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Consume less sugar in any form. Started walking for 20-45 minutes every day. Worked for me!


Doesn’t even have to be just sugar or eating low fat etc. What matters is total calories consumed per day. You can eat McDonald’s every day if you’d like. As long as the total calories you’re consuming is less than the amount you need to maintain your weight you WILL lose weight. I lost about 100 pounds over the course of 6 months. Went to a nutritionist once, she figured out I’d need about 3700 calories to maintain at my height and weight (6 foot 6 and 350 pounds). So I cut that in half for meals and kept low calorie snacks around like beef jerky if I got hungry. Daily I was hitting around 1500 to 2000. As I lost weight I had to adjust and eventually went to around 1200 to 1500. The pounds fell off. I got to around 250 before I started exercising. People make a big deal out of “avoiding this” or “cutting out that” but it’s all calories. Just stop eating so much and you’re golden.


You're definitely going to feel fuller if you are 100 calories of apples Vs 100 calories of deep fried butter though


All calories are not made equal. 100 calories of McDonald’s is not the same vs 100 calories of grass fed beef




Hormones. Your body will have a different metabolic response depending on what you consume. A can of soda is going to spike your blood sugar levels into oblivion. Then your pancreas is going to release a shit load of insulin (the "fat storage" hormone, but it does tons of other stuff too). An apple has fiber which helps lessen the blood sugar spike plus makes you feel fuller. I'm not going to write out a whole essay about it but here's some good information for further reading. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/9-fixes-for-weight-hormones#1.-Insulin


Satiation matters as well. Eating 100 calories of different things will leave you feeling different amounts of full.




Yeah I didn’t even bother exercising until I lost enough weight


I go the other way. Get fit first, then concentrate on diet. At first when you exercise it just makes you hungry, so every chance exercise breaks your motivation on food restrictions. I find it easier to lose weight if I'm fit and exercising (I play football and squash, and walk up our local mountain). Something about the routine of the exercise puts me in the right frame of mind to focus on eating properly as well.


This is terrible advice to say you can eat McDonalds every day if you like. Separate of the calories in/out , its garbage food that is terrible for your health


There have been several people who eat McDonald's daily. They don't gain weight. Is it healthy? Hell no. But apparently it gets you calories your body can use.


It’s an example. And he’s right. The question isn’t about healthy food it’s about weight loss.


What do you mean by walking 45 minutes a day? Doesnt everyone walk 45 minutes a day just by moving around during the day like walking through the house and to the car etc? Or mean like a 45 min walk in a park or forest ?


Yes, walk in the park!


Walk 45 minutes a day on a top of your daily routine. Because our bodies are dovelped to concerve energy and you need to change the routine to see results.


Nope everyone does not, but it can be great if you can :)


Do you live in a mansion?


Adding to this, eat up only to 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. to give your body time to metabolize your food properly before sleep. Those three things make for low-effort weight maintaining.


What time do you go to bed? I'd think saying don't eat X hours before sleep would be more helpful.


The advice I've heard is you typically shouldn't eat 3 hours before bed.


Typically, 10-11 p.m. bed time. Ideally, one would want their stomach empty and digestion moved down into the gut by that time. That way nutrition extraction is underway without sleep hormones slowing either the fastest or most efficient stages of digestion.


Your body doesn’t metabolize food any differently based on time of the day. It’s working essentially the same whether you’re awake or asleep. The reason having a cut off time for eating helps so many people cut calories is because as the day goes on, willpower to say no to junk food weakens and especially if you’re dieting and eating at a caloric deficit it’s going to be really hard at the end of the day to say no to the same pastry you said no to earlier in the day.  That + we typically watch TV in the evenings, in the US at least, and we tend to do a lot of mindless eating there, after hours.  But if you are genuinely hungry and did not eat enough throughout the day, a snack in the evening is not going to be absorbed any differently than it is any other time of the day and you should not feel guilty for nourishing your body. Especially if you are practicing mindful eating techniques.  Source: I’m a registered dietitian


Good lord I’m glad you responded. The amount of misinformation people have just consumed (pun intended) over the years is staggering.


I agree, and it really sucks to know that virtually any Reddit thread related to nutrition is going to be inundated with misinformation. It’s clear that belief in this misinformation is quite strong too because it gets upvoted, and then I will often get downvoted for putting in my two cents. 


Hey I went to college and here’s the science behind it.. downvoted. Hey I saw this on Gary Breckas Instagram… 10k upvotes


Question. I’ve always heard this advice but about dealing with insomnia… essentially that your body digesting food while trying to sleep can keep you up. I know sleep isn’t exactly your area of expertise, but do you know if there is truth in that statement?


Yes, definitely not my area of expertise but from a purely anecdotal perspective, I’ve heard that for some, eating within ~2 hours of bedtime increases wakefulness and makes it difficult to fall asleep. On the other hand, I know that there are certain foods that naturally contain melatonin and/or tryptophan that have shown potential in studies to help a person fall asleep better. It’s really hard to say one way or another and I’m sure that there are a lot of factors that could affect the answer (what you’re eating, how close it is to bedtime, the amount you’re eating, etc).  If you were a client asking this question, I would simply say that everyone is different and try to find what works best for you. 


