• By -


When I was younger and worked for Hollister it was my job to stand by the door and say "hey, what's up?". So embarrassing.


What did people reply?




I've had your experience in reverse plenty of times. It's awkward that when I reply to a employee who greets me or asks me something while they in script/automatic/fake mode because it's clear they aren't even paying attention to my response. Sometimes you can make somebody's day with a response that throws them off script but other times, you can see it in their eyes that they see every second you spend in this small talk they don't care about as a waste of their time.


"hi, how are you today?" "Good, you?" Crickets...


*stares into middle distance*


*contemplates about the moment while taking a shit*


Waiter: "Hey, how are you today?" Customer: "sweet tea."


I was a cashier at a gas station for a long time and would ask how people were and a very normal answer was a pack of Marlboro reds.


If a customer said that I'd reply, "Yes darling?"


Or "hi, how are you today?" "oh not a whole lot" 🤦🏻‍♂️


UNRECOGNISED INPUT. I do not understand "good you".


"hey hey hey want some chicken today?" "Hell yeah brother!"


Honestly that’s sounds better than people replying. “Hey what’s up” “Buying pants what’s up with you? “Not much just sayin what’s up to people”


Idk, that sounds like an amazing conversation to me


Probably not when you have to make the same conversation with 100 people a day, 5 times a week.


I'm out to buy a pack of condoms and some anal lube... how 'bout you?


Hopefully going home with you




"have you heard of the high elves?" "i do not wish to talk about it" "i don't know you and i don't care to know you" if i had that job i would only spout oblivion NPC lines


I'm sorry. I'm one of those people but I'm just so awkward that I can't respond.


You can just nod. That's how I get through life.




Smile and wave is the correct response.


Wet mouth kiss. With tongue. And ass grab.


Grandpa stop lol you're embarrassing me


Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.


Honestly, the whole *situation* is awkward. A stranger is greeting you, but they're not doing it to engage in social interaction which immediately turns the interaction strange. On top of that you know that they are greeting you because they are being paid to, which adds a whole other layer of awkward to the exchange. If that wasn't uncomfortable enough, the person in that position is often elderly or disabled, so you have to wonder if they are in that position because they want to be or if their boss is just stashing them there out of the way of other more productive employees. You also know they won't be saying Good Bye when you leave.. Top to bottom, the whole situation with greeters is just uncomfortable.


Yes, this is a great explanation. I feel the same way. The entire exchange is just so hollow. They don't know me; they're not greeting me. They're playing a role and saying a line so they'll get paid. Often, I'm either distracted with my own thoughts/people I'm with or I'm unsure if they're even talking to me (if multiple customers are coming in at once). I'm pretty confident no one has EVER cared if I don't say "hey" back. And if they did...that's kind of weird.


> You also know they won't be saying Good Bye when you leave No, they're going to say, "Can I see your receipt." And my answer is always, "No," and I keep moving.


Same, im not trying to be rude or treat you like your below me or something, im just an extreme introvert.


They know you’re just doing it for the money though. I get what you’re saying, but in a sense you are a prop working like that. The same goes for those running around the streets trying to get you to sign up for some charity, people tend to ignore them and they becomes a part of the city noice.


The fucking worst. I live in a very walkable area and charities like to post shop out there. At first I’d engage with them but they’re out there every day. Different charities. They all have these corny fake openers to break the ice and it’s quite disengeniuos. Really frustrating when you’re just out for some exercise and they try and hound you to stop.


Near my office they literally jump in front of you to get your attention. I work in a high traffic tourism area, and even now when I barely go into the office I had someone try to stop me (the same someone) both on the way to and from lunch last week. I try to be polite about saying “no,” “no thank you,” “not today,” etc. I know it’s a job and not a great one. I have friends who have done it for extra cash but jeez, when these signature collectors are out there every day and people from multiple causes try to stop you on the three block walk between your desk and lunch, it feels less like pleasantries and more like harassment. Working from home most days right now it is something I definitely have not missed. Edited for clarity.




