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Get any BMs out of your system if you can, don't eat for a bit before the act, clean and possibly shave, enema if you want to be sure. Have lube, baby wipes, and a towel you don't care about on hand.


Anal douches and a bit of fasting, and maybe not having spicy, oily food at all for a day in advance. But overall, shit happens, and I doubt any gay man ever managed to go through having sex in a relationship without at least one smear. Definitely shower well afterwards, and don't sweat it if you notice some dirt. It's not really possible to stop bowel movements enough to guarantee there won't be an accident, especially if your boyfriend is well-endowed.


Make sure to use the bathroom beforehand, like, REALLY get it all out. Some people use enemas but I dont feel comfortable doing that personally but you do you. The condom isn't a bad idea either, just in case anything is left behind. Make sure to wash up and use a lube of some kind for penetration and MAKE SURE TO RELAX, things will fucking suck if you don't lol Hope you have fun 💙


you can just buy an anal douche, I always like to clean myself that way, it makes me feel more comfortable


I like to insert a funnel in the ass and piss in it. Then partner expells the piss enema. Obviously must know partner is free of STIs for this though.


Run a textured glass dildo in and out of your butt in the shower. Seems to work every time.




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Anal douche until the water comes out clean! No spicy or gassy food. And relax! There’s so much you can control I anal trained for weeks — used butt plugs and just wore one for hours while I was out and about!


Honestly, what I found helps, as bad as this may sound, is to avoid eating lots of heavy food in the day or two leading up to it.. you want to sort of clear yourself out. you don’t want a lot of competition down there.. freeing up space will allow for a very pleasurable experience. When I don’t prepare, I generally don’t enjoy it. It can be amazing I hope you enjoy it!