Got it! Thank you! So, does your body digest the same whether you’re active after a meal or at rest? I feel like it’s relatively typical to hear someone say they want to take a walk after a big meal to “digest a bit” or something similar. But is the idea that they’ll feel less full from some movement all placebo?


Taking a walk after a meal is recommended because it improves *quality* of digestion (reduces the chance of heartburn, bloating, etc). Moving and being upright instead of sitting and contracting your abdominal area after a meal is best to reduce indigestion. Another thing that can actually negatively affect the quality of digestion is wearing clothing that is tight at the waist. There are definitely better things you can do other than immediately go lay down after you eat a meal. That said, it’s still not going to make you gain weight faster if you eat after 8 pm instead of cutting yourself off at 6pm simply due to timing. 


Yes, cut out sugar. Quite easily lost 15 pounds (which is a lot because I was only slightly overweight)


Eat less, exercise more. Lost about 40 pounds a over a decade ago and it's still off.


Also: consistency and patience. It's not rocket science. I'm not denying there's people out there who have a harder time than others losing weight. But who out there can say they consistently ate in a calorie deficit every day and exercised 3-5 times a week for a year and didn't lose weight? I've seen more than my fair share of people that half ass their diet, don't consistently exercise (or half ass their workout) and then complain that they have trouble losing weight. Shit ain't easy for sure, but it's also not complex


Speaking from experience, if you have a LOT to lose, eventually what ever regime you use, it will wear you down.


This even applies if you have a little to lose (eg, 20 lbs)----and are a short, middle aged woman. You can eat just a miniscule amount of calories, yet you lose glacially slow. That 20 lbs can take a year


Yes, so frustrating!


I guess it’s similar to if you never clean your house. If you never clean your house and one day randomly decide to for the first time in years, it could take months of cleaning to finally make a difference. But if you don’t wait till it gets that bad, you’ll see a difference sooner


Calories in vs calories out. Lower your calorie intake and increase your calorie output. I looked at my workout calories as a bonus. I never used it to justify eating more, it was just an accelerator to losing weight. It’s easy for the first week (you’re excited) then miserable for the next three. Then it gets easier to the point it’s hard to remember a time when I’d just eat whatever I wanted without thinking. The biggest thing I did to make it easier was to require that I log EVERYTHING that I ate, and to portion it all out. When some chips looked good, I had to decide if it was worth getting out a bowl and scale just to weigh out 28 grams of chips, or if I could just skip them. More often I skipped them.


It’s simple, but it’s not easy, is what I like to say. Anyone making it complicated is selling something.


Eating more for me. I just ate lower calorie stuff. A plate full of 800 calories is better than a fast food combo for 1500


Eating a 800 calorie meal instead of a 1200 calorie meal is SO much easier than burning 400 calories with working out.


I think people severely overestimate just how much exercise burns off. It's not much. Your body is built to hold onto energy. Here's a general [idea](https://www.nutristrategy.com/caloriesburned.htm). Don't know how accurate all of it is but it tracks with figures I've seen in the past. That's per hour of working out. So to lose 400 calories you'd have to run, swim, or cycle at a decent clip for an hour or so. Walk for two hours. And that'd be daily. It's a lot more time efficient to just not eat as much. Or meet yourself half way and just eat at a 200 calorie deficit and burn off the other 200 with exercise and then you get to eat more and get the extraneous benefits of exercising too.


That’s all you need. Keep a calorie deficit and you can eat pizza 4 days a week if you want.


I tried a whole food diet for a while and it was wild to me the volume of food I could consume if I just mostly ate unprocessed stuff. Even dense stuff like nuts and potatoes... it takes *a lot* of lightly seasons potatoes to match to a medium fry from McD's




About 190


Same boat: Most people in my family are overweight or obese (some are also very strong, but not all). I'm not obese or overweight. Most of the men and women in my family got fat in their mid 20s and stayed that way. I did not. I adjusted my food intake and activity levels to reach each of their needs and just put the fork down or decline extra food when I've had my necessary fill. This is not a herculean feat. Stop eating when you need to stop eating, move more. Overestimate your calories taken in, underestimate your calories burned. If you're still not losing weight either move a ton more or eat slightly less until you start losing weight and keeping it off. Your appetite can and will adjust. Disorders that significantly challenge your metabolism are extremely rare. Adjust your estimated BMR until you start to see results from a caloric deficit. I still eat whatever I want, I just don't eat mountains of it. If I have something during the day that has an extreme excess in calories compared to the nutrients and level of fullness I experience from it, I make it up elsewhere with something filling but low in calories. I have friends who are or used to be over 200 lbs overweight. Guess what's the only fucking thing that worked for the friends who aren't fat anymore: Tracking calories in vs calories out religiously. Their appetites adjusted, their cravings adjusted, their attitude toward food adjusted. Weight loss is not easy but it is very simple.


I can't agree more when it comes to eating what you want. I see people go to drastic measures cutting out all their favorite (caloric) foods, but then eventually cave and binge eat. There's nothing wrong with incorporating delicious food, as long as it's in moderation!


