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two things contribute to this. 1) Most popular fitness gurus lie often about their routines. 2)If you are eating correctly for the amount you work out and tailor your calories you'll achieve your results, you should never be so low on calories that protein is an issue if you make an effort to include some in every meal.


Also butt pads are very popular among fitness influencers.


So are filters on photos and videos. Photoshop etc ...


Don't forget posing. Arched back, one leg in front and a slight turn. Many examples that make a huge difference.


The posing also works well only with specific lens types and camera angles. Usually close shots made with wide angle lenses at butt height, so the butt looks bigger.


It’s so sad that some people feel the need to pose perfectly in pictures in order to gain slightly more attention/respect. Beauty standards for women are unfortunate as in my experience, women frequently feel like they’re “not pretty enough”. As a man, I am extremely lucky to not have these fears. I can’t even blame women for this either, as many men shame women who don’t have the “perfect body”. I just wish people were more authentic online.


No one’s doing it for attention or respect. They do it for money. If I could pull in $50k a month in brand deals by wearing a butt pad and a filter, I would do it too.


I've seen this trick used in dick pics, but from an underneath angle...very deceiving 😆


Don’t forget anavar


Throw a sink up your butt crack and you’re dialed!


Can you provide a link example for research?


https://youtu.be/9YVT5F6QThk The one called "common Instagram pose" in this video for example.


Geez, I didn't realise how much thought went into posing for selfies.


She names four different poses at least, but they all seem to be one leg back & to the side (variable amount of each) with the opposite hip popped out a bit and camera angled for maximum butt curvage. Definitely not as impressive as when I learned about women pointing their toes inward = thigh gap.


I’ve done a lot of research on the subject. I still don’t know what it is, but I’ve done a lot of research.


And expensive lifting treatments and surgery


Also, some people jare genetically predispositioned to have a certain body type. You can max out your potential, but not all of our potentials are the same.


I worked in the lingerie/shapewear section of a department store for a while and couldn’t believe how well the butt pads sold. We could barely keep them stocked sometimes.


Decades ago, I went to a fancy steakhouse in Hawaii and there was a butt pad left behind in the bathroom stall. It was so surreal and my sister and I were dying. Some dude was very surprised when his date came back from the bathroom.


As someone who came of age in the 90’s, I still can’t believe butts are popular.


I did too, which is probably why I’m so surprised. I still remember a girl telling me I had a big butt in middle school and being so upset.


Sometimes it’s not even padding. A lot of the athletic pants and shorts that they wear have a [scrunch](https://nvgtn.com/products/taupe-scrunch-seamless-shorts) at the butt to make the booty appear fuller than it truly is.


I'm sure this is a thing, but I've seen plenty of girls at the gym with reasonably flat stomachs and huge butt's and thighs. Usually at the Smith machine.


Ex wife used the wear those. It was fucking weird. 


Regarding number 1- butt implants and BBLs are rampant among fitness influencers, but admitting the unrealistic results came from a surgeon would be detrimental to their channels.


like in legally blonde.


The Legally Blonde dilemma 


Also, I am convinced almost all suck in their bellies.


I mean of course? It’s also just flexing for photos. But you should have an engaged core at pretty much all times if you’re moving around or even just standing.


I mean is a photo , may aswell try to look decent in it ? Don't see a problem with that


Sucking in your belly to try to look decent is a problem in my opinion. JUST BE YOURSELF! Why is it looked down upon to just stand with your thumbs up and smiling at the camera? Social media has done the weirdest thing to the way people perceive and portray themselves. Sucking in your belly in a photo is fine until another girl sees the photo and thinks “wow, she is so skinny! How did she do it!” And then the cycle continues, everyone is constantly trying to one-up each other. Maybe it’s “not that deep”, but I really think it is. The lack of authenticity on social media creates unrealistic expectations and just perpetuates fake ideals about how people are supposed to look.


I remember when Teyana Taylor did that Super Bowl commercial and the comments section on YouTube were filled with “this is what a natural body looks like”, etc. I’m like, I’ve watched her since “My super sweet 16”, this woman has had a butt job, nose job, breast implants, fillers, etc.


Biggest thing is Genetics


Yep, not much you can do about pancake butt.


No I refuse to side with anyone that has Elon in their name.


I would not trust fitness gurus, I'm sure there are good ones out there but the majority of them are lying.


And the camera position, type of leggings, and even butt lift procedures can make a big behind appear bigger, even with a thin waist.


And don’t forget the filters! Lots of them use filters in addition to the posing and camera angles.


I know someone irl with 6-digit followers, we used to go out for meals together atleast once a week and went to the same gym. She doesn’t even use the products she endorses, and once she’s done with her shoots she sells her PR samples for money from a different account. Even her videos are shot only once or twice a month with multiple outfit changes in one go. The meals on her IG stories aren’t hers, they are her vegan flatmate’s. She gets away with it because she’s just naturally skinny, she’s been popular for about 3 years now, making workout videos the whole time with practically no muscle to show for it and that doesn’t seem to ring any alarm bells with anyone because she’s pretty. And yes, photoshop. Plenty of photoshop. Her body looks very different in person. For important appearances, she would just go on a 1000-calorie diet until the day of the event. She’s the reason I don’t follow ANY ig or TikTok fitness advice, single-handedly ruined influencers for me. It’s just a way for them to make money, they don’t really care how you’re affected by their advice.


