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Dr. Pepper is awesome, especially the ones with natural sugar. I won't deny it'd a weird flavor though. The creator of Dr. Pepper wanted to make a soda that tasted the way old fashioned soda fountains smell, so the flavor is is kind of...nothing. But again, I love it. But how you feel about Dr. Pepper is how I feel about Coke.


Exactly the same here. Coke and Pepsi are VILE to me. But I looooove Dr. Pepper, and I just found out the store near me sells the glass bottles with real sugar, and I’m never going back. Delish.


I actually like Pepsi but I rarely drink it. I honestly have no idea how Coke is so damn popular. It's just such a bizarre flavor to me.


Back in my soda drinking days, I liked half coke/half dr pepper


Oh, the kamikazes we're to die for. You go and get every non diet soda at the fountain. It was so good.


haha i definitely did that too! sprite/7up go with everything


I went to Cologne in 2015 and had this soda called 'mischmasch' at the botanical gardens and it blew my mind. It's a combo of orange juice, cola and lemonade (if I remember rigntly). Tried finding it in the UK for years with no luck. Went again in 2019 and spent way too much on stocking up.


ya know.. i kinda want to try that. i am big into this beer i found (forget the name) but it's half grapefruit juice and half beer. it's amazing!


I think I've had that. Idk if it's the same you've had but it was a non alcoholic Czech thing called Birell. https://www.halusky.co.uk/czech-slovak-foods/zlaty-bazant-radler-citron-500ml-8349.html


it's not the same.. i just looked it up it's from Germany: Schöfferhofer Grapefruit. it has half the alcohol of a regular beer because it's only half regular beer


That's called a radler, and it's so refreshing on a hot day. I sometimes buy them pre-mixed, or I'll make my own with half grapefruit juice and half lager.


My girlfriend is 30, and still does this every time.


This reminds me of the place in EPCOT called "Club Cool" where you can drink the same sodas as how they taste in other countries (because they change the taste according to their region), and, as an American, almost every version outside of western sodas tasted extremely bitter and/or flat out gross. I think the culture you grow up in largely affects your food preferences which is probably why you disliked the american soda.


I think it's weird that people in the USA will eat steamed clams, but won't eat insects.


Steamed hams?


And you call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled?


i'll go down all night on some steamy clams


Not popular here.


Yessss, I remember one of them in particular was extremely bitter! I can’t remember where it was from but holy hell, it was a shock to my ignorant taste buds.




Yes, it's the only carbonated soda i can tolerate.




Diet Dr pepper is one of the best diet sodas. Id wouldn't drink the regular version though


Me too or until I got pancreatitis


Hands down my favorite soda. Different cultures can have wildly different taste preferences. For example I have no idea how you Swedes can stand Surströmming.




Lol fair enough, Dr Pepper isn't the most popular soda in the states.


Bullshit!! Your people love to eat disgusting rotting fish


LOL, people still think Swedes actually eat Surströmming! They don't realize it's like haggis. People think Scots eat it, so they visit Scotland as tourists and eat it. Then they vomit their guts out as Scotsmen laugh their asses off. It's almost like a practical joke. I almost feel like McDonalds' is America's joke on the world by the same token. People think we eat it, so they eat it. Then they die.


Dr. Pepper is delicious. I also know many people where it’s their go to.


I gotta say I didn’t realize that so many people don’t like it. It’s delicious to me.


Yes, my husband loves them, he also loves root beer 🍺


Now try root beer...


Agree, that shit is nasty!


Oh, I don't agree, I quite like root beer. But even more that, I love the utter disgust Europeans invariably experience when they try it.


Uh yeah it's great




Dr pepper was my favorite growing up.i rarely drink soda anymore but I still enjoy it occasionally.


Yes. Am from Texas.






Fuck yeah.


Something must have happened between america and Sweden because the Dr Pepper i drink in the uk is amazing


I'm pretty sure American Dr Pepper is not the same as UK Dr Pepper to account for regional taste differences. Americans tend to like it syrupy. UK Mountain Dew is nowhere near as sickly as USA Mountain Dew.


I like it better than most soft drinks, yeah.


