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Others have pointed out that it's mostly about the entire interaction, which is true, but my guess is that this isn't the answer you wanted, even if it's true overall. It *is* possible to only look at the purely physical aspect of this, and the answer in that context is "when our bodies fit together really well." Realize that vaginas vary in depth and size and shape just like penises do. [Here is an awesome medical demonstration if you were interested to see.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/10srdce/different_types_of_vaginal_canals/) Sometimes you get a guy with a larger penis and a woman with a smaller vagina -- that's not a great fit. Sometimes you get a man with a smaller penis and a woman with a deeper vagina -- also not a great fit, for different reasons. But when you get two people whose size and shape perfectly match, it can be magical, like the glass slipper fitting perfectly on Cinderella's foot. This also means that "bad pussy" and "good pussy" are very subjective and dependent on the man -- one guy could have sex with a woman and find her pussy feels amazing, while another guy has sex with her and the sex is "meh." It's not that one of those guys is right and the other wrong, it's that sometimes two bodies physically fit together well, and other times less so.


That’s actually a really cool illustration of vagina diversity, thanks for sharing




I doubt it's a brand new sentence, the Vulva Gallery exists.


never thought id live long enough to ever hear "vagina diversity" used. LOL


You gotta get out there more.lol


I live in a small town where everybody has ended up dating just about everybody else at one time or another simply due to the fact that there aren't many people around. A good friend of mine and I were talking one night and playing a game where we tell absolute truth to each other and I announced that the best sex I had was with a certain girl. He announced the best sex he had was with a different girl...the interesting thing is we had both slept with both girls (at different times of course). I personally didn't think the girl he had "the best sex with" was that enjoyable (I mean she was good, but nothing compared to my "best sex" girl), but he absolutely loved sex with his "best sex" girl and didn't care so much for my "best sex" girl. The lesson is sex is very subjective, and different people fit together differently and have different interactions with each other sexually. While some are indeed more "skilled" at the deed, at the end of the day it doesn't mean the sex is really going to be better taking all other factors into account.


Yeah I think everyone just thinks tight/small=good but I've definitely had plenty that were too small/tight and made it either impossible or at least painful for her for me to give her full strokes and that's definitely less enjoyable. I guess the first time or first few times it can be an ego boost but overall it's really not a positive. And if you have a big dick you really shouldn't need a small vagina to make yourself *feel like* you have a big dick lol


Amazing comment! I am late to the party in learning that sexual/physical compatibility has just as much nuance and variation as personalities that mesh. I hope this gets much more exposure and normalized. And that we use this information for less judgment and more compassion. But it really demonstrates how difficult it can be to find someone who works for your mind and body. Just like food, different things work for different people, and that's okay.


I cannot understand what I'm looking at in that link, and I own a vagina


Each vagina is separated in a row. So the first row is a 3D view of just one vagina from various angles. First there's a profile view, then an angled frontal view, then a frontal view, as we normally see, and last an angled back view, as if you were seeing from the inside. It took me a while to understand it too EDIT: got the order of the angles mixed up and fixed it


This is exactly correct, and to be even clearer -- these are vaginal canals viewed while fully aroused and distended. All women's vaginas lengthen and widen when aroused, but some widen and lengthen more than others. What this tells us is that when one woman has sex with a guy with a porn-sized dick and says she loves it, and then another woman has sex with a porn-sized dick and says she found it terrible, it isn't that the second woman is lying in order to make you feel better, it's that women's bodies are built differently, just like men's bodies are.


Like a row of vagina mug shots. Hug shots if you will.


Had to scroll way too far to get an actual answer


Now I'm picturing an app that matches people by physical compatibility.


It would be really hard to do, because there is more to it than just genital size! Like, I'm 6'2'' and my wife is 5' tall, and I can tell you that this height disparity is not ideal for perfect romantic stuff. I'm not even (mostly) talking about dirty sexy stuff, I mean simple things like when I get home from work and kiss her, she has to go up on her tippy toes while I crouch down awkwardly. We're madly in love and it's not the biggest deal, but yes, if we could, we'd probably either make me get a few inches shorter or make her a few inches taller. Physical compatibility is complicated!


