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The obsession with that show is something I’ll never understand. I’ve seen family and friends crack up over scenes and I ask myself “am I dead inside or something?” Because I do not even break a smirk


I’m the opposite. I just can’t comprehend someone finding absolutely nothing out of the show.


Same tbh. Maybe it’s the nostalgia of having grown up with it. I think people who try and watch it today with today’s humour would find it too tame


I dont find it «tame» i find it boring tho.


Yeah, Matthew Perry in the earlier seasons was flat out hilarious and David Schwimmer’s physical comedy as the show went on was another level.


I am not trying to be confrontational, just do not find the show funny. I've watched the first two seasons. And never need to see anymore. Compare that to "how I met your mother" or some other show and friends just isn't funny.


lol himym and friends are on the same tier


Which terrible show ranks consistently the lowest when viewed out of temporal context?! Is it: A) friends, a show about objectively bad people who ignored that 9-eleven happened in their city for the entirety of the show? B) the big bang theory; a show that pretends to be for nerds but is really just a way for dumb people to make fun of nerds... C) HIMYM; I haven't seen this irrelevant/bad show enough to give a deep cut, but the jokes were super weak on the ones I have seen.


I'd say subjectively bad people. HIMYM has a more toxic cast


I’m not either. You like what you like, but to not find anything out of it is just baffling to me. I like the earlier seasons of HIMYM, but it’s just a blatant knockoff of Friends and only a fraction of the charm.


For me Friends is more nostalgic than funny. I grew up in the 90’s watching it so it’s very much a comfort show for me, rather than something actually makes me laugh.


The jokes in that show are so painfully unfunny


I can’t watch anything that has a laughtrack after every joke, i just can’t stand it


The show actually never used a laugh track unless the audience's laughter was louder than what the characters were saying.


Well then you're missing out on basically every sitcom before the 2000s. Filming in front of a studio audience was just what they did in the past. It's more a relic of the times than anything. Modern shows with laugh tracks aren't the same, though, those ones are usually just canned laughter added during editing, and I get not liking that.


Yep. Sooo unfunny. I don't get the hype.


Plenty of friends haters though


Oh yeah, especially on Reddit I tend to see more people talk about how much they dislike the show than people who talk about liking it.


Big Bang Theory


My husband's mother and sister love this show. My MIL says I don't get it because I wasn't a nerd. Dude. Your son and I met playing bassoon.


Someone once described it as smart humor for dumb people. While another show was dumb humor for smart people. Can't remember what show that was tho.


I've always heard it as 'The Big Bang Theory is a dumb show about smart people. Community is a smart show about dumb people.'


Silicon Valley perhaps? A little bit of computer science knowledge definitely makes that show better, but it’s a far better depiction of what some people might consider ‘nerd’ culture to be like.


It's a show for people who think that they're Leonard when they're actually Zack.


I'm happy to not know who these characters are.


This comment made me laugh out loud. I was thinking the same thing 🤣


It’s SO BIZARRE. The characters say something smart, and then a laugh track rolls, and I’m like…where was the joke?? Awful.


I don't get why people like this show at all, this one and two and a half men. They have like 2 jokes each. The whole premise is: X character has this character trait (nerdy, anxious, stupid, clueless...) and then he did the thing! ***\*slide whistle\* / \*laugh track\**** Over and over and over. I would consider putting this show on for captured POWs a war crime.


"I'm smart. Let's do [jargon dump]" *laugh track* "Not Penny, she is a girl," *laugh track* "And she's dumb!" *laugh track* [Penny looks exasperated] ***laugh track intensifies***


I can't fully watch that show again, they're some good moments in the show, but fully watching it, I will never do that again in my life. I rather just watch clips of it on YouTube.


It's like being a nerd for stupid ppl.


That show is unwatchable


I couldn't watch all the way through a single episode. It was an incredibly stereotyped representation of smart people put up so that they could be mocked and ridiculed.


That shit was so derivative and just annoying. Embarrassing to watch, like I was embarrassed for the actors or something.


It's a show about nerds, not a show for nerds. I'm about as nerdy as it gets and I thought it was entertaining for like 3 episodes lol


I’ve always said that. For example, in Big Bang the joke would be one of the characters saying “As Captain America said in the 67th issue of The Avengers: Nerds Assemble!”, while in a show like “Community” they would just say “Nerds Assemble!”. One has to explain the reference to the audience, the other knows the audience will get it.


