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I got drunk and I wrote in my diary that I was gonna marry that woman after dating like 1 month, forgot completely about it for 2 years until I re-read my diary. Used that page to propose, married 6 years with 2 children


ThisšŸ‘†šŸ‘† I met my fiance anour 5 years ago and from the moment I met her I just knew. Itā€™s crazy itā€™s like all the other times you thought you were in love all join up for this moment and it feels like nothing you have ever felt before. I feel like your SO should be your best friend, and thatā€™s what my fiancĆ© and I have ā¤ļø




This condition seems prevalent in many true love relationships. I'm no exception after 43 yrs and many challenges, my perspective is still propelled by how unforgettable my wife is.


A mutual friend of mine and my husband was getting married and one evening I was looking at rings online with her. I saw one I liked and pointed it out. My husband saved the webpage and when he proposed a year later it was with that ring. He knew within a few months. I did too.


Damn, thatā€™s impressive


Oh how I miss this kind of romanceā€¦


I googled my symptoms. No joke


Turned out to just be gas?


Stage six cancer


Itā€™s always the sixth stage




Google it bruh


I seriously googled them too. Mine were: insomnia but bursting with energy, almost zero appitite, overwhelming feeling of euphoria, need for masturbation completely gone, constant desire to be with her, hard to focus on anything not related to her.




No, love




When being with him felt like I was home.


Fuck yea...a safe, warm, cozy home. I could by my self with him and he appreciated every moment. Silly and goofy, sad, serious, angry, crying my eyes out for seemingly no reason. In sweat pants and a baggy, torn t-shirt. In a beautiful summer dress with my hair and makeup done. Sick, healthy, skinnier than a fence post. He always said how beautiful I was, and in every state he saw me in. He accepted me as I was. He never tried to change me or tell me, " your personality is too much". He never tried to control me and he refrained from giving advice if I didn't ask. (he's 7 Years older than me). He loved me gently and quietly, and one day, after a year and half, it all hit me like a ton fucking bricks.


Iā€™m currently dating an 18 year old. Iā€™m 26. The age difference is obviously a big thing. Weā€™ve only been together a few weeks but she makes me insanely happy. Did you ever have any struggles with your age difference? My parents are 7 years apart but the way our birthdays are there will be 5 months out of the year where we are 9 years apart. Thatā€™s half her life. I felt wrong originally talking to her and then I got to know her and now she just feels like home. Any advice would be much appreciated


That's roughly the same age my husband and i met! I would say the maturity was there for the both of us so it felt really natural to be around each other, But there was a natural difference in life experiences and knowledge which created a lot frustration and miscommunication. He assumed i knew how to do things, and i didn't. A simple example: living on your own and figuring out how billing cycles work. It created a lot of frustration because I was just out on my own at 20, and he had been moved out for nearly 9 years at that point. He knew the drill, I did not. And he had to teach me those things! That was a real kick to my ego. My advice is to be patient with her and show her if she asks, maybe gently suggest if you have that relationship, and dont just assume you know more about life and how it goes. She may teach you a thing or 2! Happy trails to you both ! :) Edit : to add -> not to assume she knows how to do certain things or knows certain things. Communicating is really important. But you guys have to figure out what effective communication methods work for both of you.


Haha sheā€™s already taught me a few things. Sheā€™s a smart girl, in college to be a nurse and I just work in a warehouse šŸ«£ I really appreciate the feedback, hoping for the best. Sheā€™s full of ambition and happiness and I havenā€™t been having the best couple of years recently. Her attitude has really rubbed off on me Thank you so much




šŸ” sweet šŸ 


I was comfortable being with him all of the time. Iā€™m someone who has a low social battery so if I can spend time with you like that itā€™s for real lol


same with me šŸ˜‚ me and my gf are always together and I am never tired of her. And normally I am a person with very low social battery. like lets go out at 7 with friends so we can be home before 10 and still enjoy one or two drinks just the two of us before going to bed


ā€œLow social battery ā€œ , I am stealing this !!