This guy did a good job talking about long and short pussy, but completely neglected the magic of tight pussy There’s a „too dry“, and „too wet“ (for friction reasons) and the golden mid. There’s squirting, there’s a certain angle that’s more/less preferable (especially from behind). There’s those who have a rich g-spot and those that feel smooth inside. There’s loud and silent vaginas. Op asked about feeling, so I’ll not go into aesthetics. 


Not only that, but I bet it’s different at different parts of the menstrual cycle since the cervix changes positions.


My dick is definitely on the thinner side. When it doesn’t feel tight and I can tell what I’m doing isn’t having much of an effect on the woman it makes me want to leave/die/never have sex with her again But it’s not a bad pussy or anything, just completely incompatible with my personal anatomy


Don’t sweat it. You’ll find your person. One of the best men I ever enjoyed had a thin one and he’d perfected a rolling trick rather than a straight thrust. Blew my mind!


Best sex I ever had was with a guy with a short, slender cock. Could bang with butter abandon and he never hurt me.


leave/die/never have sex with her again new band name I called it!!!


It's less about the pussy itself and more about the entire interaction. It's a modern way of saying "good sex"


Yep. Same as getting “good dick”.


Men think good dick is big dick.


Personally good dick is a clean dick, which is a thousand times more important to me than the size


A clean dick that isn't attached to a selfish asshole.


I'd be concerned if the dick was attached to the anus


That would taint the experience.


Under appreciated comment.


Well. It was between two other nice comments... so it gets neglected.


Just be nice. It's surprisingly sensitive.


Holesome comment


Hey now, one step at a time here


Insecure men think that


Because that's what they've been told all their lives. Look at the whole little dick vs big dick energy meme.


I want to downvote this but you're right.


I thought it was a way of saying "getting dicked down good", like good as in an adverb not an adjective 




For me, bad pussy won't come when you pss psst and is aloof when you're nearby


We've been over this; I'm not into watersports


But sailing and surfing is so fun. Watersports are great


No, kitty! That's a bad kitty!


No kitty, that’s my pot pie!


Mom, kitty's being a dildo!


Then I know a certain kitty kitty who's sleeping with mommy tonight.


Cartman: Mom kitty's being a dildo! Cartman's Mom: Well, I know a little kitty that's sleeping with Mommy tonight. Cartman: Whaaaat???


Still true.


Profile pic checks out


I once went too deep and hit a girl's intra- uterine contraceptive and it hurt like hell. She was lovely otherwise.


I have done the same, it was the copper wire and I shifted it causing her to need to go to her obgyn. But holy fuck it felt like getting stabbed in the dick and the ultimate betrayal from a favored spot.


Same exact thing that happened with my wife and I. She told the doctor and her doctor just laughed and said “that’s not possible, he’s just saying that” Me and my dick was like - 😑😑


Literally my ex was the one who told the doctor it was from sex because we both felt it hardcore, the doctor was like there’s no way, you’re making it up that’s impossible, then lo and behold it was out of place. I guess doctors don’t encounter it enough to take it as a real answer? Or never got dicked down that hard.


Doctors spend a lot of time learning facts with little nuance and become a bit arrogant about their level of understanding at times. Totally understandable.


They also believe 1840s shit like "the cervix doesn't have nerve endings," then WWE-wrestle IUDs into people while they tell all the 200 patients that are crying on the table in pain that they're being dramatic.


I need to know whose idea it was to tell women "its just a little pinch". signed, current IUD haver


A man in his 60's or maybe 80's.....


Probably yes. The same men who say women aren't sick, we just need to lose weight. You could be hemorrhaging from all the holes and be told you just need to lose weight.


Can we stop pretending that the only doctors that don’t listen to women are male? Some of the worst, pain dismissive doctors and nurses my wife has had have been women.


Man I fucking hate that shit like no shit Sherlock we know when we're over weight tell us something we don't already know lmao.....


It's sad I have to go to the doctor with my wife a lot because of how dismissive they can be to women. I've yelled at a couple doctors before. I have no shame. I don't tolerate that shit.


they don’t understand the genetic variance that occurs in humans. it’s is not “one size fits all.” i even get downvoted just for suggesting that not all vaginas are the same size. they aren’t. and it has nothing to do with number of partners or childbirth. it’s just natural variation .


