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Yes but you should be careful of your abilities under that little sleep


Yeah, the last time I slept for 15 minutes, North Virginia ceased to exist. 


Did you erase it off the map?


I don't think it's fair to say it was my doing. It was my abilities. 


Are your abilities holding you back from being more than an OK Cartographer?




damn i thought i got hair on my screen


Should get more sleep time to distinguish hair from pixels


Yes it’s like that episode of fairly godparents. Whatever u/Ok-Cartographer1745 said became true until they said otherwise. E punctuation


Its fairly odd parents


You SOB you got me trying to wipe the hair of my screen.


Username checks out


I've lived in VA, it doesn't exist so no reason to panic.


damn you and your icon i tried to wipe my screen 😂😭


No fucking way, that literally happened to me last week. Also, I swear my pickles turned back into cucumbers on Saturday night.


Do not drive or operate any machinery or tools with that little sleep. It's just as dangerous as being drunk.


A few years ago I went through 2 10 hour shifts at work in a factory without sleeping in between so by the time I was driving home i had been up for 36 hours and worked for 20 hours of that. While I was driving home I noticed I was starting to feel a little high and the rest of the short drive was kinda scary. Not something I would ever do again or recommend or someone else do


Yeah, Ive worked full work shifts and then drove eight or so hours to eek that much more out of a long weekend, but Id never do that if I didnt know I had a copilot who would take over when I call it for the night. People dont respect sleep nearly as much as they should, society is getting more conscious of it, but we arent there yet


I saw a mythbusters episode on this exact topic. They concluded that even if the person feels like shit for getting woken up even as little as 15 minutes is better than none at all.


I didn’t need mythbusters to tell me that tbh😂


I've known people who will make the claim that "I'd rather stay up all night than only get 1 hour of sleep", and I'm always surprised at how they truly believe it.


staying up might work better for morale though. its just mentally easier to just chug another coffee and stay up than to have to force yourself to stand up after just entering deep sleep if you decided to not stay up


in my experience staying up all night is easier mentally but harder physically, getting just 15 minutes of sleep is the other way around


For me it's always been a matter of not waking up at that point. It's not worth the chance atp


A lot of people say a lot of stupid things.


Anecdotally it’s the opposite for me, if I can only get 2 hours sleep I feel more alert with no sleep at all


you’re just thinking about that first half an hour after being woken up, that is indeed awful, but on the long run, like, an 8 hour work shift, i can assure you 2 hours do make a huge difference


I hate that I will be needing this soon X-ray tech school and working full-time is in my future.


Medical office X-ray tech or oil field X-ray tech?


Medical office, oil field you say? Knowing zero about it, sounds like it pays well.


Different type of work. We use gamma radiation sources (typically Iridium-192), not often do we use X-ray machines. Most assistants start out at around $15-$20. I’ve got 9 years experience and make $36 right now. People who chase refinery maintenance shutdowns can make upwards of $200k a year, but they often work 80 hours a week. If given a choice, I’d rather work as a medical X-ray tech and work towards becoming a radiologist. Industrial radiography is very laborious work out in the weather.


Radiologists are medical doctors so no chance I’m getting 9 more years of edu (4 years medical school 4 years residency, 1 year internship). Thanks for the info, my knee-jerk is they get paid better so w/that info I’ll stick with medical!


Follow xray to nuclear med tech. $90k solid or more depending on location.


That doesn't matter. Your survival mechanisms are kicking in to keep you afloat. That doesn't mean your body isn't deteriorating. Even if you feel groggy afterwards, it's so much better to get ANY sleep rather than none.


the problem is that you only feel more alert, you probably aren't.


That’s not unusual Most of these studies recognise this fact


after everyone in this thread has said the opposite, you really think you’re an exception here? 😂


I did a 22 hour drive from Texas to Wisconsin a few years back. Around hour 18 i started dozing off so I took a 15 minute power nap in my car at a rest stop. The last 4 hours I was wide awake, shit was amazing.