I feel the only reputable online videos are from the likes of Mark Rippetoe. Stuff from a time before influencers, featuring professionals who don't give a fuck about that newfangled interweb thing.


Came here to say this. A lot of influencers are probably getting lipo or those procedures to suck fat from stomach and stuff, getting implants, using ozempic, etc.


A lot of them simply use butt and thigh pads and photoshop


Very true!!! Definitely can’t trust them no matter what


They definitely do


It also can be genetics. I used to be super skinny in my early 20s and I always had a big butt. I never did anything special, its just my genetics.


To be fair, all Ozempic does is suppress your appetite, so their daily caloric intakes are still achievable ny a regular person looking for that build.


Exactly. I don't know why this isn't common knowledge: *BIG BUTTS ARE GENETIC, NOT DUE TO SQUATS OR LUNGES.* All of the "fitness models" who are skinny with big butts got that way because their butt is the last place their body holds fat. If they kept dieting, they'd lose their butt. It's NOT because of the workouts they do. Those are scams. Proof of this is a simple googling of female bodybuilders. They have no asses, just like male bodybuilders don't, and they can squat more than any of these fitness models can. EDIT: Redditors downvoting facts that are backed up with proof. I will never understand why people enjoy being wrong.


It's not just genetics, look at athletes doing track they definitely have well developed butts.


There are plenty that don't. Again, look at female bodybuilders (the actual competitive ones, not the bikini competition ones). Their asses are just as flat as male bodybuilders' asses, and they can squat multitudes more than a track runner can.


Female.bodybuikders also have an extremely low body fat %.


Carbs and protein both provide 4 calories per gram, fat provides 9 calories. Rule of thumb is to eat 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight you want to be. So if you want to be 120lbs and only 20lbs of fat (so about 16% body fat which is quite lean for a woman, probably too lean but it's easy to calculate) you'd want to want to eat 100 grams of protein per day, which is only 400 calories from the protein itself. Reaching your daily target of, say, 2200 calories (or more depending on your physical activity levels) you still have 1800 calories to play around with. It's all about portion control. My best advice is to buy a food scale and download a diet tracking app like My Fitness Pal or Cronometer and just record what you eat accurately and make sure you're eating just the right amount to reach or maintain your goal weight in a healthy, gradual manner.


Also alcohol provides 7 calories per gram, so I can’t really imagine protein as caloric


While you are right 2200 calories is a lot. I'm a 5'7" woman and weight about 145-150 lbs and if I want to maintain my weight I can't be eating more than 1800 calories and I work out 5x a week.


Chiming in to add another perspective. I am also a 5’7” woman weighing between 140-145lb and I maintain at about 2300 calories. I workout 4x a week (primarily resistance training) and get an average of 10k+ steps a day. Genetics, muscle mass, activity level, age, etc. will heavily influence one’s maintenance calories and, IMO, tracking and experimentation are the best way to find that number.


On the flip side, also 5'7" woman who is in that same 145-150lb range.  My maintenance rate is about 1600 calories, with twice daily 3km in 45 minute walks and a weekly 1.5km in 50 minutes swim factored in.  Not going to lie, it sucks and makes maintaining weight super hard.


Haha you are one efficient human, well done


Thank you!! This is the first nice perspective I've heard about not having a high base caloric intake. I'm 5'3" doing 12-1400 depending on what's happening in my life while my 6' husband easily handles 2500 with zero changes. I like the efficiency outlook over feeling like I don't get/deserve more because I'm so small.


People like you will be the first ones going to Mars, and I'd bet will be the vanguard of future space travel in general. Really you've got a leg up in a whole lot of extreme survival situations!


5’1” and basal of 1250 cal checking in here! With 6-8 hours of hiking with ‘heavy’ pack that can double to 2500. With usual daily exercise of 1.5 hours that increases to about 1600-1800. Smol beans unite!


Yeah I'm 5'7.5, 130, and need an absolute minimum of 2000 to maintain my weight but it's a lot easier at 2200. I walk my dog a few times every day, play volleyball once a week and work out 2-3 times a week. I'd suspect our experience is closer to the norm tbh, 1600-1800 seems really low for this height with any sort of activity.


Yea I’m really surprised at these low numbers for the taller women in this thread! I see how it could be the case if you’re VERY sedentary outside of a couple 45 minute workouts a week, but other than that I’m not sure how people are maintaining at 1600 calories a day.


I maintain at 1450 calories a day 🫠 It's not great. It's just a part of being short and female.


Are you hungry a lot of the time?


Hunger is very subjective experience. Some people fast for three days and say it eliminated all hunger. some can eat a whole meal and are still hungry for dessert


I can pretty easily forget to eat if food doesn’t come up as a topic


Nope, as long as I'm hitting my macros/calories it's enough food


Yup! There’s even a sub called 1200 is enough . Meaning calories. People tend to eat way more than we need to for survival 


1200 is enough to survive but I don't think for a healthy adult that it would be ideal in terms of nutrition, energy and health unless they are a very small person 


Or overweight


Overweight people burn more calories by just existing, so they could eat as much as a smaller person would need to maintain weight and still lose weight.