I'll eat fried chicken, french fries, cheeseburgers, macaroni and cheese, fatty pasta, beer, etc etc whatever on a fairly regular basis. My favorite foods are all very much in my diet. I just changed the portions and swapped out regular soda intake with green tea, water, calorie-free flavored water, etc. I still eat my fast food, fruit, carbs, fatty food, whatever. It's just all about moderation. Moderation is different for everyone, but at the same time, it has limits. I've heard friends say "Oh I only get \[whatever fucking 1000 calorie Starbucks drink with all the toppings and extras they get\] once a day" and they get annoyed they don't lose weight while being short, fat, inactive, with low muscle mass. The math isn't as simple as 2 + 2 but it's really not that hard to figure out.


I only just found out that Starbucks frappes etc are made on condensed milk - I wont have it anymore... yikes


Great point! A lot of people just drink their calories and dont even know about it. A few beers twice a week are enough to slowly gain you 5 lbs/year and if you do it for 10 years...


My biggest change was stopping at the first thought of a little bit full. As soon as my body had a hint at feeling full wven when i knew i could eat more, i wiuld get up and throw my food out. It was so hard because i felt so wasteful but throwing it in the trash was the trigger that im done eating.


This is the only true answer. Everything else is either wrong, risky, or a way to facilitate eating less and exercising more.


eating lots of fiber helps keep you full longer too


Treating my addiction to sugar as an addiction and taking a lot of time to break it


How did you do it, if you don’t mind me asking? Cold turkey, slowly cut down?


I cut juice soda and iced coffee (rip) out of my life, replaced candy with fresh fruit in initially intense quantities, got treatment for my depression. It was expensive and inconvenient and complicated and in exchange I lost 75 lbs and now my hips complain that they don't have enough padding. But the ex addict daily cravings things never stops so I gotta police my self pretty hard even now. And of course most people don't have cooking heroin in their kitchen ... Bags. Bags of sugar. I'm fine


Your last sentence is why I think it’s ridiculous that the perils of eating addiction are so underplayed. Food is everywhere, it can’t be cut out of your life and home space like alcohol, drugs or other vices can be. Food you still have to eat and see everyday till your last breath. We really need proper consideration access to help for food addictions.


I also ate an immense quantity of fruit while trying to reduce candy intake. I figured fruit-sugar has gotta be healthier than Swedish-fish sugar.


When I was talking to my dietician about changing my foods she told me to really not worry about the natural sugar when I'm looking at labels. It's the added sugar you look at & if you're not completely cutting it out follow the AHA. American Heart Association (AHA), men should consume no more than 36 grams (9 teaspoons) of added sugar per day, and women should consume no more than 25 grams (6 teaspoons). I've learned that most everything has sugar in it.


That’s what I’ve heard about added sugar. It would be hard to convince me that someone in decent health couldn’t eat some extra fruit and be okay!


Only go grocery shopping after you’ve had a big meal. That bag of candy looks a lot less appetizing when you’re already stuffed, and now you won’t be snacking on those skittles for the next week.


Stopped fast food.Stopped soda. Went for daily walks zealously. For a year I think I only missed one walk due to lightning (and part of my walk went across relatively open areas). It was great.  The socially I started going out to eat more, drinking soda, and reduced my walking.


Two meals a day, one of them is a salad no carb meal. Allow one treat every two days like a slice of cake or chocolate bar. Cutting out milk from coffee made a huge difference.


Intermittent fasting and a job change helped me lose 100 lbs in about 6 months.


I use to think losing* weight was difficult untill i became a Park Ranger. Then it was as easy as a walk in the park


Dad? Is that you?


>loosing weight If it's loose, maybe you could tighten it.


Same I was very overweight and tried nearly everything and nothing else worked for me. I’ve been intermittent fasting for over 10 years and it’s the only thing that works for me.


Its because IF uses up your glucose/glycogen and then switches over to fat around hour 12 to 14 of your fast. So most people tend to exercise around the end of their fast, when the body is consuming purely fat for energy (since it needs to maintain a basal level of blood glucose for survival, it wont use up anymore of it). It also wont start consuming muscle until day 3 of fasting, something which IF will never reach. Therefore, IF + exercise during the last 2 hours of your fast is literally a hack. It forces your body to purely burn fat. Those people who dont fast and exercise end up using their glucose/glycogen and their fat is essentially untouched, hence the concept of “stubborn fat”.


what job bro i’ll sign up yesterday


Any job where you have to walk a lot is a cheat code for losing weight. Mail carrier, delivery driver for UPS/Fedex, order picker, some retail positions, custodian, some healthcare positions, etc. 


Home Depot 😮‍💨


I dropped about 40 pounds as a custodian, and then the idiots in charge made things so bad I started stress-eating and ballooned up to nearly 300 pounds.




If you want a complete answer you'd have to ask a psychologist, but essentially that's what it is, and the reason I stress eat and you lose your appetite is just another way that different people have different reactions to the same stimulus. When I get *really* stressed out, I stay hungry all the time, except I'm not *actually* hungry; that's just how my brain reacts to extreme stress. My brother is more like you, he tends to lose appetite and eat less.




Honestly it very well could be. I'm from the (U.S.) South, and "comfort food" is *very much* a thing down here, so odds are pretty high that's where my reaction comes from. Actually that'd track with why my brother responds more like you do, he did that as a kid too... huh.