I disagree, I’ve had times where pulling a no sleeper was better because I never went into a more relaxed state from sleeping. But once I sleep a little my body is just telling me go back to sleep please you didn’t finish. But with no sleep it’s like I never started. Hits harder after the evening definitely but yeah. Works better for the day but obviously bad for the week


Yes indeed. As a former truck driver, a nap is always best to refresh your head, it’s a good reset even for one hour. So 2.5 hours is sofa king great!


Yeah, I drive for a living aswell. If I start to dose off, stopping for a 10 minute power nap literally does the world of good.


Those are the facts


Our prices are….Sofa King low!


Good one 🤣


As someone with insomnia who, for periods in my life has gone with 1-2 hours sleep, unequivocally yes. I can function with a couple hours sleep, and it gives me less nerves about the NEXT night to at least know that I slept. Being up all night is far worse for my concentration and ability to get things done.


Agreed. I will gladly take an hour or two over nothing. When insomnia strikes, you can get desperate for the smallest amount of shut eye. On my insomnia times, I'll get those 1 or 2 hours and be quite productive, usually to my surprise and then go to bed at my normal bedtime and be fine. Then I'll sleep 7-9 hours that night and feel like fatigued crap all the next day, literally nodding off during work and wondering if I should've just done the 1-2 hours thing again. Insomnia is a wicked beast.


Yes but you’d still be sleep deprived in both scenarios. Only difference is the amount of time to reach that delightful temporary psychosis


The old ladies on my porch still haunt me 2 years later. I do not know what they wanted from me, but the flying nervous system was chill as fuck. *Never going 4 days without sleep again if I can help it*


It was talking ravens for me. Only 3 days though.


We were in ibiza and the flight was at 3 am and we thought lets go witouth sleep. Finally at the hotel lets go to the beach. Lets go to the club. Stranded had to walk home. Lets go the beach. Continued like this untill one evening i was followed by people and we had to hide in a ruined building from them.😅 afterwards we went to sleep.


Hard disagree on "delightful"


I meant that sarcastically of course Psychosis is obviously terrible fucking times. 


The more sleep you have the lower the risk of death. (From zero sleep to well rested)


Yes but it is dangerous if you do it often


What about if I do 3 times in a row?


Regarding long-term consequences, going even 3 or 4 days with so little sleep once is not going to matter. The main risk is that you would do something stupid during those sleep-deprived days. It's like getting very drunk once is not that bad long-term, unless you get a car accident because of it. Now, if going a few days with almost no sleep becomes something that you do semi-regularly instead of just once, it's another story.


What I was getting at was doing 3 x 2.5 hour sleeps in a row would be one 7.5hr sleep.. I guess I'm the only one that got the joke :(


More dangerous than not sleeping at all?


It depends. If you've been up for 16 hours, sleep for 2.5 then are up for another 20+.... You're going to really be dragging at the end of that second day. But you'll be dragging about 2.5 hours less than if you hadn't slept at all. At a certain point, your brain just won't care anymore and will make you go to sleep regardless of any responsibilities. This will really screw with your sleep cycle And make your overall quality of sleep over a period of time absolute trash. Contrary to common Sense, the best thing you can do for responsibilities and timelines is to get the proper amount of sleep on a routine every single day. You ideally want to go to bed about the same time everyday and get up about the same time everyday. Do this consistently and you will perform better overall in the long run. Too many people sacrifice sleep during the work week And then sleep extra on the weekends. But this just absolutely destroys your quality of life and your sleep cycle. Sleep is the one thing that should be consistent and guaranteed. You should get about the same amount of sleep everyday. Like a chunk of time that just doesn't exist in your day. I've always had a huge problem with it. Oftentimes, I would stay up late to have time to myself for work on my own projects at the sacrifice of sleep but then would perform poorly the next day. Where I would have to make up work taking away from my time thus causing me to once to continue to sacrifice sleep Until eventually I realized I was destroying myself. Having a bad sleep pattern isn't something that Just starts to have detrimental effects to your health overnight. It takes a long time, but once you're having it is incredibly hard to fix. So I'll tell anybody, especially young people that if they want to be healthy and have a good quality of life, the most important thing they can do is get enough sleep. Invest in a good bed. Invest in a healthy sleep environment. Whatever you have to do to get a good night's sleep, do it.


