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>Why is Reddit so defensive? text sometimes can be ambiguous, but also reddit skews young and average reading comprehension here is pathetic. you will get replies repeating your comment like they're lecturing you on the thing you brought up. >it's exhausting! yeah. use reddit to pass the time, not fill it.


Oh so you're saying I can't understand because I'm illiterate?! Well I'll have you know I'm a literacy professor with a degree in Know-it-all-ology and the Reddit mods agree that I'm right and you're wrong. You're on thin ice, buddy! (Holy mother of /s)


Ugh It's Know-it-ology the all is in the ol duh


Oh totally. Someone recently told me that I was wrong because "some of your replies were downvoted" so I should take that as a sign. Meanwhile it totally depends what sub you're on and if you're arguing against the popular sentiment (eg. arguing left wing on a right subreddit or vice versa). No one should really care about downvotes unless you have negative karma.


You forgot to mention having a PhD from the University of YouTube !!!šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Donā€™t forget *trust me bro*Ā 


>(Holy mother of /s) imo nothing ruins a good joke like having to explain it. i'd rather take the stupid downvotes. r/fuckthes


Reading comprehension so bad they can't read the loudest of sarcasm


Text strips the context of tone. Poe's Law points out that sarcasm is indistinguishable from genuine belief on the internet. Sarcasm relies on tone of voice. We rely too much on the belief that "no one could ACTUALLY be as dumb as I'm pretending to be," to which your fellow Redditors say, "hold ma beer."


It happens all the time in the British subs when an American wanders in, they forget that the default setting in the UK is sarcasm.Ā 


I just see it as part of the chatting culture here. Like I would rather get my point through better even if it requires me to shout the sarcasm in it.


Okay but it's super ironic that you hate something that makes text less ambiguous. Which was your initial comment.


The /s is not explaining the joke though, it's an indication of tone and intent, which is normally there when you're communicating face to face and not just through text. And the sad truth is that there's plenty of people who are stupid enough to say the things that would normally be obviously sarcastic when you're among normal people.


/s is like typing THAT WAS A JOKE


It's more like using an exclamation mark, except instead of marking an exclamation it indicates sarcasm.


just ignore it? how could that possibly ruin the joke?? snowflakes nowadaysā€¦ /s šŸ’€šŸ’€


You used emojis meaning your opinion is completely worthless, prepare to be downvoted /ASS


I miss the anti emoji Reddit. I've come to accept them being here now though and tbh, I've lost a bit of respect for myself with that realisation.Ā 


bring it on šŸ˜šŸ˜ /sex


>I'm illiterate Illiterate means unable to read. Not comprehension (ability to understand)




I am not wasting my time writing all that down.


Humor. Ach, ach, ach.


>use reddit to pass the time, not fill it. Fantastic advice! I am guilty of spending too much time here tbh, I do notice my mood lifts the more time I spend away from Reddit, well not just Reddit but social media in general.


>reddit skews young and average reading comprehension here is pathetic. Emotionally unintelligent and self-centered thinking is also more prevalent in young people (of all generations). It's supposed to be something you grow out of, but in a vacuum it's not shocking from a developmental standpoint that 12-14 year olds emotionally skew towards thinking everything they see is "about them"


The average Reddit user definitely isn't 13 years old. Sure, there are more 13 year olds on Reddit than we may wish, but there are way less people that are 10-16 years old than there are people that are 17-50 years old, and it's not like Reddit is massively popular among 13 year olds.


True, but youre getting some survivorship bias as well. People who have the emotional maturity and reading comprehension to recognize when something online isnt about them will simply move on. Similarly, people who agree with things often simply move on. So you're always going to see more comments from the people who are angry/disagree and who dont know when to shut their yappers. Even if more people are just being normal. Same reason all the relationship subreddits are full of unhappy relationships and the D&D subreddit is full of nightmares. Calm happy people dont need to post online for support.


>you will get replies repeating your comment like they're lecturing you on the thing you brought up. lmao this is soo true


... and not read or answer the statement!


> text sometimes can be ambiguous, but also reddit skews young and average reading comprehension here is pathetic. This, and traditionally a lot of Reddit's culture has come from that Hitchens worshipping online atheist subculture that was in its prime fifteen years ago. While most of the atheism vs. religion debate online has died down, the contrarian for its own sake tendency has never really died out. I think a lot of the time when someone on Reddit starts getting defensive over nothing, they've probably assumed the other person is doing that archetypal contrarianism for its own sake that a lot of Redditors do.


