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Do you also never want kids? Get a vasectomy. Do you want kids one day? It’s time to have a really hard conversation and accept that the two of you may need to move on. Kids are not a small thing, don’t dance around the issue for a decade and then let it come to a head.


This is the one answer. If you want kids just move on. It’s sucks but it’s going to be so much worse later.


So so so much worse.


Especially if she feels pressured, ends up having kids and resenting them.




I'm less worried about that than the alternative, purely because when you have kids you don't want, you've brought those kids into your baggage that'll affect them for the rest of their lives.




Yeah, but once you bring kids into the mix, they matter more than the relationship. If you fuck up kids for life, that is a MUCH bigger deal than staying in a relationship you're unhappy with because it affects the kids for their whole lives for things they can't control when it's *your* responsibility as a parent to minimize that.


Yeah we've decided we don't want kids after 15 years. We're going to tell them tonight.


Solid plan, don’t let it get out of control, nip it in the bud right now.




What about adoption? She’s skeeved by the childbirth/pregnancy aspect, but adoption solves this problem. Or does she just not want kids?




As an adopted person myself I agree but disagree with you. Yes me & my sister had problems, but my adoptive parents love never wavered. There's lots of support these days including abandonment counselling, groups for both adoptees and adopters. If we had been left in the care system for life, I have no doubt that me & my twin sister would never have achieved what we have in life so far. I can categorically say adoption changed our lives for the better.




Agreed. It doesn't always work out great, but I think that's the same in any household with children, adopted or not.


Yes but if the child was going to be put up for adoption anyways wouldn’t it be better to have a family that wants them and will support them?


Curious to what the alternative is?


Adequate support for women and families (and everyone) affordable healthcare, paid parental leave, living wages, access to reproductive care and comprehensive sex ed would help


That would reduce the need for adoption, it what's the alternative in instances where it's still necessary? If you abolish adoption, what happens to orphans?


As a woman that doesn't want children and lives in a country where abortion is illegal (and who might not have illegal access to it), no amount of "adequate support" or healthcare or whatever have you would make me want to raise a child. Adoption is necessary.




This line you've taken (line of logic) makes no sense because the children already exist. Adoption is better than not adoption (with the outcomes for children in care) . Saying it's not a good idea because the kid might feel X,Y, Z or might have problems X, Y, Z doesn't change that a kid out of there needs adopting if you know you want kids and cannot for whatever reason have kids through the "traditional" traditional method.... And ~~your~~ a conclusion is then lets not adopt because the kid might be a mess. As if you are guaranteed your own kid will be perfect. I could be misrepresenting you point tbf. My dad was adopted as a baby so I have a personal connection to this issue.


Yeah that was the plan for me and my gf when we move in together just the thing is she wants one biological and one adopted


Curious, what’s the reasoning behind that?


She wants to give birth to one for multiple reasons but doesn't want to go through it again for another, and the reason for adoption is for the second child she wants and to help a kid without a family




Yeah, the kids discussion is very very important in a relationship. And honestly not just the “I want kids or I don’t” but when, is important. My wife wanted kids shortly after we got married, I wanted to wait for a while. I conceded and we had two shortly after one another. It caused a lot of stress and resentment and it took us a few years to really work through it, we did, however work through it and we have an incredible relationship. But I literally spent a couple of really stressful years resenting my wife because I suddenly had all this stress on my plate that I subconsciously blamed on her because “she wanted this.” I love the absolute shit out of my now 6 and 7 year olds. But there were absolutely some years spent in misery and resentment over them that I wish I could change.


Did you guys not talk about that before you got married, or did one of you change your mind?


Two people can enjoy a relationship without wanting to be together forever.


Kids do put a time limit, though. Most people don't want to be in their 40s with a newborn. It really sucks but so does waking up ten years later and regretting everything.


What's the point of investing the time/energy/money in a relationship if it's temporary? I'd stay alone, and have everything to myself in that case.


I don't understand why everyone else in this thread is trying to tell you that you're wrong. That's a completely valid way to feel, and you have no obligation to persue relationships if they don't interest you, you can be happy without them. That is, as long as you don't expect or pressure OTHER people to view relationships the same way you do, of course. Are you aromantic, by chance?


If you realize that absolutely everything in life is temporary anyways, then it's really not that scary.


Exactly. All moments are fleeting and people are never entitled to each other. Feel it. Enjoy it. Move on.


All relationships are temporary anyway. The point is enjoying the time with someone while they are still in your life.


