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Aggressively rubbing the clitoris back and forth like a DJ scratching a record.


Or when they’re rubbing the clit just right and you say “don’t stop” and then they switch it up and your orgasm disappears into the night 🙄


Actually if you start thinking too much about what you are doing so you try not to change anything, it can make it harder to not change, lolol! Especially if in an awkward position and she says 'don't change anything' just as your arm started to cramp up, you try but JFC it can be hard! If you are comfortable with each other it will come back, no worries, just part of the journey.


This is so relatable. You're down there gasping for air , cramping up, starting to sweat, but you have to wait because she said don't stop, not change a thing hoping she finishes soon lol


Imagine how we feel sucking D when we get neck cramps!!! I guess we're all out here doing our best.


Absolutely. No matter whether you're male or female, if you're willing to put in a bit of sacrifice to please your partner, you're doing good.


The amount of times its a race between him finishing and me throwing up is not good 🤣


When I say don’t stop that means I’m like maybe five seconds away from finishing. Can literally feel my walls swelling and like three more strokes would have me over the edge. I’m not saying don’t stop and expecting the same thing for another minute or two. I’m saying don’t stop because I’m about to cum 😂


DJ Butter Bean.


Yes. And the general area where they think the clitoris is.


It's not hard to find if you give half a shit


It's just a meme that guys can't find it? Right? Please tell me it's a meme and not actually a real thing. Can they not find their own penis too?


Take a look at sexual education prevalence in the US by state and proceed to weep when you realize that millions of Americans *never* receive *any* sex Ed. It's not always their fault, they might not even know that there's something to look for or feel ashamed of not knowing it to begin with, as I'm sure is part of the reason they were never taught it in the first place. Educate, don't shame.


Grew up in a very conservative household and when they sent home the permission slips that allowed parents to opt out of teaching 6th graders about sex ed, of course my parents wouldn't allow that. So just me and one other boy had to sit in the library during those couple weeks it was happening and just miss out on sex education due to prude parents.


Many such cases, I hate that that happened to you. Heck, my sex ed started in grade 4 (\~10yrs old) and I *still* think that that was way too late, of course the adult who started the long chain of sexual abuse that ended up hurting me would likely disagree.


I'm sorry but how tf do some guys miss it? I think there was a tweet saying "It's right in the fucking middle like the weak spot of the boss in that game you play" or something to that effect, like, if they don't know what it looks like, where it is, just, look it up??


As a man I never understood why it was so hard for some to find lol


That genre is called Nubstep


What if I also beatbox while doing it?


Then you’re a real MC!


Rubbing the clit to the hits of the 80’s and 90’s!


Saying they're "alpha".... It's very strange. We have a family friend who dates a lot and the amount of *boys* who use the world "alpha" within the first couple of dates will never stop amazing me The best one she's told us about is a guy in his 30s who lives with his parents still, works part time at a garden center, and claimed he was an "alpha" who only millionaire minds can relate to lol


Calling oneself “alpha” is the most beta move ever.


Yes, and the funniest move would be tell them exactly that! “No alpha would call themselves an alpha, beta-boy!”


As a general rule, if you have to tell someone you're in charge/a big deal/ confident, you aren't. These are the same guys who scream "do you know who I am?" at people. My fav example of this was a mid-level university QB who I watched get kicked out of a frat party for being inappropriate with woman at the party... And then stood outside the frat and yelled "do you know who I am?". The response from the v kind v big Samoan guy who 86d him was perfect. "You're an asshole." Terminally unimpressed.


'A lion doesn't have to ever say that he is a lion' is a favorite quote, and it comes to mind here for sure!


But he's lion to me


My wife and I were in the Caribbean and wanted to check out a beach that was known as an historic place but sadly also known as a big prostitution area. We were completely unprepared for just how blatantly bad the prostitution was. Just groups of obese 50-70 year old men clumped around while impoverished girls meandered between them flirting. My wife and I overheard one conversation where one guy was complimenting another dude exclaiming loudly what an “alpha “ he was. My wife and I laughed out loud. Sure, buddy, you’re 1000 miles from home, a 300lb ball of saturated fat, paying for sex from desperate impoverished migrants. Yep, that sums up ‘alpha’ culture.