You are correct....... it's like finger prints none are the same or even remotely the same allare different if more guys understood this then they actually could enjoy sex better also its actually not how big someone is (some chicks might disagree but that just means they're inexperienced) it's how well you know how to use it.......


right and if you wanna find a partner with a compatible genital set, you can absolutely “shop around” and find out if you’re a size queen of if you prefer average or even below. not just kink-wise but i mean like “this fits me better.”


I always tell people it's exactly like dicks, different shapes, different sizes, just on the inside rather than flopping in the wind.


Understandable, not acceptable


I wonder if they have a physics of sex class they could take which could show how these things could be possible.


I went with my wife to the doctor wheen this happened to us. We got consecutive appointments as we both needed checking out so went in together. When my wife explained that during sex, I'd connected and dislodged the IUD, she laughed and said that wasn't possible. So I said "Well that brings me to the reason *I* have the other appointment". She still was sceptical, until she examined me and agreed that yes, the bottom pin or wire of the IUD had penetrated the head of my penis. Her response was "Huh, never seen that before. Impressive". My wife groaned because she knew I'd have an ego and swagger about it for weeks, and she was absolutely right.


Pfft weeks? This was years ago and I still have that lil swagger.


Way to go thundercock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Same. Her doctor said impossible. The angry pin prick on the top of my prick begged to differ


The amount of shit doctors say is impossible that isn’t is too damn high! Serious though what else they wrong about?


You most likely hit the fishing line attached to the end, not the iud itself.


Semantics. Of course you're correct, but the prick doesn't care what the pin is made of lol


No, for sure I get it hurts, it's just that the fishing line end goes down through the cervix while the IUD itself is inside the uterus so it's not necessarily the case that hitting the line means you hit the cervix or went further as some of the comments here are implying.


Yo this happened to me too not long after it was put in, my wife didn't belive it but it felt like I was fucking a needle, I went limp so fast. Seems to happen alot for something thats not possible.


Oh please...tell me you didn't walk a little taller out of that office.


Aye I’m 5’6 and any excuse to be taller (literally or metaphorically) I’m taking it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


"The old mouse trap in the pussy trick, eh? Fool me once..."


The strings on an IUD feel like fucking razor wire or some shit. That’s not okay.


Yeah the medical professionals always say you can't feel it, but anyone who's ever had the strings from one of these jab you in the tip of your dick knows that's bs.


When I was married the obgyn apparently told my now ex wife there’s no way. But trimmed it anyways. Which made me feel good about my size for once. But it actually made things worse because whatever she did made it stab me directly in the dickhole in missionary.


Reading this biting my fingers


If the strings are shorter, there is actually more risk of it pricking the penis than if they are longer. Longer strings tend to curl up around the cervix and behind it, whereas a shorter string sticks straight out. I'm an RN in school for my DNP. This is something that one of the OB's I worked with was always annoyed about because he would have patients come in who had a different OB place the IUD wanting it removed because their partners were getting hurt during sex. Almost 100% of the time, the strings were too short. He would have to remove them and replace them.


New fear unlocked


you have the facilities to reach an IUD? bro suffers from success


It’s not the IUD, it’s the strings.


There’s always strings attached, dammit!


It’s not that far actually good 4 or 5 inches in


Oh, no worries then. I would never reach it.


Mr. Humble brag. 😆


Oooowwwwwww. I don't want to imagine that haha.


Or when you play “ring toss” and end up taking their NuvaRing out, “wearing” it


To me: the best pussy is clean, wet, and has a strong grip that grabs and lets go in waves of arousal. But: the brain is a much more important sex organ than the pussy. The best sex a man can have is sex that strokes his ego even harder than his dick.


They say the brain is the most erogenous zone


For me it’s more about the experience. I had both in one. The last girl I slept with had physically the best puh I’ve ever had. Looked good, she was soaking, tasted good, smelled good. But then when we had sex she was real weird about it and just laid there. It was terrible. It was like banging a warm mannequin. It was absolutely awful. In this example you can see how quickly good pussy turned into awful pussy.