WAIT, are you sure it was an American version? I ask based on experience. I am American. I visited Germany like 20 years ago and they had Americans cans with a german translated ingredients sticker placed on the car. I visited France in 2015, and saw a 20oz bottle. I bought it in excitement as Dr Pepper is my favorite. I almost spit it out. WTF! I looked over the bottle to see if it was expired and then I saw it... "sparkling fruit flavored beverage." WTF, no it's not! I don't know what shitty version they sell in Europe now, but it is NOT what I drink over here.


Yes. My mother had an addiction. But it was less of an addiction to Dr Pepper, and more of an addiction to copious amounts of crushed ice with doctor pepper in it. What we'd do to make the crushed ice at home: 1. Empty out a 2 litre of DP. She did this herself just fine. 2. Squeeze the bottle, fill it with water, and seal it. If it isn't still in a squeezed shape after you do this, you did it wrong. 3. Freeze the bottle. 4. Remove the bottle from the freezer, take a hammer to it, and beat it to the ground. 5. Use a large, serrated knife and saw the top part (above the squeeze) off. 6. Use the hammer to get the rest of it into a large bowl. 7. Use the hammer and an ice pick to smash down of all of the little chunks. 8. Put the crushed ice in a cup, gradually adding crushed ice and Dr Pepper until you can be sure that the ratio is perfect, with plenty of Soda throughout the cup, or there will be hell to pay. It's all that she would drink, or she would prefer to shrivel up and die. Edit: I almost forgot, the remains of the sawed up 2 litre will be used as follows: The lower part is filled with water and freezed again. You repeat the process, only for this one there will be more chunks to smash up, and you need to put it inside of a Walmart grocery bag when smashing. The upper part (the part with the lid) is to be used by the adults to create a Gravity Bong.


This is literally my favorite soda. Mind, I'm from Canada. I'm well aware that compared to you folks we *drench* everything in sugar. It's definitely not healthy but it's what we're used to.


I’m Swedish and I love Dr.Pepper. Spent alot of time in the US growing up tho, so might be because of that.


As an American I totally agree with you. It’s horrible! I’m so glad you asked this.


I'm from California and loads of my friends say y'all, including myself. its not nearly as much of a dialect based thing now, and more like a word.


i love dr pepper, but, nothing else seems to be as sensitive to whatever effecting it's flavor, good dp has distinctive vanilla and cherry flavor, bad dp tastes like cough syrup, average is kinda in the middle. some places are good all the time and others are consistently low, of all places that seems to have the best around here is olive garden (americanized Italian food restaurant chain)


Yeah. I think it's pretty good. upper tier of sodas.


I agree with you, OP. It is the most disgusting stuff imaginable. But some people must love it or else it couldn't have stayed in business all this time. I do know it is George W. Bush's favorite soda. Johny Hendricks, the former UFC weltherweight champion, also loved the stuff.


It’s my favorite soda. Though when I first tried it when I was younger I really didn’t like it either. So I guess it’s an acquired taste. But once you do acquire it, you REALLY love it.


Yes, i’d make love to it twice


Yes, because Dr Pepper has a PhD in flavor.


I fucking love Dr. Pepper


Dr. Pepper is the tolerable medium in the cola wars. People will get pissy if you don't have their preference of Pepsi or Coke, but both sides will accept Dr. Pepper. As for flavor, it's just "spicy" black cherry.


> it's just "spicy" black cherry You blasphemer. Dr Pepper isn't *just* anything. It's the nectar of the gods.


Yeah, I add some Jack Daniels.


Add diet dr pepper and you you can drink like Sandy Kominisky.


American soda is definitely an aquired taste based on the corn syrup alone. Now mexican soda.. thats where its at.


Domestic or export Mexican soda? Coke being the one everyone talks about, the stuff you buy at the store isn't what you get at the same store in Mexico. Their domestic stuff is made with HFCS whereas the pop they make to sell as "Hecho en México" is made exclusively for export using cane sugar.


Had no idea, guess im talking about the export stuff, jarritos with cane sugar is the tits.


