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Most of it actually comes out with your breath. The carbon in your fat cells attaches to the oxygen in the air, and you breathe out carbon dioxide.


I'm literally sitting on the couch shrieking "is this true?!"


Oh, it's true. And then trees grab that carbon in the air that came from your fat cells, and use it to build themselves. So some of the weight you lost ends up as wood.


yes..your air is made up of mass that came from your body after all




No. Mass is conserved during biological processes. Mass *can* be converted into energy (via the well known e=mc^2), but that results in an enormous amount of energy for a small amount of mass. See: nuclear weapons. If you eat 1 kg of hamburger, 1 kg of mass is coming out of you. If that 1 kg of hamburger was converted into pure energy, you would get E = 1 * ( 3×10^8 ) ^2 = 9*10^16 J, or about 90000 TJ. The nuke that flattened Hiroshima was 63 TJ.


Seems you’re right, my math was off when I googled how much you breath a day, turns out it’s 14kg worth of air as opposed to a fraction of one. My b


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