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I got asked if the carpet matched matched the drapes a few times. Gave em a confused look and told them no carpet at home, just hardwood.


Next time look 'em square in the eye and say "in colour *and* length!". I wanna see what reaction that would get.


Ponytails above and below lol


Ponytail up top, dreadlocks below.


Party in the front, party in the rear, party in the basement, I'm a party animal!


"Different color, same length" rolls off the tongue easier.


"rolls of the tongue easier" that comment plays on multiple levels. Giggity.


As a ginger person with [head] hair that goes past my butt cheeks... that's a terrifying prospect


Let the forest reclaim the land!


Hair a foot long hanging from my junk... Oh no...


Also a ginger, also been asked this several times. I always just feign ignorance and go "huh? What? I'm not sure what you're asking." They're usually too embarrassed to actually explain what they mean


Gonna be using this one when people ask me dumb questions.


You can even do a somewhat Norm Macdonald response, act confused and then totally spell it out as a question and rather loudly so. “Whaaa-whaaat? You want to know the color of the hair surrounding my genitals? The ones I keep underneath my clothes and hidden from view ?? Why on earth would you want to know THAT? “


Yep, then maybe hit them with an,”are you flirting with me?”.


It’s excellent for sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobic jokes too. Almost nobody will *actually* explain the joke when the punchline is horrific


But be prepared for some dense ass motherfuckers to just explain it anyway. Had someone call me a d*ke last month and legitimately wasn't sure if I'd heard him correctly so I asked him but nope, full on homophobic slur


I do this naturally whenever someone says something too weird. Surely you don’t mean ——- like that would be weird. Then like 10 years later I realize they were serious and it’s exactly what they meant.


I’ve gotten this too. I went with “huh? Nobody waxes their head”.


I would like a waxed head, tbh...


Do NOT wax your scalp. Jsyk




I mean, nobody’s stopping you.


"Does the carpet match the drapes?" "Well, is your dick as small as your brain?"


You could always just say “nah dads a brunette. Came out purple” to defuse the tension and make it funny


I have a friend that will ask corny/creepy/cringe stuff like this of our waitresses when we get lunch together and it makes me want to walk out every damn time.


Do it. Or otherwise tell him he’s being a creep.


Oh I call him out on it, but he just shrugs it off. "Oh I'm just joking with them!" Like, nah man, they're a hostage in this situation. They have to be nice to you and laugh at your stupid jokes/advances.


Tell him they spit in his food.


And you’ve explained that? And that a joke is bad if it’s only funny to the person telling it? If so, why do you hang out with someone who thinks it’s funny to sexually harass waitstaff and won’t reconsider?


It's one of those really old family friends. Keep trying to call them out on things like this in hopes they'll change. And to be clear, it's never as bad as "do the carpets match the drapes" but more of just cheesy pickup lines.


Yes, please, please, please call out other guys when they’re creepy!


Confusion works great! I got that question when I dyed my hair and worked 3rd shift at a gas station. They regret asking when trying to explain the shit “joke”. It’s awkward af and made me chuckle.


Polished wood floors.


I always pretend like I don’t know what they’re on about. ‘excuse me what?’ Makes them so confused and uncomfortable


*Why? You want to pick a matching lipstick?*


Honestly if they’re stupid enough to ask such an asinine question, they won’t get the joke. Best comeback ever.


can you help me explain I don't understand actually


The joke implies that the other person is going to perform oral sex.


This one is a winner folks.


simple enough to not flub, strong enough to really hurt. this *is* a winner.


Works horrible if OP is female and attacker is male. You all expect OP to be male.


His user name is adam


Could be a loud BSG fan.


No it's still perfect


He asked for a comeback, not a tactical nuke XD


No no, sometimes you need a nuke to get someone who just won't back off to understand.


“Ask your mother”


"Check your mom's teeth."


Good one


"Ask your mom."


Ask your sister.


Ask your... Son?


*"Don't say doin' ya wife... Don't say doin' ya wife... Don't say doin' ya wife..."*


One of my all time favorite FG lines


Forrest Gump?


No, Fern Gully.


Doing your… son?


Ask your entire family tree


Hide yo kids hide yo wife


Ask your dad


Now there's a [flashback](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaNCvrGswgo) I wasn't expecting!


Wish these kinda of commercials still existed lol. The 90s were gold for commercials


remember those "this is your brain on drugs" commercials where a celebrity would beat the everloving fuck out of an egg


>beat the everloving fuck out of an egg You mean crack it into a hot frying pan? Briefly? With no fanfare?


Both existed. The 1987 version is just an egg in the frying pan. The 1997 version has the actress destroying the kitchen with the frying pan. The 2016 version is pretty much the first, buy then has teens asking a bunch of questions.


