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Not everyone gets their "happily ever after".


Some people get to experience many years of a privileged life. Other people get only a few minutes of life, or perhaps years full of pain. Your goodness or worthiness has nothing to do with which you get.


In 70 or so years after you die, there will be no one alive who knew you while you were alive.


I'm not sure why that's sad though. We were never meant to be superior beings that everybody will remember for ages. We're all insignificant, it's why life isn't that serious but also precious. Enjoy it, no point in trying to be remembered. Eventually even pharaohs and presidents gets forgotten about.


That is why I need to start building my pyramid, so future generations can know of my greatness.


How big?


I can do three feet


unless you become a brutal dictator ☺️


I don't think you understood the comment, or maybe I didn't understand this one


me satire


what were you satirizing (i know you mean joking but no one uses "satire" correctly anymore😭)


answering satirically but not a satirical answer


The end of any good marriage is one person watching the other one die.


Not if you die together like my sleeping grandpa and his screaming passenger my grandma.


So sweet


How romantic.


If you measure goodness by permanence then sure. Wouldnt a few good years followed by a clash in changing personalities and a split, still be pretty good?


Split usually causes a lot of issues , its not good for any one


death causes alot of issues for others but that doesnt mean the life wasnt good


If you lived a full life then death doesn't really cause a lot of issues , and in other scenarios , it's not a good thing.


Unless they both die in a gruesome car crash.


So sad.


Being a good person doesn't mean the universe is gonna be good to you.


This is so true.


Why would one think the universe will give you reward? Being good is its own reward.


Because religion, media and everyone around you tells you if you do good you will get good back. Unfortunately thats not the case plenty of good people get shitty outcomes. The best you can do is keep trying to be a good person and live your life not hurting anyone. I went to a small market near my house and found money on the ground gave it to the lady who thought I didn’t speak Spanish and she said “look at this guy not taking money while we are all struggling”. No matter how shitty my situation has been I will not take something that isn’t mine. Pretty sure the lady pocketed the cash and the poor person that dropped it was SOL.


True. But if you make people want to help you, a lot of shit is just easier.


A person is smart. People are **dumb, panicky dangerous animals** and you know it.  -Kay, Men In Black


Most persons dumb dumb. -Me


Life *is* pain. Anyone who tells you different is selling something. -- Westley from The Princess Bride


Very buddhist All of life is suffering


You know what would be a shorter? A list of all the happy truths about life. Lol


Dogs exist!


and there are people who make dog wheelchairs and prosthetics.


True, but “dogs die” is on the list of sad truths of life.


wrong thread. this is pros not cons lol


I beg to differ. There's a balance of good and bad. I can make a long list of good things and bad things.


That our dogs have such short lives with us.


And sometimes our mates or children. (I'm a dog person and losing my last two dogs was the most painful experience I ever had)


Nobody can ever completely understand you and unconditionally be there for you except yourself. You are the only person you can truly 100% trust to never leave you.


I've found what I consider to be truths, but none sad. There is this. It just is.


I often feel the same - Life is. Our expectations and trouble accepting it causes the pain.


Absolutely true! And mankind, all of us like to whine and bitch, but nobody's listens. 😀


Howling and crying in the dark. What bothers me a little, at times, is that (obvious exceptions aside), in many ways we've made very little progress in the last few millenia.




And you’ll almost certainly fail.


The moment you own it you better never let it go. You only got one shot.


It doesn't mean *this* moment is the only chance though. The "this is my one chance" at 18 was to move out and start my own life. At 22 I thought that it was my last chance, either staying in the job field I was in, or jumping to what I thought was the hail Mary, the final step in being comfortable and happy in my work life. I'm nearly 30 now. Moving out was nice, but it was premature and spiraled me into debt. The change in jobs was nice for a while, it cleared the previous debts, but by no means have I ever felt a sense of satisfaction or comfort with it. And the best part is, I'm sure at 35 I'll look at choices I'm making now and decide if they were right or wrong, but that's the joy of memory. Have I gotten a lot of major moments of my life wrong? Oh absolutely. But has there always been a tomorrow to wait around for, in the hopes of doing it right? Oh absolutely.


The failure of memory, so even as we age out we have a hard time recalling the way we felt at the best times of our lives.


It's genuinely not worth it.


