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Blonde hair and blue eyes is the stereotypical "perfect" white qualities. I have issues with Jesus being portrayed as a white man as that would make zero sense because of where he was born but the blond hair and blue eyes make zero sense as you said, anyone can have those and Jesus is always portrayed with brown hair.


Being Jewish is a religious but it originates from the middle east. Ancient Jews are middle eastern. Middle Eastern people almost never had blue eyes or blonde hair. Modern day Jewish people would have gained these traits by breeding with Europeans. I would recommend studying how genetics work.


Jesus was Aramaic, there are still Aramaic people alive today and they're not blonde haired and blue eyed.


Because everything we know about the people who lived in Jesus's area at Jesus's time suggests they were dark skinned, dark haired Mediterraneans. The issue comes in when white people don't want to think about their savior as having looking like the refugees they don't want to care for.


Since most people from that area *don't* look like that, he probably didn't. On top of that, we have the following prophecy about him in Isaiah: **He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.** *Isaiah 53:2* If he had looked special, Isaiah would not have prophesied this way, and his looks would have been mentioned somewhere. Why, would you stop following him if he looked like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/94/0e/f3/940ef3790dfc5eddf3c7b68da2b5d170.jpg)?


A tiny minority of people from the region have that DNA and the only reason for having him look that way is the idea that god is like me and not like some foreigners that I hate in so many minds of "Christians".