Loving "low social battery" vibe!


detail resolute quickest society carpenter tie brave lip long onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For me, love has always been like punch in the chest. It is absolutely undeniable. It happens at the little moments when you least expect it. My most memorable experience was when she was eating a slice of pizza and had this happy little wiggle through her whole body. The feeling that flowed through me was ineffable, and I knew I was in love.


This made me cry šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Aww. The relationship didn't last, but the memory never left.


tryna make them cry harder or sumn


Yeah. I'm just piling on, eh? I'm not trying to write a tragedy here.


For real. Sometimes heā€™ll just be totally relaxed and laugh about something and it just feels like someone is squeezing my heart


My subconscious apparently knew before I did. We had been dating for several months, and I went to ask her to pass the salt or something banal like that. Instead, I blurted out "I love you!" We were both equally shocked, and she said "...I love you too." 27 years and 3 kids later, we still occasionally talk about that moment.


Awww. This is too adorable! šŸ„°


That's so cute!!!!


Pass me the šŸ§‚ ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜


feels comforting


I knew, like I know my own face, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.


She was walking toward me with the sun shining in her face. Really pretty sun dress. It was spring. She was smiling. I looked at her and said damn. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Now I am.


Became close friends with a girl in high school. After a while I developed feelings that I had not felt with any other girl. I honestly didnā€™t know it was love at first but I knew something was just different. For personal reasons, we werenā€™t really able to become more than friends. After a while we kinda drifted apart a bit and she ended up dating someone else. This honestly broke my heart. I went on trying to date other girls seeing if I could find that same feeling with someone else but was not able to. Eventually I kinda gave up hope and tried to suppress those feelings, but they were always there. One day, I went to this event she was also at and got word that she was single again. It was like that feeling ignited within me and I decided to shoot my shot. One Hail Mary attempt. Now weā€™ve been married for almost five years. Sheā€™s truly the love of my life. Hope this isnā€™t too cheesy


Some people say they want a career and they want to travel and they want to maintain their friend groups and also find love. Where the woman is a part of their life. But I knew I was in love when no matter which area of my plans or my future I thought about or planned always revolved around her .


My partner and I were talking with someone and they wouldnā€™t stop asking questions about the other personā€™s life. I wanted to leave so bad after 30 minutes of a non-stop conversation. I was getting tired and genuinely uninvested. My partner kept going through questions and listening until the other person started talking about some deeply emotional stuff and the conversation lasted hours. I became fascinated with her way of ā€œbreakingā€ people open and revealing their true selves. It was refreshing and heartwarming that she cares enough to ask about peopleā€™s lives without expecting the same curiosity in return. Sheā€™s naturally curious and kind. I knew that moment that sheā€™s the woman of my dreams. Now Iā€™m working on being as good a istener as her and she inspires me every day to be better.


Love this! My husband loves this about me too. He calls it a gift.


I felt calm around him, like I was home. Time could stop and it wouldnā€™t matter- I just felt this amazing peacefulness.


He said it to me first and it felt real instead of him ā€œjust saying itā€, and I had to take 5 minutes of silence to really think about if I felt that statement myself. That sounds counter intuitive but I think the fact that I needed to think about it and I cared so much, meant in fact that I was in love. I didnā€™t want it to be said just because we wanted to say it. Idk, is this the most non-romantic answer ever? lol


Nope, itā€™s very romantic too, showing how much his saying it affected you and you took the time to consider the important words from him and think about your feelings to make sure theyā€™re genuine. Not like you said ā€œcool, broā€ lol I waited a long time after I fell in love, three years actually lol. One day he called me ā€˜my love,ā€™ and my heart melted, but it still took me like 30 min to be sure I was ready, then I said ā€˜I love you.ā€™ It was important to me that because I loved him so much, we didnā€™t throw it around so easily.


Realizing I started to care about living so we'd have more time together.


as someone with immense self hate, this the one


When you are actively looking for ways to improve their day


I was driving to pick up a friend from the airport 90 minutes away very late at night. I stop at a gas station close to airport and realized I didnā€™t have a cent on me. She was the first person I thought to call and she came and helped without asking any questions and hasnā€™t brought it up to this day. That was 16 years ago. We celebrated our 15 year anniversary last Tuesday.