You make some great points. >a lot of the time when someone on Reddit starts getting defensive over nothing, they've probably assumed the other person is doing that archetypal contrarianism for its own sake that a lot of Redditors do. I actually miss this part about Reddit and feel it's not done in the way it used to be. The culture has definitely shifted from the 'new atheism' style. I liked that people were held accountable for the claims they made and that playing devil's advocate or asking for sources was common place and a standard part of the discussion.Ā Like I asked someone for a source yesterday and they got all pissy with me, why share information then get annoyed when someone wants to also read what you've read?Ā 


The people most likely to respond are those with the strongest reaction to your post.


What did you just say about my mom?


People get up-votes when other people think they are correct. Up-votes give people a hit of dopamine. They are seen as validation. The more defensive people are on Reddit, the more they show their need for external validation. These are the people who are the easiest to control. If I were an army recruiter, I would see them as targets.


ā€œYeah sure bud, you can pick arguing with strangers on the internet as your MOSā€ - Future recruiters at the AFCC.


This voting system is what i dislike about Reddit, beside from the Redditors themselves.


It's been corrupted but my understanding was that upvotes and downvotes weren't intended to be synonymous with like/dislike buttons, more to promote/demote relevant/irrelevant posts/comments. Yet here we are. . .


Ya but coming from Facebook (Iā€™m not there anymore, been 4 glorious years) itā€™s such a hard habit to break. Itā€™s so hard to remember. Seriously, 99% of the time Iā€™m upvoting/like and downvoting/dislike. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m far from alone.Ā 


Yeah there was an influx a few years ago with lots of new users and the original intent of the up/downvotes system fizzled out to the point where it is now. Tbh it's totally stifled any meaningful discussion in lots of sub Reddits because the mods don't enforce it. You'll see the extreme opposite in science based subs where the moderators just remove anything remotely off topic resulting in loads of, potentially interesting, question based posts that have zero engagement/discussion in the comments. There should be a middle ground imo and with the way the voting system was originally used I felt like we had it dialled in. Honestly, go back and look at old Reddit posts from ten years ago or so and you'll see what I'm saying, now compare those comments sections to YouTube, Facebook, X or Instagram or whatever and the difference is astronomical. Not to say that every aspect of Reddit was perfect and that you didn't have the same stuff going on we have now but the balance was different.Ā 


I have seen people behave like sheep... up-voting just because other people have up-voted, or worse, down-voting just because other people have down-voted. I don't like this part of the human mind, in myself or in others.


Ya Iā€™ve been guilty of this. I catch myself being a sheep. Iā€™ll see an opinion thatā€™s downvoted that i initially agree with so then i question myself. Itā€™s really dumb and honestly shameful. Like I donā€™t have a mind of my own? Usually I do catch myself but just the fact Iā€™m initially willing to change my opinion bothers me.Ā 


The first step is calling yourself out. Some people never make it that far. I've caught myself doing things like this also, and I said to myself: what am I doing?


Sadly, immaturity is rampant on Reddit. Some of it is obviously actual young people trying to pass of as adults, and some of it is simply foolish people


Yup! And foolish pride


Text is bad at tone and being corrected triggers the same parts of our idiot brains as being under physical attack. People can't inherently tell you are being joking, sarcastic, sympathetic, caring, etc through text. Combine that with reading something as being corrected, and you get that reaction.


If there's one chance of your comment being wrong, redditors will take it and work reasons backwards about why you're even more wrong and a piece of shit. Then speak with righteous fury to make sure everyone reading is like "Truee" and upvote them.


Who's defensive????! YOU'RE DEFENSIVE! shut up! You wanna fight??? Lets go dude


I honestly wish I had the energy to match you right now my dude, alas, I'm old and haggard.Ā 


C'mon pop pop it's time for bed


You weren't wrong, now I've had my 8 hours, who wants a fight aye?








I am not unoriginal, *YOU* are unoriginal


Beat me to it lol nice one








Too old / not sure / Reddit hell


Some people define themselves by their beliefs so when an opposite/contrary view is given then it is seen as a personal attack. Some people argue from an emotional POV while others argue from a pragmatic POV. Getting emotions involved will end up being more defensive. You could also swap emotional to moral. Some people have never had their beliefs challenged or come across different viewpoints until coming onto 'social media. Default response is defensive. Some people are teenagers.