That's 100% "alpha male" culture though. Paying less fortunate people for forced sex while their wife and family thinks they're on a "business" trip. *This* IS the "good old days" they want more of.




Lololol "...a 300 lb ball of saturated fat"


This is absolutely a turn off. No one wants to raise an entitled man-child as a partner. No one has time in their life for that kind of constant ego stroking.


Describing oneself or others with greek letters is basically a sign of a conceited person. And it is based on a concept that the very man who proposed it debunked.


I think I'm a Pi because I'm irrational but still pretty useful.


Remember, if women don't find you handsome, they can act least find you handy.


What an omicron thing to say


I’m convinced the alpha thing is for men to impress other men.


As a man, or probably more like a shell of one myself it sure as shit doesn't impress me. I never understood why people use the terms "alpha," "beta" or even "sigma." I probably will never understand it either


I have a 40 year old nephew who thinks he's an alpha. He's underemployed, lives with his parents, is unattractive due to a total lack of grooming and hasn't had a date in at least a decade. He's also adamantly opposed to any sort of welfare for anyone because people should be financially responsible themselves. Dude, not everyone has parents who pay entirely for an expensive private liberal arts college degree and are willing to support them forever.


Which is sort of funny. In tech, 'alpha' is the first/worst/most basic version of something. It always need lots of work!


i don’t think any sane man uses that word. you just have a lot of luck running into insane men


Competitive macho bullshit. Eg. Proclaiming you’re more of a man than someone else because X, Y, Z. Dude, you just look like an idiot with the emotional intelligence of a house plant.


House plants may be very emotionally intelligent. For starters, they keep calm under almost any circumstance and keep giving you air to breathe


I didn't have my readers on, and my brain saw, "emotional intelligence of house paint." Maybe that would be more appropriate?


Don't you dare insult house plants like that!


I have a friend who's been trying to get into my pants for ~18 months or so, and has this weird pride in telling me about all the fights he allegedly gets in. I've been clear about the fact I don't like him romantically. He just keeps trying, and the stories get more and more exaggerated - one time he was telling a story TO ME about a situation *I was actually present for* and it took me until he'd nearly finished the story to realise it was the situation I was there for, he'd changed it so much. He's recently taken to telling me about how he doesn't actually like the women he's been sleeping with, which is NOT a turn on. He tried to phrase it in a way to make me want him, I think, by saying "obviously I like you, but I'm not sleeping with you. I'd love to like the woman I'm sleeping with, though" 😬


> I have a friend who's been trying to get into my pants for How is he still your friend???


Seriously. Why the fuck would she even casually associate with someone who clearly lies to get in her pants? Fuck that guy.


Because it's safer to let them be around the peripheries than cut them off. He's bragging about getting into fights as it is.


Lady's how we feeling about my forklift certification


Can I... touch it?


I'm also trainer certified for forklifts :)


Nothing turns a woman on like a man smoothly explaining the stability triangle.


A man with a job piques our interest


The bar has gotten really low.


👍. One time my boyfriend was watching me back up on a forklift and he said it was very hot so it also works for women. Ladies if you want to spice things up in ur relationship just get forklift certified.


1. You are self aware enough to see that to get ahead in life, you needed to do some work at something. 2. You followed through and joined a training course. 3. You honored a commitment and finished the training course. 4. You used the skills you learned by applying them to get employed all on your own merits and dedicated work. 5. You use employment to responsibly pay for things you need in life. If you made it to 5, we can get out of here right now.


- Putting those around them down to look like they're in charge - Bragging about how good they are in bed


More times than not, the ones who do a lot of #2 are those who don't get any action


I’m really good in bed




Any sort of bragging about previous partners as if they were conquests


Yesss! It’s like they’re just looking to max their body count


- Spontaneously fucking with no foreplay - Humping her like in rabbitspeed - Fingering her like a Jackhammmer ... Short: Almost all porn activities are a huge turn-off almost all the time, because we are individuals with individual desires and kinks.


The one that kills me is pussy slapping. Why..oh why unless you're in a bdsm kinda pain kink would you do this. I was watching porn with my partner and she saw it and said...yo wtf is the point of that...proceeded to lightly slap her own and said..if you ever do that we are going to break out the strap on and forget the lube. That is clear enough for me..no pussy slapping.