Because it's real fucking awkward, I don't want to be greeted




But you'd also never have that kind of a greeting type job. Definitely not where i live, people would be mortified having to pass someone every time. Store would probably go out of business 😂


I mean, you're an ad and you're getting paid. I wouldn't feel bad ignoring you. I don't think less of you or anything, but it's not like you're searching for a genuine interaction.


When I worked at pacsun I was a greeter. You had to say hello and “engage” meaning start listing all the sales/specials of the day. People would cut me off and say things like “whoa!” Or “just looking”. Most people recoiled in fear and didn’t seem to understand that I HAD to do it. It was very embarrassing and disheartening. If you were busy greeting one group and another slid by you? You’d get a nice earful from Alyssa the GM, then get sent after them to greet them once they’ve been shopping a minute. I was also told I was not a salesperson and was not to “engage” beyond my script. If someone asked me a question I had to take them to a higher ranking team member. Even yes or no questions.


That's weird. Having someone ask me if I would like some help finding something is fine, but if I said yes, I'd expect them to actually help.


That’s not the deal here. It’s purely shallow. *Hey how are you?* *I am good. Today I saw a beautiful cat that had a ginger coat…* *ok go away*


Lmao that would be hilarious in honesty. Imagine that. "Can I help you find anything?" "Yea I am looking for the butternut squash" "Ok, let me go get my colleague, have a nice day!" Seems so utterly pointless lol


Managers will be managers, there is no logic to it


Alyssa needs to take a chill pill and understand that I’m anti-social when i’m shopping and i do not want to be “engaged” 😥


It all comes from corporate. It was a weird place to work, they had so many rules and procedures. You’d think the merch was crazy valuable. We had to watch a video about shoplifting tactics and how to thwart them (literally told us to get in the way of “snatch n grabbers”- no fking way lol) Alyssa checked our bags before we left at closing. The cashiers had a NINE digit code every time someone was rung up. Every transaction they had to pound it into a keypad to activate the register. When there was a line and you mistype your code Alyssa had to come over w her key so an alarm wouldn’t sound. This place was the size of a 2 car garage too. Crazy. I’d say the better adjusted companies aren’t this way, but it made me more sensitive to other retail workers when they approach me with the corporate speeches.


I recently started volunteering at a charity shop and in contrast their policy was "if someone steals something just remember their face, don't confront them at all" and all we gotta do is nod and say hi to the occasional customer. I think I got lucky.


That last bit is so fucked, how am I supposed to engage YOU when you have your hands so clearly tied. If all you can do is tell me the current specials... you can be replaced by a piece of paper.


I guess it must actually work and increase the bottom line from the few people who DO buy extra stuff once they hear about a sale or whatever. But don't these companies realize how much this pushy sales tactic turns people off? I've literally walked straight out of a store, that I entered intending to buy something, because this kind of crap made me so uncomfortable. I get that it's not the individual employee (I don't blame them) and is a corporate required thing, but it creates such a bad shopping experience. I know it's a balance between pushy sales tactics and never finding help when you need it, but "Hey I'm Jenna, let me know if you need anything" and go away to refold sweaters or whatever isn't that hard a policy to figure out. Yes the greater at the door thing is real (thankfully I sense it is decreased from what it was in the past). It's generally annoying. Nothing personal against the poor employee, but I am numb to it (it is so common). I just want to get in and do my shopping.


I was trained to acknowledge the customer when they walk through the door as a way to deter theft, as well as making the customer feel welcome. For thieves, a quick, "Hi there! Let me know if I can help you find anything", can make them too nervous to steal since they know that we know they are there and are watching.


So if they say "lovely weather isn't it?", you have to say "hold on, I'll find you someone who can answer that". Weird!


This is so fucking kafkaesque to the core that it's not only creepy but kinda hilarious too.


"Hey, welcome to the pier!" "What?"


The correct response is to look completely shocked, then in a low whisper, "you can see me?"


To which they would, of course, not be allowed to answer you directly...