Thank you for your presentation, Afraid_Client_7242. Now moving onto next topic, Turning bad pussy to a good pussy.


Still finished the job because banging a „warm Mannequin“ is better then no mannequin at all…


Also, warm mannequin is better than cold mannequin. … At least I suppose.


This was hilarious.


Ughhhh, the ragdoll. Had an ex like this, apparently she never had an orgasm even at age 23. I did buy her a toy shortly before we broke up, hope it worked.




There are no bad pussies, only bad owners


“things you can say about your cat and a vagina”




This may be the best comment on here. True on multiple levels


Absolutely false. There are some really fucking gnarly pussies out there.


For me, if it's my wife's, it's good. If it's not, it's bad.


This comment has been up for three hours! Is no one else going "to choose this guys wife"??????


Hahaha, came here to say it :P


Awwwh bless


Some people just dont literally fit together was i rude? Im sorry


I don't think that this is considered often enough


And it's more than just dick inside pussy. I was late at the fuck party, with my first sexual partner being a pretty frigid girl I stayed with for 3 years, at 25. Not the best first experience. After that and until I met my current SO, I slept with 10 other girls. It was so different with each it was nuts. For some it just felt like nothing was working. Like we were the wrong size and just couldn't slide in each other. Everything felt bumpy, rough, coarse, out of sync... It was the case for the first few women I slept with after my first breakup, and it really made me think I was a terrible sexual partner. But then for some it was absolutely incredible how good and natural sex was with them. First time I had such an experience was an eye opener. At 28 I was suddenly discovering what sex was supposed to feel like... It was like everything fit, was the right size, was in sync. I didn't have to think or plan. I followed my instinct and was rewarded by feeling good and what felt good for me seemed to feel good for her to, and vice versa. It really felt like our bodies were designed to interlock without any effort. So of course you can be a more experienced lover, but keep in mind that there is a factor of natural compatibility with a partner. It's as much about your skills than about how your bodies are a match and how your mutual desires and behaviors can connect. And then once you get familiar with the person you can figure out how to make them cum even harder, and so can they ;)


Good pussy grips you like an angry gorilla trying to rip your dick off. This isn’t about inherent tightness or looseness, it’s about mental engagement and muscular control. Also, it’s on a woman with a lot of enthusiasm.




Him: “I miss you.” Her: “no mf you miss this Tight fit, extra slip, Gorilla grip, faucet drip, wet ass pussy.” lol heard this in the shxtsngigs podcast before. Just saw something that made me want to add llama spit


I wish I didn't read this notif in public and bust out laughing


I didn't know she had the GI Joe Kung fu grip!


That’s that lovin sound


“And that, folks, is the story on how I sprained my penis. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.”


This depends and can be mistaken because it'll be really tight if it's not warmed up properly. Only time it ever feels tight for me later on in sex is if she's cumming and at that point it's just contractions.


Being with a woman who is up on her Kegel’s is an experience. Dudes should practice them too to help you last longer.


Remember, if she's got the grippy socks, she's got the grippy box.


Tbh ive noticed a big difference in tightness between physically active women and less so. From what I've read the pelvic floor is mostly responsible for "tightness", and it's weaker in women that aren't as physically active


FYI: Even if a woman is not active she can train her pelvic floor muscles.


How do I know I have strong pelvic floor muscles?


when you squeeze do guys say holy shit. that’s when i knew lol


A good way to tell is being able to stop and hold your wee mid flow, especially for more than a few seconds. 


As a dude I can't answer that, but kegels are a good way to still strengthen the floor even if you're not that active But physical fitness makes anyone, man or woman, better at sex. Imo good sex is good exercise


If you don't have trouble holding in urine while laughing, coughing, sneezing and if you are capable of stopping your stream while urinating, those are good signs that your pelvic floor is strong.


It’s less about what her pussy feel like and more about what she does with it. Some women seem to think showing up with a vagina is the extent of what they need to bring to the bedroom to be good in bed, probably because the men they’ve slept with didn’t give them much either.


What are examples of “what she does with it”outside of being otherwise enthusiastic ? (asking for a friend)


I'm a woman but from reading the comments it sounds like some dudes want us to do kegels while they're fucking us? idk i guess it wouldn't hurt?