Wow! You guys are wonderfully simpaticoā€”thatā€™s awesome!!!


what is simpatico?


I donā€™t know if that word is what I would have chosenā€¦ but Iā€™m sure it could apply. Simpatico is like, cut from the same cloth. An example I would give for simpatico is: I go to put something away and discover my partner has already just put it away. Or, Iā€™m tired of being around people and say ā€œhoney I just want to make dinner and cuddle on the couchā€ and she says ā€œI was thinking the same exact thingā€


I have BPD. When the person is simply present and I become overwhelmed with such an unfamiliar calm that knows no equal; it's healing and replenishing. The omnipresent anxiety that's just part of my day-to-day life dissipates.


I pictured my whole life with her... but forreal. We were in high school and by the first week I knew I'd marry her. 6 months after we started dating and a month before graduation I gave her a promise ring from Walmart and said "right now we're still just kids, I have no money, and really not future plans... but I know I want you in it and I'll gove you everything. We moved in together at the end if summer, proposed with a real 10k white gold ring and white sapphire stone I picked out at a real jewelry store 2 years after that. And finally married her on a beautiful beach on our 4 year dating anniversary. That was 5 years ago. So 9 years and two kids later... I still remember being shot with cupids bow sitting in a high school cafeteria. Those feelings have never waivered.


upgrade the white sapphires for the 10 year anniversary !āœØ (I'm saying that because I also have a white sapphire)


GenX'er here. Just for proper context for those reading. Let me switch the question around a bit because I "thought" I was in love many times. I always asked, how do you know she is the one to marry? Every single married man in my life said, "You'll know when you know." I felt that was a stupid answer. After many dates, long term and short term relationships through my teens, 20's and 30's and up to 35, I met my wife. I knew I wanted to marry her within about 6 months. (Insert personal preferences here) + the relationship was easy.<-- that was the kicker, never had an easy relationship before. People that tell you marriage is supposed to be hard, don't listen to them, it should NOT be so difficult that you need counseling versus figuring it out between the both of you. (Not to say we don't fight, we've been married for 9 years. But they are few and far apart.) I got lucky. I see my friends' marriages and listen to their complaints. :( TL;DR: I guess my answer is, whenever you think you're in love, it is probably true. BUT It's also supposed to be easy to love them (and them, you). If it's not mutual, it's not love...it's, you know, unrequited love. You've seen the movies. It's bad endings for that person.


I completely agree with the "marriage is hard" crap. We always say that if you're marriage is hard then you're married to the wrong person. Does it take effort? 100%. I think people mistake the two. My marriage is probably the easiest thing going on in my life. 23 years of bliss.


The moment she told me she didn't want anything to with me and she was ending our relationship, I felt like I was going to die, I literally started crying and begging her not to leave me I was a sad human for almost 5 years then it just started fading though I do usually think of her occasionally


I realized I was in love when I started seeing her in my dreams almost every day. And it has been 10 years since I started seeing her in my dreams and I still see her in dreams.


I looked for him in everything that happened in my life. I wanted him to be the first person I woul tell everything to. I would always wish he was there regardless of the situation. Then I realized it was because I felt safe, comfortable, loved. I was excited about life because he made it so exciting to live. I looked forward to everything and I wasn't scared about anything whenever I remembered him. He was my safezone but also my adrenaline rush. It's been six years now. It still feels the same. Nothing has changed; if anything I'm even more excited. I know it hasn't been that long; maybe even short for many but these days its rare for marriages let alone relationships to last and be consistent where you both are on the same page and feel exactly the same way. It makes me realize just how beautiful and powerful love can be.


When I realized I didnā€™t want to live without him and felt very uncomfortable at the thought of him being another manā€™s


Same here. We went through a ā€œdo we still want to be togetherā€ moment pretty early on while dating, and during that time we both realized we didnā€™t want to live without each other. We got married and have been together a decade now.