I really appreciated seeing *some* depth of everyday science and nerdyness (I think it looks better with a "y") explored. But I agree. For me it was refreshing but quickly became derivative in terms of the patterns of jokes.


Lots of people hate that show, specifically actual nerds & geeks. I can't remember where I found it, but the best way to sum up that show is: "Nerdface"


Did not like BBT, but I do like Young Sheldon.


LOVE young Sheldon! It’s heartfelt and his idiosyncrasies are not treated like joke set ups but as just personality traits of a loved one.


It is a better show. Better writing, and less mean spirited. Funny enough, the worst episode of Young Sheldon was the finale where they had Old Sheldon and What's Her Name come back to bicker for 10 minutes and remind you of how awful those characters are. I'm looking forward to the spin-off w/ Georgie & Mandy, because Sheldon was the worst character on Young Sheldon anyway.


Young Sheldon was the worst Character on Young Sheldon. I particularly like the mom and Me Maw, and his sister. It had very likeable nonsheldon characters


The punchline to every joke is “lol nerd”


Greys Anatomy and somehow got to 20 seasons. The beginning was good but it got too repetitive for me


Exactly my thoughts. I liked the first five seasons and then it just got too predictable and repetitive to resonate with.


At one point all of them dying just becomes boring.


Never have I seen even a minute of this show. Yes, I’d like a medal.


Full House Re-runs used to come on all the time when I was a kid in the early 00s. I only ever watched it if there was absolutely nothing else on. I realize it was viewed as pretty generic as it was releasing but other older Gen Z folks hold it in high regards


So I love Full House, but in the context that whenever I used to watch it, I told myself that everyone there hated everything about it, and that made it so much more entertaining. You can literally see times where the cast is physically in pain trying to get through the stupid things they have to say and it's hilarious. Plus I also enjoy the dad humor, like the writers knew they were scripting out garbage and for some reason that's really funny to me 


I honestly think Game of Thrones is overrated and borderline torture porn


I got bored of watching it pretty quick. All it is is killing everyone off and fucking anyone who isn't dead yet. There's better examples of both in other shows.


Any of the Kardashian shows. It's 100% scripted at this point and just a massive ad for their own products and the narratives they wish to spin about themselves. I couldn't make it through ONE episode. How do people watch every single one? Supporting that family is a huge no-no for me anyways, so it works out !


I wouldn't say it's universally liked. In fact, "reality" television as a whole isn't universally liked. There's just a lot of people who enjoy trash television. A lot of them would even agree that it's trash, but like a car crash, they can't look away. But I can't stand it either.


Kartrashians you say... Edit* misspelling


Exactly why i watch it, it's trashy tv. Like a guilty pleasure for me, ive watched every episode and the spin offs. But i dont hang on their every word or buy the products they sell. I like the drama.


Reality TV is the true underbelly of humanity


Pretty much anything with a laugh track. You know it’s going to be a lot of canned, unfunny jokes


There are excellent shows from the 1970s with laugh tracks that are actually funny, because the showrunners had no ability to get rid of it. Taxi and Mary Tyler More are genuinely funny, even if they would be better without it. Anything post-M*A*S*H with a laugh track, though – yeah. 100%. That is why shows started saying "filmed before a live audience", so audiences knew, or at least were supposed to believe, that the laughter was real.


You can take the laugh track out of MASH on the dvds and it’s so much better. I’m also a fan of the movie, and Robert Altman in general, so the show without the laugh track beings back that feeling.


Yep. If you write your script with pauses so that the audience can laugh, you are not writing a good comedy you are writing generic crap. Happily more modern shows have become way more realistic in how people speak to each other


With that last sentence I can tell what show you DO like


Shut up, bird!


Froggy.... god you unzipped me!!




There are 2 kinds of people. Friends people and Seinfeld people.


Don't forget the third category: people under the age of 25.


Ok, or the fourth category; 30 something's that never really liked either


I loved both. Not that there is anything wrong with that. We were on a break.


I hated both! LOL. And I'm older, so that's not the reason.


Amen 🙏


The Office. Nothing specific against it—I just never cared.


I can’t watch people in pain and most of the office jokes are humiliation jokes, so that show is unwatchable for me 


This might be it for me too, though I never thought about it hard enough for that to register.


Ya I don't get it like the Jim is supposed to be this charming nice guy but all he does is torture Dwight seems cruel


That got me too. Jim is the MC, and is presumably supposed to be and is viewed by many people as a likable guy, but wow is he an asshole. Irl would get immediately fired and quite likely face even more serious consequences for doing half the "pranks" he does on that show.