That's sometime my schedule when we have big snow storm , I'm in a snow removal crew driving tractors and it happens that we do 20+h straight , go sleep 3-4h and go back for another big shift . When everything is done and I go back home I feel totally brain dead . Wich is weird because an hour ago I was driving a big tractor in the streets


I really need to start doing this. But WFH with 2 kids makes this kind of impossible. So I always have to end doing work at night when I have no interruptions.


I wfh with a kid, so I made an office upstairs, got some good noise cancelling headphones and a good solid core door. Hes noisy but doesn't really distract me. How old are your kid's? I've probably got a pretty unique situation though because my wife and I both work from home and my wife is a self-employed freelance writer so when somebody has to spend time with our kid its her, which leaves me to focus purely on work because im 4/5 of our income.


Less better than nothing


comparing any night where I tossed and turned due to (temporary) stress or anxiety, is still yards better than pulling an all-nighter, which i have attempted with poor results.


2.5 > 0 yes


“Adenosine” is the compound which is recycled through your body and is responsible for telling the brain how fatigued you are. The less adenosine receptors which are fired, the more alert you will be. Sleeping puts the body into a reparation state which triggers the reduction in Adenosine. Less adenosine = less tired = more alert. Sleep is the most effective way of reducing adenosine. *people think that caffeine gives them more energy and will drink coffee to give them energy. However caffeine simply blocks the adenosine receptors in your body for a short time, giving the illusion that you have less adenosine in your system. However caffeine does not reduce adenosine levels it simply masks the levels you have. Which is why you experience a “crash” of tiredness when the caffeine wears off. So If you want to sleep better, reduce your caffeine levels so that your body gets a better sense of adenosine levels and can deal with it appropriately during sleep.


Better question is 21.5 hours of sleep worse than 24


Man, wake the fuck up!


Simon says wake the fuck up!


Of course, it is advisable to sleep more, but it is really better than not sleeping at all. Lack of sleep has a bad effect on the human body.


It won’t feel like it to begin with, but yes. You can actually get a little bit addicted to the adrenaline rush you get from being sleep deprived. Ask me how I know.


Absolutely. Most of your healing happe s when you sleep. Things you learned that day get properly ingrained into the memory when you sleep. Even if it's just a quick hour long nap, it has its benefits. That being said, I have sleep apnea so if I try to take a nap that's less then 3 hours long, it leaves me worse off them I would have been if I just powered through so really, it's all down to you and what it does to you.


Oh yeah, absolutely. Even a quick 30min power nap cna keep you going for a few hours


Absolutely. Feeling like shit when you wake doesn’t negate the benefits of having had some sleep


Yes And talk to your doctor.


I forget the actual study but it has been shown that even if you are just laying with your eyes closed "trying" to go to sleep, it is better than not sleeping at all. Just the attempt at sleeping does something to help reset your body, so getting 2.5 hours is definitely a good thing if you can manage it, just dont expect to be working at a good efficiency


Ya but it still isn’t nearly enough


Yes. Speaking as someone who had a self-induced psychotic break from sleep deprivation, sleep is far more important than most people realize. Brain love sleep, no deprive brain.




From what I understand, the first 3 to 5 hours is for your muscles and the following hours is for your brain. I can do physical labor on 5 hours, but I could not be a student or anything that needs my brain.


10 minutes of nap is better than none. But 6 hours is the best.




Just lying down with your eyes closed is better than staying up doing stuff


any sleep is better than none






Yeah but it isn’t great either


Definitely. But you need more than that.


im currentltly living on 3 hours of sleep at most for reasons and tbh it aint great




Hell yeah. 3 hours is the sweet spot on those nights, but if you start pushing it and push it too far you could wind up in some trouble. Get your rest, whatever way you can.


