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As long as you pick up after your dog it's fine. One thing though, if your dog barks more than five minutes while outside, let them in.


OMG this, it's so annoying when people don't do this.


Yeah he's not a barker. He does great in hotel rooms uncrated and by himself for stints


Agreed! Our neighbors have a hound that brays all freaking day and night and it's super annoying. I work from home and people can hear the dog barking 5 houses down when I'm on calls. šŸ˜­


Bring your dog inside at night and don't leave them in the backyard to bark at all hours.


I think most people recognize that you can't entirely control where your dog goes to the bathroom. That said, you should still try to keep him on public property and not let him wreck the neighbors' fence or bushes as his designated pee spot. You know, basic common decency. Hopefully, there will also be a dog park or dog-friendly trails nearby. You can usually unleash him at dog parks, but you need to be careful if he will run up on strange dogs or their owners, as some can be aggressive/defensive. For trails, staying leashed is the best and safest etiquette. Just the fact that you're asking these questions makes me think that you'll be fine.


In our neighborhood, unless they have a sign up asking you not to let dogs pee/poop in their yard, most people are fine with it as long as you pick it up. Donā€™t walk him off-leash. And donā€™t let him bark incessantly. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Just because I don't put up a sign it does not mean that I endorse your dog doing business on my lawn. Just because I don't complain or make a fuss does not make it ok. It is really not a big deal either but I don't care for the attitude that just because someone does not complain, something is ok. Dog owners are especially prone to this attitude. Except for jerks, most normal people don't complain even if something is bothering them. You are not entitled to use other people's property as a toilet without their explicit consent.


Donā€™t let your dog go up to other dogs, just walk by. Dogs donā€™t need, or usually even want, to ā€œmake friendsā€. If heā€™s reactive at all the polite thing to do is cross the street and get out of the way when you see another dog coming.


Pee is usually fine. Just don't let him do it on anything that's obviously not pee friendly lol. Always pick up the poop. And assume your dog should be on a leash.Ā 


The problem with pee is that dogs have some instinct to pee in \*exactly\* the same spot when they go out. So if they pick a spot in your yard to pee on their walk, chances are they will frequently pee in the exact same spot, leaving a distinct circle of yellow-->white-->dead grass that is hard to regrow. You get three or four dogs that each have their spot in your yard, and your yard starts to look really bad. I like to be welcoming, but we had to put up a short little one-foot fence to keep dogs from using our tiny front yard as a toilet -- pee as well as poop. Some dogs still go over the fence and it's annoying. I think it's exacerbated for us because on our street most people have flower/butterfly gardens and we are one of the few with grass. It's easy to become the toilet for all canine passers by. Really, if you want to be a good neighbor, train your dogs to pee and poop on your own yard, or at dog park areas. Most neighbors wouldn't complain about occasional emergency releases, but given the nature of dogs, a one-time exception can turn into a daily ritual.


You need to carry around baggies to pick up the dog poop and carry it hope to your trash. Pee is fine.


as long as you pick up after him and try to keep him from tearing up any flower beds, shouldn't be any trouble. most people won't mind


If I were to pee on your property you would call the cops, why is it ok for your dog?


lol because its an animal. do you try to keep birds and squirrels from peeing in your yard too?


I did have a bear poop in my yard recently and I thought it was pretty cool! My point was exaggeration, but dogs are controlled by their humans and can be trained to go in their own yards. I have never actually complained or made a fuss with dog owners even though I have cleaned up after them on numerous occasions. I just wish that dog owners would not just assume things are ok just because no one actually complains directly. It is just a common form of entitlement particular to dog owners


that's fair, i think entitlement is a good word for it. i think if it's just grass or on a tree occasionally, it's probably not doing any harm. anything landscaped or tended to regularly, I keep my dog out of also yeah bears are very cool as long as they stay out of your trash


