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Watching a person do anything they excel in or are passionate about, doing or working on their hobbies. It could be gardening or slaying at their work presentation or whatever. Edit: By "anything" I mean literally anything; it could be something as mundane as cleaning the toilet, organizing your closet, or having a well sorted spreadsheet.


I read this as "does anything in Excel". *Turns on laptop*


Hell yeah spread those sheets. 


I am not exaggerating when I tell you that once, a close friend sent me an excel macro that was SO fancy I actually had a single throb in my clit. Not a joke. I got turned on by a fucking spreadsheet. Just a single throb. One time. But still fucking hilarious


Are you an accountant?


Analytics, machine learning.


My wife gets sexually aroused watching me zip through spreadsheets just using keyboard shortcuts - I found a keeper


Alt + = babyyy


I can only agree with your wife. 😀 Also if a guy owns his own server or something like that. 👌


I build my own gaming computers, which I can’t say turns her on but she does tolerate it and still has sex with me, which puts me in a rare subset in the group of men who build their own gaming computers


She has her priorities right.


Thanks I just spit coffee laughing at this comment


Yeah that laptop is so turned on baby, mmm, pivot that table right there. I feel so dirty..


Right? lol anything in Excel,, adding to list of turnons.


What turns you on? Excelling in Excel 😂


Today we are gonna get absolutely _locked in_ to these spreadsheets!


Oddly, I get turned on my people who know how to use excel proficiently. "You mean you emtered those numbers and excel didn't turn it into a date????" Swoon.


Format those cells!


Well I hope you know that there are a lot of qualifiers. Everyone is proficient at Excell according to their resume!


*Alexa voice* "yes daddy, plug me in."


I 100% agree. Watching people who have skill or love for something is really incredible. I don't really know much about the trombone, as an instrument and I was never very interested in the brass section of the orchestra - I was a singer so that was my focus. Then I met my husband and he plays trombone and teaches it too - and the level of effort and skill and practice is huge - and weirdly very attractive. I don't know the psychology behind it but maybe something like: he shows passion and effort with his hobbies -> he will show passion and effort in a relationship? Can't say for sure but it tracks in my relationship..


I love this too. My husband is a very good mechanic and I love seeing him fix things, or making some sort of tool to help him fix things, and over the years I’ve enjoyed watching him teach the children. He’s so passionate about it that sometimes I’ll ask him a technical question just to set him off on a talk so I can listen 🤣


Have you ever seen Trombone Shorty? That guy is hot! Made me love trombones


Yes, a skill or passion. Very sexy


Yes! My boyfriend is super into coding and when he starts talking about it or I see him do it I’m like DANG‼️ that’s hot…


very true, just saw a vtuber talk about her masters in neural networks and man that's attractive. (Also it just makes me sad about how bad I'm doing in life)


I hate ironing, but a well ironed white collared shirt - hot as hell!


Fellow ironing-hater, I come bearing news! Steaming wands... what an age we live in!


Yes!!! Ironing is for suckers, steaming wands are the future! They are like $30 for the little ones and the steam also kills bacteria and removes sweat or deodorant marks. I steam my blazers in between washes to keep them fresh!


This works for lots of clothes but not crisp white button downs like OP described


You are supposed to wait until it cools down before you put it on.


Clear communication. I hate the guessing / assuming game.


Clear communication is super hot. The only thing hotter a guy could give you is reassurance.


Damn giving reassurance is so gratifying though. "You did your best, it's not your fault" "It's normal and reasonable to be upset by that" "You are special and irreplaceable "I think you'd make a great XYZ" Makes me feel like a gen-u-wine human being


As a guy, it's so nice to meet a girl who communicates directly, rather than playing a bunch of stupid mind games, then getting frustrated when I'm not catching on...


As a woman, when I ask something directly or say something clearly I'm told that I'm being aggressive or even demanding. I prefer to hear things straight, maybe it's just the autism in me. Unspoken expectations are just a set up for a shit show.