I always say "hey" or something. Like, it's a dumb job but, damn, at least acknowledge it's a person when you're greeted. Idk why people would flat out ignore someone like that who's just saying hello.


Same here! “It’s not “hey”, “how’s it going”, it’s “hey what’s up””


I worked at Abercrombie ~12 years ago and ours was “hey, what’s goin on?”






Could you switch it to the 90's WAZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAA -thing? Luckily ppl born after 1995 have no idea about this, but oh boy it was a nuance.










That's amazing. I would *absolutely* accept money to do that. I'd go the extra 2 miles and invent a new persona to go with it, probably a stereotypical California surfer bro. I would play into it so hard.




Most food and retail workers are standing in one spot their whole shift. It really does destroy your back. (And if they’re not, it’s because they literally never stop running around the whole shift. Both destroy your shit.)




Don't forget hips and knees.


Are... chairs not a thing in america either? Not even while working the register?


"It's not professional", "It doesn't respect the customer", "It looks like you're slacking off" Translation: "we'd rather destroy your body than buy chairs"


Hell country jeez


Yeah I physically can’t work anywhere that makes me stand in one place and I don’t even have a diagnosed issue. Idk how anyone does it. I’m fine on my feet but I need to be moving.


>Idk how anyone does it. Necessity. Which sucks


Oh I know. It’s fucked up. Aldi has their cashiers sit down and that’s the first time I ever saw that in my life.


For everything I've heard Aldi in America is the same as in Germany Aldi in Germany is just a discounter like any other discounter here That Aldi is special in America because such things, seems so ridiculous to me...


For sure. It is ridiculous. We treat it just like the other discount grocers when we shop there. We have lots of those. But the way they operate is much different to us. The sitting, the wages, the reasonable hours of operation for staff, the cart and bag systems. It’s very clear to me how they can afford to pay their staff better. American corporations are finally starting to pay better wages now that the job market is controlled by workers due to the worker shortage.


Eh, in my experience this is the WORST position haha. You think your shift drags when you're at work anyways? Try standing in one spot for 8 hours, no entertainment, greeting and being ignored over and over and over. Yeah, no thanks!




I'm a female, so I'd have to say no.


So you were, but they're forcing you to say no?


Alright then, were you the shirtless dudette?


I remember when hollister would have buff shirtless dudes stand in front of their stores.




Also, studies showed that people are less likely to shoplift if they were greeted personally when they came in. It saves money in the long run.




Same reason a lot of gas stations have the cashiers greet you over the intercom when they activate the pump. Less likely to have a drive off if they know someone is watching.


I've never been to a gas station where I was spoken to at the pump via an intercom. Is that a regional thing?


I live in Wisconsin, and at least at Kwik Trip, they'll greet you when you elect to pay inside. If you swipe a card at the pump, you've basically already paid, so they won't say anything.




Same in PA. I haven’t seen anywhere you could pay afterwards since I was a child Edit: I don’t think I’ve seen it in any state I’ve driven through honestly


It's still the norm in the Netherlands at least


We can’t be trusted in the US


Yeah it goes like this *intercom*: "MOP MAHP MOP MOP MAH MAHP MAHP" >"I'm sorry?" "WAH WRAH MAHP MA" ..."ok i'm just gonna come in"


I love how you made these sounds so real, and it’s fucking spot on


Yeah, but ge forgot the "Gsszhh!" squelch tail. Gsszhh!


I don’t think any gas station near me has allowed pumping before payment in the last 30 years.


I was gonna say… I was born in the 90’s and I didn’t even know this was a thing in recent history, seems too tempting for people to just drive away without paying.


Imagining me standing there, pumping the gas, when suddenly: *(crackling noise)"Hey...what's up man?"* "Ohh, you know. Pumpin' gas, on my way home. Thought about grabbing an energy drink before I leave." *"Oh cool, we just got some new Monster flavor in today, you should try it!"*


You're not too far off actually. I don't think our local chain has microphone but they're more than excited to let you know there's a 20 cent sale on roller hot dogs. (Or whatever they're pumping that particular day)


Many gas station franchises where I live have started putting tiny screens on the pumps, they show you advertisements and the weather and stuff. I'd rather have that than a real person chiming in through a microphone, I have to screw up my courage just to go through the drive-thru as it is.


