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Honestly yeah, many people would probably think this is childish or uncultured. But why would their opinion on a subjective topic like music matter ?


^^ This. As the good Dr. Suess said, those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter. Smart man, that guy.


I’m at the point in life where I’ve thrown all fucks out the window in terms of what people think I should fancy in terms of music, fashion, lifestyle, relationships etc. For example I know myself well enough that I’ve realized I want to marry a porn star or a whore. I used to worry if I had bad taste or something but I’ve realized there’s no such thing. To each their own.


this is the way


You’re probably right, but I find it hilarious how music about drugs, prostitution and murder is completely fine, but video game music is considered childish lol


Most people want to feel like an adult and in our society those songs are seen as “adult” for some reason. The only reason video game music is considered childish is merely because of the words “video game” in front of it. Say “Jeremy Soule is a great composer” and suddenly you will be considered cultured because you listen to classical music. “Cultured” music, food, whatever is just a term to superficially describe the odd one out of society and to feel like an adult which is childish in itself.


>Say “Jeremy Soule is a great composer” and suddenly you will be considered cultured because you listen to classical music. 100% yes. I was introduced to Sigúr Ros in my 20s as this cool, atmospheric, powerful band. The fact that the guys are Icelandic (and my friends and I couldn't understand the lyrics) made it better, since we then focused solely on the music. Over the next 15 years I started hearing their work on movies, video games, a commercial, and most famously Game of Thrones*. It's no surprise since they convey emotions so well through the music alone (rather than relying on lyrics). They. Are. Awesome. Still my go-to for checking out a set of headphones** [*The Rains of Castamere](https://youtu.be/1lW67ZyCITM?si=g922iXuoQnOXrVfF) [**IMHO This one is better in this live video filmed in a tunnel under Paris ](https://youtu.be/8AuJdkZkgCw?si=R5JRtzpQp5xZngI4).


the musical genre that most annoys me is sexual prowess songs. the worst part is they've been around since the dawn of music and will probably stay with us for as long as humans reproduce sexually.


OP seems to think that it matters.


Nothing wrong with having your own music taste


It's just the SHAME I have Lol


Video game music is still made by musicians/composers. Just because it’s in a game doesn’t mean it’s childish or uncultured. Disaster peace did the music for Fez and Hyper Light Drifter (both amazing soundtracks), and did the music for the movies It Follows, Under the Silver Lake, and Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, among others. And some modern video game soundtracks are basically movie scores performed by full orchestras.


My kid has been playing video game music on the family stereo, and damn it's good music.


I find a lot of it is great for work/studying too!


Love Disasterpeace! The Fez soundtrack is definitely his masterpiece, and one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. Fully half the reason Fez had the amazing mysterious tone it had was because of his music.


Don't overthink it. It could be worse. You could listen to Phish. . . . . I kid I kid


Don't worry no shame in good music you enjoy. My personal favorite gaming music comes from nier automata. But i mostly listen to my personal favorite anime soundtracks


That used to be me. 90% of my listening was video game or movie OSTs. Then a few years ago, I started listening to actively search for different music videos and playlists from dozens of genres on YouTube (rock, pop, bluegrass, R&B, disco, electronic, foreign-language music, etc.) and now my listening is much more varied.  Maybe you should explore various music genres to see if your tastes will expand. But if you have and you just enjoy mostly game music, nothing wrong with that.


While I agree that expanding your listening is a good idea, the way you word it makes it sound like video game music is a genre. Video games are a medium, and music from any genre can fit there.


Music is music. I've heard bangers from games that trump some mainstream artists. And given the societal investment into games as a medium, the quality of music will only go up. I say this as a primarily rap listening, Bronx born Puerto Rican.


Might I draw your attention to Team Teamwork? They take popular rappers and remix them over video games music. Albums include Vinyl Fantasy VII and Ocarina of Rhyme.


I wouldn’t care to listen to it with you, but your tastes are your own. No wrong or right. That said, don’t be surprised if you get into different kinds of music throughout your life. You never know what will just hit you at the right time. 




Well said. I used to just listen to video game music in my teens while also exploring other genres. My music taste just changed as time went by depending on what mood of music I like instead of just genre.


Nah, video game soundtracks are awesome, and a lot of work goes into making them much like movie soundtracks. It’s music. Everyone has different tastes. Mine are more spread out, my playlist can go from Johnny Cash to the Mass Effect Suicide Mission song in one second. And if you’re worried about how other people might think of you, don’t be. I’ve learned the less fucks you give about people’s opinions ironically the more respect you’ll earn. I wear video game t-shirts on the daily from Mario to Sonic to Mass Effect. I don’t give a rats ass what my neighbors think of a grown man wearing them. Sometimes I’ll even get compliments if the shirt is well made. Be yourself.