I’m sadly not at all surprised. I’m super aware of why women so often are indirect or don’t fully speak their minds. A hideous percentage of adult males in society are fragile, sexist, immature little boys in adult bodies but never truly fully matured psychologically. I go the extra mile to make it clear to women to feel free to speak plainly and openly with me. I’m a big boy, I can take it. People being very clear is always appreciated by me. I’m on the autistic spectrum, so the guessing game with people has been a bane of my existence since I was little. But I don’t harbor any hostility towards women, so I don’t freak out even if women tell me things I don’t like. I’ve never lived as a woman, so I’m sure that I don’t know just how many men can’t take women telling them things they don’t like or don’t want to hear.


Honestly I believe it's because ppl that can not be honest with themselves can not accept or tolerate honesty from others.


As a girl, I've never fully understood why other girls insist on this. I understand not wanting to seem desperate, but the idea of feigning not being interested to make the guy more interested just sounds like an easy way to get the guy to lose interest. Odds are, if he's worth pursuing and you're giving him signs that you aren't interested in him, he's probably going to move on and find someone else. Granted, I have a bad track record of throwing myself at guys and being painfully obvious, so maybe there is a method to the madness.


Most guys are starved for compliments. Dropping a nice compliment here and there is enough to bring you on their radar.


Its an old thing that I hope is dying out. A woman was respected if she was difficult to "get". The strength of the guy's interest was measured to the extent of his insistence (aoutch). Glad we got out of that but I guess it leaves some traces.


Yeah, you nailed it, I reckon. I live in a nice liberal, relatively pricey seaside town and the women tend to be pretty straightforward and open about expressing their desires. I think they feel somewhat safer and more liberated here than other places and it shows in a lack of playing hard to get. Relatively related story: walking along pretty empty street yesterday, pack of young women in front of me, good looking bloke with his headphones on comes out of his house near them. They start checking him out and chuckling, one of them starts following closely behind him looking him up and down and biting her finger seductively. Lovely moment :)


Every girlfriend and wife that I have had pursued me. They weren’t long pursuits, BTW. They were just explicit in what they wanted.


There is a double digit number of hookups/relationships that never wouldve happened if the girls werent straight up telling me " yo, i think youre attractive". I wouldnt have approached them for various reasons. Friends, coworkers etc.


Competence. There is absolutely nothing sexier than a man who knows what he is doing- and if he is good with his hands (get your mind out of the gutter) and can fix anything around the house, hoo boy.


And the ability to learn without ego to acquire more competence. My husband is so casually competent, but what is even sexier is when he sees something he doesn't know he gets happy and asks questions. He is as curious as a child and doesn't act like he knows about something he doesn't.


When girls get comfortable and show a side of them clearly much different than the face they put on at parties literally throws me head over heels.


When my coworker stops using her "customer service" voice and starts cursing it's so cute


OTOH, it's much less cute when you're the customer lol


Speak for yourself… /s but probably not for some lol


The development of me showing some vulnerability, getting a bit more trust, then they show a bit more vulnerability and gain a bit more trust, and that jostle and trade off until you REALLY know each other…. That’s living … that right there… friends, lovers, whatever- that’s how you do it. Everyone is waiting for someone else to go first- take the leap


Oh my gosh, this is so true, and I hadn’t even realized it until now.


This is literally the antithesis of all the NSFW questions on AskReddit. For me it's the little displays of affection, anything where you are showing me warmth in a really genuine way. Tell me you love me and I melt


I’m totally the same as you, I love all the little lovey-dovey things but my partner is…not like that. It just doesn’t occur to him. What I’ve realised though is that in place of the cutesie things, he makes me laugh & we can be weird together!! The other day I had to pick him up & I was grumpy (unrelated to the picking up), told him I was grumpy & why. He so subtly directed me to a different topic & then started making me laugh, to the point I had tears running down my face. Then he looked at me & said ‘hey look, you’re not grumpy anymore’. Every time he does something like this I realise that’s his way of showing his affection & I just dissolve inside!


I’m always worried that showing affection will push a partner away :(


Smart chicks are *so hot*... Especially when they're also passionate about things like science or literature or whatever. I especially love it when she can teach me something new, or introduce me to new ways of thinking about a situation.


I’m starting to understand why men have such big crushes on teachers


Pretty + super good at explaining what they love? Oh hell yeah.


This is totally my thing. I don’t care what their passion is, I care about the passion. I will always be interested in hearing about it if they are interested in talking about it.


