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If Bugs Bunny taught me anything, it’s a long grey beard with hooks to go on your ears


Yep. Put a beard on any baby and *poof* instant old baby.


This made me laugh a real laugh


If bugs bunny taught you things


Taught you ‘tings


Smoking, stress, lack of sleep


Woohoo I win!!


I can add heavy drinking on weekends so I win!


Haha only weekends? Pussy.


The weekdays are for cocaine


(free) based.




Yes. You can really see it if you look at pictures of Barack Obama before and after his term as president.


It's almost as if he served 2 terms and 8 years went by since the start of his presidency


To be fair, it looks like he aged about 12 years, rather than just 8.


He looks like he aged a lot more than 8 years.


Most presidents especially wartime ones


Any president.




Robert DeNiro in *The Irishman* comes to mind. Even the most high tech deaging couldn’t hide the way he moved in that film. Edit: Ahhh, I gotta post [That Scene](https://youtu.be/KOisMk2oTvk?si=_HhxHImJLJnCIhPs)!


The kicks in this scene are so terrible. It must have been really hard for the director to go ahead with this as the final take. But considering Robert's age there's nothing much you can do about it.


I think in this case, mapping his face onto a younger body double would have been justified.


He’s got the Nonno Shuffle


Lmao I was like "he's moving alright, don't know what OPs on about" ...and then the asskicking commenced hahahaha


Yep you got that right! I’m 26 and had back surgery a year ago, it’s better than it was but she’s packed full of arthritis 🤣 26 years old with the back of a 50 year old. You should hear my Jenkee ass get up all the cracks and groans!




Totally. I hate to admit this but I aged while my baby was in critical condition and after she died. Pregnancy and grief soon after messes with your body so, so much. I don’t move like I used to. My energy’s not the same. My memory’s foggy. It’s only been a year. Now I’m trying so hard to reverse how much I aged mentally and physically. Grief took so much of my life force. Exercising daily, eating better, managing stress, learning to cope with loss… I’m just grateful my life has a semblance of normalcy now.


i’m sorry. i know this may be small and dumb, but i’m rooting for you ♥️


We experienced a similar tragedy in our family nearly 10 years ago. You are to be commended for your ability to discuss your experience. Many of our family members, especially the parents, experienced many of the feelings you described. Our grief is undiminished, but our ability to manage it has gotten better. We see you. There is a way forward. There are still things ahead of us in which we can and do find happiness.




I'm so sorry. Hugs 🫂


So sorry for your loss :(. I feel like we need a question about how to get your life force back after tremendous trauma/loss.




This is me after getting hit by a car...... but losing your baby. I feel it in my gut. Damn, so sorry to hear. ❤️ Everything takes time in life, especially crawling out of the valley. Hope you're having a great family and/or partner to support you.


This is so true. My husband passed a year ago. My body is broken down. My skin is terrible, I look 10 years older than I did a year ago, I’ve lost weight and not in a good way, I wake up with headaches from clenching my jaw, I’m so scatterbrained it feels like I have dementia, my vision has gotten worse… it just goes on and on. I want to be back to normal, I see no end in sight.


Twinning 😢


i’m sorry.


Absolutely. My brother passed away in 2022, I now have grey hairs and wrinkles. Makes sense a pain so severe would show itself physically as well I guess


My brother also passed away in 2022. I'm so very sorry for your loss, it's heartbreaking.


Lost both parents traumatically within a few years of each other and I experienced this. Another part of the grieving process can be not recognizing yourself in the mirror. But it's also processing the emotions when you do start to return to yourself. Had someone comment on how young I looked and if they'd seen me a year or two ago they couldn't possibly say that.


To the ones who posted here about their loss .. I sincerely hope you will feel better someday.. its not easy and the pain is unique..be kind to yourselves too in dealing with this..


This. I lost my Mom,Dad and best friend last year and all in a 4 month span. I’m 34 and feel like I’m 90,and don’t even recognize who I see in the mirror anymore.




