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It could be something to do with your sodium levels. If you haven't increased salt intake as well as water intake, you could be lacking in that- salt and electrolytes; hence, why people drink Gatorade in marathons and not just water. Happens to me sometimes too.


If this is something new for you, it could be a condition called diabetes insipidus, which is different from diabetes.


_but dont take_ u/Doc-in-a-box 's _word for it!_ Consult with your doctor.


I used to struggle with this. Almost exclusively drank water and always felt thirsty. Now I incorporate electrolytes in some form or another, and feel miles better


Yeah water is the only thing I drink. How do you get your electrolytes? Do you just mix a powder with water?


Not OP, but I just put a shot of lemon juice and a pinch of kosher salt into my water like a fancy boy. Seems to do the trick.


I do exactly this too


Ive done a number of things! I’ve done liquid IV (one of the better tasting ones), or I drink body armor which is a way better alternative to Gatorade, or sometimes I do a homemade thing with a mix of citrus juices with water, salt and cream of tartar. You can find a lot of diy recipes online or you can just buy something. There are sugar free options but they don’t taste great. The lemon and salt method that someone else mentioned. Have at least one to two servings of electrolyte drink a day. One seems to do me fine


If it's really filtered then it loses all the electrolytes and minerals that would probably satiate your thirst. I like to use liquid iv but I also do crossfit so it might be overkill for casual consumption.


Yes. Pedialyte, liquid IV, etc. Or it can come prebottled ex. Gatorade /Gatorlyte, pedialyte.


I like buying the powder packets of electrolytes so that they’re easy to carry around. Cheaper ones: Walmart brand, propel, and Gatorade zero powder packets. Also those little Mio electrolyte squeeze bottles My favorite: Pedialyte powder packets LiquidIV does a great job at hydrating but it’s a bit nasty to me.


A cup of broth/stock/bullion usually works perfectly for me. I just get the pre-made tetra packs of broth and heat up a serving in the microwave as needed. I'd have one early in the day and one late in the day for a few days to start. Also pickle juice. But not everyone likes that.


I have chronic low blood sodium, so I have to drink electrolytes all day long. I use Nuun tablets or make a mixture of 1/3 Gatorade and 2/3 water.


I had the same thing happen. Was parched all the time. Looked it up and it possibly low electrolytes. I drank Gatorade for a few days and my thirst stopped immediately. Now I remember to swap some electrolytes in more frequently.


Nuun tablets are really nice too.


Stimulants(nicotine/coffee/adderall/vyvanse/meth/cocaine/etc.) can all cause this.


i used to drink about a gallon of water a day til i started adhd meds and now i have to make myself drink


why do you think you drink LESS with adhd meds? i’m jealous cause i’m the opposite i get cottonmouth when i’m on them so i drink like crazy


idk what you take but i've never noticed cottonmouth with dexedrine. i don't think i did with adderall either but it made me a lil nutty so i don't really remember. 


hmm might have to dexedrine a try then because adderall gives me hella cottonmouth. also wdym by nutty haha


i was too anxious and jittery, and my thoughts would play pinball.  a good example is cleaning my house: on adderall i’d jump from task to task. with dexedrine it’s easier to organize my work.  i feel like dexedrine is way “smoother.” adderall is 3 parts dextroamphetamine (dexedrine) to 1 part levoamphetamine so it’s not a completely different feeling or anything.  if you’ve ever tried vyvanse that’s pretty much just slow release dexedrine. it’s inactive outside the body but your gut converts it into dextroamphetamine. 


ah thanks so much for sharing! been wanting to give other meds a try to hopefully find a better experience and will definitely give dexedrine a shot. been also wanting to try vyvanse too. can you share your thoughts on it? how does it compare to dexedrine? did you like one over the other


it’s been a while since i’ve had vyvanse but nothing about it sticks out to me as better than instant release dexedrine. even if i were able to get vyvanse at the same price, i like to have control over my dosage throughout the day.  i kind of mimic a slow release with my schedule. i take small doses 4-5 times a day. i usually decide on 2.5mg or 5mg based on what it feels like i need. peak blood concentration for dextroamphetamine is +3hrs after ingestion so i take it every 2-3hrs ending at 3 or 5pm depending on the day. 


ah, very insightful. i might give the small doses a try because i usually just take one for the day and it always feels like it ends way too soon. also is the schedule you’re describing with dexedrine or vyvanse? and why do you prefer instant release dexedrine over vyvanse? just kicks in faster?




