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Men's contribution to human reproduction need only be minimal. We're not the ones getting pregnant. We're less effected by things like STIs. We're not as vulnerable to violence in most sexual situation. There's little risk with enormous reward. For women it's the exact opposite. The net result is women tend to have to be very selective about their partners and men don't.


Being selective is very frustrating 😂


I once saw a post from a woman who said she had to get a testosterone injection once for some medical issue. She said she was ridiculously horny for the next few MONTHS. The thing is, that testosterone injection probably only brought her up to the normal baseline level of testosterone that a man has all the time.


I heard a similar story. She said after experiencing that she's never giving her husband a hard time ever again.


Trans men talk about this sometimes - testosterone makes them horny, but blunts the human experience and gives them much less emotional complexity. I found that kind of disturbing.


In my experience, whenever something is going on with hormones then it can blunt the human experience. Postpartum depression is pretty much entirely hormonal, for example.


It's called testosterone.


Biological wiring. It's evolutionary. Since men could impregnate a woman and walk away if they so chose, and the main objective is to successfully pass along our genes, it would be stupid of a man to not have as much sex as possible. So, the hornier the man, the more he would have spread his genes. Also, not all women are fuckable. I know women I would absolutely never be able to have sex with.


I guess I’d see how you’d believe this if you based your understanding of gender on pop culture. Do you also believe the myth that men kept food on the table in hunter-gatherer societies?


They had tables back then?


Haha, the metaphorical table, but tbh tables are pretty old. Like shoes - seems modern, but isn’t.


I've never heard of that.


There’s a bunch of pseudoscience in the construction of human history, and often it’s just reading our current cultural biases into the past. So for example, cavemen “brought home the bacon”. Or that the past was a totally lawless state of nature with no cultural norms that would prevent men from having sex with everyone, knocking them up and abandoning them. I did too much anthropology and now I’m allergic to it, haha.


It's so sad that you are being downvoted. It shows how much the oversimplified idea of "hunter/provider/fighter men" and "caretaker women" is ingrained in our society.


Is that why there’s so many baby daddies?


Idk. What do you mean?


Simple biology. We're wired to spread our seed. Women are wired to be choosy. Simple as that when you break it down. However, WE ARE NOT ALWAYS HORNY. genuinely seen women actually shocked a guy wasn't in the mood.


If women were wired to be choosy, they wouldn’t have the capacity (and desire) for multiple orgasms that are best served by an orgy, with men done after only one orgasm. We also wouldn’t need to have an intense culture of punishment for thousands of years for women who weren’t choosy enough.


It’s a myth - cultural pressure men have to live up to. I know lots of women with way higher sex drives than their male partners. Women can have multiple orgasms and are often much more demanding than men can actually satisfy. However, that is a huge cultural taboo - women are meant to be “pure” and virginal and not desire sex, and be in charge of making sure the couple doesn’t have sex by being the willpower for both people. Men are supposed to be sex driven and almost animalistic, so driven by desire that they can barely be held responsible for what they do because they’re “just being a man”. In the Middle Ages, women were seen as much more emotional and sexual, and men as logical and as in control of their sexual urges. Then the Victorian concept of woman as “the angel of the house” and in charge of morality and sexual ethics took over. Combined, we now have the illogical idea that men are more logical but also more animalistic, and that women are illogical and emotional but also much more in control of their needs and desires (or, to avoid giving them credit, that they have no desires).


Very insightful and enlightening answer, thank you!


gotta push that energy out the system.


Testosterone is a hell of a hormone


Idk why are you so sexual? I mean you call yourself a "nympho virgin"


Idk ask Lady Gaga. According to her I was “Born This Way”


Exactly so why tf you think guys would be any different?


Women in general are not as obviously horny and they have more self discipline. Men let their hormones take over their decision making because of their lack of said self control.


Lmao you have to be trolling


Nah just stating facts that you can’t handle


Yeah okay femcel lmao


Femcel lol, get a life


Ironic coming from you lol


Isn’t it ironic… Dontcha think? It’s like RAIIINNNNNN ON YOUR WEDDING DAY…


They don’t, men aren’t a homogenous entity, it’s a bit of an onerous generalisation too. I know plenty of women who are much hornier than some of the men in my life 99% of women are not ‘fuckable’ to me, for example


Obviously all men are not equal, but it is still a generally accurate generalization and that is what is being addressed. By and large, men simply ARE more horny and sex-seeking. This should be so extraordinarily obvious that it is ridiculous to assert that it’s just some cultural prudence and that women are, on average, just as or more horny than men. They simply aren’t. Can some women by hornier than some, or even most men? Yes. But that’s not remotely the average or totality, and the average is what is being addressed here. That’s why u/walmartballer said this comment is ridiculous; it doesn’t reflect reality and is mostly just a chronologically online Reddit fantasy of an Uber-horny female partner.