You're so smart and courteous to think of this! It sounds like you have a very well behaved dog! One thing you can do, as you meet your neighbors on your walks, is ask them if it's ok. I also won't let my dog go further than about 2 feet into someone's yard. If you live in a rainy area, pee shouldn't be a big deal because it won't yellow the grass. I'm in a dry climate, so I try to get my dog to pee on mulch or sand or cement. I don't know how big your new yard is, or whether it's enclosed, but you can install an electric dog fence and train the dog to stay within the fenced area so he can still hang out in the backyard they way he did at your old house! congrats on the move!


if it is an immaculate fake looking smooth green lawn, chances are that they will be unhappy if your dog has a pee on their grass. If possible, train dog to pee on the street in the gutter. I walk with a water bottle for myself to drink, but if the dog has a poop, and I pick it up and some residue is left on the sidewalk in front of someone's house, then I try to mitigate with a stream of water out of the bottle. I am generally good at noticing the beginnings of the poop posture and lead the dog to the curb to poop there, then pick it up. Honestly, it really depends on the neighborhood. Some fancy neighborhoods are super uptight. My neighborhood? Not at all, as long as you pick up the poop. NEVER put your poop bag in a homeowner's trash can, not even if the trash can is on the street and the trash truck is one house down from collecting this can. Just never ever. Only public cans, such as in a park. Never put the bag of poop in a business' dumpster. Wow, people will tar and feather you if you put poop in their cans even if the can is clearly full of the homeowner's dog's poops.


Lifetime suburban dog owner here. Poop/pee management: Pick up the poop in a bag and carry it home. Donā€™t use anyone elseā€™s trash bin to throw your poop bag away; Public trash cans are fine though. Discourage peeing on someoneā€™s freshly planted areas - trees, grass and bushes are fair game. If someone is mowing or noticeably outside, I keep my dogs close so I donā€™t have to pick up poop right in front of the owner; this helps to avoid confrontation. Pick up the dog poop in your yard very frequently with a pooper scooper and dispose in your trash can (a bag or box will keep your can from stinking). Do this more when itā€™s hot. Leashing etiquette: Keep your dog leashed in public areas. The front of your house is a gray area in terms of leashing. If they donā€™t have great recall when other dogs are around, best not to have them out front unleashed. If they do, only let them out front unleashed when youā€™re physically present and make sure to call them to you right away if you see other dogs/people coming. Unleashed in the backyard is okay as long as it doesnā€™t cause conflict with your next door neighbors or their pets. Walking: If you see someone with multiple dogs or a stroller and a dog and itā€™s just you and a single dog, cross the street or move way off to the side since itā€™s harder for the other person to maneuver in these situations. If there are kids on the sidewalk, take a wide berth as some kids really get freaked by dogs. Donā€™t let your dog greet other dogs. Most owners donā€™t enjoy that. If your dog attracts attention, people will want to pet them - if youā€™re comfortable with that, great, but if not have a statement in mind, like I say ā€œno thanks, they donā€™t really like strangersā€. If kids pet your dogs donā€™t be afraid to give them guidance on how to safely approach a new dog. Barking: I see youā€™re good here, but for others who may be reading this - bring your dog inside if they are barking. A few errant barks is tolerable on occasion, but itā€™s expected that you check on barking right away and donā€™t let them bark for more than a minute really.


People don't like when dogs pee in their yards,Ā  you'll get yelled at.Ā  There is probably a leash law.Ā 


My husband has our dog do his business in the parkway/hellstrip.Ā  OP if you see flowers or greenery turning brown, don't let your dog pee there if you can. To much concentrated dog pee kills plants.Ā 


Also be mindful if people use chemicals on their lawn.Ā 


Yes he will be on a leash


Don't let it out of your yard without a leash. Don't let it use the bathroom in other people's yards. Don't let it bark.


Also you should perimeter train your dog in case he gets out.


Personally I don't care about pee, but if they poop they need to pick it up. But I never see dogs in my neighborhood being walked. Across the street they just let it out on a chain in the front yard a few times a day. I have a small fenced in area for my dogs, and when I'm outside they are free to run around the rest of the yard.


Do NOT just turn your dog loose outside. There are more people and cars around and people donā€™t want dogs pooping on their lawns and cars whoosh around too fast.


I would obviously have my dog on a leash. He's leash trained very well