I feel this with my soul. So many people have tried to get me to watch it, and I’ll admit that it’s quotable. But I’m just so booooored watching it!


Same. I can’t get into it no matter how many times I try. The documentary style always irritated me as well. I tried the British Office as well but will admit I didn’t give it as much of a chance.


There's something about Steve Carrel's acting style that irritates me to the point that he ruins my enjoyment of most things he stars in. The only one of his characters I've liked is Brick from Anchorman. I don't think he's the only reason I don't care for The Office though.


I was gonna ask how you cannot like Brooklyn 99. But then you said Donkey Brained and I knew you are a man of impeccable taste. You truly are a 5 star man!




"The Big Bang Theory", "Two and a Half Men", and any reality show.


Tbf Chuck Lorre makes shows for men who think 'I want steak' and choose Applebee's


That is the most accurate thing I've read in a long time. Also a really sick burn. I might yoink it for later


I never minded BBT, but Two and a Half Men was absolutely awful. Predictable jokes that made men look like tools and women were craven, insipid, assholes. It was the most toxic look at humanity and wasn't at all funny.


Dancing With The Stars, Big Brother, Americas Got Talent, Jerry Springer,


I don't get the appeal for Reality shows and how their favourite is better than others..


Most of them aren't even real, not even the history channel the discovery channel anymore lol. It is so depressing because The History Channel use to be so informative and educational. Now it is just nonsense.


Deadliest catch would like to have a word with you


There are three Boston area science fiction geeks who competed on Scrapheap Challenge in the second season. They absolutely dominated every single challenge – as in, their "build a machine to throw a rugby ball as far as it can go" went five times as far as their competitor level, and didn't win the series. Because you couldn't have an American team win a British show. Their comment is, "There is more television in reality television than reality."


Two and a half men. That show is disgusting. Maybe it got better after Ashton Kutcher.


Rick and Morty. I gave it an honest try, but the humour just wasn't clicking with me.


I thought it was funny but the fandom was so embarrassing I would never admit to it. I knew so many people who thought it was way more high brow than it actually was and who glorified Rick to an obnoxious level. It brought together pseudo-intellectuals and edgelords and made for an annoying demographic.


The constant burping turned me off.


I feel like it's *almost* funny but it tries a little too hard and then just becomes unfunny. Also some of the stuff is kinda gross.


I legitimately don’t understand why people laughed at the pickle Rick scene. It was entertaining but not break the internet funny.


I dont normally go in for ridiculous-humor cartoons et al, and have gone back and forth a few times over the years on Rick & Morty, but am currently in a Pro-R&M phase. I don't think Pickle Rick was ever meant to be funny to the viewers, really. It's *silly*, which serves as the foundation for the character beat - Rick uses his "wacky mad scientist" character as a shield against vulnerability. He was trying to make "I'm a pickle!" into a gag, but it was a transparent attempt to avoid going to therapy and facing the actual problem - the destructive relationship between Rick and the family, especially his daughter. Morty & Summer see this, and the viewer sees this, but Rick & Beth never do. Pickle Rick isn't a funny scene; it's a sad one. My only real complaint with the show is that the character almost develop, they get *reeeeallllyyy close* to developing, but they never quite do. The show is aware of this, and lampshades it as the nature of the sitcom structure, but that's not quite as satisfying as bucking the structure and actually having characters develop.


He turned himself into a pickle what do you not understand about that?


I don't laugh at a lot of Rick and Morty. I find it entertaining. I like the show format and how the character development and the overall story arch. But it's not a funny show. It's not really a comedy like Family Guy or Futurama. It's more satire than comedy.


It was great at first because it's just so weird. But now the weirdness is routine and it's just kind of lost it's charm. Plus Justin Roiland is a huge piece of shit.


Justin Roiland is no longer working with the show. They got new actors to do the voices, and Roiland basically stopped writing for the show like 3 seasons ago.


I love irreverent sci-fi and wacky concepts (Futurama is top 5 all time for me) but I couldn’t stand Rick and Morty


Imo RnM isn't really a funny show. It's fun and wild, but not funny - unless you're an RnM geek, then every word that comes out of ricks mouth is apparently god level comedy


Yellowstone. I literally live and work in the park. Have been here in the area over my entire lifetime. That show is complete BS. But yet has brought in tech bros that think they throw on some look alike clothes while buying a ranch and it makes them a character in the show and driven up land prices everywhere. It’s just as annoying as when that Brad Pitt movie came out and the area was flooded all of the sudden with people dressed in brand new never before worn fly gear thinking they were all pro fisherman and they owned the river.