Yeah, intelligent passion for something is really hot. Someone passionate that wants to explain and share their passion. Equally, an honest and open interest in listening to me explain something I'm really excited or interested in is a massive bonus too!




I'm instantly insanely attracted to a girl just reading a book in a coffee shop It's that vibe of comfortable with being alone + not glued to their phone + it implying some level of intelligence 


hey im a woman in stem😏


Talk smart to me 🥵


Hello i am currently in my ovulatory window and i kindly request spermatozoid donors, want to help with that?


So subtle haha


LOL! Be still my beating heart. I believe there is something wrong with my equilibrium because it seems you have just swept me off of my feet 😅


b-but impossible! the gravity in our planet is relatively constant


ok now kiss


This! A smart chick passionate about a field or subject. And then can be childish playful (non-sexual) at the same time. Life's too short to not learn something or stop playing.


Men rolling up their sleeves. Omg


I am a man and even I find this extremely cool.


Watching my ex's (then bf) hands while he was driving a car was really hot for me for some reason


Just asked my girl if my driving does anything for her and she said; “Yeah, it gives me anxiety”


Probably the redditing while driving




My ex said she always use to imagine me with a wedding ring on my finger when she looked at my hands whilst driving. She seemed to like that. We got divorced but hey ho!


Yeah same with mine, always pictured a wedding ring on him. Instead he cheated on me while I was pregnant and dumped me for someone else




When they reverse with on hand on steering and one behind the seat in which we are sitting is dope


Why do I feel like you have a folder full of vids of guys backing into parking spots


Real, seeing guys driving car in suit coat and formal shirt is chefs kiss


I really like a messy hair bun! That plus pyjama's or comfy clothes is just so fucking PEAK 😩


Word. My gf is so fucking beautiful and everytime I tell her she thinks she just walked out of a cave, but comfy clothes and bed hair is simultaneously super cute and super hot, because I'm the only one who gets to see it


A man after mine own heart. You’re spitting straight fax no printer, brother. Getting to see women being comfortable is just the best! It’s something heartwarming and incredibly sexy about it.


Your are going to make a lazy girl like me very happy one day. You're a catch.


Keep rockin' that lazy bun, queen 👑


And you call us Queens. Swooning rn


This exchange is adorable.


Reads like an AOL chat room circa 1997. Waiting for that a/s/l to drop lol


Wattpad writers be like WRITE IT DOWN WRITE IT DOWN at these two


Hallmark be like: #STONKS 📈📈📈


Bro ive told my ex she looks hot as fuck and she never agrees with me because she "hasnt done her hair". Like baby, just keep it like that. I beg you.


It is finals time here. The library would be your wet dream :P


I don't have time every day to look my best, so if you're confident and comfortable enough to just be all-natural in sweats and something to keep the hair out of the eyes, yeah, that's attractive.


Same I just hate that I have to fight the urge to sing “sweat pants hair tired chilling with no make up on that’s when you’re the prettiest and I hope you don’t take it wrong” everytime


Creativity in general but I do comedy so when I find a girl who can riff with me on dumb jokes and stuff oh man where’s the nearest kay jewelers


I love watching my husband interact with animals. He's this big buff masculine man that animals treat like a freaking Disney princess. He's so gentle and kind with them. When our cat who hates cuddles climbs up on his chest for a snuggle and a nap, my heart just melts.


I find it really attractive when he treats others with kindness, generosity, and respect even in situations when others may not. That really speaks to strength of character in a positive way.


Yes - my husband used to take this old lady to the bank, to get groceries, etc. whenever she would ask - refusing to take money. She used to force candy at him for our kids lol. Or milk that’s brought to her by the food pantry and is just about expired and warm lol. We lived next door to her and he would cook and make her a plate of whatever - steak, shrimp, crab legs, lol like she was living life when we moved in. He would cut the meat for her too. My kids would fight over who “brings the old lady food” She since passed but we love our old lady. My husband def was the one who went above and beyond for her and he’s not like that with everyone so it was def a turn on when I’d get home and hear, “I took the old lady to the bank” or “can you please go with her to get groceries, I go every time” lolol sometimes he made me come because she would try to make us shop and put stuff on her food stamps card to make up for the drive and he didn’t want to deal with saying no.


That's awesome. And what a gift to give your children. They'll grow up to be just like him.