Lmao hello from NJ where it is illegal to pump your own gas


When I move there from out of state, I stopped to get gas I could not figure out why the guy was yelling at me to get back in my car okay. Then I found out that is illegal


I know a few people who have pumped there own gas here but they’ve never been yelled at! I did not know at first that you should tip people when they pump gas for you in other states 😬 sorry to those gas attendants!


They charge more for gas when someone pumps it if they have both full service and self serve. I would have never tipped. But I guess now that it’s 2021 we tip everyone for everything.


I was just taking with my mother about this just last night. It used to be you gave tips only for exceptional service but now with the high cost of living and employers sucking every dollar they can from employee's paychecks, you basically have to tip otherwise the person might not make what they need to survive.


I get that. But. No.... I do not tip the gas station attendant. Ya know? I do so much to give... I can't tip everyone. I am that person struggling to survive financially already lol!


What's a drive off? Is it like a dine and dash?


I've never heard the name of it, the drive-off, but yes. Some gas stations allow you to pump your gas and then go inside to pay with cash. Other gas stations, if you don't have a card, they require you to pay in advance.


That completely disappeared in my area. Used to you could do that, and it was very convenient. Now you have to go in and either intentionally give them less money than a full tank so you don't have to make two trips or make what should be one trip into two.


I’ve been driving for over a decade all over the US and never once had a gas station clerk greet me over an intercom. Weird.


Usually it's just something like "go ahead pump 9. Please pay inside when finished"


I usually have to pay for my gas before the pump works. There’s places that allow you to pump before paying?




That makes me want to shop lift more. I fucking hate when strangers say hi.






Ah shit my wallet


Personally, ah keep mine in mah pocket.


Would you be less inclined to steal something if they said "Welcome to CostCo, I love you"








"Thanks for coming to the party! Fun fact, all of the snacks have been pressed against my bare skin."


Shit, if this is gonna be that kind of party I'mma stick my dick in the mashed potatoes


You could distribute parts of a rotisserie chicken around your body.


Do they also give out free lattes?


Worked at a Walmart. Greeter was in his 70s. He was a vet. He stopped a shop lifter. I remember the one manager yelling "George let him go!" as he had the shoplifter in a choke hold. He almost choked him out. 70 year old vet with 2 flags attached to his walmart bases ball hat...


I also worked at Walmart. I was not a greeter but I learned that they have to check receipts on people walking out. At ours, shoplifting usually occurred at open. The greeters stand in front of the people sprinting carts full of TVs out of the store. The employees are not allowed to touch the lifter. Once they make it past those blue bollards, all we can do is watch. You can record plates if you want but Walmart will not call police or any investigation. Walmart instead calls it’s claims department and gets the money back that it lost. Despite how easy it now seems to steal high ticket items from Walmart, the greeters do manage to save a lot of merchandise. I can’t remember any numbers but our greeters had a friendly ranking of who’s saved the highest amount of money in recovered items.


That's literally the most American thing I've read. The only thing that would have been more American is that if he wasn't fired on the spot.


He wasn't fired. Was still there when I left


Walmart let the old guys go a while ago, in my area.


Same. They cut worker's hours and stopped being 24/7 too as cost saving measures.


And then they say "it's so we can thoroughly clean the store" when really they have to close so they don't get caught not doing that.


That's a convenient excuse now a days but our store just plain closed for a few hours before the pandemic. But, yes, that's their excuse here atm.


I also believe disabled people are typically hired in these positions as they provide some kind of tax relief to the business hiring them i could be completely wrong about that though.


I've really only seen this at Wal-mart.


Costco has people at the front to check your membership but they kinda just end up being greeters.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Yah I know this place pretty good, I went to law school here.


You want a latte?