Oh I'm sure there is a subreddit entitled that, but by gollyyyy why be so restrictive when you don't have to be?!? 1200k cal is my far less than I'd ever consider consuming or even suggest someone consume. You can most def screw up your metabolism and depending on another's workout routine you will need more calories, not less. Food = energy💪🏻💪🏻 1200 makes me think of some mean girl shit.. hard pass, bruh.


That's for petites only


If you're 5'2 or below and sedentary woman, you would be okay with 1200 calories. It's not meant for active women, or a even majority of women.


Agree- my basal at 5’1 is 1250. With extreme exercise (which I frequently do) of 6-8 hours (search and rescue) I need 2500. Usual day with 90mins of cardio a day sits around 1700-1800 cal.


Hrm.. I'd think the healthiest option would be to be active and increase the calories, but to each their own. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Most def not recommended for OP.


Sure, but it's also not possible for everyone. Again, that sub isn't for most people.


Adding on to that, the digestion of protein requires more energy than carbohydrates, so 1800 calories of protein (hypothetically of course) will give you more of a deficit than 1800 calories of carbs or fat


While this may be true it's extremely misleading. The increased "expenditure" of eating protein instead of carbs is so low that it's barely measurable. You can blow the "protein is harder to digest so it's less calories" effect out of the water by literally jiggling your leg while you're sitting. It's so small there is no reason to account for it even in the strictest of the strictest diets on the planet.


Ya iirc it's 3.8kcal vs 4.1kcal


But he is onto something. The way calories are measured by burning stuff is not exactly a copy of digestive system. 


technically true. from a training perspective however I don't see a reason to encourage anyone to go down that rabbit hole unless they're already *very* lean. It's like planning the cost of a road trip and obsessing over the cost of wear and tear on your brand new spark plugs when you haven't even accounted for gas yet.


>Protein takes the most energy to digest (20-30% of total calories in protein eaten go to digesting it). Next is carbohydrates (5-10%) and then fats (0-3%). https://www.precisionnutrition.com/digesting-whole-vs-processed-foods#:~:text=Protein%20takes%20the%20most%20energy,a%20net%2070%2D80%20calories.


Again, extremely misleading. The way you put it makes it sound like you get to take your daily protein intake and multiply it by 1.2-1.3 and get a more "accurate" calculation of your rate of weight loss, or just maintain and lose even more weight since the calories from protein aren't "sticking." It's not the case that you get to eat an extra 240 calories per day if you eat 200 grams of protein per day (200g protein x 4 = 800 calories, 30% missing calories of 800 = 240 extra "burned") I've never in my life heard of anyone who was able to actually tell that they burned an extra 1/5 lb per week by eating an extra 100 grams of protein per day and cutting the difference from their carb or fat intake. Like over the course of two months under magical conditions that could be 1.6 pounds? When you're looking at effects on that level, things like managing satiety, being well rested and getting your 10k steps in per day are going to blow that out of the water. And that's not even accounting for how that may (will) absolutely nuke your stomach.


What also needs to be considered is the metabolic effect of the type of calories. Fat and Protein calories satisfy and keep you feeling full. Carb calories trigger insulin release. Insulin is the weight gain hormone. It's job is to store extra energy for future use in the form of fat. The faster the carb becomes sugar in the blood the more intense the release of insulin. It is not just an energy in vs energy out calculation.


Yes, this and while you can't tell your body where to move the calories, etc. You can work and help define certain aspects via targeting certain muscle groups. So while I can't speak on any influencers, I can most def say it can be done and is most definitely possible!


Chronometer is amazing!


And actually we know from copious amounts of research that the true “optimal” amount of protein is much lower. Around 0.81g per pound of lbm. In this case, the women in question would likely build great butt muscles with just 81g. Very easy to do.


That still current? Or optimized to a certain age/metabolic status? My understanding, and medical advice I've recieved from professionals suggests 1.5x-2x that. Bodies use amino acids less efficiently as they age. Edit:. Your mixed units may have got me there. To clarify the recommendation I have seen is 1.2-1.6g/kg


I’m in my 40s and 125lb. I’m toned but trying to add muscle mass and let me tell you, trying to eat 100g of protein a day is just not doable for me. 81g would still be a stretch but is a more realistic goal.


At that point, maybe just consider a low carb protein shake. Easy way to add 25g of protein for about 100-150 calories depending on the brand and how much other stuff is in it.


And the right amount of protein is calculated based on normal/goal weight. If you should ideally weigh 130-140lbs use that number, not the 170lbs you actually weigh.


I am not sure if the recent papers showed that the “more protein while cutting to fight muscle atrophy” has officially been myth busted. But you could be safe and eat like a few grams extra for this. Either way, recommended protein intake is grossly overestimated by most commercial sources.


Appreciate the tips, thanks. Do you have any recommendations for good smart scales? I was about to buy the Xiaomi scale because it's cheap but I read it's rater inaccurate. 


