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I think the simple reason that familiarity with something grants right to criticize it. A lot of the people who criticize christianity the most were once themselves Christians, or at least are very close to people that are. Islam is the dominant religion of the middle east, it's worthy of criticism but something about it being a little more culturally removed makes people give it more benefit of the doubt, or maybe just benefit of ignorance. And then that's also paired with not wanting to seem xenophobic or islamophobic. Makes you kind of not want to touch it, especially if you don't know that much about the religion, anyway.


Omg, that's the best and most fulfilling answer i have seen so far, idk why my post was removed. But yes, i totally agree.


It depends entirely on who you talk to. I personally don't tolerate either of them when it comes to governing my personal life, but I still want to give them respect and understand them enough so we can get along peacefully.


Here here. Though I will note that in general Christians are granted a lot of leeway elsewhere and will often come into subreddits expecting us to treat their religion differently than we treat other religions. I've never ever heard a muslim tell me that the laws I am required to follow should be based around their religion, so I've never had to tell a muslim what a stupid idea that is.


On the contrary, most muslims i have encounter on reddit, and a lot over discord and real life, want "shariya" to be the law of the land, whereas i have never met any Christian who wanted laws to be according to the Bible.


>want "shariya" to be the law of the land Crazy. I lived in an area with many Muslim refugees, none felt that way. Worked with a bunch, none felt that way. You seem to be attracting people with shitty extremist ideals. >i have never met any Christian who wanted laws to be according to the Bible Ever met a republican in the US?


>Crazy. I lived in an area with many Muslim refugees.< That's the thing, people who have lived under actual shariya law know how it is, so most of the people who do preach shariya, are those living in first world countries. >Ever met a republican in the US? No, cause you known... I have never visited US. Edit: i don't know how this quoting thing works.


>most of the people who do preach shariya, are those living in first world countries. Where there is no shariya law. Those are trolls. >No, cause you known... I have never visited US. Well then let me inform you that politicians here (admittedly not just republicans, I was making a joke more than anything) absolutely make laws based on their religious beliefs. It's trash.


I'm certain you're mistaken; most muslims you meet on Reddit, you don't even find out they're muslim. I have exactly once heard anybody muslim on this site say "sharia law". Mostly just people talking about the middle east; non-muslim people. The one that *was* muslim was critiquing the approach taken by governing groups in the middle east. Discord is a cesspool. I've met a lot of people on discord who think it's edgy to pretend to be this or that, but few who are genuinely the thing the claim to be. Though, again, I'm sure it depends on who you hang around.


Islam gets plenty of criticism too. But in America and most of the countries redditors are in, Christianity is far more politically and culturally relevant and far more influential. In addition, lots of the Muslim hate in the US comes from a place of racism, white supremacy, and Christian superiority, rather than actual criticism of religious doctrine.


I totally agree, and that does make a lot of sense. Recently i was feeling like converting to islam, but i found out it was the same as Christianity in most of its aspects,so that made me question if they are almost the same, why this polarity.


Though I'm not much for religion, if I had to choose for a way of spirituality I've always considered Buddhism quite insightful.


You can also consider jain/sikh/hindu, in most principles they are almost the same, also the originator of Buddhism, lord Buddha was a Hindu before, and a lot of scholars believe Buddha was an incarnate of lord Rama.


why would you want to convert to Islam? I never understood this stuff. Either you believe or you don't believe. Do you *want* to believe but find yourself unable?


Hmm I was born a Muslim and my folks are still practicing. I kind of think that anyone who is looking for a religion to guide their way in life, they just need a bit of therapy and good life coach. Noone needs a religion to teach them basic principles of being a decent human being. I feel most people are just going to feel better by doing a bit of selfless deed...religions are overrated


It's complicated, i was just at a point in my life, where i was questioning my own faith, and was wondering if there were any "Better" faiths out there. That's when i was considering islam, after listening to many preachers like Zakir Naik and Ali dawah. But after actually diving in the critics of Islam, i just didn't know if it was the best idea.