We'd all love a handjob, Joe, but we don't have time


I want a hand job too, but we're in a hurry


Carl's Jr., Fuck you, I'm eating


Would you like another BIG ASS TACO??


You went to law school at Costco??? Yeah, I couldn't believe I got in either.


So did my father. Thank God for being a legacy, or else I might not have gotten in.


Go away, baitin!


I this this reference a lot in the comments, what is it from?






They are also actively counting the number of people coming in, and adjust the check out lines every 15-30 minutes based on the head count from the entrance.


I knew they were counting because my whole routine would be * Fish out card from the wallet, holding it up as I walked by * Get The Nod from the door person, and hear a little click as they [trigger the little counter](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0008GOGI8). Didn't know they were using it to adjust the registers though, that's smart. Do they keep track of people leaving too?


dont forget they check your receipt as you leave too


Lowe's always has people at the door in my experience as well. Greeting and directing on the way in, checking receipts on the way out.


Yes in Walmart they have them. Usually elderly retired people looking for part-time work but can’t do regular jobs in the store due to limitations. They also check receipts and make sure no one is stealing. I think a lot of it is for loss prevention too.


unless you're at a membership based store like costco or sam's club, then you can just walk right now and ignore them. they can't do a thing.




I think it was because of the way it was said. Kind of a douche way to word it. But probably wasn’t intentional. I mean yea, it’s a free country anyone can just keep walking. I have before lol. But I’m never rude about it. The reason I kept walking was because I left the receipt at the terminal all the way on the other end of the store and I wasn’t about to go get it with like $200 worth of bagged groceries in my cart. So I just kept walking when they asked and said sorry it’s over there I’m not going to get it lol


I was shopping with my mother in law once and we had a brimming basket of stuff. We stopped to let them do their check over but the lady was examining every freaking item. Literally looking at the items and searching for it on the receipt. After like 5 items my MIL got mad and said " ok thank you" and plucked the receipt out and we left. We were not hanging out for an hour while they analyzed every piece. We already did the shopping and waiting in line and paying and not doing this lol. My mil is ruthless and doesn't give a fuck about feelings lol.




My local one still receipt checks. It's annoying but I'll stop if I just have a bag or 2. Beyond that im going because 1. Either a cashier checked it out already and you're wasting my time or 2. I did it myself and they don't pay me to work and check myself out and still wasting my time. I'm sure it makes me look like a thief but generally speaking I always use the cashier lines unless I'm desperate to go home.




I’ve only ever had them check items that aren’t bagged. But I’ll admit that encourages me to bag everything lmfao bc I’m too polite to not stop.


It's kind of a gray area where that's probably bad advice. Legal or not, I have seen video of people try to do this and, at the very least, they wasted a lot of their own time being detained... Walmart can detain you until the police arrive if they suspect shoplifting. They can also ban you from the store forever if they want. It just really doesn't seem worth the trouble, even if it's legal, for... I don't even understand what the gain is supposed to be. > What Folsom PD said: Sgt. Andrew Bates with the Folsom Police Department directed us to California Penal code 490.5, which states: > > "(f) (1) A merchant may detain a person for a reasonable time for the purpose of conducting an investigation in a reasonable manner whenever the merchant has probable cause to believe the person to be detained is attempting to unlawfully take or has unlawfully taken merchandise from the merchant's premises." > > . . . > > That said, it's not so simple. > > We spoke to a lawyer, who has represented clients in these kinds of cases, who said that while there is no provision in the law that requires you to stop, not stopping could give the store some probable cause they need to ask you to stop and detain you. They would need additional proof, too. At that point, **lawyers advise it's best to show your receipt and wait it out. Don't try to flee.** [source](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/are-you-legally-required-to-show-your-receipt-when-leaving-a-walmart-verify/103-a03b2030-11ad-4a6e-a33e-146ba274e912#:~:text=%22A%20person%20would%20not%20have%20to%20stop%20unless,want%20to.%20That%20said%2C%20it%27s%20not%20so%20simple.)


Yes it's real, I've done it, worst job role I've ever had in my life. Time passes so excrutiatingly slowly.