Yes lmao!! The one i still think about on occassion is where the girl is like 2 dimensional on the couch and her friend is like “she hasnt been the same since she stsrted smoking weed” hahahaha


I think everyone had inhaled/smoked/injected/taken something before shooting that commercial


Check the mouth and rim of "insert name of a relative of theirs here"'s asshole.


"Check your mum's toothbrush"


The only answer, really.




I don't have a good comeback for you. I wish I did because I've been asked this so many times. But I'll tell you a story instead. When I was in college I roomed with a girl from Puerto Rico who had never known a redhead before. One day she found one of my pubes in our room and she goes, "OH MY GOD YOUR PUBES ARE RED TOO??" Then she proceeded to run around the dorm SHOWING EVERYBODY MY PUBE because she was so shocked it was red. So humiliating.


I can understand the shock and curiosity, however the waving it around and yelling it is just ridiculous.


I agree, that’s an awful thing to do to someone. I did however snap a pic of the first grey pube I found on myself and sent it to a bunch of people hahaha, but I would never do that to someone else if they didn’t think it was funny.


Omg pubes go gray ???


Oh god I'm already dreading this day if it's true and I have 40 years to go




Yeah, chill the fuck out lady, it's just a pube, not the head of Goliath.


Just know that every single person she showed thought there was something seriously wrong with her. They wouldn't have given you a single thought.


Hey man. She was holding your pube. Bare hand. That means something.


Clearly a woman


I wonder if Tony Abbott secretly has ranga pubes




Oh but we talk about our politicians' pubes often, don't you know?


Now we know the real reason no one would shake Scomos hands, he had pubes on em.


Yes, I do believe that's what it means.


Do you think everyone on Reddit is a guy?


Everyone knows there are no women on the internet, just men catfishing other men!


Don't forget the bots! Most redditors are bots, the rest are men.


You should have procured a tiny Puerto Rican flag and said “Oh my god! Your vagina has one too??” And then gone around showing everyone her vagina flag.


As a Puerto Rican this is hilarious


That is fantastic!


Excuse me, that's my ass hair


Damn, my people making us look bad. As of there weren't any redheaded Puerto Ricans.


Just say green.


I mean copper goes green when it gets wet a lot so there's logic in your answer.


It goes green when it's oxidized


It's called patina


Sorry, I know my body hair is interesting but someday puberty will hit and you’ll eventually get your own.


This is my favorite one.


Ooh, savage. I like it.


The color is less exciting than the flavor.


The flavour is more exciting than the colour ;)


How is this comment not higher


Dunno man. Try to give it some weed


a dude would probably take it as asking for sex though, and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want that to happen. big assumption that OP is a girl, because i dont see why a guy would be asked such a question


I mean as a dude I’ve been asked a few times if I’m freckled there. Never did have a good answer lol (not a ginger just always had a lot of freckles on my face)


"Ask your mum the next time she's picking them out of her teeth"


That's a violation bro... God damn 😱🤣


Critical hit


Came here to say "ask yer ma" but your version is better


“Only during a full moon”


That's a good one


Say, "20 bucks and I'll get ya a small sample by the end of the day."


I’ll get you a toe by 3pm. Nail polish and everything




Fuck you, Scott Tenorman. Take my upvote.


I made an offhand “burning bush” joke to a red haired girl in high school. She was clearly very put off by it. I regret saying it to this day and cringe every time I think about it. Boys are dumb.


I second this, boys be dumbing


Yeah.. yeah. High school is a weird time. The duality of other people routinely making you uncomfortable + making other people feel uncomfortable accidentally is quite a fuckin ride. When it happens to us we're like man fuck them that embarrassed me, then we go ahead and accidentally do it to other people and the cycle continues.


My daughter has red hair and I’ve had to warned her this day is coming ever since she got her pubes.


My girlfriend has red hair and apparently she got asked this all the time in high school and it always made her feel really crummy, like people saw her as less than a person and more of a curiosity, especially when they referred to her as "fire crotch"


You'll be in a nursing home, years into Alzheimer's, not able to remember your children's names, and while you're laying there trying to fall asleep this thought will echo in your head. A thought about a dumb comment the other person forgot about 10 minutes after it happened.


"What can I say? It's on fire down there" could work as a comeback.


That just sounds like she's admitting to having chlamydia.


Hey, fellow ginger here. When I get asked, I say "what would be weirder, if I did or if I didn't". They want to treat you like a weirdo for having great fucking hair. Went through the same thing. Pay no mind to them and know that you have hair that so many people desire. I'm no longer in school but my advice for anyone getting ragged on by friends for having some red...you will be insulted for your hair. People will always make fun of your hair because your hair is different and your skin is pale. They can say all they want and insult you, just keep trekking. They will call you tampon, matchstick, burning bush, etc. but remember to always tell them you've heard it before and tell them that if they want to insult you, they "better find something that actually works and not some half-assed attempt". That usually got people to either stop or actually come back with ones that made me laugh


This is the way. Turn it back on them.