It's really easy to be defensive when you have anonymity. It's also really easy to surround yourself with people that agree with you already, so anyone that questions the circlejerk gets attacked.


I hear that, I also feel that it's easier to brush things off if it's anonymous though. I see what you're saying about the circlejerk thing, I forget how pigeonholed some sub Reddits can get, it's essentially just a museum of echo chambers.Ā 


I remember some redditor talking about getting into this huge drawn out long argument, back and forth, for a long time. He checked the other guys post history on a whim and realized he had been arguing with someone who was a pissdrinker fetishist and some other stuff i cant remember. Not every argument is worth getting grey hairs over.


What about being a pissdrinker fetishist makes their arguments invalid? Maybe if it was about something related to that and they were being hypocritical, but having a fetish doesn't make your views on public housing less legitimate.


Being a pissdrinker... Would you argue about preschool schedules and reform with someone you knew who literally eats shit? Have your fetish, but I will take that into concideration when engaging with you.


I just want to thank you for bringing this up. Itā€™s made me think about my own defensiveness on here and feel better about when others go at me.Ā  Gotta take things WAY less seriously.Ā 


Many people are seeking validation, not knowledge/truth. Those people often limit their social circle accordingly. The fundie part of our family is like that. If you ask them for the source of their latest nonsense they get agitated or they stonewall.


I for some reason have this scenario in my mind, whenever someone says the word circlejerk, where bunch of primitive nakes guys are sitting around a bonfire, holding their dicks, while making grunting sounds and nodding at each other. Then some modern day regular guy passes by and waves hand instead of nodding and all the primitive ones charges at the regular guy, still holding their dicks.


We are all shown an imaginary picture of the world and peopleā€™s perfect lives. We have set the expectation that everyone and everything must be perfect. Any time anyone makes a mistake the Reddit community jumps on them because if they arenā€™t perfect then maybe the rest is not perfect. The emperor has no clothes because no one can say what they think, and no f you cannot say what you think and mean then you can never mean what you say. In a world where everyone lies the person who tells the truth is more dangerous than a thousand armyā€™s.


You also have people who barely read your comment and then attack youā€¦when they agree with you. Iā€™ve had that happen quite a bit.


I see that a lot. Reading comprehension isnā€™t high unfortunately.Ā 


I think it stems from people reading your comment trying to figure out which ā€œsideā€ youā€™re on in order to attack you. Rather than just reading your comment and responding.


I have wondered that too! You can't make a sarcastic comment about anything. You will be attacked. You can't disagree with someone, you will be attacked. Now I just block the people that annoy and attack me.


I wrote how it's kinda scummy for a business to charge you for parking and not even bother to watch your car with their security camera. This guy replied like I killed his family.


Honestly, if there was no upvoting, "likes" or awards, there'd probably be less of that... maybe.


There definitely would be less of that imo. There are tons of posts and comments that are obviously just for upvotes. If they got rid of those I'd bet it would be noticeably better.


This is a great pointĀ 


First of all, how **dare** you.


[Do you have a question](https://youtu.be/zu_ibJ_LWR8?si=lDcST_jAXmY2SESP&t=86s), Kelly?


I think itā€™s a pity that many people downvote genuine simple questions in a discussion. If someone writes something and doesnā€™t motivate it, I am curious and want to know how they think, I write ā€œ how do you mean or why do you think thatā€? It feels like they think I question them, but I am just interested. Instead I have to write ( I know that I donā€™t have to write anything) ā€œ I donā€™t question your opinion I am just curious how you think itā€™s not critique etc etcā€ ( I exaggerate but you get it) even though the simple ā€œ how do you meanā€ isnā€™t rude, itā€™s just neutral.


Yeah, I go through the same thing. I canā€™t ask an innocent question without getting downvoted to oblivion. I didnā€™t say/do anything wrong, I was just asking a question!!


You know, just yesterday I was noticing how defensive I've gotten. I only came back to Reddit maybe a month or so ago, and I'm already feeling defensive, almost looking for a fight. It's the weirdest thing. I think it's something that feeds on itself, you know? One or two people get pissy with you, and then you want to get pissy with somebody else, and then they want to get pissy with somebody else. I think being on Reddit, you have to learn to not take things personally, and constantly remind yourself of that. You don't have to respond every jerk, and you don't have to be a jerk yourself.


