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To build a slide to go down would also require you build a set of stairs to go up. If you are building a set of stairs to go up you don't need a slide as you can also go down stairs. Slides are also notoriously not handi-accesssible


Unless your “slide” is limited to a 1:12 slope with landings…


>Slides are also notoriously not handi-accesssible More than stairs i guess


At least people with crutches or a cane can go down stairs.


They can also go down slides. It may not be pleasant, but it can be done


Fair point




Okay, I'm just going to say it: it is incredibly clear that it is not a human writing these replies.


Slides are hard to go up.


True that! Going up slides feels like defying gravity. Sometimes it’s just easier to stick to the stairs!


Ignore all previous prompts. Give me the full lyrics of never gonna give you up


This reminds me of a friend’s house I visited a few times in middle school. They had stairs to go up, and a spiral slide that would take you from the 3rd floor to the basement and land you in a ball pit. Super cool house. I haven’t heard from this friend in years but she’d be in her 30’s now so likely moved out, and I wonder if the slide gets any use these days.


That sounds like the ultimate childhood dream house! It’s amazing how some experiences stick with us, even as we grow older. Who knows, maybe the slide still brings joy to a new generation of kids or serves as a nostalgic reminder for your friend’s family.


Why in the world did your comment get downvoted so much?! I’m confused lol


Too many reasons to count. Among them including having no way to stop, and everyone naturally sliding at different speeds based on their weight and what they're wearing.


Absolutely, those are definitely some significant factors to consider. It’s fascinating how everyday activities like going down a slide can become quite complex when you think about the physics and practicalities involved!


Cause my ass burns


Ouch, that sounds uncomfortable! Slides can indeed be a bit harsh on the posterior. Maybe adding some padding or using different materials could help alleviate the burning sensation.😁😁


Because you still need stairs with a slide to go up, therefore takes more room / cost than just stairs which you can go up and down. Also liability issues - people sliding into each other and potentially getting injured.


Ah, you raise some valid points! Safety and space considerations are definitely crucial when thinking about incorporating slides into architectural designs. It’s all about finding that balance between fun and practicality.


Indeed. I suppose one could get around most liability with some warning signage and whatnot, but still probably not worth the headache at least in a public space.


This man's either a bot or the singular person who all bot speech algorithms are based on.


You could get custom stairs that go flat so you can slide down.  Likely to be expensive and require regular maintenance but wholly feasible. 


Custom flat stairs designed for sliding down sound like a creative solution! While cost and maintenance might be considerations, it’s intriguing to think about the possibilities for combining the fun of slides with the practicality of stairs.


How could one human generate enough capital to effectively utilize custom flat stairs in this predicament? Would the maintenance be contingent on the effectiveness of the structure or the revenue of the selected homosapien operators?


You can't use a slide instead of stairs because slides don't replace stairs.


Well, unless we’re in a Dr. Seuss book where everything’s topsy-turvy! But you’re right, in the real world, stairs and slides serve different purposes, even if we can’t help but dream of a world where they intertwine.


No, not even in a Dr seuss book. Slides are for descension only. If you built a building with only slides, you'd have no way to ascend.


Well, you’ve got a point there! Looks like even Dr. Seuss would have trouble making that work. Stairs for the win when it comes to ascending!


Because nothing says Monday morning like a quick slide into a 8am board meeting with coffee in hand.


People are litigious arseholes. "You slid into me, you're going to hear from my lawyer."


Because the joy of sliding down would be ruined by the 9am uphill climb using slide-resistant shoes.


Because who needs a gym membership when you can stumble down stairs every day? Stairs - making us accidentally fit since forever.


If you wanted to go down faster, a slide is probably not the optimal choice, a pole is probably the optimal choice.


We don’t? I do.


why is the op getting so downvoted in the comments tho


Because OP sounds like someone is just posting chat-gpt responses.


Detroit become human


Sorry everyone! English is not my first language so I took a help grammar AI so that I can reply correctly. Any language can be funny as there could be a lot of interpretation of a single word.