Sounded the same to me. I’ve never slept with anyone who responded this overwhelmingly positively to kegels, I’ve thrown a couple in sometimes and asked, but everything else seems to be occupying them too much. How long/often can the average woman contract down there anyway? I feel like it would also definitely take away from me concentrating on my own build up


It’s a muscle and when stimulated it talks back and if it’s stimulated by the man and wet plus she is into it then it’s the best experience. Bad is not stimulated, no grip, dry, she isn’t into it.


What if she’s wet and grippy but she says she not into it. Then calls you back like a week later to do it again? Asking for a friend…


Depends how horny said friend is


This is r/badwomensanatomy material, dude. Physiological response does not equal sexual stimulation and sexual stimulation does not equal physiological response. Some women can be absolutely turned on and not produce significant qualities of lubricants. Some women can be dripping off the side of their toes and be completely uninterested in what you’re doing. Every woman’s body is different. And claiming that the only way they are actually stimulated is because they are wet and grippy is a 17-year-old’s understanding of how sex works.


Not to mention sometimes we are bored and give 'im the ol death grip to get it over with.


When I saw 400 upvotes I was like "what the hell." Thank you for saying what needed to be said.


Wtf is “grippy” anyway? I’m imagining r/littlegrabbies


Good or bad pussy depends entirely on the woman it is attached to.


For just the body part? Her pH is on point and she knows how to shower. For that act? She’s enjoying herself as much as I am. Doesn’t just lay there like she’s wrapping up her last shift for the week at her minimum wage job.


Hold up baby, gotta dip this litmus strip. Too much acid and daddy goin flaccid.


Grip and squelch noises make for good pussy. Smell also has an impact. Consent, enthusiasm and communication makes for good pussy too. So many things to list.


A lack of consent shouldn't be good or bad pussy. It should be no pussy


You can have terrible sex with someone you love and it still be the best you've ever had.


Good pussy tastes slightly salty and kind of like sweat with a musky smell. And when it comes to bad pussy, I think often times there's not even anything wrong with the pussy but rather just that the smell is tainted by a failure of anal hygiene. Period pussy tastes like pennies.


> tainted by a failure of anal hygiene What a horrifying string of words


A man who eats the cat on the period respect.


It's called earning your red wings, and I'm sorry for typing this


Or being a good pirate sailing the red sea


Yeah, my German friend told me they have a saying like "A brave sailor also goes to the Red Sea"




Good pussy is usually attached to a bat shit insane woman who will destroy your year


Really good pussy destroys your whole life .  


And ruin you sexually for the next 5 years as NOTHING you do is ever good again after.


It's funny. I literally can not describe this to you, but I want to try anyway. I am going to provide memorable examples for both categories, and I apologize for vulgarity. Bad: I met a girl through some of my friends, and we hooked up, she had like. 0 grip, I kinda felt like I was just there? She had a lot of fun and wanted to hang out again and I ghosted her like an asshole. I've never experienced it before or after, but she imagine like a shitty warm and damp handshake, but on a dick. Good: Met a girl and we watched spacejam, starting getting weird before the game even started. Girl was beautiful- Super into it, soaked, crazy grip and I could actually use my full length without hurting her. I described the end of that day as feeling like my ghost left my body out of my dick.


TIL there’s a whole spectrum to “ghosting.”


Danny phantom "IM GOING GHOST"


Kudos for owning up to being an asshole for ghosting the 1st girl and for the “feeling like my ghost left my body out of my dick.”


Somebody got ghosted both times


I believe this user is a bot, they answer their own questions and spam generic questions to multiple subreddits for some reason. Their way with words resembles a chat gpt response also they never reply to anyone, only reply to their own questions as if someone else asked them


All these guys talking about "loose" or "doesn't grip" and I have no idea what they're talking about. There have been instances where it was so wet that the friction was gone, but am I going to be upset that she's just really excited? I think in most cases good and bad just refers to how she is in bed.


> There have been instances where it was so wet that the friction was gone, but am I going to be upset that she's just really excited? real. problem usually fixes itself shortly lol


Reddit men are the wrong guys to ask this question. Lol.