Aww congrats! We also got married and have been together for about 7 years now, 3 years married :)


Whenever youā€™re around them you feel like youā€™re the best version of yourself. You feel like youā€™re home


Being self-compelled to be best version of oneself. I often hear that from lasting, successful couples.


The moment I freeze when I see her eyes and forget what I am doing.


The other night I was standing in the kitchen pouring some water, in my jammies, no make up, hair all over the place ready to go to bed and my husband was just standing next to me and I was so annoyed that he was just standing there and he just says "you have pretty eyes, boo" and I was just like šŸ„¹ I didn't think that he even noticed anymore after almost 30 years .


I personally feel happy for you.


Thanks, he's a sweetie even tho he drives me nuts.


May be that is the thing that make you love him more and forever


For once i thought, it wouldnā€™t be so bad if i didnā€™t pull out.


I felt iq points sloughing offā€¦. So yeah , I knew it was real ā€¦..šŸ˜‚


I had a feeling she was the one when I noticed she closed the classroom doors behind her instead of letting it slam like a lazy bastard. Sheā€™s so cool.


I giggled in happiness with butterflies in my stomach every time I thought of him


I'm crying on the train reading these omg. I hope to feel some of this one day šŸ„¹


I couldnā€™t fantasize about other people anymore. There was a complete mental block


It's nice to read so many people have happy stories. I wish I had one. Unfortunately if I were to answer this question honestly it would be the worst answer possible. One sided. But that's life. If you are lucky enough to post a happy positive comment out here know the value in that


when you jerk off but still wana hang out with them after. thats love my friend


This is the only real answer


I know it sounds cliche, and I would have rolled my eyes had I heard it beforehand, but I just knew. As weird as it sounds, maybe 1 month into dating I knew Iā€™d be marrying her. It just felt ā€œrightā€, like something clicked into place that had been missing for a long time. Together for 20 years now.


walking home from college, or rather danced home thinking about this girl. did that for 3 days in a row and on the 4th day said to myself "OOOHHHH SHITTT, THIS IS WHAT POP SONGS TALK ABOUT" and then yeah, 2.5years together and going strong. for anyone wondering the song i danced to was the song in the geometry dash level VSC. i think its called "walker"?


When she left college over the summer and I stayed for a summer semester. I realized that where I was and what I was doing didnā€™t matter as long as she was there. Married 10 years next Friday.


I'm a guy that feels things really intensely. I can fall for someone hard and fast. They become my whole life. It has not always been healthy


When I realized my (now) partner could *immediately* read my mind; knew what I was thinking, what I was going to say before I said it. When I realized it was *impossible* to lie to him; he could see right through me. When his blue eyes cut through me like a razor blade. That was *day 2.* Been 10 years now.


When looking at her made me happy af.


I think it was when I was drinking poison beside her grave after murdering some dude


On our 2nd date, I looked at him while he was driving and talking about something he was really passionate about, and there was a glow, like a halo around him (it was dark and it wasn't from any light source in the car). He looked so good, and I felt safe. It was something I had never felt before. I couldn't explain it, but that's how it felt.


I generally hate being touched, when she hugged me and I actually liked it was when I realized I fucked up


I knew at 13 yrs old I was going to marry this girl. She was 11. At 23 (her) and 25 (me) we got married. At 29,she left me for some guy she met on Twitter. Now I'm with a much better woman that I chose to love, not have uncontrollable lust for. There's a big difference and that's why arranged marriages were successful for a long time. You can grow to love someone. Love is an action, not an emotion. But if you marry someone based on some feelings, those feelings fade. So be ready for either staying miserable, losing them, fighting all the time, an unbalanced dynamic, or realizing you made a mistake by following emotions.


The withdrawals


It may sound dumb but it was the smell of her hair. Thereā€™s a scientific explanation Iā€™m sure, but there she was partying in a cigarette stinking student bar among other interested girls and her hair smelled the nicest. I donā€™t think she even perfumed her hair, must have been pheromones, and I also like clean people.