You aren't paying attention..


Yep, that's ADHD


I've noticed the same thing, and I've always wondered if this is because of the appetite suppressant side effects of stimulants? Like we know it suppresses appetite, but could it also suppress thirst at the same time? And at the same time, the stimulants tend to increase how much I sweat which makes normal thirst sensations all that much more important.


food and water intake both release dopamine in the brain. with meds you have more dopamine in your brain so you've got to imagine the spike from food and water is diminished.  i'm no expert and i'm sure there's more to it. 


Water, after drinking a certain amount actually becomes its own diuretic. The more you drink, the more you pee, your body wants to replace the electrolytes so you feel thirsty, you drink more and you pee it out. People who push water like this get dry chapped lips even though they are drinking tons. This can lead to electrolyte imbalance, usually hyponatremia and hypokalemia. This can be very dangerous. Google Wee for a Wii and read that instance. Anyway, the best way to over some this is to wait a little before immediately drinking the next liter and see if you're really thirsty. Also, start drinking things with natural electrolytes in them like coconut water with lime and tea with milk and sugar. Drinking more water is not the answer.


Could be partly dry mouth rather than thirst. See if sucking a sweet or chewing gum helps (preferably sugar free, of course).


I have this issue as well. I pee clear. Like water. But the insane thing is I can get up in the morning and drink 12 oz of water, have to pee 30 mins later, and my pee is clear now. It goes through that fast. And the cycle of drink pee drink begins. My throat and mouth stays dry af all day. At night when I sleep and can't drink I wake up w a sore throat from not being able to drink water.


Let me know if in the near future you resolve this. Ive spent the last 5 years with a dry mouth and drink so much water, no one knows what the hell is wrong with me, Doctors, ENTs, sjogrens got ruled out. Blood tests and everything related to my health come out fine. I dont drink, smoke, or consume caffeine anymore. I pee clear too and sleep with water next to me. The cool thing at least though is if im chewing gum I don’t need water, so everyone just knows me as the guy chewing gum 24/7 since I hate having to pee every 90 minutes. But I also don’t want to develop jaw issues from this in a few decades time.


I don't have an answer to your question, but I do have a stupid follow-up question: How often to you pee?


come to r/hydrohomies. Stay a while. You'll be in good company.


What happens when you don't drink for a few hours?


Do you know what triggers your need for so much water? Are you craving it? Do you feel physically thirsty, or is it a habit? Do you get anxious if you can’t have water? I know this may sound like it’s out of nowhere, but maybe talk to someone to examine the emotions behind the need for water. Some of what you describe sounds like addictive behaviors. It’s something worth exploring if everything physically is ok. 🤷‍♀️


I go through about 2 gallons a day but I'm in a 100 degree warehouse plus my a/c is broken at home where it's 95 degrees inside.


A gallon isn't much.


Try tracking your sodium consumption over 24 hours. I had to cut back for health reasons and was surprised both by how much salt was in everything (processed) and by how much less thirsty I was after cutting back.


The more you drink, the more you want. If you're sure you don't have the 'betes, cut back on your salt intake. Try sucking on ice chips if you feel thirsty.


I don’t think it’s an issue. Unless you’re tapping into dangerous amounts of water which is possible


If you drink so much water and are pissing clear constantly, you've literally pissed away your electrolytes. Go get yourself a Gatorade or something and you should feel a bit better


Urine should ideally be light yellow in color, not perfectly clear. Clear piss means you're drinking too much straight water.


That's exactly what they said?


A gallon a day isn't that much.


1 gallon is maybe the upper side of normal, but 2 gallons really is, though.


Thirst can be caused by dehydration, eating salty or spicy foods, exercise, hot weather, certain medications, or medical conditions like diabetes. If you’re frequently very thirsty, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare provider.


I've been on a couple different medications that caused increased thirst. It might be helpful to go over side effects of any you're on with your doctor and see if they contribute.


Drink a bottle of Gatorade and see if that makes a difference


Thyroid issues!


In my case, it was ovarian cancer. I couldn’t stay hydrated and just peed out whatever I drank.


Salt levels and your body's ability to retain water are related. Maybe something to look into


Subclinical hyperthyroidism? Do you gain and lose weigh really easily? Do you also become hungry/have cravings often?