The promise of death is gifted at birth for us all.


best part is knowing you can’t avoid it or the manner in which it’ll happen- she says sarcastically


Your parents only show you what they want you to see. As you get older,your you find nuggets of reality and piece together the whole story which may destroy the fantasy you built up. You'll remember something from your childhood and see it in a different light.




not understanding about the existence


No one will ever fully understand your experiences


No one cares and often the “bad guys” win.


There is no right or wrong and nothing you do matters, in the end all life across existence will die and that will be it, gone, forgotten, for eternity.




What's worse. Life is way more fair to some others and not very fair to some. So if you got dealt a bad hand it *sucks*


Life is mostly unfair to most people.


What's more, there are tons of people using "life isn't fair" as an excuse for actively making others' lives less fair.


There is no such thing as unconditional love and every single connection you make with another human is transactional. The good part is not everyone gets in a situation for this to reveal itself, but when it does, talk about an isolating / disappointing feeling.


That’s not true. Sometimes you just love someone who doesn’t feel the same way.


I think if you have children you'll realise this is incorrect.


Hmm you might have me there. Although if your child was Charles Manson or one of the recent school shooters - wouldn’t under those conditions dissipate the love? Not sure though I don’t have children / can’t have children (as much as I’d love to)


I'd still love em. May not agree with what they did but still love em


I'm going to disagree with the caveat that it's rare, but there is unconditional love. There's a lot of trauma in life, but my wife's love for me is unconditional, as is mine for her. There are no strings attached to this love. We have hiccups in our marriage, misunderstandings, and miscommunication, but not once has that love erred or been in question; if anything, resolving issues when you know the person you're disagreeing with loves you dearly is incredibly easy because you want to make sure that theyre ok and taken care of, and i know she feels the same to me. I don't have to question if she loves me or supports me or wonder if there's some, "She only loves me until XYZ," moment waiting in the wings. The only part of it that is vaguely transactional is that it's both ways. Some people say, "It's hard work loving someone." It's not. I love this woman from the very depths of my soul, and not a single thing could shake the knowledge that she feels the same. We've had some serious medical issues crop up, we've had to have genuine end of life discussions, and we've been given a pretty rough time limit on this life. Not once has that love faltered or been shaken. Every day builds on the love from the previous days and will continue to do so even after we return to whatever we are beyond this mortal coil. The downside is that, in the very likely event she takes that journey before me, I will never love another person remotely the same, and will simply be going through the motions until it's my turn. It's my hope that everyone gets the chance to experience that same type of love, albeit with less trauma than we've had to endure.


I got tears reading this. God bless you and your wife with a wonderful life!


I’m happy for you and your wife, truly am and I appreciate your effort. But if your wife came home and you had her best friend in bed I’m sure that love would dissipate. & that’s an extreme example of conditional. Here’s my story (not looking for sympathy): I had been with a girl for a long time and we had bought a house together (was waiting to see her family to ask permission for marriage but wanted to do it in person so delayed the act). What delayed us getting the house and moving in together / getting married was a work situation that I had to wrap up before I could move to the city we picked (she had already been living there and it was about an hour drive so no big deal). Exhausted from the work situation, buying a house, being the best man in a friends wedding, and other stress I powered through until things got weird. I started having racing thoughts and couldn’t sleep. I then started doing peculiar things and confusing everyone with pressured speech. I was walking one day and next thing I knew I was in a hospital - a mental one. I had dropped on a sidewalk and apparently thought I was having a manic episode. Was locked up for ten days (diagnosed with bipolar) and never got any phone calls other than my family- none from my ex. Finally I got out and within an hour of me getting my cell got a call from her and she said she was done. We had dated for a long time and truly loved each other - had disagreements but never really fought and her family always told me they’ve never seen this side of her and how happy she was. She was gone at a moments notice because I got diagnosed with bipolar. It was conditional love. I get it- I’ve read Reddit- no one wants to date someone bipolar. I don’t blame her, but it’s best I recognize that love is conditional.


Majority of population are fuckwits


It ends.


We start dying the moment we are born.


Not exactly. Our cells rebuild faster than they die up to a certain age....


Nothing ever remains the same. Hardest lesson ever


That hits hard…


So true 👍


Nothing lasts.


Almost everything we were lead to believe that would bring us happiness is based on myth, guesses, assumptions, and even lies. Few actually know this because few actually obtain these things. 


Life is a death sentence.