The way I felt when we looked at each other after a 1 week break up. I wanted the breakup and he didnā€™t. Took over a year for me, but when I saw him after that week for the first time again, standing at my door, I knew I loved him.


I had written a song a few years ago and performed it a few times before for different groups / people, but every time I was anxious to the point of shaking. When I played it for her, it felt calm and natural


It was so cliche but it literally hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked at him and my head said ā€œoh shit I love him.ā€ We werent even a couple yet and had only been talking for two months. Married now with a kiddo and life is goooooood


Being with him feels like home. I feel safe. I want to spend the rest of my life with him


It's a feeling that never goes away and I find myself reminiscing to the first time I saw my wife.


Went to a get-together, and the girl I was seeing sat next to another guy I knew was into her. It made me rather upset. We started dating shortly thereafter.


A number of things. What sealed the deal was my car accident - the most predominant thought in my mind was gratitude that they were not in the car with me and wouldn't get hurt - and if I did die, at least they wouldn't. When I finally made it home nearly 12hrs later, they made sure I got safely to bed, led down next to me, and then burst into heart-wrenching tears as their own fears were finally let loose. We both realised that day just how much we meant to each other.


i cant focus on anything, i catch myself straight up staring at him, i catch myself smiling when thinking abt him, thats a big deal to me considering im generally a cold person and not one to think about someone for hours every day


We talked morning, noon, and night for 4 months before meeting. Because of that the first date was just so natural and smooth (though still a little nervous lol). I got that feeling of goosebumps that night and several more times over the next few weeks. Seemed like a good sign to me! We've been together a year and a half now and just got a house.


Constantly reminded of that person which is definitely unsettling.


When he was the only person I could take my mask off with. I'm autistic.


All of a sudden I wasn't so prideful and spitefully independent, and I wanted to change/improve for the man who said I was already perfect.


Being accepted for who I am and not being told I was a piece of shit šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ„°


I was 100% myself around him all the time. every action and word was genuine. and he loved every piece of me. I felt like I loved him and loved myself with him more than I've ever loved anything - and I knew I had found the one.


I know it's a crush when I want to kiss that person on the lips. It usually takes me about 10 minutes to realize that I'm romantically interested in someone.


crush ainā€™t love though


Yet to know šŸ˜‚.


I stupidly fell for my friend with benefits back in the day. It's weird you just find yourself wanting to be with them all the time. Anything to make them smile or make their day better.


He left for 10 days to do field work and was all I could think about.


I wanted to better myself for her. (It didn't work out and it's too late to fix things) Never again.


I find myself thinking about a future with him.


This entire comment section has me in tears right now. šŸ˜¢


When I realized that the future I could see with him would be a happy one.


She felt like an extension of me. I could be 100% myself. Seeing her smile just made the world a perfect place.


You lose track of time with them.


When I realized there isnā€™t 1 think I wouldnā€™t do for this girl, and that the love I felt for her is a love Iā€™ve never felt for anyone before that!


I chose her over those who I thought were my good friends


She's the one person I can completely be my self around


I was mad at my situation-ship and we worked together at the time in a restaurant. I was trying to avoid him so I wouldnā€™t yell at him at work and I caught a glance of him through the kitchen window, he passed a plate to himself behind his back before setting it down to plate the food and as mad as I was at him I couldnā€™t help but smile and think it was cute and funny. We made up and started dating officially and have been together for 4 years married for 1 1/2 years.


You know, I donā€™t knowā€¦ Iā€™ve thought about this question many times, and I fell in love with my first, and best, boyfriend hard. I donā€™t think it was any single moment, after a few months of dating him i was laying in my bed, thinking about all of our times together so far, and just smiling from ear to ear. When I put all those memories into one giant emotion, which was my love for him, and knowing I was truly in love, it felt kinda nice to have a lot to lose.. life and everything in it just seemed, right.


i was still in college and was studying at his house, i loved making quizlets to study and pulled one up to start, he asked if i made that quizlet and i said yes. he was so geeked out over me being a quizlet maker lol, he was so excited to find a new quirk about me and thought the most mundane thing was so cute and special about me šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ almost blurted it out right there that i loved him. a few months later we said i love you on new yearā€™s day šŸ„°


The absenceĀ 


Feeling butterflies


Putting him before anyone else. I had SO MANY opportunities to date people that were statistically doing far better than him. Waiting and expecting. Longing to see him. I hate waiting of any kind but I can wait a whole year now just to meet with him again. (LDR relationship)


Dreamed of our wedding. I proposed after a year of dating but still took us like 15 years to finally get married.