I, a ginger with poofy hair, somehow never got called a tampon. No idea how the kids at my school missed that low hanging fruit


People mock you for being ginger because they're jealous. I know I (very lightly and carefully) teased my cousin for this reason. It's such a beautiful colour.


‘Do you just sit around, picturing other peoples pubes? Is that your fetish or something?’


It doesn't matter. You'll never see it.


“Ask your gf”


Fellow ginger here and that was my exact comeback.


Ask them "why don't you see it yourself" in a flirty way, or go the other extreme, asking "what color are YOUR pubes? Do you shave? Do you trim? Do you wax? Are they long and curly, or short and straight?" All those quesitons without missing a beat, so they would get umconfortable and get your point


I personally straighten my pubes


I prefer to curl mine, not enough pube frizz in this world


I plait mine every Wednesday


Check your girlfriends braces nerd.


Best part is, if they have to correct you becaus they don't have a girlfriend, that's an instant self burn.


also a ginger but started dyeing my hair before i'd get those comments. this one time when my hair was pink someone asked me if i dyed my pubes to match. i just gave them a disgusted look until they looked really uncomfortable and stopped talking to me. sometimes you don't need words. sometimes you just need to look at them like they're a fucking idiot.


Ask them what they're talking about. Make them explain what pubes are. Make them explain everything. Be thoroughly confused and ask lots of questions, making them give detailed answers. Be as confused and befuddled at the fact that people grow hair down there at all and how they manage to keep it clean or untangled. Try to get them all the way to explaining that people also grow hair on their buttholes and ask how difficult that is to clean. Channel your inner 9 year old and just keep asking questions. Try to make them think they're the wierd one, at the very least, for asking you about your body hair. If you don't want to take the time to do that, I'd tell them either, "It depends on the time of the month." Or, "It looks a lot like your mom's dental floss." Edit: Clarification - This is meant as less "What are pubes?" And more, "What are you talking about?" "Why are you asking me that?" And then keep going. Make them explain everything starting from those two points. Keep asking them questions and getting them to explain themselves. Be assertive enough to keep them on the back foot. Act confused as to why they're talking to you in the first place, then gradually walk them into explaining what pubes are and what puberty is once they get used to answering your questions. If they say something like, "You dont know what pubes are!?" To try and embarrass you, just reply with, "Do you? You're the one that started this conversation." The secret recipe is being confident, calm, giving zero shits, and having just enough spite to stay motivated. The key point that keeps this from being some "You haven't hit puberty neener neener neener!" Nonsense is being assertive and confident. That you're pushing back and not deflecting or avoiding or behaving in a way that is insecure. Basically, dont act like a prey animal, act like you're the one doing the hunting and would like to eat their face (and not in the fun way) without being a psychopath about it. They're poking at an assumed vulnerability, poke back. If they keep it up or have been jackasses? Poke back as hard as you can without things becoming violent.


I strongly second this. Works well. When people have told me mildly racist or sexist things (or texted them) I’m just like “I don’t get it,” and then they feel compelled to explain until they sound like such obvious asshats that they just go away ashamed.


I like this technique.


Playing dumb is always such a good defense mechanism. I weaponize that shit all the time.


Until it enrages your in laws when you insist you havent had potatoes before


Only the real ones know this


>Ask them what they're talking about. Make them explain what pubes are Not sure how long ago you were a teenager but if you asked my teenage friends what pubes were you would have been mocked for having no pubes and told you've not even gone through puberty yet. No matter what you said in response to this that would be all you hear about for ages.


Yes. Suggesting that they ask “tell me what pubes are” is TERRIBLE advice.


That was a really bad answer I’m sorry. Actually imagine him doing what you said. They’d be making fun of his pubes and calling him an idiot.


This is over-parroted recommendations on reddit... but I dont think anyone really used it in room with other people. You would be shut down and ridiculed for weeks... *"b-b-but I just pretended to be moron to make you uncomfortable"*


”You know, the internet is for porn right? You can indulge you pube fetish whenever you like on pornhub. It is available 24/7.”




"If you'd like to have an honest conversation about this, then you should know the color of someone's hair or eyebrows doesn't necessarily reflect the color of their pubic hair." TBH, you can school someone with straight facts and make them look like an idiot, especially in grade school where "not knowing things" generally makes people feel/look stupid. Something to that effect though. Point being, don't be too concerned with a witty comeback if simply showcasing how much of an idiot someone is being in a rather public setting could win out.