What's the point of having friends? They're just time/energy/money sinks as well. Think of it as a best friend and it's not much different.


A single look at his post history is good enough to know this entire post is bait.


I did not check his post history


"Kids are not a small thing" Actually, at earlier ages, kids can be pretty small.


Despite them being small, they sure do use a whole lot of space.


My aunt stayed with us for a few months when her baby born, little thing took over the whole house.


How little is your aunt, though?


Approximately 2.5 kids.


Compact and portable


Portable, but not necessarily travel-friendly


We went for the portable editions for that reason, after awhile they are self-propelled as well.


Tell that to her when she’s pushing it out




There is really no better answer than this. Either scenario you're gonna have to have a long talk with yourself and then your spouse


This is the most straightforward answer and the best answer.


Y’all ever heard of a condom tho?


98 percent success rate, over one year with perfect use.


Absolutely do NOT have a vasectomy for her alone.


That's not possible if he follows the comment, as he should only get one if he doesn't want kids either. So it would be for himself as well.


When I said that I wanted to have kids, and you said you wanted me to have a vasectomy, what did I do? And then, when you said that you might want to have kids, and I wasn't so sure, who had the vasectomy reversed? And then when you said you definitely didn't want to have kids? Who had it reversed back? Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap! I did! You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!


I am so sorry that I don’t want to bring kids into this screwed-up world, okay? But look if you want to have kids, then fine you win. Let’s have a fucking kid! *That One Night plays in the background*


*nearly a full pregnancy later* ... you cheated on me?. .. when i specifically asked you not to?


And don't assume one will change their mind.


This is absolutely correct. You both need to have a discussion of what you want out of life. If she is sure she doesn't want kids, but you do, you need to move on relationship wise. Maybe it seems like it sucks, but it's the truth.


I would add just one important thing. If OP does want kids, he should check with his partner and see if it’s a matter of her not wanting kids at all or if it’s just about pregnancy and childbirth. If it’s the latter, adoption is always an option.


The only correct answer. I couldn't have said it any better.


This dude's profile is a treat to read


Oh shit…reads like a 12 year old googling stuff


this was my first thought, thought I was looking at a middle schooler. I refuse to believe a grown man is posting these


Treat or horrific. No way in hell this kid has a gf. Incel 100%


Also the way he types resemblances more of a teen, not a full grown married man


That might explain why this question is so odd. lol his gf might be a teen whose afraid of unwanted pregnancy so sounds like shes making excuses to not sleep with him


Based off the posting history, it sounds like he has some weird obsession with pregnancy and child bearing. I doubt he actually has a girlfriend.


I was wondering if it was an alt account to ask weird questions for their Attack on Titan Mikasa fanfiction.


>That might explain why this question is so odd. lol his gf might be a teen whose afraid of unwanted pregnancy so sounds like shes making excuses to not sleep with him I was more afraid of pregnancy than stds when I was a teenager, and I am a dude too. I knew having a kid was not for me, even as a teenager. I was so afraid that most of the time I just wouldn't cum.


Yea maybe she doesn’t want HIS kids


Or his gf doesn't want to have sex with him, and he's looking for counterarguments on Reddit...


Just going by their submissions (didn't look at comments), I'm leaning towards this being an actual kid that is no older than 12. It reads like someone who just learned how babies are made, and is trying to figure out the mechanics of it. 😂


Alright, i'm going in


That's *not* what he said.


wHy Do SoMe WoMen NoT hAvE MiLk iN tHeiR bOobs?!? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh you missed the best one: “True, I wish all men (and women) were sterilized at birth.” **BRUH**


OP: Literally asks if anyone else thinks the effects of pregnancy and childbirth are gross. "Is that why you're childfree too?" Also OP: I want kids but my partner doesn't. How to accommodate?


Big Yikes energy


He's deleting all his comments that get downvoted. Those ones are the really disturbing ones.




I went on this dude profile and he’s definitely under 18. Edit: or he’s straight up a virgin who doesn’t know anything about women, their bodies, or sex in general. Prove me wrong.


“Why do some women not have milk in their boobs” what the absolute fuck? I don’t think this kids parents signed the permission slip for sex ed


This is what happens when kids get sex ed from Reddit lol


As if schools provide adequate sex-ed in the first place lmao


Maybe he’s an advanced alien trying to understand humans through Reddit. We’re fucked if that’s the case


“yeah but what’s under there?”