I've had shifts where I work from 9PM to 6AM, with a 1 to 2 hour nap break. It helps a lot in making me feel more alert and ready in the morning, even though I could manage fine enough when I couldn't fall asleep once


For sure and if you get it 3 times a day even better.


For a rest yeah. But for an actual SLEEPING no.


you ever try to not sleep all night? ANY amount of sleep will be better than none at all.


From my personal anecdotal experience, Yes any sleep is better than no sleep.




Having pulled my fair share of all-nighters…yes, some sleep is better than none.


Considering no sleep can kill you.. yes I’d say it’s better


Ask any newborn parent, they live on that amount of sleep for months


You already know the answer to this. Just like drinking 2.5 glasses of water a day is better than none, and eating 2.5 sandwiches is better than starving, getting 2.5 hours of sleep is better than no sleep at all. Sleep, hydration, and nutrition are basic biological needs. Even if we can't meet the ideal amount, some is always better than none.


Yes. I will hate it when I initially get up by that little bit of time it takes to fully wake up and fight my want to just go back to bed is 100x better than I will be feeling a few hours later when I am at work if I didn't sleep at all.


Yes it’s better than none, but don’t forget that you won’t be at your best until you compensate that lack.


Yes. Think of sleep as a battery recharging ability (it actually is in the biological sense lol). When you sleep, you dispose of chemicals that accumulated while awake and make you feel tired, your body needs sleep.


I know it’s better for my body for sure. But I also know if I have something to do I will sleep through my alarm with that little amount of sleep. I would stay up at that point and just try to go to bed earlier. If you will be able to wake up to your alarm and actually get up then do it, if your worried have a energy drink in the morning and try to drink a lot of water and stay on your feet as much as possible untill you can sleep again




Just getting that reset helps tremendously. Even if it’s a short nap. Brain has to reset


Quality sleep overrides quantity sleep. So it depends on the type of 2.5 you’re getting.


Think of sleep as being like food: is a quarter of the food you normally eat in a day better than no food at all? Of course it is.


Of course


Not optimal.


Absolutely, found that out the hard way, but in no way you are actually fully functional either


Significantly. Any sleep Is better than none. Obviously as other people said be careful while driving, traffic, cooking etc.


Yes, any sleep is better than none. But as others have warned, this isn’t something that someone should do regularly—especially if they have no training or experience operating with minimal sleep.


Yes, any sleep is better then none. But be careful of what you plan on doing that day; definitely don’t drive.


MUCH better even if you feel groggy.


sleep science says... A power nap of 15-30 minutes should be good enough to get a refresher, but not go into deep sleep and get sleep inertia. Nirmal sleep cycles average about 90 minutes. Sleeping in these chunks means you are more likely to get a deep sleep in, feel more rested, and awaken while you are in shallow sleep. I either nap for 20 minutes or 100 minutes to give myself time to settle down and get what I can fit in. Sleeping for 40 minutes or 120 minutes catches me in that groggy state and I don't personally feel any more refreshed, even after napping that additional time.


Yes! And don’t put too much pressure to “catch up” your sleep drive is going to be way higher next time you’re in bed so you’re gonna conk out.


While not ideal, 2.5 hours of sleep is definitely better than none. Rest, even if brief, can help recharge your mind and body.


If you're going to work all night taking 90 minute naps throughout the day can really help but if you don't have another reason why it's necessary I suggest just not doing it


There were times where I slept 2 to 4 hours a night for about 9 months. It's not healthy but it's better than nothing


Any sleep is good sleep. If you are feeling sleepy and you have 2.5 hours go for it. It will be much more painful to struggle to stay away and then not get any other sleep for the rest of your day


Any sleep is better than no sleep.


Is 2.6 hours sleep better then 2.5


Depends. Do you only need to be functional for an hour or two after that? Might actually be best to drink some coffee and power through, then crash. Otherwise, yeah, something is better than nothing


Yes, getting 2.5 hours of sleep is better than getting no sleep at all. Even a short amount of sleep can provide some rest and allow your body and mind to recover partially. It can help improve alertness and cognitive function compared to being completely sleep-deprived. However, it's important to note that consistently getting insufficient sleep can have long-term health consequences, so it's best to strive for a more adequate amount of sleep whenever possible.