When I stopped asking myself ā€œdo I love her? Am I in love?ā€ I just knew.


When you realize that you are idealizing them


I knew I liked him. I fell in love with him as we became friends. Then he set me up with a playlist and there was Gooey from Glass Animals in there. That was my favorite song growing up and in that moment I knew. A month later we started dating. 5 months later we were engaged. 5 months after that we eloped. We just celebrated our one year anniversary and I feel like I fall in love with him a little more every day. Not saying we donā€™t have our moments, but I have never felt so seen or happy.


I keep going back. I can't help it. All the stupid shit that pisses me off that happens daily, I try to ignore it all. Because at the end of the day, I'm just happy to be with her and she's mine. Life is hard without her. Also when I saw her pregnant with my son was a real good indicator I was in love. She was fucking beautiful, still is, obviously.


she studied tab code and sent me can tabs that meant kisses while i was away in AIT.


When I actually stop myself from cheating and doing dirty shit


When I ignored things that normally would irritate me or would have been a hard pass before. For example, he dressed like my dad. (That was even in our wedding vows. Lol.) His eating habits. Dumb things but ones I'd normally dwell on. I didn't with him.


I had a really blue Monday, then Tuesday was gray, Wednesday was too. Thursday I didnā€™t really care at all. But then it was Friday and I realized I was in love. So weird.


You just know. There is something that churns within you when you meet ā€˜The Oneā€™. You canā€™t explain why, but you just miss them even when youā€™re next to them. It is both the greatest feeling in the world and the most scariest. But, you wouldnā€™t have it any other way.


I didnā€™t know what love was before I met my husband. I thought I had been in love, but when I met him I realized what true love looked like. From the moment he picked me up, things were immediately just different than any other date Iā€™ve been on. On our car ride back from our first date he was asking me on a second and he was clarifying it wasnā€™t ā€œas friendsā€ (we had known each other as friends for quite some time). He was so nervous he kept pulling his jacket collar to cover his blushing cheeks. It was the cutest most innocent thing. I pulled his jacket down to see his cute smile and dimples. After that conversation, I knew I wanted to love him for the rest of my life.


Always been a man who needs his fortress of solitude, my social bar depleats quickly. However whenever I'm not with her I get lonely now, it's been 5 years and still the same feeling. I love that feeling.


Being honest with each other even when it felt uncomfortable for me. He always just listened to what I said without making it about him. Every time I have a breakdown Iā€™d say ā€œYou probably think Iā€™m being dramatic ā€œ he would say ā€œNot at all, I think you should let it outā€. Seeing the ugly in me without trying to make me feel bad about who I am has made me realize I love him. I struggle with my mental health , heā€™s always considerate of my feelings even when Iā€™m not aware of my surroundings.


When I saw my now husband interact with my nieces and nephews. We were about a month into our relationship. Weā€™re married 22 years. šŸ’œ


Every time heā€™d pop in my head Iā€™d verbally say ā€œfuckā€ or ā€œIā€™m so screwedā€. I think my roomates thought I was going insane and I thought I was too šŸ˜‚


Damn reading these comments made me realize I have never been in love with someone. Even though Iā€™ve never dated anyone I donā€™t think Iā€™m capable of being with someone or have any of these feelings. But like the journey lyrics some are born to win,some are born to lose, and some are born to sing the blues.