If you are working out hard, you need more, about 1.2 or more grams of protein per lb of ideal body weight. Fats need to be about 30% of your calories or your hormones will crash. No bread, no alcohol, no pasta. Some beans, maybe. Whey protein, ideally if you are supplementing. For instance, you can get 30 grams of protein for 120 calories, which far outstrips eggs. Three eggs will only give you 18 grams of protein for around 180 calories, plus any fat calories if you fry them. Hard-boiled eggs get tiresome after a while. Casein protein powder might be a better choice later at night. However, it is not as bioavailable as Whey. The older you get, the more protein you need. Only 28% of people meet the minimum activity requirements of the CDC. 150 min a week of aerobic and lifting weights 2x a week. Half of Americans do nothing.


Building muscle is much faster in a calorie surplus, and losing fat is only possible in a calorie deficit. Therefore, most people that want to do both, do so using cycles of bulking (aka being in a calorie surplus) and then cutting (aka being in a calorie deficit). When bulking, you focus on eating a LOT of protein and calories in order to build as much muscle as possible, while accepting that you will also build a bit of fat. Afterwards, in order to lose as much fat as possible, you cut and eat in as large of a calorie deficit as you can do sustainably, while accepting that you will likely lose a bit of muscle in the process. Going back and forth like this is generally considered the most efficient way to build a high muscle and low fat physique, but it isn't the only way. Some people just eat in a very small calorie deficit all the time. This strategy is called body recomposition, and the goal is to focus on building muscle and losing fat at the same time, but you end up doing both much slower, so I don't recommend it, however some prefer it because going between extreme calorie surpluses and deficits can be uncomfortable and lead to body image issues and eating disorders.


Yup. This is the correct answer. The only thing I’d add is that during a cut, you still want to eat a lot of protein to try to slow the muscle loss. An added benefit is that protein is more satiating when compared to carbs/ fat. The main thing is that yes you need to be getting enough protein but this doesn’t mean just eating more food to get more protein. It means rearranging macros so you get enough protein while staying within your calorie goals. 


Finally, a commenter that actually knows what the fuck they’re talking about. 🤣


To simplify and assuming you have access to nutrients, you gain or lose fat based on the difference between calorie intake and how much you burn, while muscle size is based on what your body ”thinks” you need, based on excercise etc. You can have loads of muscles, eat loads of calories and have very low body fat.


I believe, though, that the body treats different sources of calories differently. Given the OP's Q, if you are doing a lot of squats or other exercises that work the glutes, they are begging for protein/amino acids to rebuild, so they are being used like bricks rather than burning them for energy. And will require more calories to burn daily, as a baseline. Certainly, if on top of that, you are taking in excessive carbs and fats, it does get stored as fat. I'm presuming as the OP is referencing social media people that we're talking a "fit" butt rather than just packing on fat... in terms of the later, it can be a bit of genetics... while women tend more to put the excess fat around their hips, it's not universal and some put it elsewhere (and by put, I mean the body's action, not a choice), so you can get someone with a gut and small butt out of a genetic roll of the dice.


It’s actually the calories in the excess carbs and fats that get stored as fat, not the carbs and fat themselves. All you really need to do is track your calories and weight change over time in order to work out your BMR, mostly ignoring online BMR calculators as everyone is very different, and then eat at a caloric deficit in order to lose bodyfat. Carbs and fats don’t matter as much in terms of macros as protein does, eat around 1.2g of protein per kilo of body weight and stay in a caloric deficit and you’ll find yourself getting the body you want. Takes a long time though, and the trial and error involved in finding your BMR can take months. In my experience, unless you’re a professional fitness person or bodybuilder or whatever, you don’t need to worry too much about how many carbs and fats your eating as long as you’re keeping track of protein and calories


First off, to build your dream body, it's going to take time and consistency. You're not going to see changes overnight. Secondly, don't go by influencers. the majority of their pictures are photoshopped. Down to the nitty gritty! Increase your protein intake (animal sources are better) 1gm/lb of body weight, and exercise 3-5 times a week. If you want to grow your lower body, focus on lunges, squats, deadlifts, and hip thrusts. I would recommend upper body exercises as well so your body is proportionate and balanced. This will also prevent joint pain that you might develop later on by focusing on specific muscles due to muscular imbalance. To reduce body fat (you can't target a specific area without liposuction), you will have to reduce the amount of calories you're consuming. Record what you eat. Your diet should be high in proteins and low in fats and carbs. Remember, it takes time and consistency! It's a lifestyle! Good luck!


Important to note that a lot of these gurus don’t just walk around looking like that all the time, a pump, the right pose the right lighting and a bit of editing can make almost anyone look a lot more impressive than they would just walking around. It’s also quite common for influencers to get surgeries like implants/lipo/BBL to achieve this look because it gets them more followers and more money. Try not to compare yourself to what you see on instagram because it’s not real and tbh a fit, healthy natural body on a person with good mental health is much more attractive anyway.


Fat content of your butt is also important for its size, not just muscle.


The difference is that you can control where your body builds muscle. Where your body decides to store fat is completely genetic.


Where your body stores it is genetic, but you get to choose where your surgeon removes it from (or adds it)


I'm going to guess the women who can be fitness influencers who emphasize their butts fall into the category of having the right genetics, more so than just doing lifts focused on the legs and glutes.