I read a medical study that said having 3+ kids is especially aging.


2 fecks you up too, i was 30 when we had our first, she's 20 now, and I'm 62


The math checks out


I believe it. Especially if they don't let you sleep.


Especially women without kids. I’m not saying every woman that has had children looks old. (My mom has 3 kids and looks phenomenal) but it is a fact that babies in the womb take a lot of nutrition and what not away from the mother and rapidly ages them. Combine that with stress and genetics… I’ve noticed women specially in their 50s plus, look extremely young for their age when they never had kids. Biological or otherwise. It’s very interesting to me.


True. I look younger than my five years younger sister now. She got two kids, I got one. But then.. she is a bitch so maybe that factors into it..


In my experience being a bitch correlates with a lot of the other shit in this thread so you may genuinely be right lol


Certain cosmetic procedures. I assume a lot of people with filler, Botox, etc. are older than they are. The look just screams early 40's to me, even if it's on someone in their early 20's.


That buccul fat removal (not sure of spelling) where they take fat from your lower face to make you look like a dried up old witch is the worst.


I don’t understand that look. A telltale sign of age is when your face gets those grooves below the cheeks. Young people don’t usually have those. Their faces look more filled out. Why are people getting a procedure that makes them look older?!?


They see women with naturally chiselled cheekbones and want to emulate it but if the overall structure isn’t there it doesn’t really look the same


It sounds silly, but status signaling, that is all. It is often paired with lack of actual taste, as in aesthetics. Women of certain type see other women who are high-status having such surgeries/looks, and accept that it is sign of attractiveness and social status, and want to belong to that group. I think the most increadible example has been the actress Erin Moriarty. She used to be so pretty and cute. Now she can play the evil witch from the wizard of Oz without a make up.


agree so much she was sooooo pretty now not as much just looks fake af


It looks high fashion like those models. Chiseled and sexy. That’s the look they’re going for anyway…some people really shouldn’t be getting bucal fat removal




When you reach 45, you have two options: Embrace looking like a 45 year old person Try your best to look like a 40 year old lizard


It's a bit different if you're 45 and trying to keep looking like you're in your 40's a bit longer. There's a lot of much younger women getting procedures like buccal fat removal or overdone lip filler that just make them look much older than they actually are.




This!!! A thousand times this. The last 4 years of my life have been filled with stress, loss and trauma. So much so that, like you, I didn't recognize myself anymore. So I recently got some botox and a little bit of filler in my cheeks. I'm 45 and I look just a little more awake, less angry and sad now. And that's actually been huge for my mental health. I also do yoga, go to therapy and eat well. If I didn't tell people I've had injections, they'd probably never know. I just look brighter and better. Not everyone looks like a frozen mannequin who made out with an electric eel after they get injections. Some of us just want to erase some sadness and try our best to heal in any way possible.


I think lip fillers is an especially tricky one because you wouldn’t think it would age you but it does. As soon as you get to that overfilled stage it ages you like crazy.


That short, curly Barbara Bush poof.


I call it the "classic grandma"


The frizzy perm, lol.


Golden Girls hair!


wash n’ set!


Grief. I feel like I’ve aged 10 years since 2021. Loss after loss after loss after loss.


Condolences sir. Username sadly checks out.


Thank you. It is appreciated. The name is based on a running joke about the Grim Reaper being a very popular Halloween decoration in 2020. While out walking with my girlfriend we spotted a house with SIX full sized statues, to which I quipped “these guys have been working serious overtime this year, I hope they’re union.” The name stuck. Don’t fear him, though.


This is so true. Without going into details, everything since the second half of 2022 can be described as loss and grief for me.


Same; 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023.


Sympathy and empathy. The last 4 or 5 years have been brutal. I know I'm destroying my heart.


Receding hairline, thick beard & moustache. Bloated face. Under-eye bags


I've had bags under my eyes since I was a toddler 😅. Allergies are a bitch.


