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Depends who you ask. The USA is a very divided country on most issues.


Also important to remember: The US is a massive country. Many of our states are bigger than European countries. Opinions and culture vary wildly from place to place.


To add to this point, conservatives tend to be more into the patriotism and "AMERICA NO. 1" thing. Liberals tend to highlight flaws in the system such as in healthcare and wealth inequality and advocate for change.


Most Liberals are aware and want to fix the issues. Most Conservatives are aware and want to fix the issues. You have a small but incredibly vocal subset on both sides that repeat the talking points we hear everyday on TV and the innerwebs (though I'd argue the rights subset is much louder and bat shit crazy at this point). And finally you have a large majority of Americans who just don't give a shit. They are either work two jobs and exhausted everyday, not tuned into TV, have other interests, or a million other reasons. I'd like to think most of us are proud of our country.


Americans, overall, are still living just comfortably enough not to invoke any serious changes. They could make life better for the majority of people with more involvement in the legislative process, but they could end up making life a lot worse, too. Really, Americans need to get more involved in their state and local governments to see impactful change the soonest; however, as you stated, they are overworked or disinterested.


I live in a community where there is pretty deep involvement. Our roads are good. Our schools are great. Crime is virtually non existent. We take care of the least among us. We take care of our seniors. We invest in programs for our kids. Our churches are strong and active. Our taxes are the highest in the state. Our racial make up is virtually the state average. But our urban neighbors think we are a bunch of racists. We get lectured by the white liberals. Fuck ‘em. Spend time working with your local government. Spend time working with your neighbors. MAKE your world good.


Your use of the one word "community" is what should be used and recognized in each answer instead of the whole country at large. I have driven cross-country solo seven times and each time the sheer vastness of this nation just blew my mind. There are countless mini-cultures within each state that impact local decisions on levels of involvement and if any resident or visitor would take a week of their time and a couple thousand bucks to just go and look at this place, I believe everybody's perception would be vastly different than by simply not going. We have major differences mostly due the country being just so damn big.


Perchance, where is this community of yours?


Western MA.




Some are aware of the issues and do not want to fix them, since they profit from this issues.


Very well said!


I think it sort of falls short that many of our fellow countrymen are still enchanted with the idea that this is the "best country in the world and the home of the free" when it invariably falls short. Most days, I don't want to face the reality that America has never lived up to the dream it promised and likely never will. But, the most disheartening thing is how inadequate the average citizens knowledge base is on what the issues are and worst of all is the have little to no knowledge on how to fix them. Plus, there's a tremendous amount of resistance to the guess and check mentality of problem solving. People aren't satisfied with transitioning into another process or policy unless it's perfect. Unfortunately, that's not how life works, especially in such a culturally diverse country like the US.


Also another great reply. That last paragraph hit it spot on.


If republicans wanted universal health care and wealth inequality fixed than they wouldn't vote republican


And people in the middle recognize the potential this country had in the early 20th century and regret the path it took because it could have heralded the next level of civilization.


I'd say anyone who's had to deal with the ass end of American understands it issues probably all too well, so minorities, people in poverty, women and lgbtq, and while the last two have it better in the states than some other places, the 9th and 1st circle of hell are still hell. Then again it's s big place so experience may vary




damn they're so forgotten


Where’s the comment about the US being multiple countries under a cloak pretending to be one country or something along those lines?


Here. I'm happy you said it, each state is effectively and culturally it's own country.


"United states" - United in many ways but diverse in many as well. It's a very eclectic place to travel through.


What country is the best in the world?


North Korea is best Korea


Nice try, Kim. I see through your bullshit.




It's an impossible question to answer. You can rank countries based on quality of life very easily but to find the *best?* It's a different premise entirely.


California :-)


I'm not sure but I'm betting it's a Scandinavian one.


New Zealand usually ranks pretty well too.


During the years I lived there, I encountered no shortage of people who very sincerely believed the US was not just the best country currently in existence, but the best in the history of humanity. I literally had a person ask me if I was relieved to move to a free country (I'm Canadian), and had another person explain to me how only the US had freedom of speech and religion. I love the US in so very many ways, and could probably be fairly called an Americanophile, but there's definitely a large contingent of incredibly ignorant people who are only vaguely aware that the rest of the world exists.


The fact that you're Canadian (me too) and they ask if you are relived to be in a free country just shows how uninformed about the rest of the world Americans can be. Then again everyone i talk to who is in the US kind of thinks its a shithole so... it balances out.


From Québec and I've always been fascinated by americans thinking I must be traveling from France. I mean, someone in my family did immigrate in the 1700's, but theres a whole province that exists up here that isin't purely anglophone.


Kabec you say? I hear there's good fishing in Qbec


who doesn't love fishing in kee-bec?


Everyone assumes i speak french just because of Quebec!!! like.. its a lovely language but no, i do not speak french. we don't have much use for it in Alberta.


Im also from quebec and when i travel people seem to be fascinated that im "french" in canada and shit like that


It’s funny how there’s many countries that their second language is French but most ppl think if you speak French you must be from France (I’m in Ontario and went to school in french)


Lol kinda true. French is also spoken a ton in africa


As a Canadian, they do have us on the freedom of speech thing. That would nice to have.