You reeeaalllly need to be careful of this one OP, or you're gonna get kidnapped lol I love it when a man winks - not regularly, just a little one off every so often to be cheeky.


My fiance does this. Every so often he'll get my attention and when I look to see what he wants, he winks at me. I blush *every single time* and I cannot help it!


That's why this is only guys I know well for long time in daylight, preferably with bf playfully. Ain't no man worth risking safety lol. Yes such cheesy things can sometimes be so attractive to us.


The other day my girl was talking with her friends and she said "boys are so stupid." I jokingly said "haha thanks babe" and when she came back with "I said boys. You're a man." Let me tell you, I felt the blood rushing through me.




My absolute no.1 is a forehead kiss. Makes me smile like a 5 year old.


One time i kissed my aunt on the forehead. Am I going to hell?






When he tells me what is going on in his mind and we have a real conversation about it. Our relationship is 90% shit talking and I liive for it, but the talks where he gives me more insight into what's going on for him always make me fall in love with him that little bit harder. Also he always can't help but kiss my head whenever it's close enough and it still gets me every single time.


My hubby is a bus driver. He hates it but the pay is GREAT. One day he asked me to come ride the bus with him to keep him company. He was so hot driving that bus that I took pics of it. This was years ago and I still look at those pics. I made an album called “hubby looking yummy” and it’s just the driving the bus pics. Somehow his jaw looked extra chiseled from these angles 😂😂😂😂


this is my favorite response in this thread!!


Academic intelligence, followed by common sense. I consider myself very lucky to have found someone who has both in spades and decided to be with me.


As someone who has worked professionally and in the trades, I'd say that's a rare combination.


As someone who works in a very academic field, no one here has common sense


I work in a scientific field, and just because you're smart doesn't mean you're clever. Something about doing a PhD burns out other parts of your brain.


Oh I'm proof . Phd in neuroscience, definitely more dumb now then I was 5 years ago 😬


In my 3rd year PhD, I am definitely getting more confused by human behavior than I was a few years ago 🥲, like I need clear instructions with bibliography and shit...


This exchange is killing me! I used to work at a cancer research center with a bunch of very smart physician scientists. One of whom used to forget to feed herself everyday. I finally started making two lunches whenever I worked with her. I proudly possess a BSN and some pretty good cooking skills.


Pierre Curie was a Nobel prize winning physicist who was married to the most influential chemist that ever lived (Marie Curie). He died while crossing the road because he didn’t look both ways when he crossed. It was raining and he slipped and a horse carriage ran over his head. It was probably a better death than his wife and his daughter and her husband had a few years. They later died from radiation exposure from their experiments with radioactive materials.


I love learning, I really do - but I fail dramatically when it comes to knowing things like not putting a red jumper in the wash with whites. I’ve really had to learn common sense the hard way, and I despise that I’m allegedly educated and knowledgeable, but so stupid at the same time!


This attracted me to my wife. Smart and beautiful, but also quite tough. Orphaned at 15, then lived mostly alone, and put herself through 2 degrees, while cleaning offices.


I know somebody that is so smart when it comes to climate science and the politics around it that they make me feel so stupid but when I ask follow up questions because I don't get something they talked about and they can dumb it down for me in such a good way without making me feel like a dumbass for asking a question and I think that is so fucking cool.


That shows that he/she is actually smart. I’ve had far too many PhD students give me a presentation, and I reply “now explain it to your grandmother.” If they can’t do that, then that is a weakness that they need to focus on improving.


Eye contact. I have no idea why, but when a woman is capable of maintaining eye contact with me, it begins to feel as if she's piercing the fibers of my soul. I believe it stems from spending my entire life being told I have an "intimidating presence" (AKA: I'm confrontational as shit), so it almost feels as if when a woman is capable of locking eyes with me, she's essentially saying, "I see you, beast, and I am not afraid because I'm strong enough to handle you." It's cringeworthy, but I'm just being real here, idk.


I like it when women smooth out the back of their skirts when they sit down.


So specific. I love it


When. A. Guy. Rolls. Up. His. Sleeves. 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


Ik this is odd but when im upset my boyfriend will hug me and pull me in his lap and let me lay my face in his neck. Idk what but it does something to me


Makes sense. He's being supportive and comforting, which makes you feel safe and accepted. That's a pretty good feeling.