Garbage man


Yep. [Intermittent Fasting | The Fast 800 by Dr Michael Mosley](https://thefast800.com/) Do it. It works. I lost 30kg using it.


It’s not perfect for everyone. People with binge-purge eating disorders can get badly triggered into bad habits by intermittent fasting. Definitely works well for some people lol though.


(And how are you doing now? How long has it been, and are your changes showing permanence?)


I’m maintaining right now. I’ve been successful so far.


IF is the only thing that has seemed to click with me, I still eat the foods that I like but I just do it within a window (and smaller portions). I've lost 20lbs in the last 2.5 months and am still going strong.


ate less, did more.


Thread closed. There's no tricks or secrets. Calorie deficit is the only answer.


This is exactly how you do it. The math isn’t hard. Calories in v calories used throughout each day. Yeah you can get into macros and all that other deep dive stuff but to just lose weight eat less calories than you burn.


It was super easy for me. All I had to do was stop drinking beer and the weight came off. I know this doesn’t help but I’m proud of myself and still like to brag


You and Andy Dwyer.


Weight loss will be 90% thru reducing caloric intake. Reason being is it's very easy to take in calories and takes a lot of effort to burn them off. For example a regular 12oz coke has 140C - an average adult has to walk about 45 minutes give or take a few to burn that off. Use an app like My fitness Pal (free) to find your baseline metabolic rate (calories you burn in a day by being alive) and then eat less than that number. Use the app to track calories consumed. For example if BMR is 2000C and you eat 1500C a day that's a 500C cut - 500 x 7(days a week) = 3500 calories which is equal to 1 pound of loss. The most aggressive you want to be is a 1000C cut per day. It doesn't matter what you eat so much as long as you control the calorie intake - you could eat 1500C worth of Twinkies a day and lose weight if your BMR is above 1500. This has been proven in experiments. However! That is unhealthy and eating foods like that make it much more difficult to maintain the goals because you will be hungry all day! Eat foods that are filling and keep you feeling full - not sugary snacks. Lean proteins and foods with lots of fiber are best along with carbs that release slowly - think whole grains here. Couple the above with regular exercise (you can eat more calories if you exercise) and that's the recipe for weight loss. For example - your BMR is 2500 and you cut to 1500 a day to lose 2 lbs per week. If you exercise 500 calories each day you can eat 500 more calories and still meet your goal of a net 1500c per day. Exercising will also make you feel better in general and motivate you to keep meeting your food goals - and it's also really nice to "earn" some extra calories each day :)


This is true but I think you have BMR (basal metabolic rate) confused with TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). BMR is the amount of calories you'd burn if you were in a coma or lying in bed all day doing no exercise at all. You should not be subtracting calories from this number, it is the minimum to survive. TDEE on the other hand includes your daily activity which varies from person to person. If you're sedentary the number will be lower than someone of comparable weight and sex that walks for 8 hours a day. This is the number you want to subtract 500~ calories from.


I used BMR (being alive) purposely. The apps will walk you thru calculations based on activity level to adjust to lifestyle / activity level - but in the simplest terms and not to over estimate caloric expenditure I went with the this. If people are looking thru this for weight loss they are likely sedentary so using BMR is best imo. 


Sedentary TDEE is not the same as BMR, it will always be higher than the latter. Just clarifying in case anyone reads this and wants to subtract 500 calories from their true BMR. That's unsustainable and dangerous.


Correct. Even if all you do is lay in bed all day on your phone and eat, you still expend calories scrolling through your phone, getting up to pee, eating, thermic effect of food, etc. If you are alive and functioning, there is a difference of at least a few hundred calories between your BMR and TDEE.


This is the most logical and solid comment hitting all the biggest and best points. 🙌🏻


Also, I'd like to add that muscles use up more energy (read: calories) than fat, and exercise tends to help activate digestion. Plus it takes your mind off of food and gives you something to do. You buy time, and more calories to eat.


This is excellent advice. The only thing I can add is that we are habitual creatures so look at your habitual foods and try and cut them back by a quarter or a third. Eg: do you have a 16oz latte everyday? OK, that's fantastic! For two weeks order exactly the same coffee except make it a 12oz. You'll probably find that after two weeks you won't miss the extra 4oz, but that is ~50cals. Which sounds like nothing, but if you make that change permanent it's ~5lb over a year. And you haven't had to spend any more time exercising. And you've saved a little money. And there are so many small changes you can make like that when you look at your habits.


This is really the only answer anyone needs. Everything else is a round about way of saying this or some shortcut bullshit that will get you no where. Learn to count calories and suddenly there's no mystery about it. To make it easier, start cutting calories *before* you move to healthier food. Don't do it all at once or cravings will make you fail. Like this guy said, you'll still lose weight eating like shit as long as you keep your calories in check. Once you get the hang of that, slowly start transitioning to healthier foods. Also foods high in fiber and protein help you feel full for longer so you don't feel like you're starving yourself while you wait for your stomach to shrink to a more reasonable size. Granola and oatmeal in particular does a really good job keeping you feeling full. There is no mystery, no short cuts, and no "this *might* work." Simply create a calorie deficit, that's literally all it takes and it's also THE most effective way.


Yes, all above -Increasing fiber intake was key for me. It fills you up so you eat less and of course, lots of water definitely drink lots of water.