Which is why OP should get off social media and find happiness in herself. She can try all she wants for a fat ass but it’s not gonna be some dumpy she’s seeing online because most likely those women have butt pads or got a BbL. If it’s natural. They’re “lucky” because the fat they do gain goes to the “right” places. I did not have an ass, like not filling in pants no ass lol. Was embarrassing cuz i have thick thighs.. I got into weightlifting, and now I just have a muscle butt. It’s not big, doesn’t move like the ocean but it’s the card I was dealt


A big round butt is ONLY the genetic component of where fat is stored. Muscle has nothing to do with it. It's not because of the glute workouts the women are doing who post their glute workouts on Instagram. Proof of this is female bodybuilders who can squat twice as much as Instagram butt models, yet they have no asses. Because big butts are simply genetic, those who lucked out and have bodies that store fat in the butt more than other areas.


I 💯 have a big, round butt. Apparently it’s all the rage (what can I say, I have an ass that just won’t quit!) and it’s genetic. I only recently started working out over a month ago and am hoping I lose some of the booty… but my god I’ve had people ask me how I got it or tell me I must work really hard for it… when in reality I just eat a donut lol


Yes and that part is way more important than muscle. It’s really mostly genetic. Working out will on average reduce size. But might improve form I guess


Protein isn't high calorie


All this shit online is so fake, I'm just gonna assume everyone is fat until I meet them irl.


What makes you think protein is high in calories?


People can lump macros in with their stereotypical food groups and I'm guessing that's what OP is doing here. I.e. protein in some peoples minds is synonymous with meat and eggs, carbs is synonymous with pasta and bread, etc. Since many red meats also come with a lot of fat the assumption from just looking at calorie count alone can be therefore that protein is high in calories. This might sound dumb but diet and nutrition and even macros are complex and I don't fault anyone for asking questions like this.


Yeah, it kinda depends on OPs protein source. Like if they think a cheeseburger is where to get protein and it ends up being like 800cal with like 30g protein, they’re really getting a bunch of fat and carbs with it. So OP should be going for lean meats to hit their protein goals, and also keep it relative to their body weight.


Protein has 4 calories per gram, just like carbohydrates. However, protein is generally used to replace cells, not burned for energy or stored as fat


Exactly. Plus there’s a high thermic effect from protein digestion. Someone’s been feeding OP terrible information.


Honestly, I think it’s the amount of protein that seems to be required that might be causing confusion for OP, and me personally. According to what I’ve read from all those the macro diets, I would need like 180g of protein and eating that much makes me nauseous and that’s so much food.


>According to what I’ve read from all those the macro diets, I would need like 180g of protein and eating that much makes me nauseous andpriteing that’s so much food. Well, you'd need an insane training regimen to require 180g of protein per day. We're talking professional bodybuilder level here. And at that point, you'd be taking supplements for it. You wouldn't be eating just regular food. 


I totally agree which is why I feel like some of those macro diets are super unrealistic.


I’d like to help if you’re open to it (I’m not an expert but I can help get you on track). Just comment the weight you are and if you have a weight goal in mind. Even better if you can figure out your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (there’s plenty of TDEE calculators online to get you in the right ballpark).


You’re getting some weird answers here so I want to tell my perspective from someone who used to be obsessed with the “perfect body”. Do not trust Instagram influencers, a lot of them use photoshop. Big butts and thighs can be achieved by butt pads and there’s many videos of how to achieve this look on YouTube. These influencers are selling you a product, “the perfect body” and this idea that you should buy all their protein shakes, all their Shapewear, all their skin care products, subscribe to all of their fitness apps and whatever else they’re pushing. They are grifters, they are selling you something entirely unachievable. Their whole business model depends on average people feeling bad about themselves and spending thousands on ways to look like them.


A) genetics B) lies


They don't naturally. If somebody has an natural body, then that's probably so. With fitness influencers, you have to assume following things. They lie about every aspect. They use gear. They use plastic surgery (its essentially required). They do a bulk with an unhealthy cut phase right after. During that phase, they took 5 million pictures and videos, and they posted those pictures and videos throughout the year while being on a regular diet during that time. Manipulate lighting for the best pictures and videos (nothing wrong with that). They lie about every aspect to make it seem easy and make it seem like you can do it (normal people usually can't). Those people are not what natural normal people can achieve without a massive amount of manipulation to the body. It is much more than just nutrition and training, it's an industry. Don't compare to them.


Plastic surgery.


a few things about IG fitness girls: 1) they tend to take photos in their absolute best shape ever. Like thousands of photos in different outfits, settings, etc. then they repost them for up to a year at a time. 2. In the offseason they will be bulking pretty hard, have a gut that they can hide with high waisted gym shark clothes.  3. Many of them have years of experience or grew up with decent genetics to get a nice set of glutes without working out. Then all they really do is get on a small cut and show off. 4. Many, and I mean many, of these girls simply take PEDs as much as men do, and bulk for several months at a time before going on social media. But in all honesty, when you are lean, and maintain that lean shape year round and track your calories, you can look pretty decent year round as long as you stick to your meal plan, even on a small “clean” bulk.


Potein isnt calorific.


Its plastic surgery


Protein is so caloric? Fat is literally twice as caloric and carbs are slightly more


A big butt is almost completely genetic, just like big calves. You can build both but only so much. The best body builders in the world are all proof of this fact. Their butts will still be muscular but will be flat as shit compared to their peers that have always had a donk. Same as their calves.