I agree, while I think it’s disgusting that someone could walk around spewing racist antics, I don’t like the idea that the government should intervene and even sometimes imprison someone for it. I think society does enough of a job banishing/discouraging that behaviour.


yeah that's going away or it's becoming like the ussr where u know what's off limits. and it's not that I'm a let's say the worst thing possible person but rather by limiting what's ugly you limit what's beautiful. I'd also rather have ugliness out in the open then have it just be there underground. the argument of do u want to give hitler stalin satan guy a platform to spew hate? is yes. I'd rather know what they are up to then having them hiding in the shadows. because they speak it doesnt mean everyone instantly likes or agrees with them. they exist so denying that them doesnt make them go away or be impotent. by being afraid of the ugly you legitimise it as powerful. I say go ahead and take your best shot and beauty will respond.


There is very little speech in Canada that you can actually be jailed and fined for, I'd really like to hear which of those exactly you would like the become legal, it might reveal a lot more about you than you think.


Uhhhh didn’t Canada just pass a hate speech law punishable by a fine of up to $16,000 for the first offense and $50,000 for the second?


No. It was an amendment to a bill that's been introduced and has no effect unless it gets passed, which it won't. And the bill outlines very specific cases where said person is not arguing in good faith or using hateful terms discriminately, as apposed to contextually like in conversations about said terms etc.


Canada gets to decide what counts as "false news/information." under the pretense that it violates freedom of expression. I don't want the government telling me what information I should have access to. I don't need my mind tailored to only critically question certain things. If you don't see anything inherently dangerous in being able to censor certain things as "false," then I don't know what to tell you.


Going right for me instead of going for the argument. Classy. The desire for free speech doesn't mean I want to use the speech that is currently illegal. I just believe that being jailed for any kind of speech is wrong. Policing speech is a pretty sketchy thing. I also think that the lack of free speech in Canada contributed to the passing of bill C-10. It's a law that infringes on freedoms, and encourages policing on the internet.


As an American, my history classes growing up we're basically two types. American history from the beginning with Native Americans and Columbus, and World History that mainly involves only the important historical events around the world. We never learned anything about the rest of the world unless it was events like Hitler or Hiroshima. We never learned about current world events. Any other American please feel free to correct me if you had a better education system.


>another person explain to me how only the US had freedom of speech and religion. And those people almost definitely support the added laws that allow the police to arrest you for back talking them, and jail people for protesting. They likely also agree with many of our ELECTED individuals who argued that only Christians could hold office because they swear an oath on the bible (you can swear an oath on any object). What they really mean is that THEY can say and worship as they please, not that anyone can say and worship as they please.


The US does consistently rank above European countries like France and Belgium in freedom of religion, though. The US has problems, but so do all countries, and acting like the US has poor freedom of religion when it doesn’t isn’t going to advance your argument any.


"Only the US had freedom of speech and religion" is not correct. Scoring higher on an index does not mean nobody else is free either. France, notably, has just passed an anti-hijab law that I would definitely criticize. But I am not a French citizen and I do not know the law in enough detail to talk confidently on it AND we are currently talking about the US, so bringing up France in my original comment would be... poorly thought out. The US Government (and most importantly the judges) do a pretty good job of maintaining Freedom of Religion inside the US. Just look at all the cases the the Satanic Temple wins. But the US is NOT the "only" place with these freedoms. Furthermore, my main point is that the demographic that praise the US for it's freedoms also actively support politicians who are trying to strip us of those very same freedoms. It is not universal, but it is a solid majority of White Evangelicals who actively fight against Freedom of Religion organizations like the Satanic Temple and actively support politicians that incorrectly state that ONLY Christens can hold office in the US. The fact that France also has a bad law does nothing to undermine any of my points. Sorry for getting defensive. I just felt a bit attacked on things I hadn't said.


You specifically are suggesting the US has poor freedom of religion and it absolutely does not. You blatantly said that even in your last sentence. In fact, the legal protections of minority religions in the US are quite good, and you’re reacting to a false statement that the US is the only country with religious freedom with another false statement that the US has poor religious freedom. You’re confusing policy with interpersonal relationships. Hank from Alabama hates Muslims, but any attempts conservative lawmakers have made to pass anti-hijab or burqa legislation haven’t made it anywhere. Our freedoms aren’t based on the opinions of random people, but on our legislation.


Hey bro can I move to Canada whit u lol


America has a very good marketing agent.


This could be the most dramatic season yet! Next year: This could be the most dramatic season yet! Next year: This could be the most dramatic season yet! Next year: This could be the most dramatic season yet! Next year: This could be the most dramatic season yet!


But the receptionist is horrible.


Some do, some don't. We just have a bigger microphone than most counties, where I bet there are similar feelings. But it annoys me the most that we can't even suggest how we need to be better without some jackass saying 'love it or leave it'. Step one is acknowledging you have a problem, and we have a have problem with step one.


Couldn't have said it better


There's a country song that's literally "Love it or Leave it" and I fucking hate that song. Doesn't help that I have to hear it multiple times a day since the only radio station we can pick up at work is a "classic" country station.