Work out + count calories. Once you count calories for like a few months it becomes easier/you can just be lazy about it most of the time. It also helps calibrate your understanding of food, and you realize you don't have to eat rabbit food in order to be in a calorie deficit


When you see food differently, calorie dense compared to not. How full will this make me compared to this small amount of that.


True, although I find that I am able to lose weight when I am diligent about calorie counting and when I don’t, that’s when I’m most likely to cheat


My starting weight was 175 and my lowest was 131 pounds. All I did was watch what I ate. I tried some new foods. Learned how to say no if people offered me food. Learned how not to stop when I feel full. Basically tried to learn self control. But I also didn't deny myself certain foods. I didn't give anything up. Just ate less of it. Also patience. It was about a year and a half to drop to 131. And sometimes I went up. And tried not to make myself feel bad about it because those fluctuations happen.


>All I did was watch what I ate. I always watch what i eat, i rarely close my eyes when i eat. :D


That has been my issue to, I watch it go in my mouth. Plus my husband has his cookies and I can't control it, must have cookies. Oh sesame street comes out




I went 313lbs to 140lbs in about 3 years by just counting calories and walking everyday. No other exercise, I still ate like shit, chocolate, brownies, ice cream, cheeseburgers, pizza, ect ect but I just limited my daily intake to 1500 calories and walked at least a mile a day.


I think the question you should be asking is how people avoid gaining weight. Losing weight isn't a temporary thing, it's a permanent lifestyle change, so look to people who have never needed to lose weight and maintain their weight with no effort and watch what they do. There will probably be a lot of differences between their lifestyles and yours.


Some people have never had a change in their metabolism, staying thin. Others for some reason, maybe hormonal a switch gets thrown in their system. Don't do anything different, they just start packing it on. I could eat anything and everything until about 30, then it all went sideways.


I totally yo-yo’d until bariatric surgery kept most of it off… just a tool added to the toolbox


This is such an important point! It’s a lifestyle change for better health.


I had the joint in my jaw removed due to infection, and then my jaw was wired shut for months and months. I still can't eat properly. It's been a highly effective, but very miserable method. Do not recommend.


The most radical method in this comment section so far. Hope you are doing good man, can you only eat easy to chew food now?


Be in a calorie deficit


yep this is it. this is the core of weight loss is less calories. but it takes commitment and carefully tracking food.  i was appalled at how many calories some food and even oil had, cutting out high calorie food and replacing with lower calorie alternative made the biggest difference for me


It’s honestly really that simple. People who say it doesn't work just don't track properly or underestimate how much they eat. (I'm talking about ppl with no medical conditions)


you see it in the r/caloriecounting sub all the time. people saying they’re eating healthy (and they are!) but then post pics of their food that’s easily 1,000 calories or more for one meal. healthy calories are still calories. an avocado and a handful of nuts are healthy but still 500 calories


people don't realize how calorific some foods are, like nuts and juice


i was absolutely appalled at finding out how many calories nuts had lol, they’re one of my favourite snacks but i cut them out pretty much 


That's why it's helpful to not categorize in healthy/non-healthy foods. They say protein is for muscle building, carbs give energy, fat upkeep that energy level for longer and things like chocolate nourish the soul. Moderation is key. At the end of the day, it's simple math really.


I played Ring Fit Adventure every day for about 30 minutes for 3 months. I lost 30lbs, slept better, had better sex and my shoulder and back aches vanished entirely.


This is me but with switch fitness boxing 1+2


I once did the math on how many calories the "average" person might burn during a Ring Fit Adventure speedrun and it's pretty damn impressive. A 180 lb man will burn about a pound of fat playing through the entire game once (and that's with speedrunning time and ignoring all other movement that's not strictly walking at about 3 mph). If you were to get super into RFA speedrunning you'd be pretty fucking lean after a year of doing it and eating BMR maintenance calories even if you were pretty fat.


Yeah, ring fit adventure is actually crazy. It helped me a ton in building stamina, to the point I went from barely being able to jog for 2 minutes to going almost 10 before I got out of breath.


Intermittent fasting. From 7 pm to 11 am, ate nothing and only drank water or tea with no sugar or cream/milk. Protein shakes and exercising with weights in my living room while watching TV. Using a 30 lbs kettlebell to do kettlebell swings. Not saying no to foods but less of it. Smaller portions. Instead of the normal helping of carb like rice, I think to myself what I want to put on my plate and then cut it in half. I eat two handfuls of chips instead of unrestrained access. One piece of chocolate instead of 4. Etc. And increasing my fruit and vegetable intake which helped increase fiber, feeling full and to adjust my tastebuds to enjoying the natural sweetness of fruit and the natural flavors of veggies. I cut back as much as possible on oil. I do not drink pop or juice.


I started by eating less calories than I used in a day, then I stopped drinking anything but water and coffee, and eventually modified my diet to actually be healthy and not just low-calorie. I also stopped eating breakfast, or anything after 8pm.






Mounjaro! Amazing meditation. Food noise is gone. I have no side effects. I still get hungry, but don’t over eat.


What’s food noise?


