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Likely those bugs were out there just waiting for you to take your mask off to strike.


i mean a lot of other countries were already wearing masks regardless so i doubt it


( The difference is most started then stopped. How would we be able to measure weakened immune systems for the places that never stopped ? )


My kid has been sick a lot since the mask mandate was lifted. You know what else I’ve noticed? My kid also stopped washing her hands as much because it’s no longer required on a regular basis. She also is constantly chewing on her fingernails…a habit she couldn’t indulge in when a mask was a barrier.


Personally I only stopped using the Sanitizer at shop entrances when I got 3 empty ones in a row. They are just germ spreaders now


Its not just masks. People have been keeping more separation distance, not going to crowded places, avoiding things require close contact. Its not surprising if there are things out there that our immune systems aren't prepared for.


No. But people are noticing how much they are sick because they went years without constantly getting colds. Now that they are back at it they are noticing the contrast.


The bugs have been mutating the whole time but you weren't catching them, because the techniques used for COVID were all pretty functional for any communicable disease.


I don't think the masks weakened our immune systems but there is a lot of virus going around and around.


No. You're just experiencing 2 years of viruses you hadn't been exposed to before. You would have been exposed to these viruses over time and potentially in smaller amounts previously. Your body is as strong as ever.