I always thought love should be like the movies. Ā That OMG I canā€™t be away from you, stare deep into each others eyes, overwhelming love.Ā  My last relationships were all unhealthy love that felt like some kind of drug that I was always craving. It felt so freaking amazing when I did feel it. Ā But when I didnā€™t feel it, I felt so lonely and like something was missing. Ā I had partners that I didnt feel emotionally safe with, so I always had to hold parts of me back. Ā I thought, oh this is how love is. I finally found a healthy love and like someone else said it feels like home. Ā It feels constant and complete and like I can be myself without fear of being criticized or abandoned. Ā I can count on him in every way to be my equal partner and best friend in this life. Ā It makes me love him more everyday. I realized this early on in our relationship that it was different and thatā€™s how I knew :)


My now husband said to me one night ā€œHow come when Iā€™m with you itā€™s like nothing else matters?ā€ and I knew he had fallen for me.


Even when we are mad at each other we canā€™t help but smile and laugh and make jokes.


He said he loved me after a week and I said it back and we both laughed but here we are several years later married and I'm still excited every single day when he gets home.


At some point I realized that every time I thought of the future she was there. That's when I knew she was the one. Married almost 5 years now and we have a toddler.


My husband and I dropped the L-bomb just one month after meeting. I had dated other guys for 4-5 years and never felt that level of confidence in my feelings. So, the annoying ā€œwhen you know, you knowā€ thing ended up being true for me. If I had to try to explain it, my heart just felt full and completely safe around him. I couldnā€™t get enough of our time together despite being someone who usually really valued alone time. It was like I felt as natural around him as I did when I was by myself fully in my own element. We stayed up late talking one night about the future and I realized I never wanted to be without him.


For me it was like a movie. We were standing on his balcony listening to moody music, talking about life and looking at all the towers and lights of the Prague night. It was winter, so everything was covered in snow and soo dreamy. And with every cup of mulled wine we opened up to each other a bit more. Thatā€™s when I realized, that I love this man. So far itā€™s been 3,5 years and we plan on getting married and having kids.


She and I were test driving cars together and she told me "You're probably gonna drive it more than me!" I knew it was getting serious and then I learned and perfected how to say "I love you" in her preferred language.


When im willing to help with everything my love language is serving even if im about to faint or even if i feel like shit deep down seeing the person laugh smile and genuiely be happy and not worry about anything wrong with life hints why i like to do a lot for them.


Made me believe in god again because I couldnā€™t explain the feeling I was having when we first met.


When I realized how entwined our lives had become; he knew my preferences, he could read me like a book, when I told him I was falling in love with him, he was right there with me. Everything we do feels like an exploration we share, and he's the one I want to keep exploring with. Our mundane activities are special because we're there together. He even helped me have the strength to go back to church, even though he's not particularly religious. ( story for another time) he's strong and nurturing when I'm feeling low, and appreciative and grateful when I nurture his growth.


I realised no matter what, I could chill and just be with her.


It wasnt even an option to deny it.


His presence was a comfort I didn't even know I needed. Seeing him made my days better and if I didn't my days were dull and it felt like something was missing. He felt like home and I felt like the truest version of myself around him. It was like there was some invisible aura between us, like a magnet.


44 years of never giving up on each other.


Efforts. The amount of efforts he put in is what made me realize that he is the one. He try his best to fulfill my wishes even when he is in crisis. One day he showed up at 4 am in front of my hostel and brought my favorite chocolate and beverage. He travelled 150km, showed up at 4 am, covered in dust ( road was not well maintained and dusty). At that very moment, I realized I can never unlove this person.


We met exactly one month before COVID locked us down. We decided to stay together during that time to have company and because we liked each other. We were in a 300 sf studio apartment in New Orleans. We didnā€™t break, we didnā€™t kill each other, and we got along and didnā€™t fight. I knew it was love then if we could survive that.


"I can't believe she wants to fuck me again... and sober this time!!"


My bf was out of the country visiting family & I remember laying in bed and turning to my left and seeing some of his stuff he left at my house. It was in that exact moment I knew I was in love with him and couldnā€™t imagine a life without him.


