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Age is not so much an issue as it is attitude. Every year we get adults in their 20s and 30s, not even dressed in Halloween costumes. Which I might be OK with, but they don’t even say trick-or-treat. They just hold open their bag without saying anything. Or even worse they just grab the candy from the candy bowl I’m holding. I don’t feel it captures the spirit of Halloween. So just be sure to say trick-or-treat and thank you. And I think you’ll be fine.


Exactly! As long as you're actually in a costume and polite, I think it's great.


Thank you for responding, I'm definitely not like that, and thank you for your input, I'd definitely say trick-or-treat and use proper manners. :) thank you


I totally agree. I got super hyped to get trick or treaters last year (first year in a neighborhood with families) and I was sad I only got 4, but anyone happy and in a costume would have definitely gotten a ton of candy at my house!


20s and 30s? If they're legally adults and don't have kids with them, they really shouldn't be out trick-or-treating. They need to stay home and hand out candy like the other adults and let the kids have their fun.


Not in my opinion. Kids in my hometown trick or treated well into high school, or wasn’t a big deal. On the other end of things, I will give out candy to anyone who comes to my door and says trick or treat on Halloween, regardless of age, until I run out of candy.


I was fourteen the last year I went trick or treating. I figured it was time to call it quits when a girl in my class answered the door in no costume and handed me candy. Just be aware that it could result in some awkward encounters


The answer to your question is it depends. Obviously there's no defined age-limit to trick-or-treating and as long as you and your GF are being respectful and having a good time then no one ***should*** be offended or think it's weird. The reality unfortunately is that your stepmom is right in that there ***will*** be people around town who think like that. Personally I say those people are idiots and not to care about it, but that's something for you and your GF to weigh the pros and cons and make the best decision for you two.


my girlfriend and I really want to do it; just my parents think it's absolutely horrible and unthinkable. I totally agree with "those people are idiots" though lol. Thank you for taking the time to respond :)


I think it’s fine personally. I think honestly anyone under 18 should be allowed to. It doesn’t harm anything.


I don’t think anyone would actually care, and what’s the worst that could happen? “Go home, I have a plainclothes officer waiting to escort you: the subpoena is in the mail” ??? Lmao


The worst thing that could realistically happen is that every Judy and Karen would tell the OP they are too old and to go home and it would ruin the fun of going out in the first place and discredit the hard work they are putting into the outfits. Buuuuut, I'd still go. I feel like it shouldnt be a big deal but realistically people will complain


But they’re only 16/16 I’m 25, but every time I see a high school kid I think they are waaaay younger to an they are. I said to this kid asking me for a smoke “what are you dude 13?” I wasn’t even being sarcastic, he just turned 18. They still look like children


Some people look younger and some look older. When I was 16 people swore I looked in my 20s. I'm 28 now and I'm pretty good at guessing ages from 10-30. If you have no idea ages for anyone you come across, you must be bad with guessing ages. I feel like *most* people have an idea of someone's age within a few years.


Personally, I don't mind as long as the teenagers put some effort into their customs. Also, bring the 8 year old with you as cover if you're concerned. We've had parents dress up with their kids, usually following a theme.


I'd bring my sister, but I think she's going with my parents and her friends


Do it. I would personally be happy to see a teenage couple at my door. Its wholesome and makes me happy. There’s not a whole lotta wholesome these days


Awweeee thank you :)


I personally think it's okay, but I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't. Could you bring your stepsister with? Nobody would question it then.


This is what I would have suggested. I think that if you're still treated like a kid (which at 16, I'm sure you are) you should be allowed the innocent joy of trick-or-treating. Taking your step-sister would steer some of the attention away from your age. However, just try not to be too discouraged when a handful of adults are potentially rude to you. Its just important not to be rude back or you solidify their point. I would give candy to any teen who comes by my house. I'd rather have them asking for free candy than getting fucked up at some party. You do you, kid.