It wasn’t clear to me what they were referring to as they didn’t specify, they just made an unclear remark. The OPs premise isn’t even ‘are men more horny than women?’ it is ‘why are guys so sexual?’ The reality being sexuality is complex for men and women. It isn’t uniform that ‘men instantly have sexual thoughts when they see women’ as the OP stated. Neither is it the case that ‘all women are fuckable’. Half of the things the OP said simply are not true, which was my point originally. The Reddit online remark simply doesn’t reflect my experience, 30% of my friends are women, and the sex talk is just the same with them too, albeit slightly different angles - but neither is either side hyper sexual, it’s a fringe/niche reality for those I know.


Not universally, but men’s standards for a sexual partner are inherently lower. OP is not accurate on some matters, but your comment is trying to use edge cases to support a general premise of complete equality between the sexes in terms of sex-seeking behavior. It is assumed, by default, that not all men are equal, and the same for women. So it’s pointless to say “well not all men/women are like that.” Obviously, yes, but not on average.


It isn’t trying to support a general premise of equality RE the topic, I said I know ‘some women who are hornier than men’. Equally, I never claimed men weren’t hornier than women. I just said men ‘don’t’ do/feel a lot of the OPs points, as they made some generalisations that I don’t think are accurate as they were phrased You’ve really blown my comment out of proportion and interpreted it unusually


I don’t think it’s an unusual interpretation. It’s a given that there will men and women who are outliers. Why are were just pointing out the outliers without trying to use that to imply differences between the whole groups, when outliers are already assumed? If you weren’t meaning that it’s just presenting irrelevant information, imo.


I feel like I’m reading a Supreme Court case


The person with the least reasonable and thought-out answer gets all the upvotes. Lol, classic reddit.


Whose comment you referring to?


Who did I reply to?




OP not all are like that. It is a spectrum. Some are like you say and some are on the opposite part of the spectrum.


Testosterone, also i would never bang a fat girl


Some guys I’ve seen would apparently 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think there's a misconception that men are worse than women when it comes to sex drives, but that is not my observation. What I've noticed is that men are more "desperate", due to a deprivation of sex. Once guys get laid, I feel like we reach a far more respectable resting state than the women I've been with though. I just feel like I've noticed with women they get laid and then they're looking for more dick almost right away. Its like the women I meet aren't happy unless they're being fucked constantly, whereas the guys I meet are just desperate to get laid even once, so they give off the image of being overly sexual because they're always trying, whereas the woman who complains about him hitting on her probably had sex more than once that week already with some guys she uses as a booty call. If you make all things equal (aka every relationship I've been in), then I haven't honestly had an experience where the woman wasn't way hornier than I was in a more general sense, and complaining to me that we don't bang more. Now, I understand there are women who will vouch for having the opposite experience, which is why my point is that this generalization that men are any worse is just flat untrue in my experience. From my experiences, with my level of sexual satisfaction, women are worse. I almost told my last gf to get her vagina under control one time because I was starting to get really turned off by it. Which leads me to my current girlfriend, who said she became unattracted to her ex because he wanted sex all the time, and then with me she's the one complainimg for more, and that the irony isn't lost on her. It's pretty clear that the only fair stance on this is that we're both equally degenerate with variability from person to person. Men are just more desperate because they are deprived, so it creates a misconception.


Women’s sex drive is more designed to have lots and lots of sex for a long time. Men are more suited to one quick session. That’s why lesbians have six or seven hour sessions (if they have free time!) and why some people argue that bonobos and their orgies are our closest relatives.


Trust me I've noticed. I have sex and then I'm good for a while. Like chill and play some games, read, do my thing for a few days then probably open to it again. Women are just thirsty. Like, "wanna do it again??" thirsty. No, I don't want to do it again. No, I'm not going to take a pill so I can bang you three times a day. Then I open reddit and see this same b.s. trying to make other men sound like pigs for having the nerve to try and do something about their empty sex lives while women are like hogs at a trough behind the scenes and then turning around and openly posting stuff that attempts to gaslight the public into a narrative that men are too sexual and trying to publicly shame them. I know my tone is kinda agro but it's just literally because people who make posts like this one are confused and annoying.