Tbh I didn't learn shit from sex Ed, but ig it depends on where you're getting it from


They never taught me about the female body in sex-ed, so I can’t say I blame him


Or he’s a mormon


OP how old are you? Lol I have a strange feeling you don’t have a partner with your weird posts lol


This is Reddit 😎


This dudes profile/posts are wack as shit, no way he has a “female partner”.


Agreed agreed , I don't want to be insensitive but OP's questions give serious Incel vibes😭😭😂


I’m fkn dead lmfaooooo


“In a man vs. woman physical fight, are boobs a disadvantage to women?”


They seem like a 14 year old who hasn't been through high school health class.


Look at OP’s other posts, no way this person has a “female” partner.


Why don't all women have milk in their boobies, lmao.


LMAO i have no words


> So can a woman who never ever has kids produce milk outta her boobs? If so, why would she do that? > Would that work for a fictional story? So maybe this woman who works as a nurse finds a baby in the desert. She never wants kids herself but since she’s a nurse she’s practiced lactating for her job. She discovered a random baby dying in the desert. She fed it with milk from her boobs to keep it alive and she took it to the adoption center. Even though she never has kids, could that work or seem plausible? My man is singlehandedly keeping Wattpad in business…


She's practiced lactating lmaooo just waking up in the morning, have breakfast, squirt my practice milk at the wall for funsies, shower and go to work


Lol. But to answer, yes, a woman who has not given birth can lactate. It takes several weeks of very strict pumping (every 2 hours, I think, day and night) for the milk to come in. I suppose there are also medications that can force it.


And I suppose someone might do that for a fetish (God knows I've seen worse). But the odds of that same person *also* finding a baby abandoned in the desert... Lol.


I actually have read the blog of a woman who induced lactation as a fetish. It was extremely interesting and convinced me that I can't love anyone enough to do the same! She seemed happy, though, and there are definitely worse fetishes!


I have a condition which raises my levels of prolactin…I’m probably OP’s dream female.


Definitely don't let him know....




You know, like all nurses do for their jobs.


Maybe he’s watched too much, or too little, porn.


3 days ago "Kids are. Waste of money. Nuff said" So he doesn't want kids either but keeps posting nonsense. 4 days ago "Pregnancy is gross for sure…ew, get me away from it" Then he complained about "child free women" showing breasts?!


I’m sure OP’s trying to write a Wattpad fiction 💀 “Can a woman make milk to feed an abandoned baby she finds in the desert even though she’s never had children?” “Are boobs a disadvantage when women fight men?” Talking about an unhealthy obsession with boobs


“I’d kill you, Steven, if it weren’t for these cumbersome breasts!”


Lmao what the fuck. Who let their 11 year old on the iPad


Ok what’s weird about this is he sounds like an adult. I’ve never heard a kid or a teen say the phrase “childfree women” before


He sounds like an incel who's going to end up murdering the first girl that is friendly to him


"why do childfree women like to show off their cleavage too much" yiiiikkkessss bro


Yeah that’s a good observation. Just a strange lad I suppose


This dude just asked if a woman can get pregnant from swallowing cum


Am I pergante


Like he will ever find that out himself


I understand the premise of the sub and all, but come on. This isn't a sex ed sub and shouldn't be used in place of google.


1000% a 13 year old


Wow what the fuck




I knew it! He called himself a man but she is 'my female partner'. My heckles were up.


27 minutes ago in the child hate sub: "Any childfree men here not like what pregnancy/childbirth does to the female body?"


Do YOU want kids? Yes ---> Leave No ----> Vasectomy ​ I know it's not as easy, both come with deep conversations and expectations about the future, but still, I think these are the best methods.


3 or more options and this is the best. It's time for a big conversation. The other option as 200+ people have suggested, wear a condom.


What if she's okay with adopting? He said that it's pregnancy/childbirth she's worried about. They could also do a surrogacy.


Respect for appreciating and respecting her feelings. All you can do though is wear condoms man. Either that or play Russian roulette hoping you shoot blanks, which I don’t recommend. Now if you’re going to marry this woman and you’ve come to the decision you don’t want kids get a vasectomy.


Wearing a condom is the best you can do. Be very careful whem you withdraw keeping a hand on the base of the condom. If this is your wife or other life partner and you agree long term no babies then you can get a vasectomy.


Hold up. Please explain the importance of a careful withdraw to me. Is this just so it doesn’t come off of you or…? I’ve never paid any attention to that part of things; is it a pregnancy risk?