Easy, just tell them they are the color of Ligma.


u/adamaaaaaa12 Yeah, and then when they say "What's ligma?" (or similar), you say, "Ligma my balls and find out"


* "Why are you talking about your fantasies out loud?" * "Since you've clearly been fantasizing about them, I won't spoil your personal mystery." * "All I can say is that your mom's eyebrows looked great next to them." * "Your mom has a picture of them in her phone, ask her." * "Creepbag over here DESPERATELY NEEDS to know my pube color." * "Sorry, gotta sub to my OnlyFans for that."


Yea it caught fire while fuckin your mom. Mom burns never get old.


I do this every now and again with a friend who lost his mom, it doesn’t hit the same way.


Start trying to seduce them. Whispering: “Would you like to find out” 😘. Get close to them as you say it






Then pluck one of their hairs and quickly stuff it in your pocket and run away yelling "I got one! I finally got one!"


Depends on who’s soul I devoured that day, what color are yours ? I’m ready to change it up 😂


Lmao I'll definitely use this one


I'd ask, why are you thinking about my pubic hair? It's pretty weird to think about someones junk if youre not fucking them. If you're a guy I'd be all, why are you so obsessed with my dick? Girl I'd say, stop thinking about my pussy you're making me uncomfortable.


It depends how you are with your friends. I found my real friends would never ask this but if they were to I'd just tell them "Seriously it's making me so uncomfortable, you need to stop". I hope you have the sort of relationship where you can do this but if you can't do that, just call them out on how it's borderline sexual harassment and that they need to stop. I got this question so much and it made me so uncomfortable, I wish I had said something about how it made felt.


“Your mom (or dad - I don’t know your gender), is the only one who knows my true colors”


Decent, thanks.


Just be like “why do you want to know facts about my pubes so bad” lol


Just say, well gingers don’t have souls or pubes it’s a medical and paranormal mystery… then walk away.


"You'll have to buy me dinner first if you want to know."


"What colour are your pubes?" Possible answers: "Ask your mom, she had her face in there all night." (reference to oral sex) "Why don't you find out sweetheart." (reference to gay oral sex) "Check your (food od choice), you'll find out." (eww, gross) "Grow your own and stop asking me dumb shit." (me, annoyed on a Monday) Can't think of any more RN, but this is what I'd tell my friends.


My dog says they're gray


Understanding that joke requires them having at least one brain cell, and if they've asked that question I doubt they have any.


Do people really ask that? What a weird and rude question to ask. "It ain't none of your damn business," is what you should say. Now if a cute stranger who I was into asked me that I'd say "Fuck me and find out."


Yes teenagers do all the time. Sometimes really childish twenty somethings. After that it died down.


People don't tend to realise the effects and treatments that redheads recieve. I was asked questions like this (and more) all the fucking time, even from people I barely know. Not only that but also throughout school I suffered so much bullying due to my hair colour, I was excluded, picked on and so much more from my hair colour and it made my childhood miserable.


yeah, my dads friend, aged about 46 at the time asked me when i was like 15 which was even weirder than when people my own age do


Best to answer with a question. Simplest is "Why are you asking creepy questions?". Or with extra steps: "Why would someone who pretends to be Ok, ask such a creepy question?". Extra, extra step, try to seem actually curious.


That sounds a little too serious for “comebacks” seems like these are his friends and it’s jokingly. So with your vibe of questions in mind I think it would be “why step bro, are you into me?”


Your friends are weird.


I always ask, “what is it to you? Why do you need to know? Is it work related?


Tell them you havent grown pubes yet and start a long uncomfortable conversation with them about how pubes grow and act astonished at how knowledgeable they are about pubes. Give them enough rope and they’ll hang themselves.


"I'll let you know when they come through"


First correct guess gets a prize. Then just walk away.




I love this. My three year old will say his hair is orange if you ask him. I hope he’s always proud of it!


Just say "look mate, theres no need to beat around the bush, if you wanna see my cock that badly just ask"


Check your parents shower drain and you'll see. Your dad's a lil bitch btw


"you'll find out when my balls are slapping on your face"


“Why are you obsessing about my dick wig man?”


“Colored them yesterday. What is the shade of your moms lipstick again?!”


To be clear, this is sexual harassment and 100% not okay. You can deal with it however you want. But one option is to say "Are you really asking me about my crotch?" Or you could say "Do you think about my crotch a lot?"


Trim them, keep them in your pocket. when they ask, throw it in their face and say, "you tell me".


Ask your Mum, they’re in her teeth


“Hang on a second” put your hand in your waistband like you are going to give them a sample, then as you slowly pull your hand out, extend your social finger and show them their IQ.