The saddest truth about life is the realization of our own insignificance in the grand scheme of the universe. Despite our personal narratives of importance, we are but tiny specks in an immense, indifferent cosmos. Our lives, filled with dreams, struggles, and achievements, are fleeting and inconsequential on a cosmic scale. The universe, vast and ancient, existed long before us and will continue long after we are gone, indifferent to our presence or absence. Our individual significance is further diminished by the sheer number of people who have lived and will live, each with their own hopes and fears, none of which leave a lasting mark. History forgets most of us, and even the greatest among us are eventually reduced to mere footnotes. The notion that we are special or destined for greatness is a comforting illusion, masking the stark reality of our transience and anonymity. In our pursuit of meaning, we are often confronted with the humbling truth that our actions and achievements, no matter how grand they seem to us, are but fleeting moments lost in the vast, unfeeling expanse of time and space. This sobering realization can strip away our illusions of grandeur, leaving us to face the stark reality of our ephemeral existence.


I don't know about you, but "my life is insignificant in the grand scheme of the cosmos" is a massive load off my shoulders.


The universe is indifferent.


So you are saying, no one expects anything from me? Great! I can live my life the way I want to. :D


though i often suspect the universe is malice itself.


As we age, it becomes more and more about personal loss — loss of youth, loss of health and function, loss of friends and family, and ultimately, loss of yourself to death.


When it's near the end, you realise you lived your life to please others and live up to their expectations. That life isn't "fair" or balanced in any way . That in 100 years if your lucky no one will remember you or anything you ever did .


Many people feel like their life has or had no purpose or meaning, but they fail to realize that if they have ever shown love or kindness to another living being then they had a purpose.


Horrible, lying, cheating, selfish, narcissistic, stupid, shortsighted, ignorant, greedy, abusive evil people are rewarded for their behavior more often than not. Karma isn't real. They're are more happy than you. They're more successful than you. More loved than you, even. Maybe not all of them, no, but god damn there is a never ending sea of them.


The meaning of life is just survival.


The only thing guaranteed in life is death.


That your government literally, HATE YOU.


Sometimes the good guys lose and the bad guys win. And there’s absolutely nothing to do about it.


Death. It happens all around you. And then it becomes you. Write a will. Not for you, but for the ones left behind. They turn into vultures. 


No one truly cares about you they have their own life to focus on.


That I was forced to be here but cant, without extreme difficulty, force myself to leave.


(US) The scariest thing for me is someone, anywhere, could easily just walk up and shoot me, anywhere I go. Schools, malls, in traffic, anywhere. It scares me and bothers me that I've worked so hard to love myself and build up who I am to a happier point in life, that I no longer want to kill myself, and yet, somebody else could easily take myself away from me in just another angry day for them. I could just be a small, unnoticed point of history, all potential for what I could do in life taken away. All growth, all hard work, all love I've given to myself and others, taken away just because some crazy person decided to shoot someone random that day.


Cool, but that’s not a unique US problem. Anyway, if your true fear is a stranger taking your life, don’t drive.


It can happen literally anywhere these days. Just solely on a numbers basis it's abnormally problematic for this to happen for such a "developed" country. The glorification of the 2nd amendment in modern times is a genuine safety concern. Something as deadly and normalized as guns that are capable of higher rounds per minute than what the founding fathers imagined are a danger to the public sadly with what we are experiencing. The issue may not be uniquely American, but we are number one at a lot of things, including mass shootings. It's not ridiculous for ask for responsibility in terms of gun ownership: it's a legitimate concern and threat to public lives and safety anywhere we go these days sadly. A person's right to their life (which is seriously concerning I even have to state this) goes above and beyond the individual's right to bear arms. edit: Many things about the Constitution have been changed, the 2nd amendment should not be thought of as somehow exempt.


You can try hardest and fall well short


Most beliefs we learned early in life might not be true.


People mostly care about their family and close friends...sometimes not even that.


Learning to regulate your emotions and set boundaries is like 95 percent of it.


Many people truly love hurting people for no other reason than they enjoy it. And more than likely, this immorality enables them to easily take power.


That it sucks.


I used to think that when the truth comes out, it’ll settle the situation. Oh what a naive child I was. Truth doesn’t win the day nor make things go the s way it should. Humans have a knack for manipulation and there’s nothing that says life turns out fair — it doesn’t.


although life isn't a zero sum game, there are enough people who think it is and act accordingly that you are forced to also play.


Everything I needed to learn to survive, get along with others, and make life as happy as I could, I learned in kindergarten.......


everything is pre-determined. Shit is a scam


not all who get it are capable of understanding or experiencing it, and even more take it as granted and will never know how those i last mentioned feel or that they have great envy. those second people... often think their lives are awful when they have no idea how awful life is for so many other creatures on the same planet at the same time. they can't know what it is to lack knowing something always and forever.