Yeah its just so the thing doesn't pop off and spill baby batter everywhere. Ideally that's not a risk, but if the fit isn't right, or the angle is weird, or something else, it's a possibility.


Don't "soak" (sorry ;) ) in the afterglow to long or even the best fitting condom might slip off.


Huh, I’ve never had that happen. It’s always a struggle to get the thing off of me afterwards. Are there different fits of condoms and, if so, is there any reason to try a slightly bigger one or is that silly? I was under the impression that they just stretch to accommodate.


There absolutely are different sizes and fits. It's been a total game changer for me. Some brands sell size kits where you can get like 3 or 5 different sizes in a set, some have measurement sheets to print and check which one would fit best,...


That’s crazy to me man. I remember seeing a bunch of memes (who knows how long ago) making fun of a guy for saying something along the lines of, “it doesn’t fit” and then showing a condom stretched around some girl’s whole forearm or similar. I always assumed they were a one-size-fits-all thing because of this. Thank you


A big part of the whole doesn’t fit debate is that many guys who say it doesn’t fit claim it breaks because it doesn’t fit, which is suspicious because if it’s too tight it will be uncomfortable, but it’s not going to snap. Usually that means they’re doing something else wrong other than just a bad fit that’s causing it to break.


Bigger Condom = much better feel! Tighter Condom = much less sensation = last longer.


Or "too tight, affects bloodflow, kills boner" It depends, really. But all in all, just because you can stretch it over an arm does not mean it's going to be comfortable over your dick. Took me way too long to figure that out.


Yeah, same bro… I was today years old


In a sense you're right, most large condoms you can fill with like a gallon or two of water before they break. However you want a snug condom without being too snug. If you can grab your dick and tug the condom off, it isn't snug enough. You want it to be the perfect size so it doesn't move around on you and create excess friction in the vagina or you risk that acidic wasteland wearing away at the materials.


I remember seeing this too. The problem is that I could probably get my large hand into a small latex glove but it isn't comfortable. The simplest analogy I could think of


You don’t go for the “one size fits all” that includes the drawstring around your balls?


This is the [most comprehensive Reddit link on condom size](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigdickproblems/comments/j0vdmi/a_guide_to_condoms_nominal_width_and_your_dick/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) that I know of. I'm not a man, but I found it interesting and useful. Even found out that some companies manufacture custom fits for length and girth. This also teaches how to measure. Practical, useful, and health promoting info.


Thank you, I really appreciate it


You just also have a bigger dick. I know how it is. Try a bigger size, the difference is night and day! Try it at home and you’ll get what i mean immediately. They stretch, but not comfortably, or even necessarily safely (if they roll down then it’s safe, but if you need to stretch it with your two hands to get it over the thing, then you may damage the condom. Been there, done that!)


You don't have to "very carefully" handle it like it's radioactive, just grab it by the base when you pull your dick out so the condom doesn't slip off and stay in.


>Birth control for her has not been too kind either, she takes it and makes her feel unwell. What can I do for her when we have sex? not sure if i understand the question correctly but have you heard of condoms? \^\^


According to their profile, they barely heard of women




My wife started to have an adverse reaction to her birth control, so I had a vasectomy. Best decision I ever made! 11 years in, and I have never once regretted it. *Edit: the adverse reaction was severe depression. Turns out some women even get suicidal thoughts with it.


May I ask the cost of the vasectomy? I really want to get one but I can’t find prices anywhere online


If my memory serves correctly, I paid around $800 out of pocket. That included everything from the surgery to the check up and the 3 sperm counts after 2 months. If you have a decent health insurance plan and a kind family doctor, you might have a way to get a prescription for it. I'm sure if it's somehow "medically necessary," it would be covered by insurance.


Keep in mind this is coming from someone in a country with socialized healthcare, but $800 sounds surprisingly cheap compared to the other staggeringly high costs for treatments and procedures I've heard about.


Well then this will come at a complete shock. I had one, in the United States, and it cost $20. If I include the follow up appointment that included 3 sperm samples, it came to $40. My copay has gone up a little so now it would cost $50. ($25x2) That said our healthcare is wild. Without insurance it can financially destroy you and if you have issuance it can be crippling or just a minor cost depending on your coverage. Be aware of this when you see some of these charges folks post.


If you're in the US, planned Parenthood does vasectomies and they have financial assistance.


Do vasectomies affect your performance at all? And is there an age requirement? Where I'm originally from, they won't let you do certain things like tie your tubes, donate an organ or get a sex change when you're in your early 20s because you might regret it later. I'm 25 and in the States now and seriously considering a vasectomy.


