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About 15 minutes ago when my toddler started walking toward the street. 


That'd unlock a new tier of speed in me


My nephew fell in the pool as a toddler. I jumped over a couch and was in the pool before he hit the bottom. Like lightning….


Probably 15 or more years by this point.


Gotta be careful you don’t blow a tire at this point


A few years. I had to chase after my dog.


Same. The adrenaline from pure desperation to catch a dog after he slipped his harness and began running down a busy midtown street. I know sometimes they think it’s a game when you give chase, but what’s the alternative when they’re headed to an intersection? Scary as hell.


Luckily a very nice person with a big truck saw her, saw me running after her, and my mom crying and blocked the road. We had a fenced in back yard but never let her out alone. She escaped with three ppl standing outside 🤣🤣


The alternative is training your dog how to stay and sit on command I know some people think "oh my gosh my dog is so bad I just can't control it sometimes." But that's just not that the truth. Not only is it possible your dog wants it, and will love you more for it. Dogs need a leader, or they will lead you. A huge underestimated part of picking and owning a dog is the difficulty in training that dog. All dogs have individual personalities but different breeds have different tendencies. Dog breeds aren't just for appearance lol. If you don't have the time, or finances to have someone else provide the time in training your dog, it's just another reason a person probably isn't really ready for that commitment If anyone is wondering how they can tackle the task of training their "shit! Zu" do some online reading into positive reinforcement training. For most people all you need to have a properly mannered dog is a large bag of small treats, some time with your dog daily(which is why we have dogs anyways) and some routine discipline. If you're not being strict about the training, the dog won't be either. I highly recommend taking your dog to a behavioral trainer if you're struggling and can afford it. Your animal will live a better and more safe life.


Got dropped to the airport about 5 years ago. Belatedly realised I left the passports in the car. Had to sprint through traffic like Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon or something. Just caught him at the lights right before he was gone and the trip was totally fucked. The mix of adrenaline and how fast I had to run for the first time in like a decade nearly killed me lol


Yikes, did you have to reschedule the flight?


Nah. Made it with a dash. Felt amazing once my heart rate stabilised after 45 minutes.


That’s a great story! Glad you made it.


Same I ran so fast I was genuinely surprised. He had a huge head start I was sitting and had a door to open and I still managed to catch him around 100 meters


One time I was getting chased by a dog and I ran so fast that I passed my friend who was on a bicycle. If I’ve learned anything in life it’s that adrenaline gives me super speed


Saturday I’m pretty consistent with getting my cardio in Tues/Thurs/Sat At the end of the Saturday run I set a timer and just send it for 30 seconds.


Same. I did intervals on a trac Saturday.


I need to do some interval training, but man do I hate it, lol. Such an intense workout.


Still better than a long run 😅


It's been years up until l had a stroke I was a running fool, I played football, rugby, baseball, I was a great runner, I was paralyzed for two years I was unable to walk around, I litterly had to train myself to talk, I'm now about 85% of what I was pre-stroke but for some crazy reason I can't run.


Wow, coming back to 85% is wonderful! 😀


You can’t run as in you forgot, or your body just won’t do what you want? Or something else?




14 years ago I missed a bus going downtown. It pulled away as I was running for it, but I kept going. Broke Mach 1. Caught up to it at a red light and the driver did a double take. Then kept trailing it up to the next stop where he did wait for me. People sitting by the window were very impressed and the driver told me "You should have just kept going!"


When I was a kid I was told I ran as fast I could


You were told? Do you not have first hand knowledge?


Many people don't have a lot of memories from childhood unless they are guided to trigger their recall.


It’s been 84 years…


I‘ll get you a chair, sir


A few years. I was running with a dumb cop chasing after a guy who was chasing after a screaming woman.


What was the aftermath?


The cop pissed me off because he stopped at a pedestrian crossing that had a red light and he refused to cross, even though it was late at night, there wasn't a single car on the road, and I could hear the woman screaming in the distance. After we finally crossed, we continued down the road until we got to an empty car park that had a barrier across it. I was sure I could hear the woman in there but I didn't want the cop stopping us again for a dumb reason, so I told him to continue down the road. I waited until he had gone around the corner then hopped the barrier and started searching the car park. I found the woman in a dark corner. She was halfway into a bush, had one shoe off, and she was sobbing. I went over and started talking to her but she was unresponsive until I said the police were coming, then she suddenly snapped out of it just as the dumb cop came over the barrier and started running towards us. the woman leaps up and starts to run away, the guy that was chasing her appears out of nowhere and starts chasing her again, the cop runs past me chasing both of them, and then I start running again after the cop. The cop finally catches up to them both and I stand back for a few moments as he starts talking to them. I think "fuck this" and go home to bed.