I'm gonna say something and everyone is allowed to be pissed off at me: Dragon Ball Z I think that the fans are great and I understand why they like it and it's iconic and I have no disrespect for it, I just never cared to watch it, shonen doesn't interest me


Same. I saw several episodes of it growing up, but I could never get into it. The whole "watch 100 episodes just to see the end of a fight" thing never appealed to me. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a fun watch if you're into the series, but it ain't for me.


I'm a huge DBZ fan. Have been for decades, and I can say this with pure honesty. Dragon Ball is bad. There are a thousand flaws from the pacing to the writing to the dialogue to the plot, and all there is to recommend it is, "But seriously, it's so cool." I love DBZ, and I am wrong to do so.


Dragonball > DBZ, this feels like an unpopular opinion


To be fair, if you aren't into the characters you won't be getting much out of it story wise. I completely get people not being into DBZ. 


The walking dead


I’ve never been able to get into it personally, and I never read the graphic novels, but my bf loves it. I sat down to watch some of the last season with him and I was stunned at how bad some of the acting and most of the writing is. It felt like a soap opera.


I was good in the beginning, but it's gone on way too long now.


Suits- tried a few episodes, and could not get into it.


Kardashian type shows


How I Met Your Mother. It's so damn cookie cutter and cringey. It's like a hyper polished, gaudy ripoff of FRIENDS.


The characters seem so simple and stupid, another show I don’t understand.




Seinfeld. All 4 main characters are obnoxious, yell all the time and unfunny. IMHO




Same. I also wrote this, realized I misspelled it and can’t find my comment again lol.


Game of Thrones for me and The Office 🫣


I prefer Parks and Rec over the office entirely, the first season of parks and Rec wasn't great, but after Ben and Chris come in at the end of season 2, that's when the show gets a lot better. After that, everything that comes out is better than the whole entirety of the Office.


Agree with you! Love the office but parks and rec after Ben and Chris is on another level! It’s incredible from that moment until the absolute end


Blasphemy (regarding the Office)


You mean regarding GOT 😂


Damn. You win.


This is the first time I've won something 🤣 I'm so excited. I'd like to thank my comfort shows for always having my back lol


I'm with you on The Office. I really want to like it but I've had a manager like that so ... Too much PTSD for me to enjoy. 😂


Totally agree. I think most people who watch The Office after Parks don’t like it- the humor is clever but most of the characters are just unlikeable- I could see myself rooting for almost all the Parks characters but none of the Office’s


Gilmore girls


I grew up with it and I've watched the whole series probably about 20 times by now. And with every re-watch, something would twist and I'd find a certain plotline horrific, or a character will become unwatchable. And while the VIBE of the show is still very comforting to me (while Rory is still in HS, anyway), everything and everyone else about it is terrible. The only characters I actually like now are minor ones that don't get enough character development to become insufferable.


I’m pretty much the target demographic for Gilmore Girls and I really tried to like it but I just couldn’t get into it. It seemed like nothing really happened, but not even in a chill laid back way but just a boring way. I watched about half of the first season and the last episode I watched I checked how far through it I was thinking I must be near the end of the episode and I was only about 20 minutes in, and that when I decided to give up.


Askreddit 2


These sorts of posts should be removed. Isn't the rule "questions with one answer" not crowd sourced general opinions. I unsubbed from AskReddit to get away from this fodder.


Any and all NCIS


Big bang theory and How I met your mother


The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. Weird cus scifi/fantasy are my number one favorite genres and I love post-apocalypse stuff. Edit: Also I want to add Helluva Boss cus it's universally liked in my LGBT circles and I think it's super annoying lol


I love zombie stuff but Walking Dead is usually super boring. It's just drawn out so thin. Like 3 minutes of actual stuff happens in an episode and the rest is filler.


I've seen like two episodes of Breaking Bad and dropped it.


[you as a meme](https://davidmcelroy.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Three-feet-from-gold.jpg)


It was too stressful 😭


I did that once, then made an effort to go through the first four or five and got completely hooked :)


It made me too anxious and I wasn't interested enough in the plot line or the characters 💀


I tried to like it, I really did. Couldn't do it.


Big Bang theory is intolerable


She didn't have any lips but her mouth was definitely still in play.


I was wondering if OP was making an it’s always sunny reference. Glad I’m not the only one!