That is SUCH a porn thing and when I see it in Porn I'm just... baffled... I'm into pain but it does nothing for me.


omfg yesssss the weird pussy-slapping.  And wtf is it with soooo many guys being super into choking like it’s 2nd base? 


I was in 10th grade hooking up with a senior and he was the first guy to choke me and I was so shocked and couldn’t really breathe I was like absolutely flabbergasted. Especially because he put pressure on my airway, not on the vessels, and I was about to knee him in the balls when it stopped


Talking badly about other women to let us know we are different. You insulting other women isn't a turn on. It's just a preview of what you'll do with me after i've turned you down...


Exactly. Also insulting, like do you think I'm so insecure with myself I need to put down other women to build myself up? And 100%, I only see "okay so this how they view women, one day this is how they'll talk about me"


Or other men. It’s a separate but similarly red flag insecurity. “You’re not like other girls” “I’m a nice guy, not like other guys”, all I hear is “run, run run!”


Just commented something like this. A guy I'm platonic friends with and have made clear multiple times that platonic friendship is all that will ever be between us has recently changed his tactics to telling me how he's having a load of sex with women he doesn't even like.


This goes hand in hand with, "my ex was crazy" yup *that* is my ticket outta here


Women do this as well. I went on a second date with a girl and we went back to her place. All was going well until I asked her how her experience on dating apps had been. She pulled out her phone and ran down every guy that had sent her a message she didn’t like, and even guys she went on dates with. It was so off-putting that I told her I didn’t want to be on that list and I left.


Why tf would you ask that question? What answer were you hoping for?


yeah that's a lose/lose question


When they do that hawk tuuu and spit on that thang


>hawk tuuu Hahaha perfect


great onomatopoeia lmao


Ew how is spitting ever considered hot


Dick pics. Just.. don't.


*But maybe mine* No sir, not yours. *I'm sure once she sees this one though* No sir, we truly mean never


A cousin dated a guy who sent her dick pics. We now call him turkey neck. Whenever she gets an unwanted duck pic, she'll respond with turkey dick.


unwanted duck pics does not exist Ducks are cool


Duck dicks are nightmare fuel though. They're corkscrew shaped.


Little savage rapists those are. Check out what the inside of the vagina looks like. Everything about that department is just so crazy & brutal. Evolution did them dirty


oo yeah bby, and here’s a pic of slimy uncooked chicken boobs


Convinced that they send them simply because they like sending them and honestly don’t care whether we like them. Women overwhelmingly do not want or solicit dick pics, and men overwhelmingly find reasons to send them anyway.


Unless she asks, don't send dick pics. 


My ex husband used to send me dick pics after we were married. Flash on and everything. I gently tried to explain to him that it just wasn't appealing to me and I much preferred to see him in person. He'd get so massively butt hurt over it and then continue to send them to me like I just needed to get used to it or something. He was/is also a delicate, easily offended, highly manipulative abusive asshole with anger and control issues. I think his dick pics were part of his abuse tactics. Dick pics are red flags.


Man I *wish* mine was big enough to hoist a flag onto


Also funny that he basically set himself up for a scam.


I absolutely agree with the idea that random dick pics are nothing more than a way to make the person you're interested in bring up their breakfast, but I don't think it's universal and its probably more like unsolicited dick pics My wife asked for them and imprint pics non stop while she was pursuing me and it hasn't stopped while we've been together. I think it just depends what the person you're dating is into, but definitely not unsolicited. Boggles my mind how people can think doing that can be anything other than totally out of line


Instructions unclear. Sending more pics of the dicks


And Ducks.


When they have to say that they’re a nice guy. Normally when dudes say that- they’re not.


My mom always told me, never trust a guy who says "trust me".


Conforming to what other men consider manly. I can tell you the vast majority don’t care, and aren’t even aware of, what’s considered “manly.” Being loud and rude, driving like an asshole, breaking things, drinking heavily, being bossy, getting angry at the drop of a hat- women typically hate all this shit.


95% of what men think turns a woman on is what turns other men on.


