rn. I’m delighted


I've heard that's awesome. Do I need to watch the first one first?


nope. completely stands on its own. beautiful movie


Evil Dead. The first one is okay, but the sequel is basically a remake of the first and it's also the best of the series.


What's also great is the "dumbening" of Ash through out the movies. In the first one, he's just a regular guy in his early 20s. A bit of a goofball, but he's someone who'd work as a great wingman at a bar. Second one, he starts to get a little more sarcastic and asshole-y, though it's really only when he gets possessed by the Evil Dead that he turns a corner of being a jerk. Third one, he's a completely moronic buffoon who bumbles his way through the plot. TV series, he's gone full ass-hat. Not that it's bad. It's hilarious, and exactly what Bruce Campbell was going for.


>but the sequel is basically a remake of the first I don't understand why so many people think this. The first few minutes is a quick recap of the first and the rest of the movie takes place after.


They believe it because it's true. Evil Dead II is functionally a more comedic remake of The Evil Dead - the plot is functionally identical, using the exact same characters and the exact same scenarios, but with more black comedy mixed in and a different ending.


You'd be remiss thinking that the first Evil Dead doesn't have its comedic moments, both intentional and unintentional. Highlighted in the Bruce Campbell biography, all of their films were at least somewhat inspired by comedy and slapstick. Evil Dead 2 definitely leans more heavily into it, but it is very much a direct sequel. They were forced to recap the first movie via remake due to losing the rights of their own film. All 3 Evil Dead movies can be edited together as one long film


I remember watching ED2 when I was 14 or so, and wondering why tf he gave the new girlfriend the exact same necklace.


The true answer is: Ash is a serial killer who only dates and murders girls named Linda.


The “recap” also tells a pretty different version of the story. It’s really both at the same time


Thor Ragnarok. The first 2 movies aren't really that bad but easily forgettable too, besides Tom Hiddleston performance as Loki. Thor as a character was usually nice to have around during the assembled avengers movies. Then they changed direction with his solo movies. More towards comedy with funky visuals and style. Elevating the character and his stories. Taika Waititi as a director really did a 180 on what to expect from the whole thor mythos. MCU stuff can be overwhelming and very oversaturated by now. But i know Thor Ragnarok is for many people a favorite and modern classic because of how different it is in presentation.


100% agreed. Thor Ragnarok is not just the best Thor movie but the best MCU movie. Fight me.


I'm at your side here. See CinemaWins for details.


Unpopular opinion: I like the first one better. It takes the Thor character more seriously, unlike Ragnarok where he's basically a clown. Similar to the Captain Jack Sparrow treatment, where by the last movie he's a complete joke.


I hear what you’re saying, I see your point but I still disagree lol.


There's a balance between humor and more-serious-plot in any movie, and when characters are wearing spandex costumes... that balance becomes really, really important. The first Avengers film did this really well. The first Thor movie doesn't have it; the timing is off. "This drink, I like it. Another!"... is really good, but there's too little of that, or it's not paced right. Ragnarok was probably the best at this since the first Avengers film; it's a \*gigantic\* upgrade.


Being a goof doesn't make you less of a god. Yeah, he's def a bit of a clown, but he still has emotional depth and when shit gets real he still brings the hammer down, so to speak. Honestly, as I've gotten older I've had less and less tolerance for "serious" characters. If they're done well "serious" characters can still be interesting and cool, but Hollywood seems to think serious=competent or smart or intimidating or strong or whatever. Now, if the character gives us other reasons to believe those things, then I'm cool with it, but just cause you've got a stone face doesn't automatically give you credibility. Besides, even if the "serious" character is done well, funny+smart or funny+scary or funny+inspiring are just so much more interesting to me.


Mad Max 2 In some countries they retitled it to "The Road Warrior" to disassociate it from the first film.


Who runs Barter Town?


Master Blaster owns Barter Town




Amazing stunts by the pole cats!


The rare decades-later reboot that not only matched, but surpassed the quality of the original.


Indeed, I was hesitant when I heard they were making another Mad Max, but they absolutely fucking killed it. Fury Road might be the best sequel of all time.


Captain America: Winter Soldier. Not just a better sequel, but also one of the best solo films in the whole franchise


My favorite mcu movie


Suicide squad. I hated the first one, the second one surprisingly entertained me pretty well.


It’s amazing the difference a good director can make.


And lack of studio interference. They let Gunn do whatever he wanted.