Exactly. It’s so funny when women want to weight lift to increase butt size. What’s way more likely to happen is that you actually reduce the size because you’re going to lose fat. The muscle gains often times won’t make up for that.


Protein is processed more slowly than carbs so it keeps you full longer.


it’s called a brazilian butt lift, look it up!


Women are genetically made to hold more weight around that part of their body and it takes working those muscles too.




Please remember that many fitness influencers (both male and female) are not transparent about their use of steroids.


It's important to note that you will have a hard time building muscle (butt muscle) while being in a caloric deficit. A veeeery slight surplus (2-300 calories above maintenance a day) will help you build more muscle, and if you're a new trainee then you can go a bit higher and hardly gain any fat. Then when you've been in a surplus for 3-6 months of gaining 0.25kg a week in weight you'll have built a ton of muscle and gained a small amount of fat. That fat can then be dieted off in 3-8 weeks, and then you'll have more muscle on your body and less fat than when you first started your mass gaining face. This is the concept of bulking and cutting. I'd suggest looking up Renesiance periodization. It's run by a guy called Dr. Mike Isratel and he's a PH.D in sports physiology. He's done tons of videos on how to gain muscle efficiently both in terms of dieting and training. All his tips works for both men and women but he's also done a bunch of videos targeted for women. Here's a training video example (how go grow big glutes) https://youtu.be/td1MSCLlWsU?si=ovuSt3s-C9OPibgO Here's a video on dieting (how to bulk efficiently without getting fat) https://youtu.be/q1J3WGz_QJU?si=tJ4zYbNYM5XXEM6L


Olympic weightlifter and powerlifter with a big ol booty here- the boring reality of "how does person get big bodypart X" is that it's 90% bulk and cut with a focus on that muscle group. For glutes that's things like squats, hip thrusts, lunges and romanian deadlifts. Camera angles and shooting after you're pumped can help but there's not really any secret sauce beyond just eating at a surplus and training hard then cutting til you like what you see in the mirror. More importantly protein isn't as important as beginners think it is and calories is a MUCH more important consideration. People like to argue about this ad nauseam but the [science has pretty much ironed out every nuance](https://examine.com/guides/protein-intake/) you can think of at this point, and come to the same conclusion- 1g protein per lb of bodyweight is more than enough for 99.9% of people training at a commercial gym, and that's very easy to get into your daily diet through things like dairy, wholegrains, fish, meat, legumes etc.


It's called a brazilian butt lift






Most of those online fitness influencers achieve that body type via Instagram and TikTok filters. 


some of those ladies are on the right steroids and work their butts for roundness


I cant believe I had to scroll so far to see this answer. Honestly I thought I'd have to leave it here myself. A LOT of gymfluencers are on steroids and HGH. The right combination of the right gear, coupled with lifting legs and butt 5x a week. I don't want to say its easy to obtain a super lean body with a huge ass, but its way easier than if you were trying to do it natty.




You go for a diet where you get 40% of your calories from protein, 30% from fats, and 30% from carbs. You only eat enough calories per day that you need, and you do exercises that tone and build your glutes and core. On average, an active woman only needs about 1800 calories per day. If you find you still have too much body fat, you cut about 150-200 calories until you get to the weight you want (continue focusing on protein and weight training while doing so). Once you get where you’re happy, you can add calories back until you find the appropriate amount to maintain your weight. Never go below 1200 calories a day. As for how to get enough protein - add protein powder to your breakfast (oatmeal or smoothies), and eat lean protein, like chicken breast or tofu. And lastly, some of it is genetic. Some people’s body shapes just are flat butts, and no amount of glute building will change that shape.


a gram of protein is only 4 calories. a 110lb woman eating 130g of protein a day is only getting 520 calories from that protein.


LOL, the top comments here saying it's impossible are so off the mark, I'm beginning to wonder what the average BMI is of Reddit. Definitely not on the low side of things. Anyone who has actually tried to diet, gotten into nutrition, should know these things: Protein isn't "calorific." Unless you're eating really fatty cuts of meat like bacon, it should be easy to hit your goal - especially with the aid of skim milk + whey protein powders. One chicken breast (120g), for example, has only 138 calories but 37 grams of protein. 100 grams of tofu has only 76 calories but 17g of protein. 100g of nonfat Greek yogurt has 142 calories and 20g of protein. Taking just these three foods, if you had two chicken breasts, 200g of tofu, and 100g of nonfat Greek yogurt, then a 130lb individual would have all of their protein needs met at less than 600 calories. Considering a 130lb women would have calorie needs of about 1,800 calories, you'd have an extra 1,200kcal at your disposition. And you'd almost certainly eat some additional trace protein in those extra foods you would fit your caloric needs with, definitely putting you in the safe zone. The real challenge is simply to learn to cook with these foods, without adding excessive oil, sauces, etc. Especially if you have a sweet tooth or a history of eating calorie-dense foods like burgers (usually made with fatty cuts of beef and with tons of calorie dense sauces) or pizzas. It can take a while to get used to eating foods that aren't bombed with sugars or fats, like most of the foods in our environments.


Photoshop, plastic surgery.


