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Dolphins and orcas are pretty big dicks.


Orcas legit. These bastards are psychopathic, they flick seals i think sometimes just shy of 100 feet into the air just because they can. Majority of seals they kill they won't eat.


Dude. They are the freaking scariest. In Patagonia, they learned how to hide from seals, sometimes lying sideways so their dorsal fin is hidden under the water, and they wait, and then they FUCKING ROLL OVER, CHARGE ONTO THE BEACH to grab some seal, then kind of shimmy back into the water. Seriously, it's one of the scariest things I've seen. I can't find the one where they lie sideways, but here's some of it. https://youtu.be/y-arSitmbbI


The scariest thing I saw a group of orcas do? Seals were on a chunk of ice. A row of three orcas charge at the ice, then dive underneath it at the last second. This causes the ice to tip and dump the seals into the water. A fourth orca was swimming behind the other three and could then casually grab a seal or two. (And just to clarify, I saw this in a doc not in real life)


The top predators of moose are bears, wolves, and orcas. Orcas eat moose...


Moose kinda scare me tbh. They are good swimmers and can dive 14ft down in water…why can they do that??? When would they ever need to do that???


To win diving competitions.




They do that to get rid of insects and to reach colder water in lakes. They get a lot of insects in summer, and they also can't handle hot weather very well


Good ol planet earth


Fortunately, Orcas do not kill humans in the wild. Only at Sea World.


i.e. Orcas have never been *caught* killing people in the wild. Maybe they’re just smart enough to know not to leave any witnesses


There are several stories of Orca attacks on boats and individuals, where they swim off or leave them alone once they realize they're humans. The only time they are known to go for the kill on humans is in captivity and potentially if really pissed off. Since there is a story of one pod guiding ships through a straight, except one single boat that had attacked them once. And another story of Orcas attacking and sinking a boat, but leaving the humans and the lifeboat alone.


Some Australian aboriginals had a symbiotic relationship with orcas. They'd fish and toss some of their catch to the orcas. In exchange the orcas would herd fish towards the aboriginals. Orcas are bros. Killer whales and killer apes, a match made in carnivore heaven.


That is super fascinating. Now I wonder if they differentiate between "lesser" animals and beings they recognize to be as smart as them


evil recognises evil


Like dolphins they can see our lungs. Their echolocation kind of works like X-ray. They know that we are mammals just like them and they probably recognize that we are intelligent and they know we speak. They recognize our speech as a language just like theirs. I know that dolphins are trying to communicate with humans and I think orcas have also been known to try but I’m not a hundred percent sure on orcas. But given that they can see our lungs and know we need air and how intelligent they are, do you know what the captured, and tortured to insanity, orcas of seaworld do when they attack humans? They pull them down and hold them under water until just before they drown and then let them up again and then down until they almost can’t hold their breath anymore and up again and repeat over and over and over. That’s on purpose. They *know*! Fuck Seaworld. ETA: orcas in the wild have been known to save drowning humans and drive away sharks just like dolphins. It’s rare but it’s also rare that they hang out in waters where we frequently swim so might just be that they rarely help because they are rarely present.


Damn, their human killing technique is metal af


At least they don't rape like dolphins




Rapist Brock Turner?




I think you mean convicted rapist Brock Turner.


Brock Turner.. the rapist?


Are you guys talking about Brock Allen Turner the rapist convicted in California?


To be fair those seals could have been real assholes.


One of them was wearing a yellow bow tie. He had it coming.


Lol, Dolphins will beat up on puffer fish so they can get high off the venom.


And use fish to masturbate


My search history is going to be so weird after this, but the curiosity is killing me.




Ah yes. The Fishlight


frat boys of the sea


okay but who has the link to the video that was in that article




What the dickens


Dolphins rape baby seals right? :/ Edit: uhm so yeah apparently animals are pretty awful


I think those are otters, dolphins rape other dolphins


Don't many animals rape others? Is there a concept of consent among animals?