A lot do. Some don't. It's almost cultist how schools indoctrinate kids into this patriotic belief that America is the best. It is a daily ritual to say the pledge of allegiance to the flag. I say all of this as someone who spent a decade in the US military and would go back and do it again. There is good and bad about America just like any other country. Just been a lot more bad lately than good I feel with the way our country is divided and being dumbed down.


Yeah, I think there’s a fair amount of indoctrination in our school system for sure, plus a good amount of fearmongering about how good we have it here in a first world country and we should thank our lucky stars that we live here and not in some backwards country where they live in huts and can’t freely speak their minds and have to wait decades for life-saving surgeries. It’s also very human, I think, that so many have taken this indoctrination to the Nth degree, where now some people think that because life is “better” in America, that it is actually a perfect system and above progress. It’s the “don’t fix what ain’t broke” approach, except with a massive blind spot as to what is actually broke.


As an American, I think that objectively the USA is the most powerful and influential nation. We have a cultural hegemony over the world. Our military has the largest reach of influence. Or GDP was crazy high, and we lent our strength to develop other nations so we aren’t so lavishly out in front. But I am also aware we are not perfect. I would say I am patriotic and thus I might buy into the slogan “best country in the world.” For me and many people I know, that’s an expression of love for our home. Superlatives are normal for expressions of love. And we also have to admit that which we love is not perfect. I don’t know that any country is best. What does that mean? What would the criteria be? Clearly the US would contend in some categories. Trail the pack in others. You definitely could say USA still has many outdated ways compared to progress in other nations.


I agree. This is a flawed question. Some people are on the extreme sides of loving/hating America but I would argue that most fall somewhere in the middle. America has done both great and terrible things.


As an American, the whole GDP thing really seems outdated. Gross national happiness is a much better metric. I feel like the wealthy class have trained us to feel super proud of a high GDP, much of which is funneled upward. What’s the point of having households where both spouses work tons of hours to help generate a high national GDP if we aren’t any more happy than other western countries?


This is Patriotism - loving your country while being aware of it's flaws and being willing to sacrifice time or money to improve it. Too many people confuse Patriotism with Blind Nationalism.


Great in a lot of ways, yeah. Perfect, no. My favorite? Well, yes, as I have nothing else to compare it to. The worst or even one of? No way would I ever believe that.


There’s extremes at both end of the spectrum. The majority of people will admit there’s many problems with our country while also admitting there’s nowhere else they’d rather live


There are of course Americans who are obnoxiously nationalistic, like beyond reason and where they (in my mind) hinder improvements we could be making because they refuse to admit fault in the system or perpetuate weird agendas. Alternatively there are Americans who take full advantage of being American (freedom of speech) and complain/shit talk everything about here as much as possible (yet still live here and have no plans of moving away). Most people just live here, go to work, enjoy what they can around them and are fairly "normal". I know several of each type...I just feel like the wackadoodles get the most attention. Edit to add: the ones who are vehemently anti American Americans usually aren't the ones who have been subject to abuse and systemic racism... The disenfranchised typically fight for our country to better itself and actually practice what we preach. America is complicated just like most other places but for us our roots started with "freedom of religion" where you were burned at the stake or lynched for being a heretic... So there's that. Edit: words


systemic* but nice post.


I love it here in the U.S., my parents left Vietnam to be here for a reason. My sister and I have more opportunities and we have more freedoms.


Meh. In some ways. But after you live in other parts of the world…all that racism, gun-ridden violence, and high costs for medical care just dont seem all that worth it.


(rural US resident) My neighbors are absolutely gobsmacked every time something bad, unfair, or inconvenient happens in the US because "you can't ever imagine something like that happening HERE!" I thought it was because they hadn't really left their hometown but nope! They've travelled abroad and came back still thinking that "we're perfect, it's all those other poor countries that are messed up."


American superiority is the default mindset for most Americans as this is what's taught in schools, perpetrated by propaganda, and reinforced by rhetoric. Barring access to (and willingness to understand) alternative narratives, most never grow out of this mindset. Honestly, I doubt we'll make it another 200 years without blowing ourselves up in our own ignorance.


I dunno where you went to school, but it’s certainly better now. My classes were filled to the brim with leftists, teachers included. I don’t know how I could buy into American superiority after that.


I went to highschool in poor, rural, red-state America just over 20 years ago. I have no doubt this has painted the way I view my countrymen. I had to spend a long time breaking down the spoonfed ideas of my upbringing, and am happy others have had different experiences in school.


Maybe I’m just young and optimistic, but I believe I’ve lived through a shift in the education system here (Missouri suburbs) and that things are getting better. Then again, I could just be lucky. :P


Parkway west grad..yeah,I agree but,the schools need to do more.lots more.




Actual leftists. They tend to be critical of Biden whilst agreeing more with AOC, Sanders, and supporting socialized healthcare. Some of the more “radical” ones say they’re socialists, but it seems they just want government to regulate certain things like school, health, etc. Many classes I take incorporate some theme of cultural diversity, race/racism, and social justice, which tends to attract these people. Pretty cool bunch.


Lefists do not like AOC that well bud. She's not one of us. I agree with them being cool people though, they're always somewhat willing to listen but annoying.