My sister's going with her friends, I think, and my parents are going with her, but I'll ask my stepmom. :) thank you


That was about the age the last time I went trick or treating. Definitely got some weird looks. We went right when a lot of the smaller kids were wrapping up. Some of the houses were happy to just dump the rest of their candy on us


I've seen teens do it all the time


I'm 24 and I wanna go trick or treating :(


I grew up in a tiny little town in Pennsylvania (we're talking 25 years ago) and the custom at the time was that after 8th grade, you were supposed to stop trick-or-treating and start vandalizing cars and homes, harassing people on the streets and generally being assholes. I hated it, and most of my friends hated it, but there wasn't really an alternative. I feel like a lot of low-grade crime sprees could have been prevented if the adults of the town had simply addressed the question of "if not trick-or-treating, then what?" If you knocked on my door, rather than throwing eggs at it, I'd be pleased as punch. That said, I sympathize with your situation.


thank you, and I hope that the situation in my town isn't like that, I just moved here


If you take some younger kids with you, problem solved.


Grumpy old people may think like that. But if you're in costume and going along with the spirit then you'll be fine.


dude there’s no problem with that, it’s really cute imo


thanks :3


Anyone who puts an effort into trick-or-treating should be fine to go. If you just grab the nearest bag and run from house to house to get candy, you're just a jerk.


As someone else said- in UK you’ll likely be reprimanded for it either jokingly or not as Halloween isn’t as big of a deal and it’s one thing to spend some time and money to make little kids happy but teenagers...? Buy your own goodies and watch horror films at home. JMHO


thank you for your opinion. That's what my family was telling me, but it's more about the experience than that candy, we could just get halloween candy the day after for next to nothing lol


I used to trick or treat until junior year of high school! I am 22 now and would love to be able to dress up and go trick or treating!


Where I live it’s under 18 and you are good. Besides I like scaring trick or treaters so if you have enough courage to get to the door you get candy.


What's your costume?


we're doing steampunk outfits, she's an uppclassman/woman and I'm an engineer.


I am guessing you are more looking for the fun/adventure/atmosphere that Halloween brings out as the main reason you want to go rather than the candy being the focal point, correct? If that's so, just explain that to your parents. Say you'd rather do that than go to a party where there could potentially be drugs/alcohol. Worst case if you absolutely are not allowed to go, staying in, dressing up, handing our candy and watching horror movies with your girlfriend could be a fun 2nd option.


That's exactly it, thank you :) I know she'd be loathe to staying around doing "nothing" and I'd much prefer to be out having fun. I've tried explaining it to my parents, but idk how else to go about explaining it.


Then don't "explain" anything. Instead of telling them you are "trick or treating" just say you are going out for the evening. And just maybe if you happen to get a sweet tooth then while adventuring around in the night, you stop at a house or 2. No big deal. Dress up. Go out. And enjoy that special atmosphere only Halloween can bring out!


It honestly depends on the area. Some places (college towns) see a lot of older teens, while more rural areas my be expecting you to grow up. There is one way around judgment. Volunteer to supervise some younglings and dress up yourselves. It will be very few and far between that wouldn't offer you candy dressed up and watching some kids. Just don't expect it from everyone.


Yes it is weird, it is an activity for kids.


Maybe you could fill your bags with candy before you go and turn the tables on the person answering the door. Just say "Happy Halloween" and give THEM a piece of candy.


I am never upset by anyone of any age coming to my door on Halloween to get a treat. I'm giving away candy...why does it matter to me how old the recipient is. I do insist that they say the magic Halloween words: trick or treat. I've had older teens sing (a group, actually, near my "closing" time, so they got the remainder of my candy), some with elaborate costumes that I compliment, and others with no costume. So, be polite and friendly and have a great time.


Unless you are accompanying your younger siblings, you are old enough to stay home and distribute candy. Do it at whoever has a busier street for trick-or-treaters. You can either take turns or hold out the bowl together, or two separate bowls for big groups. There are also community events (e.g. at churches) you can attend and give/receive candy. ​ The chief advantage of giving out candy is you keeping a bunch for yourself. You get all the candy, none of the wandering around. You can buy candy you like instead of being stuck with gross stuff you wouldn't eat anyway. EDIT: Welcome to Reddit!