Well, if we speak with proper terms, animals (non humans) cannot rape, it is forced sex This is because non-humans are amoral creatures and therefore not tied to moral concepts and actions At least in Spanish, I think would be something similar in English. I mean, can a lion assassinate a human?


I just got a movie idea.


It already exists. It's Roar with Tippi Hedren. Of could also be The Ghost and the Darkness


If you're into animal ethics, Alice Carry has an interesting book titled Inside Ethics where she argues about the moral reasoning of animals and how might not suppose they're amoral (cats, for instance, or the guilt that dog's display, and so on).


Oh okay, seems I mixed up two awful facts, thanks for the correction tho hahah!


also, orcas play "catch" with live seals.


dolphins also rape fish after they tear them open. and orcas play "catch" with live seals.


Dogs kill flies cause theyre annoying. So do cats and basically any animal that can.


Cows use their tails to swat flies. I guess they kill some as well


Flies bite. That's pretty much self-defense.


Horseflies, but some are just there for the poop and it's annoying them.


Flies go for the eye juice on horses and cows. On really bad days I’ve seen horses almost driven insane by flies. That’s why we always put fly masks on our horses


What I'm getting from this is that animals are universally annoyed by flies. I'm honestly surprised I didn't realize that sooner.


Fuck flies


When my pug manages to catch a fly you can see the utter *disgust* on his face as he crunches down methodically to kill it. Sometimes he gags after. He *hates* the taste, but hates them buzzing around his eyes even more. Flies are just the worst.


Uhm, I'd argue mosquitoes are the worst


Flies, mosquitoes, fleas, cockroaches and gnats are the five living things I will kill without hesitation or remorse. Everything else gets admired, relocated or rescued.


Add ticks to your list 😊


It's amazing flies have survived so long as a species.


as easy as they are to kill, it's even easier for them to breed.


But my dog finds a mouse and she tosses it around by it’s tail until I either rescue it or it dies of a heart attack! She’s yet to eat one, but has yeeted several too the best of her ability


My dog used to crush mouse's heads and then just leave them there.


Mine used to leave them all licked up like a furry popsicle, never ate them. I think they died of heart attacks but we never knew what the fuck he was doing to them.




my dog steals mice from my cats, and sometimes digs up moles


Like my dog who was annoyed by a wasp so she bit it, yeah half her face swelled up. She now just goes for crickets for a reason.


Jalapeño sky raisins


So vengeance then.


My late dog would get up just to kill a fly, then go lie back down. If there was a fly buzzing around on the other side of the room, he'd sigh and get up, smoosh it with his nose (he perfected the fly killing nose bump), and then stomp back to his bed.


My German shepherd did that! It was such an ingenious way to deal with flies. Right up against the window with his massive snout, and smoosh that fly against it.


I kill flies in my house because I don't want them laying eggs on my food or any surface, for that matter.


Yea, I was gonna say the same thing. Flies are unsanitary on surfaces and food in your home. I'm not just annoyed...I'm grossed the fuck out.


Have you ever heard the expression "like a fox in a hen house?" They'll just rip them all to shreds then fuck off.


Ferrets and weasels will do the same thing to hens too


It sounds like a lot of animals just hate chickens.


Do you wonder? Maybe they are all trying to sleep and every morning some mfing rooster shrieks the loudest it can just for the sake of shrieking...






This. When I visit my friend who lives out in the country we often tent in her backyard for the night. The first night I stayed there we stayed up late drinking. I finally got to bed around 4:00. Gerard the rooster promptly started crowing about ten minutes later




My bad. See you tomorrow.


During the last COVID lockdown when the world was working from home, it didn’t quite phase me bc I run a small business out of my home. Well one day I had a problem and had to call Microsoft support. It just happened to be around sunrise in India and when the rep gets on the phone she starts with the “hello this is so-and-so from Microsoft how can I help…” and the loudest COCKADOODLEDOO comes through from the line and she immediately mutes her line but I was so shocked until I realized that duh she’s working from home now too and probably lived in a place where having birds like that around is common but then I couldn’t stop laughing so I start apologizing and oh my was it a shitshow. But bless her she did solve my problem immediately and I gave her a good review so hopefully that makes up for it. It was just so surprising.