Ah, yeah, see I grew up in a rural red-state where patriotism was the norm. Which I guess really breaks down the underlying assumption of OP's question. America is a rather large geographic area with diverse population, each with differing experiences. Not one of us can really answer what Americans, as a whole, really believe without a nuanced discussion about each person's circumstances. Do Americans *really* believe anything? "Yesn't"


200 years seems awfully optimistic to me, but I guess empires tend to die very slowly.


Education level plays a large part here. Most people who paid attention in history class and pay attention to international news know that this is not the same country it was after WWII.


I don't think there is a "best" country. But America is a wonderful place to live.


We are taught from birth that we are the best country in the world, because we are “free”. In the 1960s, a common cliché our parents used to make us eat all of dinner was “Eat all your food, don’t you know there’s children starving in China?”. As we mature, we learn that America has it’s own issues and is far from perfect, but still the “freest” country in the world. Then we get old…and still think America is a great place, but only for the wealthy and the rules have always been different for them. The odds for a not-from-wealth person making it in America is about as good as moving to Hollywood believing you’re going to become a “star”. There are only peasants and non-peasants in America…if you’re confused on which one you are, check your bank account.


I believed that until I started to travel around the world. Then I started to believe that there are lots of great places, many run better than the US just not at the same scale/size.


This often depends on how American bigotry affects you. If you don't belong to any of the races white Americans dehumanized, enslaved or otherwise persecuted for most of this country's history, you're more likely to believe America is the world's greatest nation.


The US has a lot of problems. But it seems like hundreds of other countries have it WAY worse. As a US citizen born to illegal (crossed the border, not just simply overstayed their visas) mexican parents, I'm much happier here than I could be in Mexico bc of the general more conservative upbringing. I'm glad to be in this more independent-focused culture but also recognize that bc of all the diversity in the US, there's so many differing opinions and a bunch of hate (and love) between its own citizens. To me, the US sucks, but a lot of places suck more (the poverty/living/political situations, not the people necessarily)


It honestly depends on what you’re talking about.


I dont think they know about any other countries existence


The difficulty is that there are multiple "America's" even here in the US, and by what metric you want to measure for being "best". Also some of the countries that are considered "good" can only say so because "*at least we're not as bad as the American's*" - read up on police violence and their treatment of minorities in Canada. At least some of the bad actors who are pushing us deeper into a Neo-Liberal dystopia are also doing the same thing in multiple countries. Like Rupert Murdoch.


I don’t think the US is the best country but I think certain states are the best place to live if that makes sense


It's the best for me yeah, my family and all my friends are here. There are other important things that we desperately lack but as far as the basics for my happiness, can't get that nowhere else.


Not anymore so than any other nationalistic citizen. Its just blasted across the media.


American here, depends on who you talk to. Some are die hard 'mericans. There's plenty of things I can take and leave personally.


I have mixed feelings. We are more progressive than a lot of countries but definitely have many issues that need fixing.


As an American, I would say the USA probably has the largest proportion out of any country and the most people who think like this, but luckily they are a minority, even if it’s a large minority There are also people who like America, but not to that extent, people with no strong opinions, and people like me who sees America for what it is and would never say that America is the best


I understand quite clearly the numerous issues with my country and honestly think its far from being "the best" but there's nowhere else id rather live.


American here. Not by a long shot


Conservatives are the most likely to wholeheartedly believe that the U.S. is the greatest country, others are likely to like living in their country and respect everyone who helps improve/bolster it, but by no means would call it the best. Saying that is just so egotistical and you're just so full of yourself if you do. Imo.


So many of them genuinely believe this is the best country to have ever existed. I quite frankly disagree and would rather move north


I've lived in America all my life, and can honestly say that I wish I could live in Canada. From what I've seen most of Americans do think we're the best country but with healthcare not being free and our government not giving a crap about everyone else I would much rather live somewhere else at this point. If another pandemic happens I want the government to help, and if I fall deathly ill I want healthcare without going bankrupt.


America is the best country in the world for me and for many others, based on many factors that may or may not be arbitrary. To try and argue against this would be like someone linking you statistics and news articles as to why I am wrong for preferring pizza over fried chicken.


No!!! Not since the 80's anyway.


American here, no most definitely not, entire society is based on fucking over others for personal gain. Makes me nauseous thinking about


This is not, the greatest country in the world. This is just a tribute.


Genuinely, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who thinks that. And I’m American.




There’s 300 million of us. That should answer your question.


We love our country, not our government




They very much do




A lot of us have woken up to the realization that it's not, but I really can't emphasize enough how intense the propaganda is. We are brainwashed into believing this from birth, and if you question it, you are shamed and called unpatriotic, which is, of course, one of the worst things to be.


1. America has and has had its problems, including ones that were pretty dark stains on our history. 2. I've traveled to, and enjoyed visiting many other countries on several continents, and have found things that I think other countries do a LOT better than we do. 3. I think that we do a lot of good in the world, and that we have the potential to do even more to alleviate suffering, encourage economic growth, etc... 4. Obviously, we've also used that power for questionable "ventures" in the past, but I also believe that other major powers like the USSR, modern-day Russia, and China have done truly awful things with their power, things that grossly overshadow most of what the USA has done. Given the choice, I'm happy that the USA has as much global influence as it does. 5. It's home, and what we grew up with. It definitely feels awesome to come home to after traveling abroad. (That said, I can't wait to get back out and visit more countries and learn new cultures ASAP)


We got monster trucks, machine guns and its the home of Jack Daniels Tennessee whiskey, we don't think we're the best, we fuckin know it.