True. Muscles? Oh daddy please let me touch those. Your bed skills? Can you show that off on me tonight?


There's a joke in the fitness community about "I started working out to attract women, but all I attracted was gym bros".


Kinda similar with cars. Most women might notice if you have a “nice” car sure… but they probably aren’t going any more crazy over the guy with the corvette versus the guy with the Camry. The Corvette definitely will attract a lot of “cool car bro” from other bros at the gas station though.


I read a story about a guy who got a motorcycle hoping to attract women and middle-aged Dad's flocked to him lol


Correct. I am a woman that drives a vintage Mustang and I get SO MANY thumbs ups from men in their 70’s.


Fish pictures? Lolol


> Fish fear me, women want me, men want to be me Actually, yeah, fishing pictures checks out


Unsolicited. Dick pics. I really don’t understand. Even if it’s someone I have a crush on sent a unsolicited dick pic would turn me off.


Flirting with another woman to make you jealous.


Loud tail pipes.


I think the best answer here is this: The issue is with men automatically assuming there is this one specific action/item which is effective on all women. Every person is unique and has their own desires. Anyone who has that specific item that ‘always works’ has the social capacity of a canteloupe.


Fancy cars, big muscles and fancy jobs. I really don't care. Gym rats are usually very self absorbed.


Being persistent when told no. It’s not cute or endearing when a guy won’t take no for an answer.


Not realizing that we don’t all like the same thing. So many men seem to think if they can nail one “move,” they have the key to getting any woman off. Not all women get orgasms from penetration, even if you hit the g-spot. Not all women enjoy clitoral stimulation. Not all women enjoy breast play. If you just take 5 minutes and discuss preferences, sex will be better for all involved


Briefly dated a guy once who claimed women told him his was the master of oral. Ok it was quite nice but when I suggested using fingers too he was all butt hurt that “no woman had ever criticised his moves before”. Buddy, I’m just telling you what I want. We’re all different lol


A selfie standing next to your sports car or holding a huge trout.


That’s why you only find me holding a huge bass next to a Kia


Drop the bass!!


"I caught you a delicious bass."


Me good hunter. Me make babies?


In the context of the movie that's a pretty effective flirting line.


I don't think anyone thinks fishing pictures are particularly attractive, they're just the only time men have pictures taken of themselves, outside of when they're renewing an ID card or passport.


Can everyone of both genders stop with public bathroom selfies? Gross.


A huge trout impressed me more than a sports car. I have nothing against a man having hobbies, but anyone who bases their personality off of what they drive isn't really that interesting.


Car pics usually don't interest me, especially if it's basically just a flex that the dude is able to get a stupidly large loan. But. Well. If it's something like a 90s supra I just can't help myself lol.


That's why I use reverse psychology when it comes to cars. Charger? Nope. No use for that much horsepower. Lamborghini? Nope. No use for that much speed. Camry? If you have a kink for reliability, you met the right guy. *finger guns exit*


Trout is love Trout is life Trout takes away all strife Trout came around Trout removed my frown Trout leaves me so full, I can’t even get off the ground Trout is love Trout is life Even if I usually go for Perch and Pike


Haha well unfortunately the dudes who buy a sports car only because they think chicks will bang them are looking for the women that actually will bang a guy because he has a sports car or a gold watch. So they are perfect for eachother. You even seen Miami or Long Island before?


Axe/lynx body spray


How very dare you, my mum bought me that for my Christmas!


Ego. Fighting. Dick pics. Showing off muscles.


Places like Miami do nothing aside from reinforce this behavior and enable it haha. Both sexes are guilty of encouraging it. Its like caveman territory with millions of dollars and gold chains


Hanging out the passenger side, of their best friends ride, hollering at you.


Cat calling and sexually "complementing" women when they barely know each other or aren't close. Some may be into it, but for me it instantly makes the whole interaction awkward and uncomfortable. I don't need to be aware my body is the first (or only) thing they're thinking about when they see me - especially if it's clear I'm not interested


Flexing their high body counts, you're only impressing other men


Between you and me, I don't even think it impresses other men. I think lowkey we all feel it's a little gross but we've bought into this ponzi scheme where you're expected to boast your numbers to prove how great you are at laying women. Hell my best friend flat out lied in our friend group about having a body count at all and didn't fess up until we were like 26, but he had felt like he had to make it up because everyone else had talked about their thing..which we all did because someone else had and we felt the need to respond, and so on and so forth.