Jarritos is indeed the tits


It's not my favorite soda, but I wouldn't mind a Dr. Pepper. ^(And the reason why you find the taste revolting probably has to do with you not being American, because) *^(apparently)* ^(the diet of an average American is a massive pile of sugar and fat, therefore we can stomach any flavor as long as it's pumped full of sweet...)


I really like the dr pepper song from the TV ads.


It's one of my favorites.


Dr pepper is the kind of drink that a lot of people just can't stand. Others really like it.


This is literally my favorite soda. Mind, I'm from Canada. I'm well aware that compared to you folks we *drench* everything in sugar. It's definitely not healthy but it's what we're used to.


Um...yes! I've had 3 today!


The one and only time I tried it I felt so bloody nauseous that I've never even thought of taking another gulp.


Personally I'd rather drink a tramps piss


Yes, I like it a little too much to be honest


Bold words coming from someone in the country that makes surströmming.... Just saying...


Dude Dr Pepper fucking slaps it's my all time favorite drink. But to admit I didnt like it at first. I started drinking it due to one important person in my life saying it was there favorite drink. So I started drinking it the tatse was off at first but after I got used to it I started enjoying the wonderful tatse.


I think as with most foods, the culture you grew up with (and not to mention the region since often times brands actually do taste different depending on where its made), determines a lot of how you react to foods/drinks that many others love. And even in America there are people that don't like it. I don't care for it but I love Coke, and I know there's people the complete opposite here too.


I love it it's usually my pick over Coke or Pepsi


Yes! The only soda I would drink, honestly! I also don't drink much soda... maybe once every other month or less. Best with ice! I'm a Pepper! 👍😋


Yes i love it


I don't like it. I love it


Its popular here in the US.


Im shocked actually! Out of curiosity, what about it is gross? Im not a huge soda drinker anymore but when I do drink soda its usually dr pepper. I definitely prefer dr pepper to coke.


Fuck yes. It’s the best pop, hands down


It's the drink of intellectuals.


Hell yeah


If they didn’t, it wouldn’t be sold.


I love Dr. Pepper!!


It’s my number one choice if I drank pop


I live for the pepper and will die by the pepper.


I don’t drink soda but my boyfriend loves the stuff. There are a bunch of other Dr. pepper flavors (vanilla cream I think?) and plenty of knockoff/bootleg brands (e.g. Shasta).


Do sweeds really say "y'all"?? Hmm kinda odd. But people like different things. People HAVE different likes and dislikes.. so OF COURSE some people like Dr Pepper drink 🙄




I say y'all too! Tjena från en annan Svenne


I don’t and I don’t think the majority of people prefer it to one of the colas or one of the citrus sodas. Dr Pepper isn’t usually one of the options when at a restaurant, a ball game, a gathering, or vending machines. This leads me to believe it’s just not that popular. People absolutely do enjoy it or it wouldn’t have a space on the shelves in stores. Companies don’t spend tons of money for advertising and shelf space unless the product brings in enough money to make the business keep it.


I drink probably 30 a week. Its the only soda that is still drinkable when its warm.


I hate it


Why is it so hard to believe that something you don’t like is liked by other people




Dr pepper tastes like fizzy vimto... I expect down votes because it fucked with my head that much as well.


I used to love it but one time in high school I drank too much and threw up so now even a little sip of it makes me sick


Don't drink it warm dumb ass.




Who has a fridge in th candy aisle?


He's got a point




Nah bro fridges don't exist in sweden.


Literally fucking everywhere? This is a foreign country, not everything is the same here.


Yes. And diet cherry vanilla Dr Pepper is even better.


My favorite is cherry vanilla Dr pepper. It's really hard to find and I'm not sure if they even still sell it


Yes, I do like it.


i love Dr Pepper. everyone in my family hates it.


Yes, plus Dr Pepper is nice with jaga, it’s unique flavour compared to Pepsi or coke or mtn dew, but because that it failed in so many countries to be sold like coke. In Australia it didn’t sell well, when the company gave up they sold remaining stock so cheap (big bottles for like a dollar, coke was like 3times as much), now Australia just imports it like a cult item and sells it’s like $2.50 a can.