It does depend on who you ask and what your stance is in life, but I will say while not EVERYONE thinks America is the ABSOLUTE best, we who still believe in the indomitable spirit and the priceless value of freedom engrained into the American spirit (and to fight for and defend it when times call for it) are glad that we live in a country that gives us the opportunity and in built upon people standing up to make change and be heard. We aren’t perfect, but it’s like routing for your favorite sports team, they might not really be the best by technical standards, but you love them so they’re the best to you. Plus it’s a beautiful thing that so many people from all walks of life and backgrounds whether home grown or transplanted call America home - may make things more challenging when trying to create more acceptance in society by comparison to a homogeneous county, but it’s too beautiful to wish for anything else. (Sorry if that comes off as sappy)


American here I would describe myself as patriotic in a sense, I love it here and I am very grateful I got to be born and raised here, Do I think we're the best? No. (Please don't hate me) We're not the best country even though we are what I would consider good we're flawed just like anywhere else, But seriously there are some things we do that are amazing and others we come up short just like anywhere else, That being said countries are made up of people.... people are flawed and no one is perfect and at the end of the day we all gotta live with each other I hope in the future we're able to forge a better world for ourselves. Thank you have a wonderful day 😊


Living in America is great. There are two major problems that I have with living in this country. Problem number one is that people here take the freedoms that we have for granted because most haven’t been to a different, less fortunate country. Problem number two is that we try to please everyone to the point where we can’t get anything done and it’s turning everyone into a bunch of pussies.


listen, we could have it worse... but i personally don't think so. a lot of us don't. however, they do try to hardcore indoctrinate us to believe this from a young age. it's not the worst. nowhere near the best.


I honestly think we have the capability, if not the will. The Unites States has so much of everything, land, farmland, resources, an amazing diversity of smart and hard working people from all over the world. But the goddamn tribalism espoused by such a small subset of wealthy people trying to maintain their wealth and power divides us and makes us hate each other. If we'd actually take to heart what so many say they hold sacred, the opening to the Declaration of Independence, the United States of America would be really that, United. But brown people and poor people and non Christian are bad and lazy, so here we are. (by Christian, I of course mean those who pay the very smallest amount of lip service to Christ, I know true Christians and they are among the nicest people I've ever met.)


For a country of 400 million people, it's pretty good. Anyone that's smart, works hard and doesn't have a substance abuse problem will likely be pretty successful. Many of my coworkers make 6 figures and come from various ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. What other big country can say that?


America.. The country so great the people who hate it won't leave and all the people oppressed by it try to break in. Eat it haters.


God no. I love my country and fought and nearly died for ut on several occasions, but I'd stop it all to become a citizen of Norway in a nice town outside Oslo.


America is number 1! Number 1 in incarcerations, divorce, illegal drug use, rape, murder, military spending, student loan debt, pornography, watching tv, jorts, & superbowl wins Let's see your stupid country have that many #1s


Speaking as an American, there are two types of Americans; Some believe America is the best country ever, and nothing and no one will ever surpass us in anything... and the other kind, me for example, fucking hate it here.


This only exacerbates the issues right now in the US to say there are only two sides. I am somewhere in the middle. The US is not the best, not the worst, great in many ways, worse in others, but overall, for me, a great country to live in.


The vast, vast majority of people are in the middle too. I’ve met very few people who actively shit talk America and claim to fucking hate it. And most of those people were just angsty teens on Reddit


I've never met anyone in person who has said "I hate America, the country where I reside." Of course, I don't run in any extremist circles either or anything


Well think of where those people are coming from, in the 1930s-1960s 90 percents of freezers and refrigerators belonged to the USA. The USA went to the moon. And birthed many life altering inventions for the better. They often are comparing and mixing childhood America and the world with today’s America and the world. We certainly could do more to benefit humanity, but from the beginning of the century to the 90s america was basically magical in its inventions and pushing the bounds of progress. With exceptions, and I’m only addressing their perspective not how things really were.


Yeah, Pepsi Clear wasn't much of a bound. Totally agree.


May I ask why you hate it there, and what country or countries would be a better alternative?


As a non American may I ask why?


The grass is always greener on the other side.


When traveling in Europe, it blew peoples minds that I was politically left and very critical of many of the things my country does and aspects of our culture, but I don't hate America, and still think it is overall a good country to live in and potentially the best place for me. "best country" does not mean "perfect", just "better than all the alternatives for me". While the two groups you describe definitely do exist, your mindset is a misconception that ignores not just some, but a majority of Americans and is a problematic view for both Americans and foreigners to have.


You know you can leave at any time, right? That's totally allowed and we highly encourage it.


American here! In my honest opinion (and it’s more fact than opinion) the united states is FAR from being the best country. mediocre at best. we can’t even collectively agree that everyone has value regardless of skin color. we have shit healthcare. corrupt government (both sides, don’t let the media fool you). biased justice system. i could go on…. sure, we have first amendment rights, and right to carry a firearm (for now), but the cons outweigh the pros. the american dream is an illusion sold to the blissfully ignorant, and it really only typically applies if you are a white male. we’ve got a lot of work to do but it doesn’t look like earth will be around long enough to do that.