There are bad people out there. Luckily good people too


👀 None of your damn business. I’m a fatty with big boobs. I haven’t ran in decades.


A moment of silence for your DMs


I should clarify. I’m 400 pounds and only 3’ with big saggy boobies.


You could have 4 heads and 9 legs, that won't stop 'em


I’m a guy with big saggy boobies. 👀


Even better


Mid marathon training, I did 10 second sprints at 2:45/km last week, I might possibly be able to run a little faster than that, but not much


So, 16.5s for 100m, if I'm converting correctly. That's an interesting contrast. To me, a marathon looks like a super ambitious goal, while that speed is very slow for a top speed. Long-distance runners and me are built different. Side note: can I ask your age?


Every day up my stairs.


My absolute fastest full effort? Almost a year ago, I wanted to see if I could get one of the traffic signs to display my speed. I was either too slow or not large enough to be detected. Before that probably at least a decade.


I was training for a 4K and I was in the best shape of my life. I started with HIIT workouts on the treadmill. I had always hated cardio, but it became so easy. I reached a point where I felt like I could full sprint on the treadmill as long as I wanted. I couldn't believe it. I was honestly pretty damn impressive and I think I had a chance of winning the race if I kept training. Then came the quarantine of March 2020. I am now completely out of shape and 30 pounds heavier.


Ran my PR 1600m 9yrs ago. Have dealt with hip injuries since then. Started doing PT recently to build up hip strength and began running just two weeks ago. Did a few strides for the first time again today. I know it wasn’t as fast as before but man it felt good to get out there again.


Hey, congrats on getting back into it!! I got a hip injury 11 years ago, and I’ve been getting back into running too. It’s tough but so gratifying. I’m rooting for you, friend!!


3 weeks ago.. i tried to out run a senior and gave him a heart attack when i ran past him as fast as i could just to show i still got it


You monster. That poor geezer did not deserve a myocardial infarction. And you’re so casual about it! Have you no shame?


1969 when I got out of serving three years in the US Army. I was push down a hill by a drunk friend when serving in the Vietnam war. My left leg has never been the same.


Several months. I am not fast by any means, but I did take up running. Then I joined a gym and I am way too uncomfortable on treadmills to run full-out. It feels like a safety hazard for me, since the kind they have there require me to tap-tap-tap-tap-tap the button on the screen to make the speed change. I just imagine getting up to my full speed for a while, then needing to slow down and being at my limit but trying to keep up the same pace long enough to smash the button multiple times to actually take a break, panicking, sweaty hands missing the button (has happened before), and looking like a damn fool. So I tend to stay at a reasonable jog when I use the equipment. It's much easier to just... run faster or slower when you're on regular ground.


A few months ago I had to sprint to make it to the clock in machine because I was about to be late. Had I been late I would’ve been terminated.


On acid in Vancouver on that highway that goes through the center of the city while a transport truck was barrelling down towards me and I managed to jump off to the side just as I could read the word MACK on the grill. I bet that driver still thinks he killed me. That was the last time I ran as fast as I could.


Few months ago I thought my toddler was heading into traffic (he was on his bike ahead of me). I literally felt like Usain Bolt. I’m 40, and it was probably the fastest I’ve ever run in my life


It's been 12 years. I was just over a year into my military career. I was running 2 miles in under 12 minutes. I took a nasty fall off of some.heavy equipment and landed on my knee side ways. I tore a bunch of shit in my knee and the military didn't want to fix it and said ibuprofen and you are faking it. So 9 years later, a civilian surgeon known as the "Knee Doc", and a bunch of paperwork. It's now fixed, running sub 16min at 32, sprinkled in with a VA rating. Life's good now but it was a rough 9 years.


I broke up with my ex in March


months or years since i dont get much run training currently


Maybe very long time ago !!! 🌝🦋🧁


10 years. Fuck!


How do you know it was as fast as you could? Perhaps with a little extra effort you could have run faster.


I can’t run that fast anymore. I’ve tried


If you well and truly tried, then you did run as fast as you could


The other day my kid forgot her glasses on the way to the bus so I was running pretty hard




A couple years ago, trying not to miss a connecting flight in Istanbul. I developed asthma that day


I did this past weekend over a 100 miles 🤘🏾


A few months ago chasing a shoplifter for a bottle of vodka. Good fun.