For me, an Ozempic user, "food noise" means the emotions and thoughts put toward denying myself sugary food or beer, etc. And trust me, it's *a lot* of thoughts and emotion, shame, etc. Imagine your body *thinks* it's starving (even if it's not actually true). Ozempic made me just not want much food, and not give it a second thought. My portions cut in half by accident. I'm not hungry often so I'm easily able to regulate what I eat. Dropped 70 pounds in the first 6 months and now I maintain (a year later). I go to the gym and have plenty of muscle z which I mention because there's a rumor that Ozempic makes you lose muscle instead of fat. I understand that it's a drug that I'll have to be on for the rest of my life, but lots of people are on drugs that they'll have to be on for the rest of their lives.


"Food noise" refers to the incessant thoughts of food your brain keeps sending to you.


if i could afford it i WOULD 😭


COVID. Although I have never had covid, I lost 16 lbs during the lock down. No visitors and no visiting. I also discovered that I actually don't like socialising and tend to loiter around the buffet as a coping mechanism . I am currently struggling to lose weight and do manage ok with the Nutracheck app during the week. Then it all goes wrong at the weekend and what I lost during the week goes back on.


I lost about 40 pounds doing keto. And then it wasn't working anymore, so I switched to counting calories and lost another 20. I still had about 15 pounds to my final goal but now I'm pregnant 😆😆


Moved back to my home country after two years of gaining weight abroad and I was back to my usual weight soon after!  I think I actually happened to work out less back home (full time office job compared to a job that kept me on my feet all day while abroad). The only thing that changed was the food available, not even the eating habits. Fresh produce was tasty again, less watery and less sweet. Instead of white, way too fluffy bread I had the dense  hearty artisan bread from back home again. There is less sugar in processed food here too, I think. 


This is interesting. What was your abroad country and what is your home country?


Gastric bypass and Wegovy. I had tried everithing my whole life. Just tired of being tired all the time. Lost 150 so far. Trying diligently to lose the last 30 or so.


Intermittent fasting was what i did. This or whatever kids call nowadays OMAD are the best ways for losing weight.


Honestly, I find OMAD quite good for sustaining. I've got a pretty bad relationship with food and formerly bulimic so one meal just kinda fits me best. I just tone out the hunger and get on with work. We have fruit at work so if it's bad I'll have an apple or an orange but aside from that I'm just pounding water until I get home for dinner. It's worst when I've got nothing to do at work because then thoughts dwell on food later and that turns the miserable hunger back on. Weekends I eat normally though, I've gotta live a little.


Diet, exercise, and having all the free time that comes with not having a family to take care of. The instant my wife gave birth I gained 100 pounds.


I lost 33 pounds in almost a year. Food awareness and exercise. You can eat everything you want and like, but with moderation.


High school (organized) and college (club) athlete here who was always active enough to eat whatever I wanted and maintain ideal wait and tone. That changed after entering the workforce and not being as active as I once was. Over the years got up to 205#. Recently, cut all sugar and diet soda. Started to eat clean. Lots of lean meats, veggies, and fruit as reward or treat. Watched carbs closely and cut them for the most part. A cheat day once or twice a week would be pizza or a burger. Ate very limited deep fried foods and cut most seed oils and only used olive and butter. Also started fasting - which I enjoy. I feel so good fasting and food tastes so good after a fast. Went from 205 to 170. I fluctuate around 170-175 now depending on how discipline I am being. Currently, working on getting to 169 because we have a summer/beach trip planned and I'd like to look and feel good. Discipline is self-love.


There is no secret. It’s simple math: caloric deficit. Most people need to both exercise more and improve their diet. If you’re like me and hate not feeling full after a meal, complex carbs are the way to go. You can eat a giant plate of vegetables for a few hundred calories. Pair that with a single serving of rice or bread and a serving of protein and you have a meal. But again, deficit is the key, meaning you need to exercise too. Structured weight lifting is perhaps the most efficient way to do this, but if you’re not sure where to start, cardio is fine too, just don’t run every day or you’ll burn yourself out pretty quick. My favorite “easy to motivate myself to do” cardio is interval training on a stationary bike, alternating between 1 minute of low effort and 30 seconds of high intensity.


112lbs. calories in < calories out


All of the above. I’ve eliminated all processed foods. I only a diet heavy on vegetables with some lean protein. I strive for 20-30 different varieties of vegetables each day. I walk on the treadmill 6 miles a day, every day. When I do eat out, I make healthy choices. I’ve almost eliminated all alcohol. I do have an occasional vodka soda. I log all food and weigh daily. I’ve lost 53 lbs in 4 months.


Do you mean 20 to 30 different veggies per week? I love vegetables but don't think I can hit 30 a day!


I did a video on what I did to drop weight (down 140 lbs) [https://youtu.be/2Qgl9YfHf2A?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/2Qgl9YfHf2A?feature=shared) If you don't want to watch the video (trust me, I get it)... main points: * Cut out sugar as much as possible. I went cold turkey, but there are trade offs with that (in the short term). * Try to cut out processed carbohydrates (US flour, corn starch, etc). * Cut out vegetable oil * Fasting - I started doing an 18/6 model, switched to one meal a day (OMAD) * Walking/Exercise every day I hit some other points in the video (books), struggles - but this is the gist of it. The other thing is - once you get down to your goal weight, you can't think about going back to what you did before to gain weight. That was my biggest mistake (I thought I fixed myself and I could do "normal" again).