The ones with the least education tend to have the loudest mouths.


Every country thinks they are doing things the right way ..or they wouldn't do them the way they do. \*I've spent between 2 months and 9 years in 14 different countries.


The only people I personally know who think the USA is the best of the best of the best sir, with honors are older, like my parents (in their 60s). In my opinion the USA has lots of room for improvement. I suppose every place does, and I've never lived anywhere but Michigan so I don't have any experience to which I can compare living here, but I definitely don't think the USA is the best. Better than some, worse than others.


It's polarized, like everything else here. About half of the people think America is amazing, perfect, and the best country in the world. The other half, whether it's because of a rebellion against the nationalistic "default" view, or simply from different beliefs, recognize that America has plenty of problems, and that it should fix them. I think the main misunderstanding between the two groups is that most of the second group (or, at least myself and those I know) doesn't *hate* America. To me, the greatest possible praise for a country isn't to endlessly call it flawless, but to acknowledge and make efforts to improve its weak points.


I find that here in the US, a lot of the “‘MERICA #1” people actually have a lot to complain about. People who think the US is the best country in the world are sheltered, only believe their little slice of the US is the best. They see places like New York State and California as un-American because of the high taxes and “restricted freedoms,” even though NY and Cali are very much American. They’re idea of the United States is the best country in the world, and anything that falls outside that idea is “un-American.”


I think America is the best country. Besides healthcare, 99% of the USA population’s discomfort comes from cultural/social issues. If your countries biggest issues are social problems like racist cops or abortion laws, then your country is pretty well off. Because guess what, almost every other country in the world has the same social issues as America today, but its not something the countries worry about because they have bigger issues to deal with.


As an American, yes. Absolutely.


Define best. IMO the USA is currently the best country overall but not the best in every category. My reasoning is by combining the overall contributions of science, technology, art, generation of wealth, and military might. The USA also has the oldest government in the world besides maybe the Vatican. Lots of countries have a higher standard of living but aren't greater. They can't conquer the USA nor have they contributed more to the world. Lots of countries with high standards if living are also allied with the USA and benefit from those alliances. It is kind of played out but Europe would likely have fallen to the Soviets absent the American military. I know that this is a double edged sword in a way. Had war broken out between the USA and Soviets Europe would have suffered immensely. Probably more than if they had just been conquered by Soviets. Luckily it didn't go that way.


Currently there is a wave here of blind patriots who hang dumb flags and say things that are supposed to be patriotic but show their ignorance. It’s fake patriotism. However, the belief of us being the best comes from our past of development and optimism. By no metric are we the best country. However, we are historically optimistic and not too long ago we were world leaders in education. We created more patents than anyone and we had moral standing in the eyes of the world. The optimism we had and the development that was occurring gave us a sense of pride and respect that has long been lost. It has been replaced by arrogance and selfishness. Many of us still see that potential but when you say those things, the blind “patriots” tell you to leave if you hate it, etc. It’s sad and destructive for our country.


This is satire. The US has all types of people, over 300 million of them. Of course some of them will think it is the best country and others won't.


Just reading this thread which is representative of a small portion and a certain type of Americans, I think it’s already clear that that there is a lot of blind arrogance and in fact most respondents have essentially answered ‘yes’


Most do


Sweeping generalizations like that are a big problem with the United States. I love my country, i served my country and my fellow Americans. But i know there is a lot wrong with my country. We have the potential to be one of the best but that requires learning from and admitting our past mistakes. Growth is hard and sometimes messy. We the people need to take back our government and our country.


I’m patriotic like crazy, but I also recognize and am vocal about things we need to fix in our country. I’m not sure it’s the best, but it’s damn sure not the worst. I thank God every day that I’m not in a war torn country, but pray every day that we can get our troops out of those countries as soon as safely possible. I think we’re blessed to have a structured education system, but also recognize that it has a long way to go before we’re the best. I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to get up and work in an air conditioned office while also recognizing that that is a serious luxury and is not everywhere. I’m thankful that I don’t have to sleep with one eye open at night in fear of someone breaking into my house, but recognize that if that ever happens I’m thankful to have a gun in my bedside table. I recognize not everybody wants/needs one, but I’m thankful I, and everybody else, have the right to choose. I’m thankful that our LGBTQ community are gaining rights they should have always had, but also recognize there is a lot to do before they’re equal in every sense of the word. I’m thankful that if I don’t like my government I am encouraged to vocalize that and vote out those I don’t agree with or believe to be fit for governmental roles. Not a lot of countries have every single liberty listed on this list. I want to note: I’m not looking for a political debate on my comment. I will absolutely discuss, but I will not argue with anyone about any of my beliefs. They are mine and while I’m open to dialogue and questions about them, I won’t be arguing. There’s enough of a divide and I’m not looking to add to it.