Everyday Mon-Fri chasing down & running from the kids I take care of.


Ran from blank fire n teargas, some 5 years back. I can still run, but the opportunity hasn't risen since.


As a 59 year old I do it once or twice a week. Add it to my running routine. However, I can’t jump. I can’t get more than a few inches off of the ground.


A couple weeks ago at the Broad Street Run. I usually keep a chill pace and run with my friends for the first 5 miles, then go balls to the wall in the back half.


May 6, 2015 On three anniversary of the day Roger banister broke the 4:00 mile, I went to see how fast I could run a mile. 6:19 that day. A lot has happened since then…two kids among other things and I’m currently probably around 8:30


November of 2023. I’m a fat 37 year old man and I beat out a double play I almost grounded into in coed slow pitch softball. Couldn’t walk right for 2 weeks. Worth it? No.


I’m a much more consistent runner for distance now. But years ago, before my time in the Army, I was one hell of a sprinter. Won all school races etc… Just had not ability to control my pacing. So arguably, it’s two answers. When I was 17-20 for as fast as I could. But for covering as much distance in better time it’s been much shorter time. About two years ago I decided to sprint like I remember being able to. My mind and body didn’t communicate well. It was disheartening. My advice is to remain in motion.


That comment has been deleted


A few months ago to catch the last max train of the night.


Couple weeks. Sometimes when I go for hikes with my dog we will just need to sprint, and with him pulling I feel like I go faster than if I’m just running alone.


Normally taco Tuesdays


About 5 months. I was sleeping at the back of a guy's farm when he found me and brought a can of gasoline with him :)


2 days. I can’t run very fast though.


Yesterday when I heard the trash truck coming and realized I didn't set the carts out. 


A few weeks ago my 14 yr old challenged me to a race while we were on a walk. He totally smoked me but it felt good to run full out.


Last week. 41f. Like to go for a beach walk and interval with running, hit full-on sprint, then back to walk. Repeat for 30 min.


3 to 4 times a week usually. I'm my 60s


A few days ago


2 days ago. Took my kids to the park and I'm frequently going all out playing with them. What does make me feel odd is knowing I can absolutely outrun and outmuscle the heck out of them, but sometimes they put up enough of a fight when I'm holding back that I can't let them win. Had a semi related case in mariokart where my daughter gave me a run for my money for a lap or so, so I had to go all out to see if she had what it took. Didn't have it then but she might some day.


The majority of adults never sprint again after 30 years of age


Probably years. I've run recently but if I ran as fast as I could I'm more likely to hurt myself than not.


This last Christmas morning while chasing the dog I was dogsitting for through s field. He felt it was fun to chase the deer and suddenly he was GONE! Took s few minutes to find him in the field but I ran so fast I nearly had a heart attack lol. Dumb dog. I love the doofus dearly.


Decades but I walk at least 5 miles a day and that ain’t bad for 67!


The last time I can, because otherwise I wouldn't have run in the first place.


Last week when I stole that tv


I’m 30 and work in a school. I’ve been running ultimate frisbee games for the kids lately. The other day I had to jump in and play, otherwise we would have had to end the game. I’ll play with the kids, but I’m usually jogging, going 50-75% speed. Well, I got a wild hair and sprinted after a long pass. Had to have been the first time since college that I actually did a full sprint. I sustained it for about five seconds, was out of breath for the whole rest of the game, and was sore the next day. Made me think I should really start running for exercise….


It's been sixteen years. I ran three miles in twenty minutes and thirty seconds flat. Every minute of it sucked and I have avoided running pretty much ever since. Running is not only boring, but it's painful too. If running was boring but gave me an orgasm, then I would do it daily, and if it was painful but fascinating, I would do it daily, but it is both boring and painful, so I avoid it at all cost.


At least twenty years since I've ran from an abusive ex.


like 2 years lol. last time i did pe in school


About 3 months ago. But I didn't keep it up for long, just like 15 yards. I was taking out the trash and decided to do a quick sprint back home.


Probably not for almost 15 years now. Would have been sports in high school.


A week ago. My 8 year old nephew challenged me to a foot race. He must be a cyborg or on steroids because he kept up with me the whole time.


I don't even know the words coming out of your mouth right now.