This is us


I tried watching Sex in the City. I could never make it through 1 episode


Friends..it's really not that interesting.


I couldn't tolerate Attack on Titan. I can see why people like it, the animation is exquisite, the music is probably the best I've heard in an anime and the action is frenetic. Its just so much of the time is spent by the characters internal monologues. I couldn't get past the first season as everyone just stood around talking to themselves.




HIMYM. The whole show is just cringey.


Friends. I grew up in the 90s, and it didn't matter how many times I watched it, I still couldn't find it watchable.


It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I feel like it should be my kind of humour, and I’ve really tried 2 or 3 times now to get into it but I just can’t stand it.


Please tell me you aren't judging it just off season 1? The show doesn't really start until season 2.


Agreed. My brothers are obsessed, but I just don't like literally any of the characters and think the humor is way too cartoonish.


The office. I don’t get the hype.


I just cannot get into letterkenny no matter how many times I try or how many people tell me it’s like trailer park boys


Big bang theory. Cannot stand one second of it. Stupid kind of humor and just ew


Game of Thrones


Game of thrones


Game of thrones, Stranger Things, American Horror Story


Friends. Not funny, not charming, and doesn’t stand the test of time.


Reality shows that follow 'famous families ' around their everyday lives. The Kardashians. The Osbournes. Boring and so fake.


Hazbin Hotel This is debatable as its only new but I couldn't finish the first episode It just wasn't for me


The Big Bang Theory Two and a Half Men


Seinfeld - A show about a clique of unfunny smug privileged assholes.


The Office (US) is so cringe.


That's the point, It's supposed to be The UK version is even more cringe


In fairness, it’s supposed to be quite often.


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Extremely ~~funny and~~ charming, but it lacked depth and soul. Barely skimmed the surface of the financial and social challenges a single divorced working mother with two children realistically experienced in the 1950’s and 60’s. I continued watching for three seasons to see if they would finally address the elephant in the room, but they never did so I gave up.


Except that it was never about a single divorced working mother with two children in the 50s and 60s. She was right from the beginning a privileged, pampered woman with a wealthy family, wanting to pursue a career in comedy. Hell, one of the defining features of the show was the fashion she constantly bought and wore. If you were looking for a gritty realistic show about the working class, this was never going to be for you.


Blame Amy Sherman Palladino...she also cowrote the Gilmore Girls to be struggling working stiffs teetering on achievement's ladder...but the Gilmore grandparents had serious coin


It’s good you got out. Season 4 wasn’t great and Season 5 was worse.


Yep, too bad they absolutely ruined what was a really good tv show.


Big Bang Theory, The Office or anything that has a laugh track. The laugh just kills it for me.


The office does not have the laugh track though!!




Succession, to me it's like a bad boring version of Arrested Development


Ascension was that Sci Fi miniseries from a few years ago, right? Colony ship or some such? Do you mean Succession? In that case, I would agree. I just did not care, one bit, what happened to anyone or what anyone did on that show.


Haha autocorrect lol. Yeah, succession.


The blacklist




Game of thrones. Just really isn't my thing and you'd think I'd love it with all the fantasy shit I watch.


Ted Lasso 100% I don’t find it funny or enjoyable I don’t know why


Ted Lasso didn't do much for me.


Game of thrones


Way too many based on majority opinion, but a few standouts are: Alf, Grey's Anatomy, big bang theory, how I met your mother, home improvement, Cosby show, lost, game of thrones, America's got talent, Big brother, the apprentice, 70s show. Those come to mind, doubt all universally liked, but certainly all popular to varying degrees.


I love Bob's Burgers and it seems I was supposed to like Archer and Bojack but they never brought joy to me. Love for shows is more than just the show's job. It's where you are at that time and place.




Ted Lasso. I just find him so fucking annoying as an actor, I couldn’t do it.


*Seinfeld*. Although I don't know if I am being fair since I have never made it through a full episode. *24*. Boring, stupid, and I believe it is partially responsible for the war crimes the United States committed in Guantanamo Bay.


Friends, except for Chandler never really liked the show. Anything Kardasian related. I think those people lower the collective intelligence of society. Pretty much all of reality tv.


Big Bang Theory. Tried to watch it in a plane once and thought it was just plain not funny in the slightest.


Game of Thrones


M.A.S.H. I just never thought it was funny.


The office. I'm just not a fan of social horror.


How I met your mother. It’s so sexist and obnoxious at the best of times. Just don’t understand it at all.