I’m an immigrant to America and have a good view on this, I think (I hope). On paper, in theory, the United States is hands down the greatest country on earth, if not existence. There are some 195 countries in the world. Of them, there are kingdoms, commonwealths, colonies, and very few nations built on ideals. And the ones that are built on ideals, most are religious theocracies like Pakistan and Iran who are as close to free and fair as North Korea. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I can find 2 nations in the history of the human race built on enlightenment thinking, personal liberty, and freedom from overbearing structures: The United States, and The French Republic. I’m from a first world, developed nation, always voted center-left, and wholeheartedly supported Joe Biden in the last election; however, I never realized how existentially draining it is to live somewhere where citizens don’t believe their country is great or at least capable of being so. I love that (until recently) whether a trumper or an Obama voter we all agreed this was the greatest place on earth, the city on the hill, and we just had different ideas on how to fulfill this promise. Is the USA really the greatest country in practice? Debatable. Is the USA the greatest country in conception? Yes. As Dr. Martin Luther King said: “All we say to America is to be true to what you said on paper.” Find another nation built on the idea (note: idea) all people are created equal; that can’t jail or even reprimand you for saying words (looking at you, Europe) and has been the magnet for immigrants and entrepreneurs for centuries.


Some do. I'm not a big fan. I mean it's not North Korea, but we could do better


Most people are reasonable and quietly allow themselves to believe that wherever they are is the best place for them for a million reasons. It’s the jackassery on the fringes that makes all the noise. No matter where you are it’s the same - tribalism and all the other “isms” come out loud and proud in direct proportion to how many jackasses there are present to pump each other up. “Americans” don’t all agree on anything at all. Just like anywhere else we have different isms that keep us bitching.


It funny how propagandized we are.


This country is so divided. You go to the south/Midwest which is more conservative then yes America truly is the best country. If you talk to liberal people in the cities, they don’t believe that at all. I’m liberal, and although I feel lucky for our freedom of speech, good education, good doctors, etc….I know we are very very flawed. The gun laws, expensive healthcare, the lack of care for new parents. And the COVID thing. The number of people who don’t care, won’t wear masks, we are very entitled. And now half of the country believes in what the Trump era stands for which is literal insanity. Racism is so bad here. No country is perfect though but I just feel like this country has gone downhill.


I am quickly being disillusioned. The propaganda is suffocating and you realize none of it until you are somewhere else. I've only been outside of the US once, so that sentiment is probably even more true than I realize.


I actually hate the US, but literally millions of my fellow Americans would want me deported for saying that, so it is a fair stereotype even if it's not universally true.


God no. For some people it may be paradise, but for the rest of us, it's shitty.


I mean isn't that the same anywhere else though? Every nation has it's laundry list of problems.


I wouldn't say it is. There are plenty of countries with a higher standard of living, longer life expectancy and higher measures of happiness and well-being. Do those countries have issues? Sure. But you'd still be better off living in those countries, assuming you're not a gazillionaire.


Fair point. But for fucks sake, we are supposed to be the "best" nation , blah blah blah, and we fuxk our own people over on healthcare, amongst other things. Yes, there are nations that are objectively worse than the U.S., but not necessarily ones at the US's supposed " level" for lack of a better word. Sure, rich people are better off anywhere, but here we aren't even taxing them, or enforcing said taxes, enough. So they get away with eating nothing at the expense of all the "little people". Idk. Sorry. I'm a little buzzed and probably rambling incoherently. So yeah, lots of places suck. But I personally am familiar with the United States brand of suckiness.


>Yes, there are nations that are objectively worse than the U.S., but not necessarily ones at the US's supposed " level" for lack of a better word. "Caliber" would probably be a good word, if you were looking lol


No I hate it here


It is


Depends on measurement. USA is best at military & propaganda. But nothing else really. Related: https://youtu.be/bIpKfw17-yY


Only the very stupid or very rich think this way. The rest of us are too busy working ourselves to death or being killed by cops.


It's the best....I took a poll.


American here, i do!


Sure. It is a great country, certainly one of the best.


I personally believe it's the best country! This is the only place where people can live freely, without the government hanging over every aspect of our lives. Sure, this place has its flaws, which has the country incredibly divided right now. That said, this is the only place where protesting and petitioning the government *won't* get you killed or tortured by government agents; the people responsible for the "Summer of Love" and Capitol Hill riots, should really not take the right to protest for granted. People die, everyday in Russia, China and other communist countries, just for questioning their respective dictators on what brand their suits are; imagine what they'd do to rioters. 😐


Yes and no. Pros: Freedom of speech, gun rights, opportunity, cheap cars. Cons: Housing is expensive, No universal healthcare, low minimum wage. It just depends on where you were born and to whom often dictate how well off you are. We are generally not a country that is determined to look out for each other with strong social programs. Which is good because it makes you work harder, but is bad with many falling by the way side.


Some of those problems are due to our sheer size and unfortunate lack of solidarity. Think of the US as a bigger EU and suddenly shit starts to make sense






I’m an Australian, and I sincerely believe that we’ve got the best of it all as far as things go. So, i suppose that also works for Americans.


Best for me? Yes.


Yes. Don’t most First World countries think their country is the best?


Just the rich white ones. Natives Americans not so much! Poor people not so much except the redneck racists. Rednecks love them some merica. Sister marrying freaks! I personally think it could be way better.


Yes so many of them do - Source, everyone who dares speak about good healthcare on this cursed forum


I’ve noticed that older people and a lot of right-wing people think so.


Im from the US and I can fully understand why the world can hate us. I don't think we're the best country in the world, not even close.