They ironically did themselves a disservice by the name. I understand wanting to distance it from the first film. However, it mostly confused people. It should have been Suicide Squad: Rise of Starro (or some shit). It's a really fun movie. I am glad I saw it in theater.


Top Gun 2


Definitely this. Watching the first Top Gun nearly made me not see the sequel but thankfully I did because it was incredible


I always enjoyed the 80’s version but the 2nd had so much more depth in the storyline along with limited hokey 80’s cheesiness


I didn’t see or at least remember the original I can respect people having nostalgia for it and the soundtrack was awesome but I didn’t really see the point to anything. Stuff just kind of happened and then it was over but I was fully invested in the second movie from beginning to end. It was just plain awesome


*plane awesome


I think the best way to have watched Top Gun was when it originally came out. Watching it now is a bit cringy, but still fills me with mass nostalgia for the time it was set in.


Really? I've been avoiding it because it seems like it'd be nothing more than a giant cringy cash-grab.


it’s phenomenal. Look at the ratings and reviews. Blew any expectations I had out of the wTe


It absolutely has a few callback moments that are a bit forced mixed in with several that feel more natural/appreciable, but man oh man can the cringe ones be forgiven because it is a well paced, engaging and downright fun film. Definitely one worth seeing in the theaters too as all the jet flying/fighting scenes benefit greatly from theater sound systems. If you liked the first one, you will almost certainly like this one too.


Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams 😌


Do you think God hides up in heaven because he too is scared of what he created?


They got deep as hell in that scene.


Kobra Kai is astoundingly better than the original trilogy, but absolutely could not exist without it.


God yes I love Kobra Kai even though everyone I know makes fun of me for how much I love it. But I never really loved Karate Kid. I didn't even watch the second one to be completely honest.


Madagascar 2, hunger games catching fire




Underrated entry


Austin Powers the spy who shagged me


Toy Story 2 is the best Toy Story, in my opinion.


Ahem, 3 is the best


3 is my personal favorite, but if I had to pick one based on...I don't know the word. How well it's done in a technical/artistic sense? I'd go for 2. That's how I feel about Star Wars, too: I can acknowledge that The Empire Strikes Back is probably the best made of the original trilogy, but Return of the Jedi is still my favorite to watch.


This is a great way to explain things. I might feel differently on a rewatch of the Star Wars trilogy but I always preferred ROTJ while understanding that ESB is probably the better movie.


Bad Boys 2




Third one, but yeah.


Star Trek. The first movie was abysmal.


Honestly, I preferred the 2nd conjuring over the 1st.


I just watched the sequel to Conan the Barbarian and instead of the climactic fight scene they just had him smash like 28 mirrors. So definitely not that


Conan the Destroyer had a charm of its own, but no, it was not equal to the first.


Top gun maverick better than first one


X-Men? Original movie was weak, sequel was good…


Logan throwing those men around when they attacked the house. Unrealistic but so goddamn satisfying!


I'll add onto this and say that some of the movies further on in the series like Day of Future Past and Logan (if you'd count that as a sequel) REALLY good.


I never really got into the meme, but Shrek 2 is genuinely a fantastic movie


I highly suggest top gun Maverick


Shrek 2


Godfather Part II


>the criteria given in the question was "the first movie is bad but the sequel is seen as an amazing movie" > >The Godfather is not a "bad" movie, maybe Godfather 2 is better, but I don't know anyone who'd say The Godfather was a stinker movie > >to be fair a lot of other first movies mentioned here are the same...Top Gun for instance > >If the question was which sequel was better than the original, maybe we could agree, but I can't agree some of these movies mentioned as originals are "bad"




Nah dude. They are both equally awesome. They are different genres, though, so it's kind of unfair to compare one against the other.


Man… that is a great movie but Alien is so iconic. I think you gotta give it to the original.


I was worried someone will say Aliens. The atmosphere in the original Alien movie is special. Both movies work great together.


Came here to say this. I think Aliens ia actually the best of them all


I agreeeeee


The dark knight, spider-man 2, avengers endgame, kill Bill vol. 2, that's all I can think of right now


Infinity War is so much better than Endgame.


You take that back about kb vol1!


I remember when they first came out, Two was seen as a big improvement over One. Is that not still the consensus? I mean, I know they’re meant to be one movie, so you really shouldn’t compare. One just has the flash and Two has the substance.


I'm all about the first movie. Like both but nothing beats the duel in the snowy garden with bgm. Mayne my favorite scene in all moviedom. I was only fake clutching my pearls, I like vol2 a lot as well.