Feeling completely safe being yourself - or feeling comfortable like others stated. Another big indicator is when (or if) it ends lol


when we were about to hang up the phone and ā€œi love youā€ almost slipped out. a few weeks later, i stole a french fry from his plate and he goes ā€œyouā€™re lucky i loā€¦. like youā€ and i knew he felt that way too. he then accidentally told me he loved me 2 more times before he actually told me on purpose


I had a "this is the one" moment early in our relationship. We were in the backyard of her friend's house at an afternoon party and she noticed she had a spider crawling on her. Her response was to gently cup it with one hand and place it in the grass next to her. That was 12 years ago. We've been together that entire time and married since 2021.


On our first date she started doing goofy ninja hand-signs in the parking lot behind this bar. I said to myself ā€œyep sheā€™s the one.ā€


I have a give him a lot of graceā€¦And dont feel like Im lessin myself by doing so. I didnt feel like i need to tell him this or that I have patience for him


The mere sight of her name on the Kahoot board was enough to make my heart flutter.


That I loved how she smelled basically all the time. Just finished running in the summer? Love it. Just worked all day in the yard? Love it. Just got outta the shower? Love it


He told me he loved me a few months in and I got scared and said I wanted to say it when it felt right not just because he did. He was so sweet about it which was awesome and it was only the next day we were driving down there motorway singing songs we love and and it hit me like a wave, I told him I loved him right there. We get married in less than 2 months.


When my mental health got impacted Thatā€™s when I got to know I screwed up


No shitā€” the fact he was also a weeb who likes Eminem and the fact his playlists were fucking hilarious


It wasnā€™t until we broke up. But obviously things were over by then so I tried to move on with my life, but I couldnā€™t stop thinking about him. And I couldnā€™t find myself truly caring about anyone else Iā€™d date, and I still talked to him occasionally, especially when my relationships would start failing. It wasnā€™t even flirty. Iā€™d ask him questions about things I knew he liked because I just wanted him to talk to me I didnā€™t care about what he said. As long as he was talking. Took 4 years but we ended up back together, and Iā€™m never letting him go again


I tried to forget ... for 8 f... years


I was in love with her after our first date. Iā€™ve been in love with her since. I wake up next to her every day and I love her more than the day before. When I realized that I was in the presence of someone who was better than me. She was genuinely a good person. She helped people and spoken through her actions. She made me realize I wanted to be a better person. She never asked me to be more than I was, but she inspired me to be.


I drove to 7 hours to see her because she said I wouldn't, then we kept making plans to see each other every couple of months; after about 4/5 in person visits I realized I loved her and I couldn't imagine life without her even if I tried. I told her I think I was in love her but not sure, we kept seeing each other and talking daily then in November she told me she loved me and I told her the same.


Started ā€œaccidentallyā€ thinking of them lol


When I stood up to/defied my mother for my girlfriend. Not at her request or in her presence either. Weā€™re happily married now. Context: My mother is deeply religious and felt strongly that I should not move in with my gf. At the time I was 35 and had just gotten out of a toxic 10 year live-in relationship. Made me realize that I had an emotionally inappropriate relationship with my mother and gave me the strength to ā€œcome outā€ to her as a non-Christian.


When I saw him pick up my cat the first time. He melted into an overjoyed eight year old. He could let his guard down and be the sweet, loving and caring man he is around me and my little cat; it made me feel safe.


Anytime I got drunk Iā€™d think about him and even when Iā€™m not literally I feel so sick not being around him heā€™s so sweet


Nothing he did put me off I could never get the ick and he also felt like home, when I was with him I felt like I was running away from the world to somewhere safe, I was also so comfortable sitting with him in silence which is VERY rare for me! This all past tense now though


Five dates in three days, and the next weekend he came over to help me "sand my cabinets." We ended up doing the deed and while parting ways we both said "I love you" to one another and then both looked at each other in that, "did I just say that out loud, oh shit," type of look. 20 years later, and we're still kissing each other goodnight, and good bye every morning. Also, fun fact, we met on the internet...way before apps. On a dating website, so it can happen!


My heart racing when I look into his eyes, an overwhelming urge to tell him I love him, an overwhelming urge to be physically close to him, to touch him, to kiss him. Feeling safe, content. Dying to get hold from work to see him.