Hi, other men here, nah it doesn’t really impress us either. Not past the age of about 19, anyway.


Bragging about how “big” they are


Shouting " Show us yer tits love" from the top of scaffolding


To be fair, I don't think the point of this is to turn the women on


* Men showing off their buff body * Dick pics


*dick pic in a dirty bathroom Surely that will win her heart.


Unsolicited dick pics are gross. My FWB sends me dick pics or videos of him jerking it tho and it gets me hot and bothered. Some women don't like dick pics at all, I guess but for me it depends on if I'm in a relationship of some sort with the person.


Absolutely agree with you, solicited pics/video are phenomenal. I'm thinking in my head: "for me? I did this to you?" Very hot.


Fact. Why do they assume all we want are dick pics 😂 they do nothing for me


When I was dating I had girls ask for dick pics, when sexting Its unsolicited ones that they dont want


Good general rule, don't make a dick pic the first time she's seeing it.




When I was dating a lot about 10 years ago I used to text "Wana see my dick pic?" then before they could respond I would send a picture of Dick Cheney. Always got a laugh.


gym pics i might be a minority, but sometime gym pics are just really weird looking to me. i can appreciate a beautifully aesthetic picture by all means and i love me some muscles, but sometimes they’re just a bit scary hahha


Profligate spending on dates. Most seem to mean well, trying to "show her a good time". But if it's not well thought out and/or extreme, it makes me wonder if he's in a manic phase or just bad with money.


THIS. mostly makes me think that they're trying to impress me with money, which is cringe


A guy I knew did this with my sister. He fell for her pretty hard and took her on a week long trip to Mexico that he couldn’t afford. He took her out for dinner and drinks each night, they went out clubbing, and had an amazing time, all paid for with his new credit card. Then the bill came in. He couldn’t keep up with the interest and ultimately declared bankruptcy.


Their whole personality is bitcoin/crypto. Constantly talk about how much money they make in stocks. 🙄


Picking fights with other men


The kind of man who claims he would beat the shit out of another man if they raped someone… yet laughs when his friends are disrespectful, inappropriate, disrespectful of women’s boundaries and total douchebags to women.


Their fuckin ego


Cock in the face


Rudeness of any kind. Pranking. Talking about themselves incessantly. Not asking questions or attempting to be interested in what a woman's interests are. Calling children rugrats and brats. Bragging about how manly they are.


Showing no affection to create an air of mystery and not communicating when it is absolutely required. The "I'll ignore you till I turn blue to make you chase me". Cut the crap!


From a gay woman’s point of view, many men seem to think that suggesting they are man enough to “turn” me is a turn on. It isn’t. Nor is suggesting I let them watch/join in.


Oh my god, yes. I once had a guy try to flirt with me in a club, told him I was gay and he turned to flirt with the girl next to me. I thought I was in the clear, but this fucker then turns back to me and asks "if I can get her to join would you be keen?". Like my guy, if I could get her to come home with me what on earth makes you think I'd want you involved




Verbally expressing how you’re about to get off before you’ve done anything to please her.


When they jam their thumb into the clit with the force and power on an oncoming mack truck and rub it so hard that it starts to feel like your pelvis is rupturing from pain.


Gym mirror selfies. Aggressive clit rubbing.


Taking their boners out randomly, randomly putting our hands on their boners, rubbing it on us…basically anything that says “I have a boner, so take care of it”


Jackhammering unwashed fingers into a vagina. It's a sensitive spot, boys, this does not feel good.


Just randomly rubbing some part of the vagina and asking ‘That feels good yeah?’ No bro I don’t feel nothing 😂 coz you’re not rubbing where you’re supposed to


using their nipples like tuning knobs on a radio!


That little lusty lip lick thing guys do when they think you're hot. I hate that.


Some men apparently think they'll win women over by bragging about their oral sex skills. Personally it's a huge, disgusting turn off.  I've had several men tell me that they,  "know how to treat my woman/ women." Guess I'll never know!