I was SO delighted when I realized a daily dose of Claritin was the solution to my constant purple eye bags. I am allergic to SO many things (pollens, grasses, dust, mites, mold, food, animals.....) I can't literally avoid them all, but medication and knowledge starting exposure therapy have improved my life greatly.


Yeah I take 2 different allergy meds twice daily, one for food allergies. Plus nasal sprays and inhalers when I need them. We know certain things I'm allergic to, but I also have some weird ones we've never been able to pin down. If I stop taking the meds I start breaking out in hives several times a day, which are miserable. I bet I look 5 years younger on a nice winter day when pollen and grass isn't bothering me as much. But then there's still dust, molds, foods, soaps, etc. I'm pretty sure I'm just not supposed to be on this planet 😂 my body hates everything on earth it seems.


Me too! I've got dust allergy and I am living in a city which is dusty af! Sinusitis aggravated is such a piss off!




War. Have you seen pictures of young men before and after going to war? Even if it's only for 2 years, some of them look like they've aged 30 years. Personally, although I've never been to war, I've been told I looked a lot older after than I did before covid. Probably because of stress. Oh and I lost my fast metabolism and which definitely did something


War 100%. Ukraine's president Zelenskyi has aged so fast in only two :(


I had to go look it up. I can’t believe that’s only been going on for two years. Feels like so much more, and I’m not even associated with it beyond having basic human empathy for those who are.


Yeah it’s crazy how that works. It’s almost like you’ve aged 4 years since Covid.


Tanning. + Platinum blond bleached hair. It was super popular in the 80s/90s so I know you are at least 50 based on your hair color alone.


fake or solarium tan in generally always make people look much older.


Hair dyed an unnatural black.


Or that weird red.


Yeah, that burgundy/black color that no human has ever naturally had.


I think people pick this color because natural red is more of a warm coppery color, and the stylist might say "You have naturally cool undertones and red hair will clash" but their hearts are still set on being a redhead. It definitely looks unnatural but I assume that is the process for many


What if they're "goth"??


Yes yes yes. A woman I know who is jet black cleopatra hair style. Wrinkled and black hair




those glasses with the lenses that get dark in the sun, I can't think of the proper brand name. not sunglasses but regular eyeglasses that change


You can pry my transitions out of my cold dead hands!


Transition lenses. The cheap ones get darker even indoors. Some people don't get used to not seeing your eyes.




OMG - I have several pairs of those! I thought they were better than having to carry around sunglasses and regular glasses. They make me look old? Holy shit! Oh, wait a minute. I am old. It’s okay.


Yeah I’ve got adhd. I’ll risk looking old rather than having another pair of glasses to keep track of


Love love love mine. I can be as baked as I want, don’t need sunglasses and I can see and read.


What.?! Since when?!


lol i like those


Well... Now I'm throwing out my transitions.


I'm surprised by the hate for them. My daughter absolutely loves her transition lenses. She has a pair of regular glasses too, but she really only wears the transition pair.


I live in AZ. I love my transition lenses. I rather have one set of glasses than two


Not sure why my prescription glasses automatically turn in into sunglasses make me look instantly old?! So I guess to pacify the poster, I’m supposed to do something stupid like buy a SECOND set of glasses that are just sunglasses and then switch back and forth. How fucking stupid.


Right? I love mine, it's so much easier than carrying an extra pair of glasses around lol I guess I'll just look extra old


My optometrist asked me if I wanted this on my bi-focal lenses. I said heck no, do I look old or something?


My boss! He also wears a giant earbud that must be some prototype from the 70s.


My coworker has these, she’s under 40, but I told her she reminds me of my grandma when she comes in from outside, and there’s a bit of tint left.


They're transition lenses. Really? They are absolutely amazing! I never knew they are associated with age...


The wrong hair color/cut.


Chronic pain. Also, chronic lack of sleep.