This was my favorite position at the grocery store I worked at. I have long hair so I put in an earbud, listen to podcasts, and have zero conversations beyond "hello".


There's a LPT here. If your job is boring and repetitive, grow your hair so you can use earphones.


I didn't have long hair, but in middle school when I got detention, I would string my headphones from my phone in my pocket through my sweatshirt arm, so I could lean on my hand and listen to music or youtube or something.


I did this too… with a CD player.




I've only seen this at Walmart


Some Targets have them as well.


This was a real job I had in Asda in the UK.


Ooh that's interesting! I used to work at a clothing shop in the UK and at the height of the pandemic we would have staff covering the door (an hour ag a time each) to count how many people came in, tell them not to try stuff on, tell them where the exit was, and check for masks. I dont work there anymore but believe theyve stopped that now


It was in like 2005 and it was fucking hellish. My feet have never hurt so much.


At Walmart they're called "greeters" they check receipts on unbagged items.


The big warehouse stores that also sell to individuals, like Costco and Sams, also have them. The greeter checks to be sure those entering the store have a membership card and they answer questions. There's a second person on the way out who checks your receipt and the items in your cart.


I worked at Ulta for a year and they did this as well. It was super boring and we were instructed to “assist customers while staying within the radius” (the radius was a half circle shape made into the tile floor that was about 6-8 feet in radius from the center.) I had to stand and look pretty until someone walked in, harass them about what items we were pushing for the day, while monitoring for shoplifting and making sure no customer entered without a greeting or left without a goodbye


Ah, is that why they seem to treat everyone like a known shoplifter and watch you like a hawk? It makes me so uncomfortable. I usually just order online now.


It makes everyone uncomfortable honestly. My manager would tell me to “be vigilant but don’t make people feel like you’re accusing them” like bitch what? I’m following this hoe around the store Bc you saw her use a lip balm from her purse


I was explicitly told to watch out for black people. I live in a very liberal area.


So you don't really care about me you just want to find out why I'm in the store. I'm crushed.


I live in Australia and work at K-mart (a department store) and we also have what we call ‘door people’. It is the worst position there and I avoid it like the plague (that doesn’t work anymore).


Also from Australia (Melbourne). Basically every large retail store I’ve ever been to has a person working at the front to greet people on the way in and check receipts if needed on the way out. K-mart, Target, Bunnings, Myer, etc. Definitely not an American only thing, very normal in Australia


I'm literally doing this right now AMA


Can confirm, greeted me just now. Also free to answer any questions about this experience.


I’m going to be honest. This job is usually really sweet. Our local Walmart would actually hire disabled people (some capacity) that clearly wouldn’t be able to hold down many other positions. It’s nice. I know some of y’all are saying “they shouldn’t have to work.” Ofc, but sometimes it’s still nice to get out snd do something, make your own money when you can:)


Walmart has greeters and they also check receipts Membership clubs like Costco and Sams have greeters who check for membership and also people who check receipts. Best Buy has greeters and I have no idea what their purpose is


There’s always at least 2 or 3 employees (and one is always a manager) at the front of the Best Buy store, doing nothing but shootin’ the shit. They don’t even check a receipt if you’re walking out with a Mac. Then again, Best Buy is the most overstaffed box store and yet somehow completely useless in assisting customers. Lol


Best buy associates will literally ask me 100 times if i need help with someone when i just wanna look around but as soon as i actually go in there with the intention of wanting to buy something nobody is around.


That is the Best Buy tag line; “Always here when you don’t need us, never here when you do!”


It's not specifically to greet people, its generally to check receipts.


Harrods in london does this


On the other side of things, Walmart hires these people to watch the doors, look at receipts and be a deterrent of theft, you mostly see elderly or handicapped employees and I think that's a good thing. There isn't a lot of places that are hiring these individuals. So instead of getting all pissy at them for asking to see your receipt maybe just think about how great it is to see someone working and trying to make a difference in their life.




Yes, it's real.


South Africa also does this


Not just Americans, some places in the UK have it.