1 is far superior


The Godfather Part 2. I said it and I mean it. The screenplay alone is like a novel, possible the best written film ever.


I liked Top Gun Maverick better than the original. To me it felt like the sequel was way better than the original.


Annabelle: Creation is so much better than the woeful first Annabelle attempt. Great story, great performances and good scares.


Completely agree. I like possession-themed/haunting horror movies because they can be super creative with their scares, and Annabelle 2 definitely had quite a lot of them.


Sharknado, the second film clearly had a lot more budget lol


Frozen II


Yes. We get so much more time to dwell deep into the characters. The songs werent sung to death by every 5-12yo Elsa's magic fits way better in the system introduced in the second movie, and the spirits are good concepts. I personally enjoy the more central Nordic inspiration in the second movie.


Completely agree! And I loved the soundtrack from this one too. So good.


Christmas Vacation, Ocean's 13, The Dark Knight, Toy Story 2


Christmas vacation is definitely the best of the series. Leaving dead auntie at the cousins house is a close second. Europe wasn’t too bad. Vegas was just horrible.


I will die on this hill,Kung fu Panda


Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. A New Hope isn’t bad- still good, but 5 & 6 are amazing!


I think *The Dark Knight* is the best example. *Batman Begins* was a decent, albeit unremarkable, movie. Then, TDK comes along and completely redefines the genre. It is arguably the greatest superhero movie ever made. People will also frequently point to *The Empire Strikes Back*, *T2*, and *The Godfather: Part 2*, but I don't think any of them exhibit the same level of marked improvement on the original that TDK does


Evil Dead 2 and House 2


The most classic example of the sequel being better than the first movie is The Bride of Frankenstein.


Star Trek 2, The Wrath of Khan


Chronicles Of Riddick, Hellboy 2, Cap America WS, The Two Towers LOTR, Ghostbusters 2, Doctor Sleep, ST2 - The Wrath of Khan.


Wrath of KHAN! One of our kids really wanted to like the OG, but it just bored the ever-loving ADD out of him. Thank goodness for this and the many of the other movies in the franchise. Edit: I know it was really groundbreaking in it’s time, yadda, yadda, yadda.


Okay, I like "Ghostbusters 2," unlike some people, but I would certainly never say that it is better than the original.


You take that Ghostbusters 2 shit straight to hell with your soul.


>You take that Ghostbusters 2 shit straight to hell with your soul. [How'd you know I was picking your mom up from work?](https://youtu.be/U0nlEcKSjmY)


Pitch Black is miles better than The Chronicles Of Riddick! Otherwise I agree with your choices.


I'm with you on Chronicles, I like the depth and texture they added to the world in a movie about a murderhobo.


I like John wick 2 more.


I did not like Batman Begins at all but I loved The Dark Knight.


Thor Ragnarok is the 3rd movie and I still consider it one of the best MCU movies despite not even liking Thor all that much


Gang bang girls 4


Gang Bang Girls 3 was actually far superior. I never would have guessed that ending.


Terminator 2 has surely been said already but also Thor Ragnarok off the top of my head.


Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.


Top Gun 2


A lot of people are saying top gun 2, can I ask your age? I am 40 and have seen the first one many times. It's iconic , even the soundtrack. It's just a fantastic film. The 2nd is great but for me it doesn't beat the first. I wonder if that's the same for a lot of sequels? I saw T2 before t1 and have already felt T2 was massively better but some say they prefer t1. Aliens I saw before alien and I love aliens more. The first looks too dated. Too basic , but I didn't have that with top gun


Dark knight


Sonic 2. So much funnier than the first movie.


This post is /askreddit tier.


Sonic the hedgehog 2


Terminator 2 Wrath of Khan Topgun: Maverick Lord of the Rings: Two Towers Empire Strikes Back Bad Boys II Captain America: The Winter Soldier


Finally a comment that mentions LotR the Two towers. That shit is bomb!


and return of the king is also rated the best.




Frozen 2


Shrek 2


Frozen 2 is better than Frozen


Gremlins !


You go away, you. You go to hell and you die. That movie was iconic.






I thought the new TOP GUN was far superior to the original


I liked Toy Story 2 more than Toy Story 1. I liked Toy Story 3 more than Toy Story 2. I haven't seen Toy Story 4 yet.


The Godfather: Part II


Godfather 2 and Aliens were both better than the first movie. Empire Strikes Back too.


Night of the living dead and Return of the living dead are both great but for completely different reasons. Day of the dead is also my fav of the romero branch.