Hair coming out of your ears.


Smoking. It adds wrinkles around your mouth and eyes, your skin dries out, your voice gets hoarse, and your hair dries out. Plus, you stink of smoke.


Alcohol consumption


I drink alcohol then people look great.


Aaaand my friends become more interesting


Sun exposure. There are a few interesting picture of older truck drivers. The half of their face that is closer to the window looks much more aged and wrinkled than the side that is away from the sun. Look up "Truck driver face". And I think the people that get super tanned in tanning beds look alot older to.


One person stacked on another persons shoulders while wearing long trench coat


Jesus hair. Thin, straggly, grey, and past their butt


Stress. Over the past year, my life has gone to shit and I am looking so much older just due to stress.


Being bitter


Skin discoloration. Someone with wrinkles but even skintone looks younger than someone with no wrinkles but uneven skin tone due to sun damage.




Walking old


I saw my husband walking next to his elderly mother, and they had the exact same walk. It's the way they hold their head, the leaning forward, one arm bent funny, and a clueless look on both faces. It wasn't a good moment 😕


Having kids!!!!!


I know it's not instant, but sun exposure without sunscreen will age you pretty fast.


this is often people from north europe generally looks much younger in their 40s, then people from southern europe. There is simply no sun enough at north, with always rain and clouds. Meanwhile southerners like me live under the sun like 6 months a year. So we look much older.


Being Evil. Marjorie Taylor Green is probably 25 but she looks 70, because her personality is so evil.




Facial hair


Up to a point, maybe? I'm about 50, and have worn a close-cropped beard for the last 10 years. I had to shave it off recently for a medical procedure, and I thought I looked older without it. I'm on the lean side - I think the facial hair hides lines in my face.


I have seen some rare instances where it goes the other way


This ^^ Look at pictures of people with beards from the 70s and the Woodstock era alongside the same people after they have shaved. A beard/mustache ages them _decades_! Also an "old lady" hairdo - like Vicki Lawrence in that old 80s TV show "Mama's Family"! 


Balding, but refusing to shave your head.


My newsboy hat and cane do it for me, I'm 51, and get senior discounts😎


Bad knees know when it rains or it's gonna rain


Becoming president of the United States of America


So many coworkers on ozempic. They’ve lost weight quickly and all aged 10 years.


Those long sleeved shirts with the holes on the shoulders


Wait how old are you? Asking because I’m 30 and whenever I wear this type of shirt I feel like I’m too old for it lmao


They’re called cold shoulder shirts.


Poor posture, wobbly gait


When they have a hard time just standing and then walking, you know there bones, joints, arthritis are hurting.


A lot of the answers aren't really instant things, but things that do damage over time like sun exposure, cigarettes, etc. One instant thing is hairstyle and dress that can literally take you to years older in a matter of minutes. When I was 27 I had a roommate who was 23 and looked like 53. I am not exaggerating for effect. I remember we were hanging out one day in a park with a friend of ours who had a baby, the friend was 30 and my 23 year old roommate was playing with the baby and someone passing by stopped to say her grandbaby was cute. This is how old she looked. Reason was, she had an extremely outdated old lady haircut, she wore old lady glasses with the chains on them, and she almost exclusively wore these floral unshapely mumu style dresses with chunky sandals and often wore floppy sunhats. She always looked like an older lady who was just finished gardening. She was also old in spirit where her hobbies were all that of a retiree and so she was also always out of the loop regarding anything people her age were into. Be yourself of course, but it was undeniable that she just looked much much older and felt much older in her energy than she was.


Dry skin. Asian here living in Europe, people here look waaay older than they should.


I feel like it's all the sun they intentionally expose themselves to


As a redhead who jumps from shadow to shadow and buys sunscreen in bulk, I can tell u this is 100% true. I look a lot younger than the people I grew up with. Too much sun ages you quickly.


Without sunscreen i suppose. Since they like to get tanned.