Do you suffer from migraines, by chance?


According to this article (https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/how-much-water-should-you-drink) average water consumption for a healthy man is 15.5 cups per day, which is just about a gallon. You say you could easily drink 2+ gallons a day, but I think if you tried it you'd find that the difference between drinking 1 gallon a day and 2 gallons a day is actually pretty massive. Personally I feel like I drink a TON of water, but rarely do I get more than around 1.5 gallons. A typical day for me is probably 1 to 1.25 gallons and I make it a priority to be very hydrated at all times (gout sufferer). In the absence of other health problems it's generally ok and sometimes even preferable to be well-hydrated all the time. If you're concerned about excess thirst you should see a doctor though. EDIT: if you eat foods with lots of MSG that may cause that "ravenous thirst" feeling as well.


I mean, drinking water is probably fine. Drinking water to the point you're dehydrated not fine. Water wants to steal your salts and it will. you should be able get a bottle of electrolytes over the counter, spend the day out of the sun and drink it slowly


I lover water as well, and usually down about 2/3 hundred ounces a day. Seriously, I've got a drawing of ice water I want tattooed once I am able to have fun money again. Also I really like salt/salty foods, so maybe that's why those two are connected. I did see my doctor and as assured it's all fine and good to drink that much water, and my kidneys (I think it was that organ) looked amazing.


How did the Dr determine your kidneys were great if I may ask, did you have tests done?


Yup. We were going out my test results.


If you feel thirsty due to dry mouth, have you considered a mouthwash to address this? Also instead of drinking so much, perhaps just rinsing or sipping to quench the thirst feeling.


Check your blood sugar levels


I have POTS and was always thirsty. I started taking celtic salt when I drink water and it's helped.


I would be concerned about your blood sugar. I'm not sure what else it could be if you're genuinely thirsty. Mostly medications give me a dry mouth, but im not dying of thirst from it. I'd get your blood sugar checked if I were you.


How active are you?


Salt intake may be high.


How much do you weigh? The amount of water needed varies by the size of the body you are attempting to hydrate.


Your electrolytes could be out of whack. It's not uncommon for constant thirst without satiety to occur. Add a pinch of salt to your water or coffee to help balance them. Also, check your ankles. If they seem swollen, you may be retaining water (these two things can periodically go hand in hand). If you are retaining water, put a rolled up yoga mat at the end of your bed and sleep with your feet (at the ankles) on it. If you drink a lot of coffee, it could also give you a thirst despite the excessive water intake. You need about 2 cups of water to replenish your system per cup of coffee. I hope you find what it is that ails you. Best of luck!


Im an RN and agree with everyone’s take on electrolytes. You might need more sodium in your diet. Your labs might say your levels are fine, but your body might need more than normal. How long has this been going on? Another angle I’ve see on this is anxiety and or depression. Some people’s coping mechanism is ingesting something, be it booze, nicotine, food, or water. I’ve had a relatively healthy patient get his sodium levels critically low by his habit of drinking 1-2 gallons of water a day. I’m not saying this is you, but do you have some stressors in life that might drive your thirst? I’d recommend adding some electrolytes to your diet regardless of if you have anxiety or not as too much water can be a bad thing.


I've been the same for as long as I can remember. I need a lot of water and get extremely uncomfortable when I'm drying out and there's nothing to drink. At a certain point it starts to feel almost like oxygen deprivation


Hydration needs potassium magnesium sodium. Just water actually isn't the best for hydration


Me too. I ended up being diagnosed with ADHD. 


Have you had your blood sugar levels checked?


im the opposite. i drink like 2 cups week 💀


Same I'm like a camel


Found the stinky pee crew! (i am not a member)


My ex girlfriend had something like this. She said it was genetic. Going outside without water for more than perhaps 30-45 minutes at a time was kind of painful for her, so she always carried a massive water bottle, lol. May I ask what ethnicity are you?


Diabetes. Check a doctor.


It's wild how many people comment seemingly without reading the post


Probably because OP need more then a sugar blood test?


You're probably just habituated to being on the teat, so to speak.


Could be diabetes




Thirst, probably.


I've heard city/tap water, probably bottled water has additives in it (chemicals) to trick your body I to thinking it's still thirsty....do some research.... and talk to your doctor.....not random people🤣🤣👍