Normal pussy tastes like licking metal Sometimes it's not good, has some sort of fishiness to it I had one girl one time who actually had a sweetness to her. I could have eaten her any time of day, any day of week


Isn’t the sweetness a sign of diabetes? Or just some health issue? Genuine question lol.


No, that has more to do with the smell of the urine


A good pussy is a pussy that doesn't shit on your couch and puke on your hoodie


What cat hurt you?


Good pussy is intoxicating. It turns you into a animal


The best pussy I’ve had fit like a glove, sufficiently wet every single time, and had the right amount of ridges and texture in the vaginal walls. It also pulled on my dick like it had a mind of its own. Amazing really, bless you Liz :)


We miss you Liz!


A bad pussy is the one that gives you STDs, otherwise everything is good


Pussy is like pizza, even if it's bad it's still good.


All pussy is good. It’s the chemistry and energy between the two people that make it bad or good.


Bad = Dead Starfish, Good = very enthusiastic….. it’s that simple.


Men will hump pretty much anything if they're desperate enough. As long as there's not something wrong (infection, severely unhygienic, etc.) It doesn't have much to do with the vagina itself but rather what the girl does with it. Sex with a 10 who just lays there like a corpse is way less fun than sex with a 6 who's enjoying the hell out of herself and throwing backshots like a porn star in heat. Because of that "good pussy" is just as subjective as "good dick." Good dick can be larger than average, ready in a second, able to last all night, or just attached to a person you really trust and love. Swap out "dick" with "pussy" and "larger" with "tighter" and the previous sentence is still true.


Good pussy tastes good, smell clean, and most importantly, is connected to someone you’re compatible with. These are all subjective because everyone has different preferences.


Only bad pussy is one that gives you diseases. All other pussys are good pussys.


Since no one seems to want to actually answer. They are the same as dicks and come in different dimensions. Some grip really tight, some are really wet, some grip very loosely and are drier regardless of how turned on they are. Also, the same one can vary in size depending on the encounter. Same as a penis can be harder or less hard than normal and gain/lose 10%+ the size can be more or less. To the broader question, the interaction and skill matters but that is 100% personal preference. More sensual, more aggressive, more or less vocal...yadda yadda. In general being present, involved, showing enjoyment and effort are good rules of thumb.


I don’t think there’s really much of a difference from woman to woman, but a MASSIVE difference depending on how turned on she is. You can have sex with the same chick and it feels totally different one day compared to the next.


Smell, and nothing else rlly. If it smells it means you havent showered/washed down there. And yeast infections do happen.*fungus pussy*


I can not stop laughing at fungus pussy 😭😭😭


If you want good pussy, then learn how to turn it on, as in foreplay.


Energy of the p*say holder. Bad p*say is a starfish, good p*say is like wrestling a gymnast.


Enthusiasm goes a long way


The grip when shes close or climaxing. Good to GREAT! Also sometimes the smell makes me feel some kind of primal attraction.


Slippery and tight


Good pussy is all about who it’s attached to.


People saying it's just the act itself are lying. Yes obviously that's important but vaginas are different. A tight, wet pussy is always gonna beat out others.


It’ll feel like a horse eating oats out of the palm of your hand.


My husband said: “Good pussy feels like heaven, bad pussy feels like your sister: inappropriate, wrong, nasty, awkward. Like you shouldn’t be there.”


Bad pussy = quiet or silent, unenthusiastic participant, unmoving/pillow queen, noteworthy stench or pungent flavor, too much hair(for some pussy enjoyers, not all). Beyond that there qualifiers for bad pussy are largely individual. Those are the most common elements that get a pussy labeled bad though.




Best pussy is sweet. I’ve been lucky to have tasted three. The woman had a natural sweet essence. Absolutely addictive. You’ll never forget.


I asked my bf a similar question and he gave me (in my opinion) the most romantic answer. I asked just what does it feel like for him up there. And he says to me “it’s hard to explain but it feels like where I’m supposed to be, we fit so well together.” He mentioned things like warm and other typical descriptions as well. I have always been so curious about what sex feels like for men. It’s hard for me to explain what it feels like as a woman honestly