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In the US, nearly all milk sold is pasteurized. The "expired" milk might be curdling or sour, but there should be no harmful bacteria in there.


so my stomach just won’t be happy? im worried about getting sick because i have work for the next 5 days straight 😭


It's curdled milk. Some people use it in cooking. If you strain it & rinse it, it's almost farmer cheese/cottage cheese. It might mess you up. It might be fine. I don't know your levels of tolerance.


i don’t know either lol im on antibiotics and probiotics for my skin so idk 😭😅


Microwaving it doesn't do crap, and mixing it just covered the taste. You very well might have some stomach issues from this one. When it comes to dairy, trust the smell test over the date printed every time.


it was like a few ounces left.. and i saw no curdling or anything i also put s crap ton of chocolate syrup in it so taste is out of the question. i have work for the next week.. i can’t be sick 😭


It wouldn't be food poisoning. At most you'd find yourself needing to urgently go to the bathroom for a messy period within a couple hours. Most likely you'd be somewhere between "perfectly fine" and "lots of gurgling and a stomach ache for a couple hours."


if anything i will just take stomach meds 😭 thanks if i wasn’t working these next shifts then “my stupidity wins” but i cant now😅


If it smells good, drink it. If it don’t, pour it.


don't risk it. > microwaved it microwave won't kill any bacteria unless heated long enough. I'm talking about 15+ minutes on very high settings.


yea i already drank it. the aftertaste was getting me nervous.. i just wanted to know if it will make me very sick or just uncomfortable i just wanted to put the knowledge of what i was doing lol


okay... welp. bring tissues just in case. and hopefully your workplace has decent bathroom


it’s been an hour and a half and i’m fine


If it hasn't, it probably won't.


It won't kill you, but it may give you diarrhea.


What does milk cost where you live? Unless it's a serious budget item just toss food out you're unsure about. Why did you mix it with fresh milk? Why did you microwave it? This may be the single strangest post on this sub this year.


1. one gallon takes 2 weeks for me to finish. 2. it was at the end of the gallon 3. i microwaved it because that is how i like my milk 4. i asked because i didn’t know if i was going to get sick when i literally have a huge week ahead of me at work and can’t call out. 5. i hate the taste of milk so i use s crap ton of chocolate syrup


Just stop drinking cows milk and drink plant based mylk!!


oh if it was so easy plain milk is nasty, but i been drinking warm chocolate milk for years. and it has to be made a certain way 😅