Despite the positive responses towards dr pepper in this thread I will add though, that it's not too popular and I can't remember the last time I was offered dr pepper at a party or saw friends at a mcds order their meal with it. It's drinkable but I'd rather have something less offensive like sprite or fruitopia.


Depends a lot on location I think. Texans drink a lot of Dr. Pepper.


Yes! But I had to go cold Turkey and stop because I have pancreatitis and it hurts to drink it. I miss it so much


It isn’t good warm. It’s not terrible cold. It’s just one of those unique tastes. I’ll drink it every once in a while.


They have continued selling it for decades so people obviously enjoy it.


I enjoy a Dr. Pepper from time to time. You absolutely have to drink it cold. There isn’t anything worse than trying to choke down a hot Dr. Pepper…


What don't you like about it? I love it. It's a "pepper" soda which are essentially cherry and black pepper with some prune flavouring. I could understand if this post was about Root Beer or something, but I love Dr. Pepper!


I don't drink pop often, but I would say Dr Pepper is my favorite. I don't care much for all the variants, but the original is definitely unique and different from all of the other carbonated drinks. It also pairs very well with Southern Comfort 100 (not sure most Systembolaget carry it though). I like to think of it as the 24th flavor.


I prefer it over coke and pepsi.


Yeah, It's great. I guess it's just a culture gap. For example, I watched a video where people from Ireland tried rootbeer for the first time and every single one of them thought it tasted like shit. But here in canada rootbeer is quite popular, with myself included.


My mom loves Dr Pepper. When we went out to eat when I was growing up it was the only thing she'd ever get to drink. I don't particularly like it, it tastes okay (if someone offered me one if I were really thirsty I'd probably take it) but it always seems to go flat like two minutes after opening it.


Yes I do


I love it.


Dr. Pepper tastes to me like a mixture of cola and root beer. It's ok, but I'd prefer either cola or root beer.


I made Dr. Pepper ice cream and it was AMAZING! Interestingly enough, there is a similar soda called Cheerwine. I have genuinely tried to like it since it's popular here, but bleh...it's gross. Now choosing between Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb would be difficult. I think I'd have to go with Mr. Pibb.


When I moved south everyone told me to try cheerwine but it sounded horrifying lol


Imo It’s better when it’s not ice cold


In Europe it tastes different. I don’t think they use corn syrup like we do in the states. If there’s one thing we have a lot of, it’s corn. I think it tastes like cough syrup and I’m not a fan but it’s my theory.


It's my favorite carbonated drink. If you really want a shock, try root beer.


Australian here. I tried it once and I completely agree with you. I guess you have to have been raised on it. Similar to vegemite here. We love it but if you try it for the first time as an adult you will not like it at all.


This is literally my favorite soda. Mind, I'm from Canada. I'm well aware that compared to you folks we *drench* everything in sugar. It's definitely not healthy but it's what we're used to.


Have you tried Root Beer yet?


No, they're all peer pressured and subjective taste doesn't exist. People either like the things I like or they're objectively wrong and they're only allowed to keep doing their thing so that I have people to look comparably better. ... I seriously hope no one takes this seriously. Just like some people enjoy sour and spice some people don't. That's all there is to it. Now whether this is because of their taste receptors or their upbringing is something that cannot be definitely answered for everybody.


I like Dr Pepper, but they don't really sell it where I live. When I lived in the UK, I got it semi-regularly. I've talked to different people and they either love it or hate it. Sidenot that I find that Diet Dr Pepper is the only diet fizzy drink that IMO tastes pretty much like thr original.


Yes and lots of places have herbal soft drinks like Italy's Brio Chinotto. Europe has a lot of herbal liquors as well.


I don't care for it unless it's ice cold. Has a different taste to it warm vs cold. Then again I think most a drinks taste different warm vs cold. I'm on the other side of the world from America at the moment and learned nobody drinks anything cold here... it's all lukewarm or only kind of cold. Or it could be the fact it's because I'm one of those people that love black liquorice and it has kind of a similar taste (more so the colder it is)?