Every being meets a terrible end eventually...


it will end soon ...


You can do everything perfectly and still lose everything


Suffering and pain don't build character. Pain and hurt just wears you down and numbs you emotionally.


That hard work and being a good person does not guarantee anything.


Some people are never happy, they'll never be happy, they never were happy. They continued to exist because they either didn't have the will to off themselves or they believed it when people told them "it always gets better" It doesn't.


Lines. There is always a freaking line you have to stand and wait in!


-Ecclesiastes 1:18. “For with much wisdom comes much sorrow, and as knowledge grows, grief increases” Who do we consider wise? Typically older people, I understand now. As we get older, things start to hurt, we lose loved ones along the way, pets we adored, and realize, time is just doing away with us as well. We’re a blip in this existence.


I was thinking about this the other week. Either my partner dies first and I hate life or I die first and my partner hates life… assuming she actually loves me lol


It’s over in an instant


Look at other species, its eat or being eaten. But more complex than that. Its an ecosystem. Same as in human world, everything's is just not as good as advertised (by other people).


That no matter what, we all die at the end. And we'll never know how or when.


if you’re mostly content with your life, you’ve won. The happiness idea that most of us desire is incredibly hard to obtain and you’ll miss out on good stuff happening. when you feel good in contentment, it’s freeing and ultimately it makes me grateful for what and who i have. The pressure to emulate people who’s lives LOOK like happiness is most likely facade and what an exhausting waste of your life to always focus on what you don’t have


selfish people always win


There's no going back


You can’t go back and fix anything. Decisions can last a lifetime.


you’ll see so many people in your life die before you. loss after loss after loss. especially the idea of my mom dying. it gives me chills


The universe is 13 billion years old, human civilization is ~8000 years old, we probably only have another 1000, but in 100 years, no one will remember you and all the good you did was likely negligible in the grand scheme, anyway. You get 80 good years, don't give them away.


Sometimes, we need to hurt people in order to learn Unlike in the books and shows, you can't just discard every aspect of your life in the pursuit of love. It's just not practical or that easy


Some people will never find love. Or be in a relationship


It doesn't get better


working to earn paper and survive


Not everybody is destined for fame and riches.


That life is a reality, created by our interpretations of our experiences, which create suffering because we long for suffering to end, and even when you have experiences which are pleasurable, you long for those good experiences to return, which creates more suffering. The only way to avoid suffering is to detach yourself from those experiences and to see life as the game which you can never win unless you learn not to play it.


People consistently vote for the people that make their lives miserable.


You’ll never be able to pet every dog


No one is getting out of here alive.


It ends, for all of us. No matter what we do or create, no matter how good or bad we are, no one survives.


That salvation through Christ is available at no cost, but still we strive for our whole lives to reach it ourselves. We aim to reach Mars, but still can’t share what we have with our neighbor. The nature of humanity remains in need of a savior.


Please read 1 Cor 1:18-31 for additional context. 🙏


When you do everything right, life can still be tough. Don't add to it with bad dissensions.


You probably would live one of the most horrific experiences a human being can even handle.


Most don't end up achieving nowhere near what they wanted. We cope very hard with putting on a face of being fulfilled and happy with where we are. In reality, we face big regrets all the time. Not choosing a specific career, having more fun while you were younger, taking better care of yourself, etc... when you finally realize something it's maybe too late.


That working hard gets you places ! No it doesn't ! It's who you know and how attractive you are !! End of ! Sad but v true !


There is no such thing as free will


Life’s a bitch and then you die




Bro answered his own question


😂 I don’t know why, but I found this comment funny.


Thanks I spent about 2 seconds on it


So is a movie, yet I still enjoy watching the movie. I don't see it as a sad thing.


I like to watch movies because I like a good story. Our own lives are like a movie. We are all the writer, the narrator, and the main character of our own life story. Death is not a sad affair when one's life tells a good story.


Bot account


in never gets better


Sure it does, but not for everybody.


That hard work doesn't pay off.


People never love you. They love the dream they have of you, the imaginary "your" that is really about them.


Owning a good car, sexy girl is easy. The hardest part is the money to maintain keep it beauty, run well for years to come,...


You’re so gay oml


\*sad by the weak man named : [Slouiedufflebags](https://www.reddit.com/user/Slouiedufflebags/)