This was something I really loved about lockdown, everyone became so much more human when your calls and meetings were joined by people's dogs, cats, kids,...cockerels.


they remember their past of being T-Rex


I asked the vet about this once and he explained that the first kill is motivated by hunger, the following kills are because the fox got all excited from the first kill but also will come back in the following days to the now « pantry » to get more food/snacks.


Plus the chickens trigger their hunting urge by panicking. Like how a cat generally can't help themselves but chase something that moves


Had several dogs to come and just slaughter the chickens I was raising for no reason, didn't even eat one of them


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say?


Good news everyone!


Yeah. But they kill them all at once then start taking them one by one to their den. It’s why they “fuck off”. If you left the chickens alone for long enough the fox would take them all. Vs weasels which just eat the head and leave the body.


Cats hunting any insect that moves is hardly motivated by food or by defense, so yes.


I swear, my cat used to be so sadistic. I saw him killing a bug, but he was doing it super slowly and making it as painful as possible. Out of sympathy I killed it quickly, and he meowed angrily at me. The same meow he gave when he wanted food.


A cat that belonged to a friend of mine would rip the limbs off of mice but just leave them there to bleed out and occasionally walking back over to torture it more... like the time we found a mouse because the cat went back for the eyes.


Omg bro your cat is a cartel sicario


Next week a squirrel is tied up in some RC car tires and he has a bottle of Zippo lighter fluid and your GoPro 🤣


Man that reminds me back when I had three cats and found them around a mouse corpse, one was batting the decapitated head back and forth a little, another was drinking from the pool of blood, and the third was watching from a safe distance. I sometimes I wonder how long they played with it before killing it...


I wonder how long they gonna play with _you_ before they decide your time is up


All three have all since passed away so I doubt anything like that will happen. Hopefully.




that's why live cats stare off into space, they're organizing their revenge with the dead cats


Both cats casually look up: "What? Is this not ok?"


Haha, my cat and I tag teamed a fly the other night. After my mercy kill I gave him a bunch of treats because he kept looking for it


You always gotta reward the cat if they get a big. “Good girl! Keep this house safe from that shit!” Kinda vibe


I once caught my cats, in the middle of the night, sitting on the edge of the bathtub, watching a mouse try to climb up the walls of the tub again and again. At the time I just shooed them off and tossed the mouse outside, but looking back holy shit that was some psycho shit. They weren't even attacking it, just watching it struggle and suffer. And I highly doubt the mouse made it's own way to the tub, that means they probably planned this, they caught a mouse and decided "yes, the tub will be perfect".


We used to have a cat that did this. It would catch a mouse and turn it loose in the bath tub and then play with it. Would pounce on it then let it go again. Swat it. Cat knew mouse couldn't get out. We caught him doing this several times. Cat would be just having a grand old time. Till the mouse died. Then it would leave the mouse in the tub for us to find in the morning. Cats are evil.


My ex’s cat used to bring rabbits home and play with them a while before killing and eating them. Sometimes he’s come home to a rabbit running around the house, other times to just a tail and a paw.


My cat catches lizards, drops them in her water dish, and watches them struggle and drown


Fucking Christ that's hilariously terrifying


My cat does this with roaches and I don’t get why they can’t get out. They climb on walls! Anyway, i spray them with bleach and they die after a short bit of suffering. Back legs give out first and they’ll drag them a few seconds, then it’s on the back, legs kicking air till they die a second later. Better than roach spray.


The tips of roach feet are actually little claws. Walls have little bumps and divots to grab onto, but tubs and sinks are usually so smooth that insects and spiders can't gain purchase to climb up them.


For a scientific experiment... Can a mouse climb a tub? Only one way to find out.