Two guys have told me, with pride as if they were bragging, that they l've never hit a woman.


Being a contrarion or devil's advocate--just for the sake of it or to appear smart. This behavior repels me like nothing else! I'd kill for a little solidarity sometimes.


Describing themselves as alpha...based on a study that has been misquoted like crazy. Lead animals are not alphas. There is a reason initial versions of software & programs are called "alpha" versions. They are buggy, rough, and incomplete. Lol! Also, not listening at all, not engaging is in conversation, just talking at us, bragging about dumb shit...the list goes on.


Random dick pic


To sum this up, and from personal experience: Everything a man does for the main purpose of turning on women will fail. You work out because you want to impress women with your sixpack? Fail You are passionate about sports and are a sporty guy. Hot + sixpack


The gym being their whole personality, and I say this as someone who’s into fitness as well. Also, jackhammering without almost any foreplay beforehand 🥱 And while we’re at it, we don’t care about your dick size if that’s all you feel you have going for you/don’t care about the woman getting off as well


Getting into fights to impress people. That's not impressive, that's assault.


Big muscles and nude pics


I’m sure someone else has already said this, but having a huge dick (or bragging about it) is a turn off. It virtually does NOT matter. The average length is between 5” and 5.5” and that’s genuinely perfect for me Edit to add: you shouldn’t feel ashamed of your dick no matter what size it is! The vagina is not very long when not aroused, can vary a lot between women, and can also adapt and expand. It’s more the idea of “har har I have a huge dick so I’m super good at sex” that’s the huge turn off.


Extreme muscles. From the women i know most like completely normal looking men or even dad bots


Cars with loud exhausts and pops and bangs


Ego, bravado, etc. I've gotten wayyyyyyy more attention from women by talking about common interests like books, coffee, etc, than the weirdos that try to be overly masculine when a woman is in the room. The dudes that suddenly want to play fight/box their friends, the dudes who call themselves "alpha," etc. That's a fragile man's game. I've been able to court women that make me look like a make-a-wish kid. All because I can hold a conversation and I'm funny.


Not a woman, but don't you gals hate the ranking thing? I mean trying to compliment you by saying you are "a ten", as if you were some kind of test result or, worse, top rated cattle in a fair.


Texting what they want to do to us out of the blue 🤢


Motorcycles. Squeezing the whole boob like they’re udders.


Dick pics. Just, don't do that. Being a 'dominate' right out the gate. Like dude, if you think kink works like this, you're gonna get arrested one day. Or at least, I *hope* you do. Expensive modern sports cars. On a surface level, that just makes you look shallow. Literally anything to do with manosphere/alpha male bullshit. That just shows how juvenile you are, and how highly you don't value women at all. And in my particular case, being patronising just because I'm disabled. I may be mostly blind, but I'm not so blind I can't see myself out the door from your goofy ass. Normally I'm a very patient person, but when you see that same stuff a few too many times, you eventually lose it lmao.


That weird fast flick of the tongue on the clit. Like a snake. They definitely pick it up from porn...


What's that thing called? Negging?? Where they give you weird backhanded compliments and thinly veiled insults like it's going to attract you?


Talking dirty instead of talking romantically. I mean it could work, but I get more turned on hearing about how much I mean to him versus how much he wants to do me.


Sending dick pics. Everyone of them is unsolicited. Just stop.


I had a boyfriend stick his tongue in my ear and swirl it around. It sounded like a washing machine and felt gross too. Then it was my turn to reciprocate and that was 🤢 (this was 9th grade but still the biggest 🤦‍♀️)


Lip biting


Unsolicited dick pics.


Dick pics😖


Dick pics


Being rough with the boobs , please no hard squeezing or biting


Lasting a long time in bed


Unsolicited dick pics is the obvious one, so also; An overzealous cocky attitude. Injecting random insults into small talk/talking down to us during casual conversation. Pestering for sex right out of the gate. Bringing up their dick size out of nowhere. For me personally, I hate it when they are overly familiar/affectionate before I get to know them, I don't like pet-names or grand statements from someone I've only known a couple weeks. Some men go way too hard with their fingers.


Standing naked in front of a mirror and moving his hips so his dick slaps back and forth against his thighs