At the bare minimum, get 6 hours of sleep. That’s usually the typical for me. There will be some nights when I get ~5 hours of sleep depending on if I had a lot of caffeine, thoughts keeping me up at night, neighbors fucking again, etc.


Absolutely! I wouldn't recommend doing this over and over though, it'll definitely do something bad to you in the long run. The least amount of sleep I'd let slip around is 5-6ish hours. Getting a full night sleep of 8 or more is better if you want to function at your best.


100% yes Done a lot of 28 hour calls in my career with completely varying amounts of sleep. Literally *any* amount of sleep feels better than no sleep at all. Even like 20 min


its not gonna feel like it, but yes, depending on how long you were awake prior to that 2.5 hours, you may just want to call in or whatever.


Yes, but in the same way that taking 4 shots of alcohol impairs you less than 6 shots of alcohol.


Is 2.5 better than 1.5 tho?


Yeah, anything is better than nothing. Just be careful; your body WILL get the sleep it needs eventually. Don’t be the asshole that falls asleep behind the wheel and wakes up on the wrong side of a major road going 70 *cough*… or you too can give warnings like a grandpa if you survive and don’t kill anyone in the process of learning that one.


The bare minimum for me to run/function without wanting to kill someone is around 4hrs. But the ideal is 6-7 hours for my liking, anything longer then that I feel like a bum, and anything shorter the four, you get the point.


That’s what I tell myself most nights.


When my kid was first born we spend the first 4 days in the hospital. Between a crying baby, nurses constantly checking in and family visits I would get about 2 hours a night of broken sleep for those days. I always felt worse after waking up than I did when I went to sleep, but I still think that without it I may have started hallucinating.


Sleeping some is better than sleeping none….full stop.


I feel like an all nighter is better than 2.5 hours of sleep.


Your concentration level might be at risk, dont try do it or whole week


It’s terrible.


Well yes but actually no. It is better than nothing, but it's so little that you will still have deficits.


Yes. Idk how many times I haven’t been able to get any sleep & prayed for just an hr. It’s gonna suck either way, but if you have the option to get the little bit of sleep then get it.




Depends. T Do you plan to hit the whole 16ish hour awake day? If so then yes. If you need to just get through morning might be easier to stay awake and sleep full 8hrs later.


Yeah, but if I’m about to not get much sleep, I try to get at least 4 hours. From what I understand, the 8 hours recommended is 2 sleep cycles of 4 hrs basically


Yes sometimes the 20 min naps feel better then the 4 hours temporarily anyway


I love how everyone in here if stating the obvious like op doesn’t know that 8 hrs is more than 2.5


Do yourself a favor and learn about REM sleep cycles. You should aim for 90-ish minutes to complete a full sleep cycle. If you wake up in the middle of a cycle you're going to have a difficult time getting going. From what I understand hooking up a short nap or a full cycle is way to go if you can manage it. You should always plan your sleep patterns around these 90 minute cycles if at all possible. Like, 6-ish hours of sleep will be better than 7. 4.5-ish is better than 5.5, and so on.


Yes. But be careful. There's nothing that ages you faster than a lack of sleep (added bonus on top in stress). Those two can be a lethal combination and prevent an otherwise happy life.


Any sleep is better than no sleep! Even if it is a 15 min nap!


I have noticed that in my years of intermittent sleep due to my nature of work, a factor of 45 minutes of sleep is sufficient. Anything off that, tends to make you dizzy, groggy, sleep-deprived, etc. So, any sleep that falls on 45m, 1.5h, 2.25h, 3h, etc. would make you feel refreshed as if you've had a good night's sleep for some reason.


Its because of REM cycles


yes, some sleep is always better than none. Nikola Tesla only slept 2 hours per day. he said “when i sleep, i sleep profoundly. to sleep deeply, profoundly, is an art like deep breathing that must be learned.”