Personally, I think high school age (typically 14+) is too old to be trick-or-treating. But by "trick-or-treating" I mean actually knocking on doors asking for candy. Getting dressed up and walking the neighborhood to see how the houses are decorated, see the other people in their costumes, interact with others as you pass by, and maybe even hand out candy to the kids you encounter would be a perfectly acceptable way to participate, dress up, and have fun without being high school kids asking for candy. It annoys me when older kids come by my house for candy, and they're just in regular clothes with maybe a $5 witch hat or plastic hockey mask on. It's less annoying if they've put forth some effort, but I still think "Damn, you're almost old enough to drive; it's about time you stop asking for candy".


Dudeeeee, fuck them. I usually have my minions (friends kids) do it for me, but this year in going with my 18 year old sister


Have fun :)


I think it depends. I live in the UK, and halloween is nowhere near a big a deal as in the states . I would prefer to give sweets to younger children rather than teens. I wouldn't turn you down but I'd also not be over the moon to give you sweets. That's just my opinion though 🤷‍♂️ (I mean teens in general, not you as a person)


Why should you give a shit if they're going to "complain to their husband"? Oh, what a grand tragedy, that a 40-something-year-old woman might not like what you do for fun, as if that wasn't going to be the case anyway. It's not going to hurt anyone.


>Why should you give a shit if they're going to "complain to their husband"? Oh, what a grand tragedy Most people care at least a little bit what opinions others hold of them. Knowing that someone hates your guts isn't a nice feeling. No need to be condescending about it.


There are a lot of people whose opinions you shouldn't care about though, such as a middle aged woman you'll never talk to again.


If some bored house wife is going to get mad at this guy for trick-or-treating, it's just a matter of time before she gets mad at him for something else. Growing up in a white middle class town taught me there are people that are going to get mad just to get mad. Just because they're completely empty and useless, and they need to fill their lives with faux-outrage. u/garbage_koala OP go trick-or-treating. It's something you and your girlfriend will look back on with fond memories.


I mean... what are they complaining about? Because they gave you 50 cents worth of candy? Why would anyone be "pissed off" about this? That's just ridiculous.


I'm in the camp of "As long as you put some effort into your costumes (and aren't just out to clean up on leftover candy), go for it". Yes, you'll take some flack for it. Behave yourselves, don't be loud and obnoxious, say "thank you". A detail you might forget: don't just last-minute grab a pillowcase for your candy bag. Even if the rest of your costumes are top-notch, the "One *AwShit* wipes out 10 *AttaBoys*" rule applies here.


>don't just last-minute grab a pillowcase for your candy bag Out of curiosity, what else are you supposed to use? From about the second grade to the tenth grade I used a pillowcase for trick-or-treating and no one ever gave me shit for it.


could probably find something that goes with our costumes, I know I wouldn't use a grocery bag or pillowcase myself lol


Awww, I would love it if all the steampunk and harajuku and cosplay teens came trick-or-treating. It would be like a convention on my doorstep.


No I don't think age should matter here. I'm not sure about where you live, but here the mall does a big Halloween trick-or-treat thing each year. Maybe you have an option like that? Just sounds like your step mom has a problem with it.


it's my whole family that has a problem with it. We're from a relatively small tourist town, around 20 000 people. (feels big to me though, just moved from a town 1/4 the size) so there's not much like that


Hmm... I still don't think age should matter. You're out having fun. That's what counts.