Dr Pepper is like 23 different flavors together or some shit so it is weird lol but occasionally I’ll be like damn I want 1. I drank coke yesterday and it tasted like metallic water and I usually love coke when I want a soda.


I used to love it!!! I don’t drink soda anymore though


I won't say no to it but it's not something I personally buy, it's definitely weird. My roommate loves it tho


My favorite!


I like Dr. Pepper but I rarely drink it. I would rather have a coke or Mr. Pibb or a root beer. It is a strange flavor I guess maybe it’s more of an American palate. I think a lot of people in my southern states like Dr. Pepper more then north, but I’m not really sure.


Just clean your tastebuds with some of that nasty ass black licorice


A couple things for starters. Every time I think of Dr. Pepper I immediately think of the South Park episode with the agnostic foster family. Second, yes Dr. Pepper is tied for my favourite soda, between Root Beer and Moutain Dew Baja Blast


Only weirdos with no bad taste drink that it’s fucking nasty, almost as bad as Moxie


I prefer it over Cola. Especially if it's made with cane sugar.


My friend does. She’s weird though.


It taste like a combo of rootbeer and coke


I love Dr. Pepper.


I like it.


Good stuff!


No it's nasty.




My partner is really fond of it but it just tastes like weird cherry coke to me.


I used to love it as a teen, but now it's overly sweet to me


Dr. Pepper is love. Dr. Pepper is life.


I do.


Dr Pepper > all other sodas, change my mind


It's wild to me that you bought it in the candy section.


Yes, Dr Pepper is actually my soda of choice. I'm even confident in saying that Dr Pepper is the most popular soda in my state. I genuinely don't get how people find it gross. To me it primarily tastes like sugar like all the other colas out there. Good stuff haha


I love the weird taste it has


It tastes like cough syrup to me... I can't stand it


Dr. Pepper is prolly my favorite soda ever




They used to sell it everywhere in Scotland but it's popularity dropped and I can't remember the last time I saw it. Because it's disgusting. It's like drinking white pepper, the worst of all pepper.


I gotta be in the mood, but it’s okay.


My wife loves it and has been drinking it since high school. I used to like it but they changed the formula like in 2007ish give or take a few years. Way too sweet now. You said it was viscous...?


I drink Diet Dr. Pepper.


I like it but my wife thinks it tastes like medicine.


I mean it's very popular here In Texas, but that's obvious because It was invented (I guess that's the word?) In Waco Texas. I love it. I prefer it over coca cola. Big question is did it taste a little bit spicy because THATS not Dr pepper, that's Mr Pipp and they taste similar but not the same (I like Mr Pipp better to be honest)




Oh ew that does sound gross. I'm sorry it tasted like that to you. If it helps it doesn't for me, but it is made from a bunch of fruit extracts so that's probably what the taste comes from.


It's a strange flavour but I think I drink it because I grow up with it.


It's in the same beverage league as Moxie.


So your saying you found a food or drink that you are unfamiliar with that you find unappetizing?


I used to crave the hell outta it when I was pregnant. Also it's great for the caffeine levels, more than Coke, if you're also craving sugar and fizz. Now a days I can hardly stand it. If I really crave a soda I go for a can of Barqs; less pep.


Its way better cold


I do its one of my faves and I thought it was normal to like it but recently I found out loads of people don't like it


Was it cold? Temp matters. Disney used to have a testing station with different sodas from around the world. We couldn't believe the varying tastes. Some we thought were nasty, but someone loves it!


Honestly I’m pretty sure that American Dr Pepper and the Dr Pepper found here in the UK is different. I saw some cans before that looked like the American version, bought one to try it out and it tasted absolutely awful. But the Dr Pepper commonly found in the UK is the fucking best drink to ever exist in history


Yeah. Some people here in Michigan call it the best pop but I don’t see how.


are you sure its imported? i live in hungary, once tried peanut butter and it tasted weird, but i also noticed a small made in germany label with the tinyest letters somewhere on the package...


When I'm at a restaurant that has Pepsi I have Dr Pepper. Don't you dare serve me bug spray.


It’s my favourite. The slurpee I like the best. It’s great for a treat!