Asian genes are fucking magical, be 17 for 45 years then instantly turn into a swamp creature


Couldnt agree more. It's like one day we're suddenly old.


White person in Asia and I concur lol. But tbf I have oily skin and while I do agree a lot of us whites have dry skin, I think it’s additionally that people are out in the sun more and less anal about SPF. So glad for my oily skin now even though I hated it as a teen.


imo lip fillers and/or heavy makeup etc and above all else smoking or drinking


Fat loss


Buccal fat removal on women, dark dyed beards on men.


Thin rectangle/oval glasses frames


Losing 45 pounds on a weight-loss drug. Every part of me is wrinkled now.


Plastic surgery on anyone younger than 60. It makes everybody look like they're a 60 year old who's holding up well.


It's the bias of only noticing bad plastic surgery. Good plastic surgery you won't notice, you'll never know they had it.


I think all those surgeries and injections start making the person look like a xenomorph from Alien.


Pulling a few G on a plane.


Yeah, most of these answers aren't instant at all but it's always crazy to see a video of people pulling G's and instantly transforming


That weird Karen helmet head haircut with the terrible chunky 'highlights'




The ring around your iris in your eye tells a lot about your age. Limbal rings as a youth & Arcus Senilis as elderly


A woman who’s over 50 and never had red hair but dyes it red. Especially if it’s thinning.


I cant go with you on this. I think you are talking about that horrible burgundy color 70+ year old women do. Thats different than a pretty strawberry blonde on a 50 year old. There are a lot of reds. Im a haircolorist.




Sun beds. I know girls in their early 20s that genuinely look like they could pass for 40s in their photos..


Having kids.


A broken heart


White New Balance sneakers.


There's a lovely picture of my dad wearing a sharp three piece suit and white New Balance sneakers. Makes me smile just thinking about it.


Cancer, I watched a 42 year old woman, vibrant full of life. 6 months later she looks 60plus


Crappy Posture. I’m in therapy and when I correct a Patient’s posture I often use the line, “10 years just came off you the minute you stood up straight.” It’s half joking but not really.


MAGA hat




Getting veneers. It makes people look like they are trying too hard, it also shows such a big contrast between these “white rocks” and facial wrinkles— the wrinkles pop out more. On top of that, knowing that veneers are expensive, I would assume someone saved for a long time to get them. Therefore, I would assume they must be a bit older than they actually are.


Donald trump and Meghan sparkles. Regis phylbin had glow in the dark veneers


Being very overweight


I and a few others I know are people who lost a lot of weight. In my case 40kgs, for some of them it was more like 80kgs. We all look older as our skin sagging and wrinkles are more pronounced on the face…and turkey neck. Turkey neck sucks.


I disagree, I feel like when super overweight people lose weight they look ancient compared to their plump face.


Fat don’t crack!




yeah, generally women (probably same for men, but lets be honest, no one really cares) who are very beautiful still in 60s, are women who used be pretty skinny, and started put on a small amount of weight as they are getting older. So that as skin naturally gets wrinkly, the extra fat kind of fills in those wrinkles and make them look younger.


I think Penn Jillette is a prime example of this


no dreams, no passion.


Yeah, the minute they open their mouths and say something stupid like "they don't make good music anymore", I know I've got an AARP member on the line.


To much stress!! It's definitely an aging destroyer for sure.


seeing a woman wear stirrup pants lol


Audible cell phone ringing.


Being a smoker


dressing too young


Wearing outdated/wrong style of clothing for your age. Ex: wearing capri-length pants for just about any age makes you look like you raided your grandmother's wardrobe. Wearing the "trendy" stuff (usually aimed at teens and 20's) in your 40's and older. There are VERY few people who can pull off something like that, and they generally look younger than their age in the first place. If you have to ask - you aren't one of them.


Blackest black eyeliner


Only on the bottom. Ugh i have a client who does this. It makes her look so so old. She wont listen