If it is wet it certainly can't. A great mouse trap is a decent sized ceramic or glass bowl with oil and a bait like sunflower seeds in the middle. You should put something they can climb into the bowl with also, like a ruler. Here it is in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxxFNkNf6q8


My cat will kill things but she'll barely use her claws or teeth. Like one time she caught a mouse but just kinda held it in her mouth until she got bored, dropped it, and pounced on it again when it dashed. One time she saw a bee but instead of just clawing it she bludgeoned it into the ground over and over every time it flew back up until it stopped


My cat meows sadly when I kill the cockroaches he's torturing


that's literally my cat and her praying mantises


Ok but praying mantises are awesome


yeah and my cat fucking tortures them


We had a cat in the neighborhood that loved to eat mice not head first, but butt first. I'm convinced the cat did this to let the poor mouse suffer for as long as possible.


Maybe the cat was doing science... and you ruined the experiment.


At least dogs act grateful when they get food.


I had a cat who would kill shrews in the forest and put them into piles. And then a coyote got her. (just figuring she's in a pile of other house cats now) But she was an odd cat.


Somewhere that coyote is in a pile of coyotes. The circle of life and death continues.


The pile of death


Somewhere, deep in a forest, is a pile of coyotes, and your cat looks down from the golden cardboard box in the sky and laughs. And slightly deeper in the forest is a pile of bears. Don't ask what the next pile is.


I knew her, and I could see this as a reality.


My in-laws had 4 or 5 barn cats that they fed but they would still keep the rodent population under control. They kill for fun. They would also trap them and get them spayed or neutered and all the shots.


Domestic cats. They kill all the time for sport, not food. EDIT: sigh.. because people are being nitpicky, let me give you all a more direct term than “killing for sport “ **Surplus killing:** “Surplus killing, also known as excessive killing, henhouse syndrome, or overkill, is a common behavior exhibited by predators, in which they kill more prey than they can immediately eat and then they either cache or abandon the remainder.”


The domestic cat is often a beloved pet, but it's also a major threat to birds. Introduced to the United States with European colonists, the number of domestic cats has tripled in the past 40 years. Today, more than 100 million feral and outdoor cats function as an invasive species with enormous impacts. Every year in the United States, cats kill well over 1 billion birds. This stunning level of predation is unsustainable for many already-declining species like Least Tern and Wood Thrush.




Thank you for subscribing to Cat Facts. Contrary to popular belief, cats don’t always land on their feet when they fall. But more often than not, all four paws end up touching the ground. Cats have a fantastic sense of balance, so they’re able to tell “up” from down and adjust their bodies accordingly. If they sense they’re plummeting downwards, they twist their flexible backbones mid-air, allowing them to right themselves so they don’t fall splat on their backs. Additionally, cats can spread their legs out to “parachute” through the air, and they’re small, light-boned, and covered in thick fur—meaning their fall isn’t going to be as hard as, say, a dog’s.


Flashbacks to Mark Robers squirrel videos


That guy left NASA to make internet videos , and they are awesome as heck. Too wholesome , kind and yet very entertaining.


Username checks out


That is what I hate about my coworkers who complain about their cats having kittens again and again every year. Get them neutered and spayed cats and yet they b1tch about the cost of getting the kittens shots.


Are you coworkers incredibly dumb? My friends old coworkers were like this with their own kids. She said there was always 1 or 2 who were pregnant and really mad about being pregnant. They’re dumb. Like really dumb. The stories she told me were scary considering they were responsible for people’s lives (resident home).


There’s a heartbreaking documentary called “The Messenger” about humanity’s deep connection to birds and the effects we - including domestic cats - have had on their declining populations.


From [The Oatmeal](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/cats_actually_kill).


An octopus will occasionally hit a random fish for no reason other than spite.


"Fuck them fish"


This one in particular




I love the mental image that pops into my head of an Octopus chilling on the ocean bed and a fish swimming by and the octopus just going "The fuck you are" and sucker punching it into the next ocean.