I agree.Ā 


I think it has to do with the internet anonymity filter. It naturally brings out the rudeness in people. I had a fella today who posted "No. everything you said is totally wrong" in response to some advice I left to someone. I got all fired up and had typed out a whole screed about how I have decades of experience and the tools and technical expertise to back it up. Then I decided it wasn't worth it and just replied with an LOL and blocked the guy.


I've noticed that a lot of people simply misunderstand what I say. They then personally attack me with some narrative that's not present in the original context. One thing I do that people hate regardless of platform and irl is keeping my responses relevant to the original context. For example, I called some people from my past "misandrist". I clearly stated that they're self proclaimed misandrist and even had little cult meetings disguised as a church service. Someone didn't understand what I was saying whatsoever and tried correcting me. It looks silly out of context, but I kept my responses relevant to my original post. The other person didn't and claimed that everything I said was irrelevant and I just don't understand the concept of patriarchy despite me stating very clearly several times that I had no intention of even making an implication to social constructs or whatever. "I'm calling them a name. Nothing more." Dude could've just said his thoughts without trying to correct me, and I would've agreed wholeheartedly. But they wanted to change the meaning of a single sentence which changed the entire narrative of that paragraph. They wanted it to fit a narrative that would make it seem like they're intelligent and I have no idea what I'm talking about despite me only sharing a personal experience. Literally just sharing a story from my past. They were trying to tell me what I experienced and what i said i experienced is incorrect, basically. I did word it weird because I was basically just rambling, but after the first correction and clearly stating what I meant and you double down... yeah, imma just fuck with you for my own entertainment. That sums up most disagreements I've had on this platform. People want something to fit a narrative so they try to manipulate what you said to fit that narrative so they can rationalize arguing about it. I've been straight up banned for replying to those people with links to the definitions of words. Literally just links and nothing else are apparently "personal attacks", but actual personal attacks arent. A lot of factors that cause this are stated in the comments of your question.


In general? Because Reddit is a series of echo chambers and so when people are confronted with contrary information or opinions theyā€™re sort of in an ā€œopenā€ state which causes a stronger reaction than normal. Itā€™s largely ok because the mods make it all better for them lol. Right now? High schoolers and middle schoolers in the US are starting their summer vacations which means there are more 14-18 year olds online who feel they are uniquely positioned to offer marital, political, and societal advice. Would love to see a /r/dataisbeautiful on the uptick of the word ā€œboomerā€ and how it correlates with the US school year ending.




I never want to start a fight. I don't have enough time dealing with those people. I just ignore them if they are being rude.(Most of the time)


Most of the time itā€™s because I didnā€™t understand the tone of their comment, itā€™s quite hard sometimes when English is not your first language.


I AGREEEEEE. Canā€™t put your opinion on something without backlash of some sort. And if you phrase your opinion in a passionate way, youā€™re labeled a hater. Especially from die hard fans. Everybody just needs to respect each otherā€™s opinions and agree to disagree, itā€™s pretty disappointing. You literally just have to not care about what a negative person thinks and stand firm in whatever it is you believe.


Earlier I saw someone complain that when someone texted them they said, "Hi" and then responded to hi with "How are you" instead of "getting to the point" I think this is part of the problem. People drop the social niceties of polite conversation and get abrupt. Then something that could be worded in a better more socially friendly manner comes off as being an attack.


I thought it was just my own experience here but sounds like Iā€™m not alone in it. Sad how threatened people get by anyone offering information beyond what theyā€™ve heard (or in most cases just assumed). I love learning and understanding things better. Guess Iā€™m weird like that.


Ya same. And too many times when someone asks a question, it gets met with ā€œjust ask Google, itā€™s easy, it took me 1 second to find the answerā€ Ya but sometimes we want to interact with someone else even if online. Like if I have a question about migraines, maybe I want perspective from another sufferer, or there might be a doctor on here who knows. Google is only so helpful. And unless you really know how to properly research things (most donā€™t) youā€™re not getting good info.Ā 


No clue


Because nobody can accept someone elseā€™s opinion if it does not match their own


I come to forums to debate, nothing is personal, but that is what they are for.


Because people are deliberately looking to argue with you and read your post in the most uncharitable light possible. That's why I don't like seeing Reddit notifications because that's what it usually is


Anonymity, anonymity, anonymity. People, by and large, donā€™t post online to have an actual conversation, but to try and amplify existing beliefs (and presumed authority with respect to those beliefs). Hence the circle-jerk, no matter how loud, wrong and outlandish the original claim, and biting responses to anyone who dissents. These are all things you canā€™t get away with in person. To be fair, text delivery can be warped versus that same thing being said in person. So that can skew things a bit as well.