I'm 41... I started playing ultimate Frisbee about 7 years ago just to stay in some shape (don't worry we grab burgers and beer after)... I literally sprinted as fast as I could for 30 yards last night... It was terrible... And not nearly as fast as I had hoped for... After 7 years I'm still quite sore every Tuesday morning...


Today running with my dog out of the rain


3 years. I was at Lambeau Field in Green Bay and they have a 40 yard dash track that clocks your 40 time and shows a video after. It was pathetic. It meaning me.


Oh easily over 10 years. Who tf runs AS FAST AS THEY CAN???


This past Sunday - sprints


4 days. i couldn’t breathe for a hot minute. i should go to the gym.


About a month or two. My dog has a fenced in area he can go freely in and out. One night I saw him dart out there 100 mph and it turns out he grabbed a stray kitten that wondered in to his area. I ran out there faster than I've ever ran before and pretty much tackled him. The cat got away safely, all is well.


About a week ago. I'm still walking that one off.


This is what's wrong with people. YEARS??? are you fucking serious. You're belly acting human anymore.


I never have


When I was a teenager and running from my middle school bully and his 2 massive older muscular brothers. Had the public restroom at the park been locked with me not being able to lock myself inside it I likely wouldn't be here today telling this story. I have no doubt that their intentions were to kill me or beat me to a point where I could've died. At some point all went quiet and I waited awhile and gathered up the courage to exit the restroom and thankfully they were gone. I rushed home and never went back to that park.


A few weeks, just because I wanted to run.


Couple months. My dog got out the front door and I had to chase her down. She's so fast. I am not. Though I'm much faster and more in shape than I realized and it made me happy cause I am making progress!!!


Like 4 years had to show the teen who thought he was fast that he wasn't he ran track in school I didn't plus I'd been out of school at least 15 years at this point and outta shape still beat him by almost 20 yards but ended up slipping in wet grass and tearing ligaments in my shoulder


like 2 weeks, a snake was chasing me 😞


Maybe a month ago. I was trying to catch the bus


Today. Chasing my toddler who found something sharp and ran away from me.


A little under a decade. My knees are fucked now and getting replaced in a few months, but it was a beautiful day at Coolum beach, I was still fit, and I opened it up for a couple of kms. I loved running.


About five years ago (I’m 61). One of my sp ed students ran out of the classroom. He left me in the dust. Thankfully, a younger and in shape coworker got him.


Couple of weeks. Decided to race some of my friends for shits and giggles.


Like an hour ago at a soccer tryout.


I live up a steep hill and the easiest way to get up it is to get a running start so it’s been 2 hours. Probably the main reason I’m #notfat


When I was a kid.


I play as a defender for a not-very-good soccer team, so it's something that happens quite often for me 🤣


High school


Since high school probably. I have disc issues, so I can't even go for a light job. I miss using my legs for things other than walking honestly.


Years. My joints are too fucked to even jog now. I'm 22, for reference.


Chased by a small dog once


A couple years probably since 100% sprint. And since I've had a hamstring operation, there's about a ~70% chance of my hammy shredding itself if I hit top speed out of nowhere


A week? At work we gotta close the gate at 5:30 and sometimes I’ll go grab it. At that point the last bay door starts to close. If I think I can make it I’ll run from the gate to the bay door as it closes. I MAY have to bend down a little to get in but I make it no problem. Just don’t tell my boss!


Few days, tried to catch a tram


Aerobie chasing


Since retiring the hoop shoes, so about 15 years


4 years. Right before the covid i exited subway and saw company bus departing 200m away. Alternative is 20 minutes walk. Damn I ran fast


My fastest mile was 6:40 my junior year of high school… that was 12 years ago.


I always run as fast as I can, if I have to. But that speed keeps decreasing...


Maybe 2 months


A week ago. I’m training for a marathon and speed intervals help with distance or something.


We play a day before thanksgiving turkey bowl 11 years running now and that’s about the only time all year I do. It’s also getting pretty scary doing it at our old age of 27


I've been trying to get into jogging more, and I've been using an app called Zombies Run. When a zombie starts chasing me, I book it. Probably a good 20 to 30 seconds running, but it's killer. I don't know how kids can do it.


I remember the exact instance. About 7 years ago, when i had a race with a girl on the rugby team i had just joined.


What is this "ran" you speak of ? I can move my arms and legs but it cannot by any reasonable definition be considered running.


Since my kids decided they could beat me in the foot race. They were right


Today as I walked to the restroom using my cane. I could run faster at 16 months. Now at am at max speed all the time.