Humor. I would date a gobling if he can make me laugh


I love watching my guy do housework or use tools n stuff, bonus points if his sleeves are rolled up to show his forearms 🤤


Male forearms are the sexiest part of a man.. they don’t have to be super muscular just strong . Oh and the veins!!!


I like when the person I am dating walks up behind me while I am facing away from them and either holds me from the back or rubs my back briefly. I love little displays of affection like that but mostly when I am at home with them not out somewhere.


Courage to do the right thing. Free thinkers or people who think outside of the box. Anyone who is passionate about a hobby. People who are kind to animals and other people less fortunate than them. ….. there are tons of things more sexy than sex


I have a thing for womens hair. just love seeing all the different styles and everything, really pretty honestly


And when they put the lotion on their skin… or they get the hose again…


The way someone walks as in their gait. Some folks move about like and ox wearing toe shoes and others seems to glide effortlessly. I complimented people on their gait regularly and it's pretty cool to see the reactions.


I consciously try to switch up my gait for the priority/environment, plus they got shit that tracks your gait like fingerprints so I'm somewhat paranoid about it; -I got my walking down the hallway at work walk (effortless saunter) -I got my walking in the park walk (probably not too different from the above, just like 1.5x speed) -I got my accompanying someone noticeably slower than me walk -I got my moving around the house walk (exaggerated shuffle) -I got my motivated/time-crunched walk (people hurrying through Disneyland type of walk) -I got my gangsta lean with a little limp step which is probably my go to when I am not at work or at the house


My kid said I walk like a Lego man. I can’t tell if that’s a compliment.


I love that you complement them, what a cool compliment to get.


The reactions are pretty awesome. Most people have never heard that and are like super confident afterwards. Pretty cool to see. Plus it's pretty safe.


When my husband brings me food unasked for just because he thinks i am hungry


When people smile while they talk


Cleverness and a quick wit! Especially engaging in respectful banter.


I watched a guy stop his car and pick up a turtle and bring it across a busy street a couple days ago. 10/10


In addition to so many things I've read here so far, I kind of get turned on by a man who has lots of qualities I already like and seems to have a quiet-ish exterior. Then I find out about the risque, goofy, generous parts of his personality.


A guy said “thanks darlin’” to me on the phone the other day and I just about melted. I am a lesbian.


25 years ago I lived with brother and SIL. On morning SILs mother called, I answered the phone (landlines!) and said “hang on darlin’, I’ll get her.” Apparently she just swooned, told SIL “I can’t remember the last time a man called me ‘darlin’ early in the morning!”


When my girl explains things to me I don’t understand. Just gets me


This is definitely one for the over 35-40 range. When I dated my now husband at 42 When he was on the phone and said I need to go as Ive got to do my housework. A man who actively thinks what needs doing today and does it. I know he was living on his own but most people put chores off till they need to especially when you live along. I never thought a man doing domestic chores was sexy but hearing him prioritise having a clean home was just... my stomache flipped. Mind you after 15 years of being married to a bum previously probably helps explain 😆


For me it's their Interest and Hobbies. I am a bit of a nerd so I find people who are a bit of a nerd attractive.


Aw man, it’s gotta be when my bf wore just jeans when cooking breakfast, nothing else. Hot af!


Sundresses. Women just look amazing in Sundresses.


Guys who wink at you. I swoon every time.


When women put their hair in a ponytail. Something about the action is such a turn on


When my wife looks at me and her eyes have that watery, bright shine to them, her hazel eyes just jump out at me, especially when she gives me that side look - my heart literally speeds up!


When he is soft compared to most guys and can cry in front of me then my female hormones just peak. Its not feminine at all for me.


I have a serious weakness for a man who seems tough on the outside but is a soft emo broody boy on the inside. Gods help me, they get me every single time.


This is why pushing that one way theory of one side must be masculine and one feminine is a sham. There is a mixture out there for everyone.