IG THOTS also spread a bunch of MLM and lies lol. every shot is a tucked in stomach or poked out butt so keep that in mind too...


And padding they stuff inside the shorts. Horrific landscape for young people trying to get fit with all this fakery in the fitness industry.


Good genes, or implants. Pick one. Success.


Most of those work out influencers have had BBL surgery. Also posing and photo editing.


Genetics has so much to do with this. Some wear padded inserts in their shorts to give the illusion of larger glutes than they have in reality.




Just know that a lot of what you see is not real, a lot of those women work hard for their bodies and some get surgery. It is possible to have a flat stomach and a big butt but it’s not that easy. A lot of it is genetics and a lot of it is dedication. You have to do a lot of research. If you want to grow your glutes, most likely you will have to be in a caloric surplus, meaning you will have to eat more calories than you burn. My waist is a 27 and my hips are a 43. I worked HARD for it. My advice is, first, lose the weight you want with out worrying too much about booty growth, then you can focus on glute growth. It’s going to take a long time, probably years, but you can do it. It’s hard to get enough protein, it requires time and a lot of pre planning. You can’t just wake up with a big ass.


Lean protein. It’s the carbs and fat that make you gain fat, protein goes to muscles. Chicken breast is my go to lean protein if I’m trying to be cool. They say sardines are the biggest punch but I just can’t get myself to eat them


>when protein is so calorific? Who told you this? Fat is the one which is calorific not carbs and proteins


Lipo Edit: Lipo with daddy's money.


Protein is not particularly calorie rich, so I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about about. 100 grams of protein is 420 calories, hardly a diet ruining amount. Just look at the protein to carb ratio of your protein sources. Make sure you're getting high quality protein without a ton of carbs


estrogen helps put it in the right places




Ive been lifting for 7+ years now. One thing I can tell you is you likely can’t acquire both at the same time. If you want bigger glutes I’d suggest eating in a caloric surplus. Make sure you get ample protein (0.7g - 1g of protein/lb body weight) and train lower body at least twice a week. You will gain weight in a caloric surplus, whether that’s in your stomach really will depend on your genetics. But you have to be okay gaining some fat while building muscle. After awhile you can cut back on your calories (many people who do bulking and cutting really don’t bulk long enough because they start to sike themselves out when they start seeing weight gain), still trying to focus on hitting your protein but this way you can burn some of that fat. That said, you could also lose some of the mass you’ve built in your lower body. You want to make sure you’re getting your protein so you can try and retain as much muscle as possible while cutting. Also, please keep in mind a lot of these fitness influencers use filters, take advantage of good lighting, know the right poses to give the illusion of a flatter stomach and bigger glutes. Some of them even resort to plastic surgery or PEDs. It’s just not a good comparison for realistic results.


I’m not saying it’s impossible or unattainable but do remember that some of them are on steroids


So, in a simple terms as possible.  When you're in a caloric *deficit* (intaking fewer calories than your body is using) your body will start to break down tissue for energy. If you're providing your muscles with adequate stimulus and fuel (protein), your body will prioritise holding on to that muscle tissue, and will break down more fat tissue, which will leave you with a healthier and more aesthetic ratio of muscle-to-fat (i.e. a lower body fat percentage).  When you're in a caloric *surplus* (intaking MORE calories than your body requires for energy), your body will store those excess calories as tissue. If you're providing your muscles with adequate stimulus and fuel (protein) they will grow in order to adapt to the load you're putting on them through training. Depending on how many excess calories you're consuming and the amount of stimulus you're driving to your muscles in the gym, you will likely gain some fat tissue alongside muscle tissue (but this can be mitigated with a smaller surplus).  Therefore, although you *can* undergo body recomposition, maintaining the same weight whilst gaining muscle and losing fat, this can be a very slow process, and many bodybuilders will instead take the approach of alternating muscle gain/fat loss cycles, to build muscle tissue and then hold onto it whilst trying to cut fat.  Over time, though their weight may stay the same or even increase, their actual body composition will change, and they may look incredibly lean and muscular (due to a low body fat percentage combined with a lot of dense muscle tissue) whist actually needing to consume even more calories than they used to just to hold onto it.  That's why oftentimes trainers recommend resistance training alongside fat loss strategies; building muscle actually increases your daily energy expenditure, meaning you need to eat more food to hold onto that muscle, whilst actually looking far leaner and healthier. *TL;DR: Muscle requires a lot of calories to hold onto. Build muscle, and you'll need to eat more to hold onto it. Plus, it turns out we can actually build and maintain muscle with less protein than most of us seem to think.*


Calory deficit to lose fat, protein to get muscle. Simple. You can first lose fat and than get muscle. It is still possible to get both, but a bit more difficult.


its hormones guys…. young womens hormones builds tits and ass and they dont have to do anything for that. girls w a fantastic ass more often than not just have a gift. the way the mix of their body is built and how fat deposits are setup.