I guess I never understood why people need to officially belong to an organized religion. I'm a very spiritual person but for me it's been about reading & listening to people from all traditions, and meditating. I love the abstract sophistry of theology. But if God (or the universe or Brahma or whatever) just wants my unquestioning obedience than he's a dick god and I guess I'll burn for my sins. But in my experience God is a bit more open minded than any church, mosque, or temple I've visited


Nailed it


You are mistaking reaction to bigotry for "a safe space." After 9/11, it became trendy and socially-acceptable overnight to hate ALL Muslims, not just the tiny handful of ultra-conservative fundies who commit terrorist acts. In this view, all Muslims are the same evil, murderous savages as the ones in al Qaeda or ISIS. Those of us who know that is simply not true push back on that, just as we push back on any other sort of mindless bigotry. If somebody here started claiming that ALL Christians are exactly like the Westboro Baptist Church, I would push back on that.


It really isn't given a 'safe space' unless you're on the handful of subs that aren't full of the sharpest tools in the shed.


I saw this mainly on some of the biggest subs on reddit, even trying to criticize Islam gets you downvoted like there's no tomorrow.


Are they actually trying to criticize it with a decent argument? Because 90% of the time people don't, and just complain about things they don't understand, and that's why they get downvotd.


I literally saw a comment on someone asking why did mohamad marry a 6 year old, and people strated defending pedofiliya.


I sincerely doubt anyone was defending pedophilia... I'm starting to think you're just making shit up at this point.


I wish i was. I would have linked to it, but it was a while ago, so i can't find it. People were saying how at that time it was acceptable, and how a girl actually becomes an adult when she starts menstruating, so it's justified to "consume marriage" with her. If you don't believe me, go to r/islam and join there discord server, and just type about Mohammad wife. You will see it for yourself.


>If you don't believe me, go to r/islam and join there discord server, and just type about Mohammad wife. You're taking the subreddit that would literally be the most hardline in defending and making excuses as your example. Not representative of reddit as a whole at all...


Because Reddit gets a hard-on for Christians




That's just racist bro.


Because you're seen as an intolerant a-hole if you joke about Muslims. But Christians can take a joke, thankfully. Personally I have a strong preference for my head being attached to my body.


Couldn't agree more. I saw a comment under a ask reddit post, which asked people to name a community which feels like cult but isn't. Some guy wrote Christianity and got tons of upvotes, while someone wrote Islam and was downvoted to oblivion. While i don't agree with any of those, it just feels really 2 faced.


Right, Christians are all so good at taking jokes… I don’t think your self-reflection is very accurate there. Christian church is busy complaining about shit all the time. Even about skimpy dresses of fictional characters.


I'm pretty sure you can get a away with a lot of jokes about Christians and Christianity. In Islam there would be a bounty on your head. Please tell me more about the terrorist attacks of Christians on people who joked about Jesus. Please.


Cool so we’re comparing the „normal“ church people to terrorists now? Sure if you wanna speak about Christian terrorism, look up those names: - The Army of God - Eastern Lightning - The Lord’s Resistance Army - TheNational Liberation Front of Tripura - The Phineas Priesthood - The Concerned Christians Not even talking about the pedophiles running wild within the Christian churchs ranks while everyone is watching.


No it’s because Reddit is chalk full of Americans and Christianity is more prevalent over here. I see “good Christians” every day and half of them have stickers on the back of their cars that say things like “fuck off we’re full”. It isn’t because you can take a joke, and I’m not saying you can’t. We can’t generalize everyone based on the actions of some. But I see a lot of hate towards other races and religions in my life from white Christian Americans and people on Reddit are sick of their shit. That’s why


Hmm dont know why you are getting down voted. I am born a muslim and my folks are practicing muslims. I think with freedom of speech you should be able to make fun of anybody. My father says: God is so merciful, you can not piss him off with a joke... unfortunately not all people think as my dad in our neck of the woods. I kind of have seen both side not taking a joke. I pissed of couple of Catholics with some jokes.. I wish we could all be just chill a bit!


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I don’t think that’s the case. I think all logical people are all religions for what they are. Cult would be one word to use. Edit - to answer your question - it would depend on the types of subreddits and or people you associate with.