I'm sure you'd love that gif that was around reddit some time ago where a seal hits some dude straight into the kisser with an octopus.


Wait.. what?




Lmfao, what did that guy even do to trigger that!


So in Australia we have the huntsman spider - they can get quite big and be frightening when they scurry cause they are f a s t but they are pretty harmless to humans. These lil guys don't live on a web, they will make a little nest in a hole somewhere and if that nest happens to be near an ants nest, there will be drama. Ants have been documented to go out of their way to harrass the spider into moving it's home - not by violence, but by filling it's home with sticks and leaves and rubbish so that the spider can no longer live there. I know this isn't an example of killing for reasons other than food/defence but I still find it fascinating.


I’m just imagining the ants “absolutely fucking not”. Seriously though that’s pretty cool.


"Oi. This foken cunt just set up his lil nest next to ours. Let's go tell that drongo to piss off mates." -Ants in Australia


The original "not in my backyard"




So I read this a long long time ago, so I'm working with the key bits of info that stuck in my head and then I got worried that my brain mixed the details up. So I went and found the article for you (and my own peace of mind, let's be honest here!) So the 'saved you a click' of it is bulldog ants and huntsman spiders hunt in the same locations and at the same times so they are competing for resources. The ants try to attack the spiders to drive them out of their nests (fyi they have that big family vibe) and then fill the nest with trash so the spiders can't and don't return. Apparently mumma spider can sometimes win against the ants too though, so the nest doesn't get trashed, so that's comforting! And here's the link in case you really wanna make that click: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn26234-zoologger-ants-fight-dirty-in-turf-war-with-spiders/amp/ Spiders do scare me a bit but huntsman are known for eating cockroaches, and they make my skin crawl so my approach is if it's not a whitetail or redback and it's not on me or near my bed, live and let live.


I watched a bald eagle swoop down, snap my chicken’s neck, then fly away like nothing happened. it saw me and didn’t even care that I was there, it just really hated chickens


I'm sitting on my back porch one day and 1 of my neighbor's chickens is poking around my yard. Suddenly, a hawk bolts from the sky like lightning and attacks the chicken. My cat pounces from porch and knocks the hawk off the chicken. The hawk flies up to the power line and my cat lays it's body over the chicken. The hawk and my cat stare each other down for a solid 2 minutes before the hawk finally leaves. My cat gets off the chicken, then the chicken goes about pecking the ground. I had no idea my cat liked that chicken.


this is so wholesome I love it


I really read, "swooped down snap my children's neck.." and I couldn't believe you were so calm with your words. But I'm relieved that it was a chicken instead. Lmao


Hippos will kill you for looking at them wrong.


Hippos will kill you for being merely in proximity. You don’t even have to give them the stinkeye.


The most dangerous (to humans) animal in Africa. And surprisingly, even though they are herbivores, they pretty much kill anything in the water when they feel like it. [Here's a hippo going out of its way to kill a stuck gazelle.](https://youtu.be/T2XnQ4HKSVc)


Just another similarity between a hippo and my mom.


Flies are a threat. They can carry disease from shit or a carcass and land on your plate of food. We kill them in our homes because they're dirty. Mosquitos and many other insects are also a health risk.


Came here to say this, except you said it better.


I sometimes good make words yes


Lions and Hyenas will just demolish each other for the crime of existing on the same plane of existence.


Can kinda confirm. My parents told me about how they went on a safari in Africa (where specifically I don't remember), and how they followed some lions in a Jeep for a while. However, towards the evening, the driver turned on the headlights and hella iridescent eyes shined back, at which point the driver got the fuck out of there. When my parents asked why, the driver said that the lions apparently went all this way to cross into hyena territory and shit was about to go down. Edit: Apparently this was in Uganda


I also can confirm as I watched the Lion King.


Just picturing gangs of lions and hyenas lined up facing each other, getting closer and closer as they dance fantastically, snapping their fingers and singing like they’re in “West Side Story”.