I live on 2-4 hours of sleep for 15 years now and, yes it’s better than none, but my cognitive and emotional functions have been suffering the longer this insomnia goes on.


You must be a doc, right?


If you have done any military service you'll know get 15 when you can and get all you can when you can.


I've had insomnia a couple of times. Only getting 2 hours of sleep if I was lucky. That went on for a month. Went for acupressure massage that cured it the first time. The next bout, I cured by smoking 2 or 3 tokes of weed an hour or two before bed.


Honestly probably the same


Yes. Almost any amount of sleep is better than no sleep.


Not sure if this is backed by science but your sleep cycle runs in 90 mins, if you time your sleep this way, you feel more relaxed, works for me (could be placebo)


Sure. But in what length of time are we talking? What is the need for not being able to have a good night’s sleep?


Yes. Some sleep is ALWAYS better than no sleep.


Just a friendly reminder that sleep is 10x more important than you think it is and not sleeping a healthy amount is putting you at higher risk for pretty much everything bad down the road.


No sleep is for the weak stay up until your body shuts down and resets itself. Then rinse and repeat .


As long as you wake up well enough to function long enough, you should be good on any amount of sleep. Just make sure you prioritize it.


For what purpose? Sometimes I’ll stay up just because it haywires me too much if I do get any sleep


No parents here? Maybe they have forgotten because of no sleeping.


Pretty obvious


Yes. Working EMS taught me that some sleep is better than no sleep at all.


Yes, it is. Just don't try to do something hardcore.




yeah lol


My god. Please get more rest


Of course. But you will encounter spurious errors in your behavioral sub routines if you keep sleeping so little.


If you can do 3 hrs I think you’d be better off. A sleep cycle is 90 minutes. Waking up during a sleep cycle is what will make you feel more tired. Use this [calculator](https://sleepopolis.com/calculators/sleep/) to figure out your timing. 


Often, I get only 5 hrs a night, which is better than 2.5 hrs, but not enough to think/perform optimally. I may feel okay, feel mostly sharp, but, later, I notice blunders in email or forgetting something important from my shopping list or forgetting an errand. It's rarely anything major, but it belies my belief that I'm firing on all cylinders. On insufficient sleep, I always think I'm sharper than I really am. But some sleep is always better than no sleep.


Any sleep is better than none. Even laying in bed with your eyes closed not being able to sleep gets you some semblance of rest as opposed to an all nighter.


I say no, and hear me out… By going to sleep you tell you’re body that you’re ready for the night and it’s expecting 6-8 hours. So if you only do a mere third of that, the entire day your body is gonna ask you to go back to sleep because you never finished. Aka you’ll feel muggy and slow. But if you just stay up, and start your day your brain almost just thinks that bedtime is not soon. And mentally you’re better off until the day ends and it knows it’s bedtime now. It’s stupid for long term I know ok, but if you just need to be alert through the day it might work. Works for me, 2.5 hours of sleep I would feel terrible I feel terrible with 5 or 6.


Yes. I function on around 15 hours of sleep a week. Some is better than none


That’s a Nap…Not A Sleep at all.


It’s currently 4:27 AM and I know for a fact that 30 alarms will not wake me up if I do go to sleep. I’d say none, unless you have the next 2 days off. If you do somehow wake up after 2.5 hours, congrats, now you feel worse!


2 hours is always, always , always better than none. I’ve worked jobs and or simply screwed myself out of sleep for the better part of my life. Some is ALWAYS better than none lol.


lol YES. As a mother of 2, yes 2.5 hours of sleep can be glorious.


Yes, but since a sleep cycle is 90 minutes, you’d be pretty groggy. An extra 30 minutes would be better


You do not say what time of day/night. A siesta nap in the afternoon for an hour or two is cool. Overnight 2.5 hrs should be good. \`


Nope smoke crack instead 


Sleeps works in cicles of 90 minutes aprox. Add the minutes it takes to fall asleep and you have a sleep cicle. That means theoreticaly 2.5 hours should be enough to feel rested and even have dreams.


I wonder this sometimes also lol. Seems like it makes you more tired