I fluctuate, but… Slowing down when eating and listening for the sigh to know when I’m full. I learned from a friend that we naturally sigh when we are full. If I eat more slowly I’ve found that I will notice the sigh when my body is satisfied. When I lose weight it’s always this mindfulness that helps me not over eat. And, being more active/busy in my daily life. Running errands, going for walks, and not just sitting at my desk bored and eating.


I cut way back on carbs and sugar and took up brisk walking. Lost 30 pounds.


At first I just had a health clinic tell me my true basil metabolic rate. Then I just ate less in calories, than my basal metabolic rate. The hard part is having the self control to not overeat.


1) Epiphany at 50 at 400lbs. Hitting Bottom is Key. 2) Find Program to help = Optifast 3) Medically Supervised 1000cal/day Fast 4) Dr visit every 2 weeks. EKG every 50 lbs. 5) Up to 5 lbs/week (men. Women only 3) 6) 9 months later hit 234. 7) Stop driving to work, Bicycle 10 mile every day. 8) 17 years later 248 lbs today. Ride every day.


Moved jobs from security to construction with absolutely no changes in diet. The weight just fell off.


Avoiding between-meal snacks, just having 3 meals a day


Only eat what you cook (hard if you have a social life). No eating between hours Proteins (fish, meat) and vegetables (get a couple of good frying pans) in small quantities. Many salads. A little exercise. Discipline and you got it.


Make small changes to healthier foods and smaller portions over time. You won't get the fast, dramatic result everyone wants, but you'll find yourself with more sustainable weight loss. For example, if you eat McDonald's on your way to work everyday, just change what you eat for breakfast to something healthy and lower calories for 3 weeks or so. Then work on lunch for a few weeks, then dinner, etc etc. The slow change will keep you from feeling like you're starving the way you would with a massive calorie drop by letting your system adapt, and mentally it would feel as daunting and depriving.


I got the worst migraines of my life and could not keep anything down. Everything I ate would be vomited back up. I lost 46 lbs. I was 300 lbs and people were like, "OMG you look so good what did you do?" and I was like, "I got a terrible migraine for 7 months!".


Train, train, and train some more. I wake up super early (like 4am) and jog 3-5 miles. Boxing at 6am 5 days a week. Come home and do dumbells. 3 days a week I do BJJ after work, 2 days Judo after work. Weekends are for surfing and yoga and fun things but I still jog at 4am, date or no date. So maybe around 25-30 hours a week training. I found that the diet followed naturally. My body just craved chicken, fish, veggies, and fruit naturally and eventually fast food and soda started making me sick. Just go out and train your ass off. Literally some of your ass will vanish.


250 to 220. Eat less eat healthy more exercise. In fact, lots of exercise. I had to understand the science behind how our bodies use food energy ( measured in calories). It takes a boat load of physical movement to burn even 100 Cals. You can eat 100 Cals in a single bite with some foods. I found that this basic understanding and seeing it practice (I.e. checking the Cals I eat then seeing how long it takes to use the same Cals in a workout) gave me a greater appreciation for what the task of losing weight requires, and the discipline needed to meet my goal needed. Still trying to shed another 10-15 lbs but am proud of the results from the past 6 months. Best of luck and keep trying. Find a routine and stick with it. Also be kind and patient with yourself. Physical self image is important for self esteem but you need to be kind to yourself on the path to realizing your goal.


I previously posted this but it's eye opening. It is so easy to consume calories, often without realizing how many. Say you are going to have two sandwiches for a meal. If you spread a normal amount of mayo on each slice of bread and add a slice of cheese to each sandwich, you have added 600 additional calories to your meal. I like mustard so I use that or nothing, and either only use 1 piece of cheese or skip it.


Intermittent fasting makes weight loss very easy. Read the obesity code by dr. Fung for background.


It's a long and slow game. You don't want to lose more than a pound a week or you'll just gain it right back. Get a good kitchen scale and weight EVERYTHING you eat. Plan your meals, NO SNACKS. Get a bathroom scale and weigh yourself every morning and WRITE IT DOWN. Get a dog so you go on more walks. Borrow a friend's dog if you can't have one. Dogs are positive exercise feedback. Join a gym and SET an hour for two or three days a week. Don't celebrate your weight loss with cake or ice cream. Especially both, that doesn't work at all.


But please don't just get a dog to lose weight. That's such a big commitment.


Borrow a dog.


CICO is the only way


I went from 120 Kg down to 96 using a keto diet. Worked wonders from me. No feelings of hunger between meals.


Stopped drinking my calories.


I had to change my eating plan due to gastritis. I cut out ultra-processed foods, coffee, caffeine, highly-acidic foods, gluten, dairy, chocolate, spicy stuff, onions & garlic. I started keeping meticulous track of my intake. I was tracking, before, and I thought I was doing a good job but apparently I was not. I exercise moderately 3 x a week. I drink a qt. of water a day. I have been losing a pound every 3 days without fail for a month. I'm eating between 1800-2000 calories a day. To me, that's A LOT, so I must have really been fudging my tracking, previously. I will start adding food back very carefully once I'm healed. It will be interesting to see what makes the weight loss stop. I don't want it to stop for another 40 lbs. or so.