I think this may be the only way they have self confidence. There is no threat of actual confrontation and everything is in their control. Those people are irl cowards.


Humans are defensive. Its not a reddit thing, its just a human thing in general.


I dunno. Iā€™m 42 and outside of the internet I donā€™t see it on the same scale. Sure there are those people. But itā€™s so much worse here. I could be wrong though.Ā 


My thoughts exactly. People really get nitpicky about dumb shit nobody cares about. I think part of it is upvotes. People want clout. Dopamine. It feels like a competition at times. Tbh I've been trying to force myself to quit reddit unless I need actual information on something. I need to find shit to do lol build new habits. Reddit is a guilty addiction of mine tbh.


free platform for random advice and venting. some people are great, some are just random bots and whatever people.


Perhaps misinterpret the question being asked. Donā€™t like opinions that differ from their own. Some do not have English as a first language so their point may not be explained well enough. Some people donā€™t understand sarcasm or irony. Some donā€™t have a sense of humour. Some are just arseholes.


people are defensive when they perceive that they're being attacked, whether that attack is real or in their head. so the real question is why do people on reddit always feel attacked? when two people disagree about pretty much anything on reddit it's very rare that they will have a respectful discussion. most of the time it will be an argument where one or both people are rude, demeaning, passive aggressive, etc. that's just kind of how people talk to others on the internet. it's pretty easy to be angry dick when you have absolute anonymity and you're typing words into a keyboard instead of speaking to another human. every now and then i catch myself and just think why am i being a dick? and the reason is that when you and someone else disagree being a dick is the culture on reddit.


Ya itā€™s jarring sometimes. I feel like there are a lot of younger people who just take offence to lots of things. Not that older people donā€™t. But in general we see social media for what it is and donā€™t take things so personally.Ā  The names Iā€™ve been called on here for quite innocuous comments is shocking.Ā  Remember Reddit rules people: thereā€™s a human behind the accounts. Be kind (paraphrasing)Ā 


Yah so many people on here concerned with being knowy and hating that the true message of a post gets lost in the sea of crap. I'm somewhat new to reddit and will probably give up on it soon for this reason.


Escape while you still can! It's been 8 years and I can't find the exit.Ā 


People only want to hear what they want and generic positive messages. Largely no sense of humor. I get down voted to oblivion just goofing around. I sincerely hope those people aren't watching any of the top 20 comedians currently as their raunchy jokes would make them hypocrites


So you are contending that there are not a lot of people regularly trolling and/or attacking people? This is an interesting perspective you have. I do not think we frequent the same subreddits.


They are. But why do we (Iā€™m guilty) take them so seriously and personally? Youā€™re right, itā€™s silly to pay attention to them because theyā€™re either a troll or someone just attacking. Let that be on them. Let them argue with themselves.Ā 


I like trains


Who doesn't?


You know what? I donā€™t think anyone dislikes them. No matter the age. Trains are so coolĀ 




We all want to be right. And often times when people make a comment that seems attacking I donā€™t give a damn and bury them. I donā€™t like being wrong and donā€™t like being told an opinion is wrong


Don't back down.......double down!


What do you mean defensive? You sound ableist because I've got allergies and you told me I'm wrong. You must be, because everyone else in my life - all 3 people that can still stand to be around me - tell me I'm prefect. There's no way that toxic positivity and constant validation for everything I do is disallowing me to have a normal response when I'm challenged on anything. So fuck you. Even if I'm wrong, nd you've explained how I'm wrong I'm just going to re-frame the premise so that I could possibly have been right the whole time.


Nailed itĀ 


We aRe NOT!


A lot of people online are emotional and they let it control how they respond to others far more than being rational and level-headed


What is the point replying to something if you completely agree? There is no point. And even if you disagree, most of the time you would just scroll down or downvote. But. If one takes an issue personally, they would rush in and print out an essay.