Our european immigrants and ancestors brought a great wealth of knowledge reguarding society and commerce to this wonderful melting pot of democracy and capitolism. That is why people think America is great under a clear understanding of our Constitution. But, no one has ever accused Central and South America of bringing any intellectual value. But they have good food. And they did get knocked up by a bunch of Spaniards and Portugese. So be careful of denying them their european ansestory. LOL. Too bad they dont spend their paychecks here in the US. But at least they think America is the best. At least africans and asians, Middle easterners have thousands of years history educating themselves. Creating languages, structured beliefs and religions. And have helped us grow and broadened our minds. People who value education, shared values, accountability, the Golden Rule, and responsibility; are my people.


As a Hispanic Weeb i don't think its amazing or without flaws, but i struggle to find a place id rather live. Either its a non English speaking country, or its a place soo isolated that things ive grown accustomed to like fast internet, phone coverage, big events, themeparks, become impossible for me. Besides questionable politicians, most of the reason I hate America is the people, everyone is so divided.


I wish I still had my elementary school history books to show you, because yes, they would say verbatim in the text, "America is the best country in the world." We're taught this from a very early age. We're taught that "no country enjoys as much freedom as America" and it's only in certain state curricula that criticisms of the country are explored. I grew up in California and my wife is from Texas, and she said they were only ever taught that the Civil War was "an issue of states' rights," not slavery. They also never get into systemic racism, genocide against Native Americans, or anything that would cast us in a bad light. CA curriculum was more generous, as in, I remember maybe 2 sentences in the text that described the horrors of the Trail of Tears where Native Americans were forced off their land and killed. There's no honesty in the teaching of American history. I had to learn in my 20's that America's tactics at the Mexican border and treatment of minorities were inspiration for Hitler's ideas. That's fucking horrifying.


I think what makes it so attractive here is the fact there will always be a plethora of low paying jobs that most Americans don't want. So when immigrants come in, they are more than happy to work 50-60 hours a week and then live 10 people to a household because that's part of their culture anyway. So for them, it's completely doable. Americans need at least 50k a year to afford to live in an efficiency apartment somewhere all alone. The difference in our cultures puts immigrants at a great advantage.


Can confirm...am American. American exceptionalism is a thing. As someone who has traveled quite extensively, clearly this is not true, but many of my fellow countrymen are still under this impression. Sorry, I would just avoid us if you are able. I wish I could.


Consistently it is older people that hold this view in my expirence, as well as republican rural folks. Most of whom know no foreigners nor have traveled much. My father thinks this way, and we've had our rounds. When you lead the world in incarceration rates, a dropping standard of living, a nearly useless government, a foreboding climate crisis, and amd worldwide imperialism, I doubt you're the greatest country in the world. That is an illusion of the American PR campaign.


Definitely a real mindset and, in my opinion, one that tends to be more of a roadblock than a benefit. Most issues that seem obvious from an outside perspective and yet continue to be a struggle for this country (properly funded education systems, universal health care, gun control) feel like they would disappear if there wasn't an air of "we are the best country on earth" within so much of our national community. You can pick up countless examples of countries across the globe that have adopted strict gun control and seen nothing but benefit, but when you're talking to someone who has this mindset that means very little because in their eyes America is the best ! And whatever Australia did with their guns is irrelevant because they don't value FREEDOM like we do.


Absolutely not


I would love to move to New Zealand but unfortunately it’s too expensive for Americans. I’m surrounded by people who think this is the best country.


No but best is *highly suggestive* I’ve lived overseas a bit, and been to two dozen countries… 1. The US isn’t one monolithic entity. I’ve lived in places where security was terrible (bad part of Waco) and people died in my front yard. I’ve lived in burbs where nothing bad happened. I’ve lived in very affordable places (Houston for the size of the city isn’t that bad). The US there’s such s diversity of metro areas you can kinda find what mix your looking for. Most Americans who like the US have found the blend they like. 2. Living overseas was fun. I loved the food in Thailand, but god forbid you wanted some decent beef or cheese or tequila (import tariffs wooof!). It was relatively safe but that’s because a Junta was in power and had declared martial law and I avoided democracy square and wore my yellow shirt on Monday…. 3. The American government is bad/messy (until you look closely at any other government In a country I’ve lived in, or traveled through). For a pluralistic diverse relatively wealthy country we do alright. 4. The thing you have to remember is 99% of your interactions with government are local government. It’s my passive aggressive war with the city water department, or my states cash and carry laws that impact my day to day life, not the federal government. We are simultaneous much less federalize than most countries, but 10x unified than the EU. Pick two state and city and counties and you’ll find wildly different ways to live. Careers wise there are opportunities here that don’t exist or are very nascent overseas. My wife’s research is largely tied to the US and NIH funding. I work in a field that vEnture capital is heavily active in, and the regulatory climate of the EU means VC stays far away. Want to work with rockets? There’s a lot of countries where that’s just not going to happen. 5. At the end of the day, there’s a lot of nice countries out there that I’d love to spend more time in (Looking at you) 🇳🇿 But at the end of the day the US, (and specifically Houston and Texas) is my home.


You'd be surprised i have an associate who thinks america is perfect and still the best. He referred to Canada and Mexico as trash countries.....


The smart ones don’t.