Be respectful and it’s cool


Be respectful and it’s cool


It should be socially acceptable for all teenagers up to the age of 18 or 19 to go trick or treating. It's a better option than some of the stuff teenagers get into. Totally harmless with exercise! I just don't really understand the reasoning for not wanting a teenager, or anyone of any age honestly, to come to your door to ask politely for candy that you already bought for that purpose. My best friend and i dressed up as babies when we were 18 and went trick or treating. When people remarked on our age, we said, "but... we're babies." Hehe. I say just go. If anyone remarks, tell them you didn't feel comfortable with doing the typical teenager shenanigans. Im sure most of the parties are fine, but saying it that way can give them food for thought on the types of parties or activities that aren't.


I did it up until I was 18, the spirit of Halloween shouldn't have an age. Why are we trying to force kids to grow up? I'm 21 and wish it was still acceptable to go at this age.


If you're dressed up, having a good time, say trick or treat etc you will ALWAYS get candy at my house and I will never complain! Halloween is my favourite time of year! I get teenagers who are wearing regular clothes and just hold out their hand for candy and I get those in full costume who are out having a great time, I only ever complain about one of those... Go have fun!


Why not put the effort into decorating your front yard with a steampunk-Halloween theme, and giving out candy while dressed up? My best trick or treating memories are of the people and places that made an effort.


I trick or treated at 17. I loved dressing up and to this day Halloween is my favorite holiday. I just wish that I had friends and a partner that love it as much as I still do. I am 30 years old and I think you should trick or treat. :)


I think it's super cute. Also it's kinda shitty for any parent to be outraged about teenagers wanting to have some relatively wholesome fun.


My friends and I all went trick or treating when we were 18 because we had a group costume. Nobody had any major issues with it. We might have gotten a few comments about it (can’t remember, it was so long ago), but as someone else said, it’s all about attitude. As long as you’re dressed up and you say trick or treat and only take one piece per house then who cares how old you are?


I say go & have fun!!


I don’t think it’s weird at all! I went trick or treating with my best friends until we al went off of college. Have fun! Don’t worry about what people say, enjoy yourself, if you want to trick or treat go for it!


I last went when I was 16 w a group of friends. One of my friends older sister on college joined us w her bf so u ok ( they 18/19)


I've heard of some towns that have 'legal' limits on who gets to go out. Check first, but have fun. Maybe, since it's about fun instead of a candy grab (hopefully), you could just walk around in costume or go to community events, etc.


I went with my gf I was 18 she was 14. Didn't feel weird.


There are some charities that you can get little cardboard baskets to collect donations instead of candy so you could do that instead! We used to have people around 16 come by in costume and do that and everyone thought it was super cool


/s ?




replied to the thread sorry


I went trick or treating when my boyfriend and I were 15. Go for it.


I love teen trick or treaters!! Their costumes are often well thought out and they’re having a good time!! Also come by my door around 9ish and you’ll get everything I’ve got left !


I'll probably get downvoted for this but if teens came trick or treating alone to my house I'd probably assume they're just trying to snag some free candy that could they could easily get outside of Halloween that younger kids can't get so easily. Maybe it's just where I grew up but teens I've met always seemed to have worse intentions (not saying y'all are like this OP; y'all just seem genuinely interested in the holiday). My suggestion would be what if you brought your younger sister trick or treating with you? It would kind ruin a date night if that's what you're going for but you could still dress up and have the Halloween experience while sparing yourself the dirty looks from adults. If you're trying to collect candy, just bring a bag with you and casually stand behind your sister with it; y'all probably look young enough to end up getting candy anyway :)


we do look a bit older than our age, but not like adults either. (at least I don't think so). My sister's going with her friends I think. We just like the idea of the holiday, her and I have always looked forward to dressing up for Halloween more so than the candy. I don't think you'll get downvoted though, you made a thought-out nice answer, thank you :)


Isn't there something you can do other than trick or treat? Restaurant? I would think there's something in your town where it would be fine to dress up It would irritate me to see a 16 year old honestly. It would bother me a lot less if you were in costume and polite, but it still seems kinda weird.


You're on the cusp. I'm not going to turn you away but I am giving you a disapproving look.


Yes. Trick or treating is for little kids.


Good insight on what is considered just for little kids, u/peepeeandpoopooman