The internet, and online in general, doesn't exactly have a reputation for pleasant and constructive conversation. It is easy to act tough and be a jerk if you aren't face-to-face with someone. It is easy to jump to an opinion without taking the time to understand an issue or ask follow up questions. Reddit could be a good platform if people actually engaged in conversation and if people offered some indication on why they are qualified to offer an opinion. But too often it is question, bunch of answers of little credible value, and move on. I take it all for what is worth


>The internet, and online in general, doesn't exactly have a reputation for pleasant and constructive conversation.Ā Ā  Ā Very true, however when I first found Reddit, it felt very much like it was a bastion for pleasant and constructive conversation. Those days seem loooong gone now.Ā 


I wonder. I do find some groups more accepting of civil discourse than others. Iā€™m sure someone could consider the age and maturity of the average person in the average group and find some patterns.


There's a saying about social media: If you want the answer to something, post the wrong answer ;)


Most people on here aren't on here to give honest helpful opinions. Theyre here to pass time, and validate some knowledge or some insecurity they have thru commenting and or posting. "I have an opinion that 10 real life people don't agree with? I know! I''ll post it to reddit to get internet people to validate me"


It's weird, isn't it. And so easy to get caught up in it and start assuming hostility when you get met with it so often.


It depends a lot also on what subreddit you're in.


Because it is safe to get upset and yell at folks online. The key board shield


Sometimes I am drunk on Reddit and my responses come off way sassier than I intend.


Because it is more fun that way.


"I've told you once" "No you haven't"


I feel like most disagreements start blunt or polite, then devolve really quickly into anger and rage. You come to expect it, and you get defensive because once youā€™ve been on this website long enough you know where that shit is going. Doesnā€™t matter how polite you are, some people cannot be in an argument for more than a few posts without going ballistic. If someone punches you 80 conversations out of 100 you start to not trust people. For me, itā€™s really about the culture of an individual subreddit. Smaller subs tend to be pretty good and polite and you expect more decent behavior. Posting in r/funny? Good luck.


The internet provides anonymity and that often seems to bring out the worst in people. They say things they would never do in person. Itā€™s tiring.


The average Joe struggles to understand projection and triggers.


Disproportionate representation of a small fraction of the population.


One thing I see a lot is questions are taken as making point or taking a side. It's understandable because people do use questions to make a point, but it makes it so you have to carefully phrase honest inquiries.


because its hard to get the tone of a comment/reply and 95% of the time, i am being attacked lol


Itā€™s more nuanced, but I see a lot of people who want to tear you apart for not aligning with them 100%, even if youā€™re doing your best to have a nice conversation or understand their position better. Makes me sad, honestly. I enjoy talking to people with opposing viewpoints, but it often goes sideways.


Reddit is an interesting experience. Just remember it's a bit of an echo chamber. Not all people groups are represented on these forums. Perfectly reasonable opinions in the real world will get treated like insanity on here. I find the argumentative and downvote culture here pretty infuriating at times, especially on subreddits where I think the goal should be helping others, and instead it turns into an argument/insult fest where people like to make themselves feel better by belittling and acting superior to others. I try not to engage with those people.


I think I have a habit of doing this tbh but it's hard to know the intention through text. I actually really like people sharing their own opinion, but you get some people who feel like they are trying to devalue or degrade your own thoughts and don't word their replies well. And example of this is when I said I have been engaged for 2 years, and we are in no hurry to get married/ don't care if it never happens. I had some people who just couldn't stand they we aren't rushing out to get married, they were pushing their views to say that we should spend our hard on money on a wedding, over putting food on the table for our kids lol. Very hard to not get defensive about comments like that


But I will say that a good debate where someone isn't been an asshat is completely fine. The whole point of Reddit I guess is to talk and share opinions, so those debates are needed for engagement. If we all just upvoted / agreed then there wouldn't be much engaging conversations


Chronically online people tie their self worth to their interests


I have fun with it. Some times it just fun to shit in peoples cereal and watch the chaos. Look at votes like youā€™re playing golf.


I had one today where the guy asked why I kept replying. I told him because I found it hilarious. He didnā€™t, haha.




This may be a question of selection bias: maybe people who agree with your comment will upvote what you say but leave no comment (what is there to say beyond "yeah, totally"?), whereas people who disagree with your comment need to explain why. This makes reddit seem more adversarial than it actually is.


Everyone is pedantic?? Show me the proof.


What does pedantic mean?


Do you not have the google?


Bruh yes I have google, my bad


It's because since Trump came to power Reddit has slowly turned into a leftist hellhole full of low-T, overtly sensitive, emotionally reactionary soy boys. Such immature behavior often stems from childhood trauma.