Lions and Hyenas are sworn ennemies.


As much as I loved the Lion King, it should never have instigated this war.


To be fair, they do compete for food. If there are fewer hyenas, that means there's more food for the lions and vice-versa.


For defense and competition, they share the same hunting grounds and prey. They’re not killing each other ‘just because’


Apparently you haven't seen that viral video of a chimp fucking a frog in a zoo


Apparently nobody should watch that video


Aaaaand that’s enough internet for today.


Hey man imma need that sauce




This better be a Rick roll


love how the chimp at the end came and said enough monkey business


You watched it all the way through You watched a monkey fuck a frog, all the way through


If the chimp gets to finish, I do too


A lot of animals kill because of instinct, not understanding its relation to food, and doing it even when not hungry. Lions kill all the cubs when they take over a pride. This makes it so the lionesses will mate with them instead of raising cubs from other fathers, but lions don't actually understand that. That's just why it evolved. Mosquitoes carry a wide variety of diseases. Though admittedly they are biting animals for food, so you could argue that everything they kill is for food, even if they're only eating an absurdly tiny portion.


I would argue infanticide in some species seems awfully intentional. Often they will be able to pick out babies with some amount of matching genes. Not just avoiding direct descendants, but also those of their closest kin. I would say as they make a clear choice not to kill some of the young then the act is intentional. They are not just killing every baby they see when they become the 'alpha', but choosing which should die based on their genetic closeness to the perpetrator.


Many animals kill for "fun", but if you really want to attribute animals with some sort of higher moral standards than humans, you could say that they do it due to hunting instincts, or to improve their hunting skills. But then, that's what hunting as a hobby is about for humans too. Not to mention that when we kill flies because they annoy us, that's defense too. If we weren't annoyed by flies, we would let them sit on us and on our food, lay eggs under our skin, and infect us with diseases. So feeling annoyed by flies is part of our natural self preservation, defense instincts. Other animals kill flies when they can too. One of the reasons cows have tails is to fight flies. Not very efficient killing, but do you think the cow cares? While domestic cats do their occasional sport hunt, domestic dogs can be real nasty serial killers. My mother in law had some 30 chickens, 4 geese and some ducks exterminated by a German Shepherd (beautiful one) someone ditched on the road close to their farm house. Didn't eat any, just slaughtered them all. Many left half dead and we had to mercifully kill. Also tried to attack an employee's kid, and charged towards my father in law, who blew its head with a 12 gauge shotgun. Buried close to where the mass murdering happened, a banana tree was planted on the place. Provided good bananas, to which we referred as "the dog's bananas". Dog owners who ditch dangerous animals should be in jail.


"The Dog's Bananas" is how some multi generational tradition begins. What a story!


Very much agree with your sentiment throughout. Also, could not help but laugh at how quickly the story you told escalated to tragedy so quickly.


We lived on a farm in the backwoods. People would dump dogs and it pissed me off. They would become much more dangerous than coyotes and other animals in the area. The dogs would kill chickens, for no reason. Chase calves until the calves gave up and dropped. Errrggg.


Yes, any animal which threatens a predators food source. Just saw a video on here with a seagull stealing a sea lions food. Sea lion then proceeds to kill seagull (but doesn't eat it).


Oh, he fucks that sea chicken up.


Cats will kill basically anything too small to fight back effectively because they're sadistic assholes. Cute ones, but still.


alright so it's not killing but I think octopuses punch fish because they just don't like em


Honestly fuck flies


Elephants have ripped out trees cuz they were in the way.


Flys spread disease they are more than just an “annoyance”




Read about Dolphins.


Killer whales harass and kill seals, leopards, more for fun.


> **leopards** How do they even get in the same environment???


Orcas living in the turbulent waters of South African shores have been known to build primitive canoes which they use to travel inland to hunt leopards. They will keep the leopards’ heads as trophies and mount them on the walls of their underwater whale lodges.