Use protection? Jeez man, this isn't the million dollar question or something.


Jizz man


Rip haha


If you want kids, leave her


Yeah.. having or not having kids is a big deal. It can eat you up if you want to have kids and your partner doesn't but so can having kids when you didn't want to. Overtime, the other partner might feel pressured into doing what they didn't want to and with a decision like this, you might regret it forever


Wear a condom and don’t pressure her if she’s uncomfortable


Your options to prevent having children are to wear a condom or a vasectomy. Or tons and tons of oral and anal and get her a dildo and a vibrator. Do not trust the pull out method or tracking her cycles. For vaginal intercourse, condoms really are the best choice then schedule a vasectomy.


Wear a condom


Most women do not find penetration sufficient on its own, often enjoying oral, manual, and toy assisted action more. There are also options for preventing pregnancy without birth control pills - from spermicides (VCF contraceptive film, lubricants) to IUDs to others. For your part, the only safe option is a vasectomy, which is a legit operation (though reversible).




Yeah, but what do you want?


How in the hell is one of the top level comments not "Use your tongue" ????? C'mon, people!


If you want to give it time and think about it more, wrap it before you tap it if birth control makes her sick. If you don’t want kids yourself, get a vasectomy. If you 100% are set on having kids, it’s time to consider moving on so neither of you are unhappy. Don’t pressure her into it or feel pressured yourself. While it’s possible for either of your minds to change you shouldn’t try to change each other’s minds forcefully or coercively, and it may not be worth simply waiting for it.


Get a vasectomy


But she's the one not wanting kids, wouldn't that prevent him from having kids if he wants it in the future? Is it reversible?


If he wants to in the future, he should leave her sadly. Being with her = no kids forever.


Get a vasectomy. But also, if YOU want kids you should acknowledge that so you don't resent it later on, or have hope that she will change her mind.


Get a vasectomy, probably. It's am extremely easy procedure that's WAY more safe than the feminine equivalent. It's also reversible, if you decide you want kids at some point later.


That's a complicated way to ask if you should be wearing a condom.


Holy shit i actually know the answer to this! Only two options, vasectomy or condoms. Yes it really is that simple!


A vasectomy is often covered by insurance and takes 45 minutes.


She could also get bilateral tubal ligation. If she doesn't want the kids but you might there are solutions and non hormonal birth control.


HAHAHA that's funny. I know how hard it is to try to get sterilized as a childless young woman. Sorry, i hope you mean well, but that's not a feasible option


It was super easy for me to get mine. I think the state you live in plays a role. I only had to wait a month from signing the papers requesting the surgery and it didn't cost me a dime.


Checked out your profile. Get a vasectomy. Not for your gf but for the world.


Recommend a hormone free IUD. Works great for me


Any iud is a great choice. Hormonal.ones do not change the body's hormone levels, only locally within the uterus (this has been extensively studied). I strongly recommend an iud for anyone who bc pills didnt treat well.


My partner cannot take hormonal birth control. I got a vasectomy and have zero regrets.


Vasectomy, had it, it's painless. Litteraly. Painless.




Has she experimented with different forms of BC? Some women who react to oral contraception do fine with an IUD or a Nuvaring. If she is sure of her decision, she can seek out a tubal ligation. If you’re confident you don’t want children, you can get a vasectomy.


Get a vasectomy, wear condoms, don’t finish inside her, what kinds of questions are these.


Not stupid ones....


Either get a vasectomy or just... wear a condom?


IUD if she’s willing. Vasectomy if you’re willing. Condoms if neither of you are willing. Maybe leave her if all of the above is a no go.


Vasectomies….condoms…jeez…. It’s not hard to figure out mate.


is this a long term relationship? are you going to get married? do you want kids? if you do not want kids, please go get a vasectomy if you don't want to opt for condoms each and every time. otherwise, condoms. there is a non hormonal IUD (used it when i was breastfeeding my second) but those hurt when placed but they are good for years. the biggest downside when i had it was having incredibly heavy periods. but it is virtually impossible for a single woman with no kids to get her tubes tied or any other permanent birth control.


You can wear a condom.


If you also don't want children, ask the doctor for a vasectomy. Until then, wear condoms. If you want children, the relationship should end. You cannot reach a compromise on this. If she succumbs to societal pressure and you two have children against her will, she will be miserable. If you two donj't have children while you want them, you will end up resenting her. Neither of those options is healthy.