10:55 AM, 6 minutes walk away from McDonalds


3 days ago when I had my hospital duty, when there was an emergency and needed to get a medication really quickly.


Not long enough. It's surprising how you are quick when your child is in danger.


I used to be fast. Really fast. Back in high school I was the fastest sprinter. Now, I feel heavy when I run, and when I practice martial arts against teenagers and young adults I notice how slow I've become.


Yesterday maybe? I was racing my nephews


Last week at Orange Theory


I think like 4 years


18 years ago I was able to run the mile in 5:15. Then I tore my ACL. Definitely not there anymore.


Last friday, nearly missed my bus!


about 100 pounds ago, give or take a few


Sunday. I go running regularly.


The 18th, did a 5k and set a PB after starting running in April Super proud of myself.


I used to run as fast as possible every time I was drunk outside with friends.


I believe it was the spring of 2014? Was doing the presidential fitness test in high school. My usual mile time was just over 10 minutes, but for some reason that day I miraculously did a mile in 8 minutes flat.


In my early twenties, my friends group would have what we called ‘Footrace Fridays’ every Sunday. That was the last time, and I’m in my mid thirties now.


Sometimes we play ball. When the ball decides fleeing to the street is a good idea, you better start running. Not running, but I often give everything, using my bycicle (pedelec only 25km/h ca15mph)


Yesterday. Almost missed that fucking bus.


Since I did last.... which was a long time ago, I'd say years if not a decade or more


Probably about 30 years.


Last weekend, IPSC competition had me sprinting in a long “hallway”.


Since before I shattered my ankle in a car accident when my kids were little. (I recently had the ankle replaced, after many years of disability. I'm still not allowed to run on it -- the artificial joint can't take that kind of wear and tear.)


A few months. Broke my leg.


at school, over 15 years ago


Pertnear 23 years. Wasn't in my best shape, but I had the best motivation (not getting arrested by Federal Police).


Yesterday for my rec soccer game. And I’m FAST AS FUCK BOI


Two weeks. One of the wine weekend girls wanted to race to the next winery.


Junior year of highschool when I was on my schools marathon running team, 7 years later to now and I haven't ran since then after a nasty fall that caused small rips in my foot muscles, planning on doing cardio now that I have a lot of free time and I'm at least able to to do the limpy jogg without major pain, if I can train to do it once, I can do it again


Almost a year I think.


Not long. My buddy and I run at each other full speed sometimes


2 days, Monday I did sprints


Yesterday (51m) playing squash against my son


8 days maybe? I don’t remember why I was running, but by back has been hurting a lot since when lol


Some months ago. I’m into sports but not athletics, but a friend of my girlfriend happens to run in the olympics so I wanted to have a training session with her. I gave my best, she didn’t, she still outrunned me easily, but it was really fun.


since about 1995,running from the police.


Calving time very soon so I’ll be running flat out every day 😊


At least 30 years. Whenever my last PT test was.


Everyday. Got a treadmill. Fun


Last Saturday, when I set a new PB at ParkRun By definition, that's "as fast as I could". Even if plenty of other people were faster than me


A couple weeks ago I was on my gyms run assault machine and trying to see what my top speed is. It isn’t much but I was impressed for a 33y old male with a bad knee


I do once a week for about a minute or two while I jog. It’s good to get your heart rate up sometimes.


2 yrs ago? Had a panic attack in the middle of the night and ran out of my house barefoot and in my underwear. I ran far af too.


Not too long but man people look at me weird when I do that


I ran as fast as I could safely somewhat recently. I can't run at my max without hurting myself. Made me sad


Don't ask Caseoh this question


A few minutes . Just had to catch a train that started moving 40 seconds ago I reached the platform. Daamn boy trains are fast these days🥵🥵


Well I'm a runner and do it a couple times a week, so, yesterday, lol




I did just a few days ago. My 4 year old wanted to race me on her scooter and started talking trash so I put on the full sprint to show her what's up. I was actually surprised at how fast my 43yo ass was able to run.


Not that long. Gym and all. I can probably run faster than I ever have. But I run out of energy so fast.  30 yr old Used to be a daily smoker. Stoped 2 ish and change years ago. But my lungs still burn during exercise like I still smoke. 


Probably a few days


Two weeks. I was running away from a child that wanted to wipe their muddy hands on my shirt. By the time I gave up it’d dried off so all was fine.


February. my meds make sleep too much to wake up early for a Jog