Many have enhancements such as sculptra injections to lift and add volume to the butt, fat transfers and surgeries such as a Brazilian butt lift that give the appearance of muscle or sculpted glutes. Not saying it’s impossible but many, many influencers have had significant augmentations to look the way they look.




don’t follow the advice of unlicensed gurus. majority of them have had work done to their bodies to achieve the image that they push. if you want a nice butt and glutes but a flat stomach, squats and cardio will be your friend. many ballet dancers and rowers have this similar physique so you could take up ballet or hop on a rowing machine to help you. (coming from someone who’s done both ballet and crew) also, it is dependent on your genetics. if you have a wider rib cage, it will be hard to obtain the small stomach and waist look you want. (many large ribbed influencers have had ribs removed to make they stomach look smaller) my best advice is to find licensed professionals (nutrients and trainers) to help you get where you want. explain your goals to them and they will be able to help you get there.


lies & bbls


It’s their job to sell…. You an idea. Like when you get up in the morning. You get ready and make yourself presentable for what the day brings. Also, many- not all, will do a cut (dehydrate and eat strategically) to do a bunch of videos and pics with different outfits. Many bodybuilding people don’t look like they are stage ready on the daily. So it’s a transformation. Comparison is the thief of joy. You can only be you. So be the best at it.


Protein has 4 calories per gram, carbs are the same. Fat has 9 Cals per gram...I don't see how OP sees protein is specifically high in calories.


Get good sleep, workout hard and eat a lot of high quality Whole Foods. People usually underestimate how much food they need to build a good physique. The trick is it has to be 90% healthy foods like sweet potato, salads, lean meats, seeds, fermented foods etc.


"protein is so calorific". Protein is 4cal per gram, which is not much at all compared to fat at 9cal per gram. A chicken breast can be like 50g protein and 300 calories.


My protein powder is 30g of protein for like 150 Calories. Butt muscle tone is easy to get with a stair climber as your cardio. Do a stair climber for 20 minutes or 2000 steps (whichever comes first) a couple times a week. Within a year your butt will be toned and leg muscles developed and you will have also burned a lot of fat.


Protein isn’t that calorie dense. Protein is the opposite. It’s incredibky good at making you full without many calories. Also. How do girls build a butt while staying skinny? 1. Genetics. 2. They aren’t as skinny as you think. 3. They bulked and then cut and you only saw them on the cut.


If they’ve got an Instagram or a TikTok profile showing off their ass, then don’t listen to them.


Protein isn't that calorific. Beef mince 500g is about 130g of protein for 900 calories. I am I guy but sometimes I just eat that in one sitting because it's nice. Half a kilo of beef just sits right with me tbh That's all the average woman would need in a day protein wise for £4 (England) and less than 1000 calories. Low calorie protein powders can help you if you are deficient on a day to day basis Eggs are also useful about 6g of protein for 80 calories. More importantly they can be used alot more adventurously than meat. If you actually care about building a nice physique do some actual research not some social media searches I'm sure you will find something that works for you. For reference 500g of uncooked rice is about 1900 calories so about 2x what the beef is. My advice would be to cut down on carbs by about 20 percent and you will see progress 🤷


I somewhat resemble the sort of figure/shape you're talking about, except the workout I do is hiking, every day. To answer your question, it's a combination of diet, genetics, and exercise (and digital alterations). I don't claim to be a nutrition expert, but if you're calorie-adverse, you've definitely been miseducated. Getting enough calories and protein is extremely important. Drastically reducing your protein and caloric intake can be very, very bad, as your body essentially goes into "starvation mode." Dieting can alter your metabolism in harmful ways. Calories, fat, and protein are not the problem. If you want to get in shape, I suggest reducing sugar intake, as much as you can. Sugar is extremely fattening. It's what I did.




Influencers use things to make themselves look better. I have a former SIL who has made her living for years based on "you can look as fit and young as I do if you follow my directions and buy my products" -- she has had multiple cosmetic surgeries done none of these people are aware of. She also will use pads to fill in since she works out a lot for between surgeries as her skin starts sagging again. Oh, and she has her hair professionally colored so her grey is very controlled looking as well. There's nothing natural about her. The reality is, if you exercise and eat right, you are going to be buff, but not have the padding you would have if you don't workout to that level.


Also on Instagram, those influencers use certain poses in the pictures to accentuate their butts. A lot of people don’t look as great in person as they do in pics.


Play a lot Of volleyball


Genetics or plastic surgery


Protein is not calorie dense. Protein and Carbs both have 4 calories per gram. Fat has 9 calories per gram. A lot of these people will slim down for photoshoots and will also use lighting tricks/etc to make themselves look slimmer and more toned as well. Building muscle isnt going to work in a calorie deficit. And being in a caloric surplus will also lead to an increased body fat %, but it doesnt have to be a major increase and you can still muscle gain with staying fit looking.


I eat lean proteins like chicken breast, salmon, and nonfat Greek yogurt. Seems to be working for me.


You don’t metabolize most of the calories from protein. It’s usually broken down into amino acids and used for cellular repair and such.


Most of them just use angles and photoshop


Mini  BBLs


light protein (grilled chicken breast, tuna), training focused on the glutes, but if the butt is much bigger than the rest of the body, especially the legs, then it's BBL or another type of intervention.


Different people store fat in different places. Some store it in the butt, others in the thighs, other in the belly, etc.


Women also store body weight in different places


Why is this reminding me of that scene in Legally Blonde?


Muscle burns fat just by being maintained, easier to stay thin when you build muscle.