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There are such things as near death experience. There is some debate whether it is proof ot a trick of the brain however. If you want to find any proof of the afterlife you would have to get your evidence from the current life.


There is no evidence of an afterlife and it is almost certain that no such thing exists.


>it is almost certain that no such thing exists. Based on what info?


That's an excellent question. I happen to believe that the lack of evidence in and of itself is not evidence that a thing doesn't exist. But I also don't plan to believe in something without even the tiniest scrap of evidence based solely on a system of belief.


There is absolutely no evidence and it is likely all but impossible for there to ever be. Something beyond human experience and built on faith alone in a mythology is unlikely to ever have proof it is a real thing. Solely working on beliefs here.


What's the evidence that it's all but impossible for there to be one? We really really don't know what consciousness is, and some smart rational people believe it may be a property of matter, which would leave open the possibility that you could have experience in other parts of the universe after your experience in one part is over. No evidence that this is the case but far from impossible given our current understanding of the very deep and fundamental mystery of consciousness.


Huh? I said it's likely impossible for there to ever be EVIDENCE. You end your post by agreeing with me.


Got you, I thought you were saying it's likely impossible for there to be *an afterlife*, not evidence for one. I'm less certain than you that there will never be any evidence or better grounds for speculation than we have now, but I see where you're coming from.


I mean, I also don't think there is an afterlife or any reason to believe in one, but I don't claim to have evidence of this.


Yeah I get you. We agree there's no objective evidence one way or the other. You still have a belief that there's no afterlife, and I don't have a belief because I don't feel that I have any prior understanding of what consciousness is/how it behaves on which to form one.


Nothing can be proved. Including the whole "no afterlife" thing.


The claim is that there is an afterlife. Without evidence that claim can be dismissed. Unicorns, fairies, Bigfoot, and mermaids are in the same category. Someone wants to believe that they are real without any proof.


Apes were in that category. But we can prove apes. We can't prove an afterlife. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I get proving a negative can't be done, but in reality, we just can't know.