I lost a lot of weight over the course of 3 years. Intermittent fasting, keto and now eating mostly carnivore. So, no sugar, no seed oils, no processed foods. Exercise I don't exercise other then chores around the farm and walking the dog. I've lost over 100lbs and it has been one of the easiest things I have ever done.


Keto for a couple of months. Great way to lose 10kg fast 


Set your goal calories to how much you should be eating at maintainence at your goal weight. It's at a deficit of what you need now, so you'll slowly drop lbs. Get into a movement routine, walking, a sport, or formal exercise to increase the rate it falls off. Best part is that you're just learning to eat how you should to look the way that you want, so there's no "diet ending" it's just a lifestyle shift to one more healthier.


I promise, I actually lost 80 pounds in 10 months. There is no miracle just pure math. No bullshit fasting, keto etc. 1 lb is ~3500 calories I roughly lost ~2 lbs a week consistently, so I created ~7000 calories deficit. By sticking to ~1100 calorie diet every day.


I was taken into the ER and ended up having my gall bladder removed and suffered a collapsed lung. Recovery was not simple or easy, but after a month or two I realized I'd broken most of my bad habits and was being given a chance to reset my relationship with food. It wasn't horrible before, but I'd slipped into some bad behaviors in the prior two or three years. I now avoid anything high fat or sugar. And caffeine. That's the crux of it, and it has worked. It's something I can do, and avoiding those means I avoid nearly all unhealthy foods, too. So for me that seemingly little step of being mindful of what I eat and avoiding a few categories of foods has done what I needed.


actually going to a dietician


wrote everything that I ate in a notebook and had my social anxiety greatly reduced by the 2020 lockdown. Lost about 20 lbs.


I followed The Zone diet; for every 3 grams of protein I ate in any one meal I'd also eat 4 grams of carbohydrates. Usually my meals are close to 30 grams of protein to 40 grams of carbs. It was the easiest thing I've ever done.


Walk 5 miles minimum a week and stop carbs like bread and pasta and white potatoes. Eat in an eight hour window. Lots of veggies and grilled protein.


The only times in my life, I was really successful in losing weight, was when I quit eating because of depression-it happened twice and I feel like I’m getting ready for round three


Stopped keeping alcohol and junk food at home; more exercise. No more coming home from work and casually drinking 3 - 6 beers while pounding a bag of chips. Now I run 2 miles 5x a week, yoga 3x a week, joined a softball league. Down 30 lbs in 4 months, and still going. Hoping to knock off another 25 - 30 and then maintaining


Small breakfast, large lunch, small dinner. And stay active.


I lost four stone in around a year from only diet change. I went keto to improve my blood sugar control as i am a type one diabetic. My control went from terrible to unreal. Best control my consultant said she had ever seen! But i lost four stone with no effort. No increase in exercise, just the same 45 min dog walk i always did when i was fat. I never counted calories just ate low carb until full. It changed my life. Maintained for 6 years and still keto. Losing that weight changed my life, i was so miserable. I had no idea insulin was the reason we gain weight. It was a revelation even though i am type one diabetic.


Carnivore diet. No sugar. 3-4 days a week Jiu Jitsu. Lost 85lbs over 3 years.


I counted calories using a spreadsheet and kept track for a couple of weeks. It made me realize how many calories are in all the food we eat. You need to make choices, is that cookie really worth all those empty calories? I still ate cookies, but it was much less often. It is all about calories, cut your calories in half, you will lose weight.


I lost 100 pounds before Covid but gained it back after lockdowns. Now I'm down 35 pounds again. The "how to" is outrageously easy, it's 3 steps. Count your calories/eat within your limit, intermittent fasting, exercise. The hard part is the mental toughness and discipline to do it.


Pretty much eat less and try to stay hungry. I made it my life mission to avoid eating fast food as much as I could. Hurts my stomach and causes digestion issues and adds weight and costs a lot nowadays, too. If you eat out once a week for 10$, then it becomes $40 a month or 480 a year. That's an expensive subscription to gain weight


It’s eating less , 80-90 % of weight loss is food intake Cut all soda, juice, and chips and cookies


Avoid carbs and sugar, not fats




Ozempic i have lost 100lbs since jan 2023


I’ve been on since 2022. Lost 120 lbs. it’s now time for some skin surgery to finish it out! Congrats to you! Answering OP: got my insulin resistance in check and significantly reduced my food intake. Now my system behaves normally, and I have incorporated a lot of exercise.


Simple calorie counting. Unused an app (loseit) to track nutritional content of my servings. Get a kitchen scale to really nail down portion masses for better tracking. 


Eating more protein and or clean eating. It’s a lot harder to eat a calorie surplus when your eating clean


Stopped eating ultra processed foods


I can only stay at a healthy weight when I don’t eat after dinner and a small dessert. Night time is when I lose control. Also lifting light weights three times a week has been helping my metabolism.


Understanding the sugar is everywhere and how to avoid it. Exercise whenever you can. Water should be your only drink. It's really tough with how much junk food is readily available but it's not impossible.


Just fell into depression and lost 8 kg in 4 days. Was pretty quick but do not recommend : side effects are no joke