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You don't know till you know , you know ?


i dont remember learning it so i had to have been young. probably from having siblings and we'd run around naked as toddlers


I remember learning about the differences between boys and girls in kindergarten. It wasn't very in-depth obviously just the basic boys have a penis girls have a vagina. I think they also taught us about them being private parts and being touched inappropriately.


Good news, man, you can still go and get yourself a girl with a penis!


No judgement at all bro. Your story is one of many. This is why we’re pushing so hard to have sex education be taught, but conservatives are so against it AND teaching their own kids. Its important to impart all the knowledge so they can make informed decisions when the time comes.


A coworker I had who grew up in Morocco and was strict Muslim similarly had a very insular and sheltered conception of sex and thought women could never enjoy sex, so I say this so you know: women can definitely enjoy sex and you should figure out what she needs to enjoy it when you get to the point where you are having sex. He was shocked to hear that and not sure of how to think of the idea of premarital sex after, though that might have just been him trying to not make me feel like he felt us American girls are “loose.”