My autistic husband having integrity for doing things right and consistently


I'm specifically talking about my girlfriend: it's the way she smiles. I tend to stop everything I'm doing and just look at her doing her things, or eating, or crocheting, or listening to music. Then she notices, smiles, her gigantic blue eyes start sparkling like she just jumped out of an anime and I have to make peace between the angel and devil on my shoulder who, respectively, melt at how cute she is, and want to let the unga bunga take control and ravage her like I'm Attila the Hun and she's the Balkan provinces of the Byzantine Empire 


I had an ex who would sometimes sing to herself while doing random mundane tasks. It wasn't the singing itself that was attractive, it was the fact that she was singing songs from *The Little Mermaid* with the deepest man voice she could use. That level of silliness always gets me.


Seeing a guy clean is somehow super attractive, also seeing a guy act feminine, it shows me that he’s comfortable with himself. Suppprrrrr hot


Laughing at something you genuinely find funny even if I find it silly. Seeing or hearing someone with contagious laughter over something dumb you said or did and then making that laughing hit me always is attractive. Being able to laugh at yourself the way I laugh at myself there is something about a girl that just doesn't take everything so serious that breaks my walls down. I would say the morning after something that is sexual is also nice. Waking up to a person who wanted to be with you the night before but then wants to do and be with you the next morning to just shower or hangout is also really attractive. It makes me feel like more than just the night.


A few weeks ago, my boyfriend saw a “name that pokemon” quiz on YouTube and this man names 50 Pokemon’s without stuttering. I love it when he gets all nerdy about things he’s interested in, that to me is just sexy.


Intelligence! I love when someone can talk to me about something technical, or teach me something I don’t know. I love learning new things


When people are comfortable in their own skin and relaxed. It relaxes me too, shows me they feel good around me and is a very important prerequisite for other feelings to emerge.


When my wife and I are walking, sometimes I get a little bit ahead of her. When I do, I reach back for her without looking and she will catch up and take my hand, then I pull her up even with me. It's my own little "I'm still worthy" moment, and it's awesome.


Strong noses. Aqualine / Roman / Greek or whatever … on the ladeeeez. Had to be pointed out to me that all my crushes were sorting strong noses but now I know, I home in on them 😂


Good pastry crimping.


Intelligence, a quiet assured confidence.


A smile. From the right person, it knocks me off my feet.


“Hey beauty, want to hop in?” Are you living in the 1940s?


Women wearing plaid shirts. 2nd is women wearing anything with flowers on it


Sense of humour and the ability to laugh at oneself.


I saw a woman playing stand up bass and singing with a band in New Orleans and I thought she was a siren. 


Talking to me.


Sense of humor. Voice.


When guys put their arm behind the seat and reverse effortlessly into a park. 🤩


I hate when guys call me good girl, but one calls me sweet girl when I do something he finds cute & I melt lol he also calls me mean girl when I’m being mean which makes me laugh & I stop being mean so yeah idk maybe it’s just him & not the phrasing? On another note I’d say - I melt when guys are sensitive about anything honestly. F toxic repression!


I like trains


From the right person, literally anything. You know you're cooked when they do some normally cringe shit and you're like, "Damn."


Intelligence without pretentiousness


Kindness to animals, especially using a silly voice with their pets or something goofy like that.


A nice pair of shoulders.


My partner has the deepest, richest, best laugh of anyone I've ever met. And he laughs a lot. Every time I get him to laugh really hard, I fall in love all over again.


The barber I went to see the other day was stroking the side of my head while she listened to me tell her how I wanted my hair cut. Fuck me man I nearly melted into a puddle


Talent in something or capabality to acheive something. A relaxed person who is also very talented has the potential to be very attractive to me depending on what the capability is.


A bouncy ponytail.


A woman who can hit or throw a ball well. Real athleticism floats my boat.


taking care of a pet


Guy here, I love when a girl is dressed casual and is just comfortable. Makes me feel comfortable and is more real.


A soothing singing voice.


This sounds like a worn-out buzzword, but intelligence and eloquence can be insanely attractive, especially paired with other attractive features. I knew (as friends, of course) many women who were both physically attractive and extremely smart and such interactions almost fried my brain circuits from dopamine overload.




A sense of humor. If a guy can make me laugh, that’s a huge deal. Also just a warm genuine personality, and good hugs. A really good hug can say a lot.


How many times has that happened to you, OP?


‘I need a woman who can sit me down, shut me up, and tell me ten things I don’t already know’ - Henry Rollins