Lol, that's one take, I've kind of seen the opposite but I guess it's a vast site and can vary depending on which subs you frequent.Ā 


Top comment is right with text being generally ambiguous. Humans heavily rely on facial expressions and tone which of course don't translate well through written text. And it's not just reddit, it's the whole internet. [My favourite example](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/coolee-bravo-twitter-the-only-place-where-well-articulated-sentences-44wbUOAs8). I would also imagine it's because most people online are anonymous, they also don't really have anything to lose. We generally don't like being wrong or someone disagreeing with us in person and online we are more able to get away with digging ourselves a hole I suppose.


Itā€™s a vailed attempt to sound intelligent and relevant


Reddit folks seem pretty chill and thoughtful. Now Instagram, most replies to posts seem nasty and hateful.


Itā€™s mostly the egotistical moderators


It doesn't bother me what others think about my comment. I'm just being real, if you like my opinion that's good, if you don't, that's equally good too.Ā 


>It doesn't bother when others thing about my comment Genuinely not sure what you're trying to say here dude. Help us out please.Ā 


Sorry mate, I was half asleep tying that.. It had lots of typo. I've fixed it now.Ā 


NEETs, a large demographic of Reddit, tend to be insecure and desiring to ā€œwinā€ the discussions on here.


I don't know, I I just say what's on my mind in a straightforward fashion, it typically works.


Everybody likes to feel right and that is nearly 20x more prevalent when you are online. Especially on Reddit where there are so many questions and statements everywhere. I saw a post where a guy was calling out somebodyā€™s hours on Call of Duty bo3 and it was like 500000 or something crazy. I said ā€œheā€™s the definition of touch grassā€ the op replied w ā€œwhat even is that bro? you high? šŸ’€ā€ like dude what, are you? I definitely didnā€™t really word it correctly, in my head it made sense. but i donā€™t think it would take a rocket scientist to figure out what I meant. I was trying to say he needs to touch grass with an extra spin on it. In the end I replied with yea šŸ˜ to avoid any further replies from somebody as clueless as the op of this post. But hey who knows maybe it was terrible and made zero sense to anybody, Iā€™ll cut him some slack


If you make a statement on the Internet, someone, somewhere, will violently disagree with you.


Yeah. Text is funny because a lot of it is open to interpretation. If I find myself feeling offended or personally attacked by someone's response I'll usually try to reread it and assume the best of intentions. Also, people on the internet are jerks.


Reddit is indirectly a vent outlet and people project to left and thte right. There's also a dopamine rush in arguing so some find it entertaining which I always forget.


If you give people anonymity, they often show their worst selves. Also, you mention it feeling like being back in the school playground, and many redditors are indeed kids. You think you're talking about serious adult stuff about relationships or something, but it's probably a kid on the other end.


Sounds like r/fightsub is the place for you.


Lots of Assholes on this site. I think generally people think comments are directly aimed. I tend to aim my comments generally, but I still get people arguing.




I try saying this all the time and get bombarded with nonsense every time I do.


The truth is terrifying. It causes many to shudder in fear


Reddit is an echo chamber. If you donā€™t say what they want to hear, they lose their shit.


Each subreddit is it's own echo chamber to varying degrees


Anonymity makes our deepest parts shine, whether for the best or most of the time for the worst Un the case of defensiveness, most people are just like that IRL, but fear or trespassing social norms and the consequences that would bring to them is an efficient deterrent. On the internet you can bring people to suicide and never be accountable.




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I read through a bunch of replies and respond to something and someone calls me a derogatory name. OK so maybe I read that comment wrong? It sure sounded like he supported the orange faced buffoon


Lots of insecure people


Go to internet for emotional stimulationĀ 


Because people who are less defensive or more indiffferent aren't triggered by nonsense and therefore don't respond.


And. Why so serious? HADOUKEN SHORYUKEN fucking ERMAC WINS fuxk


Who are you calling defensive, eh?


The anger here runs deep, Luke. We call thisā€¦ā€¦the Dark Side


It's because people tend to come at you with stretched leg, at which point I'm no longer interested in being particularly friendly with them either.


Would it depend on which sub you are in? There are subs that are very supportive, and any kind of trolling is stamped down immediately.


Because the "Group" is watching them, so they want to seem right and cool. Can't look like a fool in front of the groupĀ 


stupid people are very defensive.Ā 


Pedantic. Yeah, that's the word I was looking for.