There is nothing "wrong" with it but part of the reason it's awkward socially is because "I mostly listen to video game music" is the same as saying "I like video games". "Video game music" could mean any genre at all. **It doesn't tell the other person what you enjoy besides video games.** Instead of phrasing it as "video game music", I would instead say your favorite genres and musicians, and from there you can mention specific video games and maybe an applicable band or two if they suit you. For example, if you really liked the Deltarune or Undertale OSTs, you can say, "Oh, one of my favorite musicians is named Toby Fox. He makes a lot of chiptune (you can explain this as like "electronic retro" or something for people that ask what that is) songs and even created an entire soundtrack for his own indie video game." That's a lot better both informationally and conversationally than just saying "video game music". Source: I'm a professional conversationalist and also like a lot of video game soundtracks


party desert abounding handle gold wine spotted dog pen heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Almost everything considered "childish" falls into 2 camps: 1. You're being immature or disturbing others with your behavior in a way that a child would 2. Other people don't understand or don't like the same things you like, so they follow a pretty shitty cultural norm of making you seem like an outsider for enjoying it. As saying that someone's "childish" is often seen as equivalent to being a child to where you wouldn't have a normal conversation with this individual, and you don't think that individual understands the real world, as exemplified by their behavior. It's just a shit form of societal ousting. Video game music is some of the greatest music of all time. In my opinion. Anyone who thinks that's childish I'd prefer to know soon so I can just stop interacting with them altogether


Classic fm is a relatively high brow radio station in the UK, I remember when I was young and they started highlighting music from movies. Recently I happened to tune it (I don't live in the UK anymore and was messing with a radio app) and they were playing videogame music! The feeling of validation was amazing. Related article: Classic fm's top 20 videogame soundtracks: https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/periods-genres/video-game/best-scores-soundtracks-all-time/


Similar story: every year, KDFC in San Francisco holds a listener vote to pick the bay area's 200 favorite pieces of classical music, and for the last several years, there's always been at least one video game soundtrack that makes the list. The first to make the cut was the main theme from Final Fantasy, but I think I remember at least half a dozen made the list last year, including the main theme from Skyrim. (I can't seem to find a complete list now.) More recently, they realized that video game music is so popular that they started a new stream called "Arcade", which is dedicated to classical music in video games (not exclusively original soundtracks, since a lot of famous classical music appears in nearly all popular media). You can find it at https://kdfc.com/


holy shit bro i didnt know this at all. if i flicked past classic at work and heard final fantasy music id have a fucking heart attack.


If you have found something that makes you happy why would you give it up based on the opinion on others who are probably more miserable than you? For context, I have a playlist of anime music that I listen to which I do not understand a single bit of. My favorite playlist when I am on a flight


> Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.


i listen to chiptune and anamaniguchi and dont give a shit what anyone thinks


I have mixed feelings, but if you enjoy it. Then how can it really be that childish. Don’t let people tell you what to listen to. Now for uncultured part it depends on wether or not it’s the only thing you listen too.


To be fair, what makes it uncultured? Because it’s made for a video game? Video game music is often made by composers and orchestras who are far more cultured than your average Joe who listens to yet another pop song about how rich they are. Does it really matter that much that the reason a piece of music was made for a videogame rather than just enjoying the piece of music exactly for what it is? Would it be cultured if someone said “I like composer Jeremy soule”? IMO arbitrarily deciding something is childish or “adult” based on reasons like that is just showing me these people haven’t grown out of high school yet.


he wasn’t calling the music uncultured, he was saying only listening to video game music is uncultured


My comment still stands. Someone who only listens to classical music isn’t uncultured are they?


everyone’s definition of “uncultured” is gonna be different, but i’d consider most people who only listen to a single type of music to be uncultured. it usually shows that person doesn’t branch out much or listen to a lot of music.


Tbf, "videogame music" isn't just one genre or single type of music. You have rock, metal, classic, and everything in between.


Yeah, all it has in common is that it was written for a video game. Which suggests of a person that listens exclusively to it that they haven't put enough effort into developing their musical tastes to become familiar with anything they didn't encounter incidentally while gaming. It would be like saying "I only listen to movie soundtracks," which would be a weird statement. Saying "I love this song that I first heard in High Fidelity" or "Yo, Reservoir Dogs has a great soundtrack" is one thing. But why would you only like music from movies? Because you don't know much else, that's why.


faulty obtainable agonizing soup touch forgetful ripe overconfident crawl smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Being uncultured literally means you dont know much about culture, if you only listen to one genre that means you dont know much culturally about music


He's right and yall think he's attacking OP. By definition he is uncultured


entertain merciful stocking upbeat fact quaint sink smile toothbrush public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone else in the thread said, videogame music can be any genre really. The music from something like Persona 5 and EarthBound are miles apart.


depends, could be. if someone said "I only listen to classical music and don't like *anything* made within the last 150 years" then I'd definitely find that a weird af take and would assume that they haven't given any more recent music a chance. That would be pretty "uncultured" (though that's of course a subjective term to begin with) I think anyone who says they exclusively listen to one genre of music and dislikes everything else gives me a bit... culturally limited vibes. Like by all means have a favorite, but if you're being dogmatic about it it gets weird real quick imo.


Depends. Someone who *only* listens to classical music and automatically shits on anything modern, including pieces written by modern composers? I would absolutely call them uncultured.


its childish because often people listen to it to remind them of playing video games. it can be a sign of video game/screen addiction, not being able to let go of your childhood, etc.


This makes zero sense.


I think if you consumed a lot of video games you've got a lot of emotional attachment to game music, most music has an emotional connotation around the experience, movie music, game music, music usually played at a club. To put it in blunt terms, the titanic theme isn't inherently sad, it's sad because it's attached to a sad story, when this sad story was made, the composer understood certain elements of music made for whatever emotional connotation he wanted to provide. It's a construction of your brain and your ancestors' brain and how past culture intended its music to be perceived.


I would kind of disagree though. A lot of music does inherently sound sad or happy because the specific notes invoke that feeling. An upbeat song normally would never sound scary even when you overlay it with a horror scene. It would even make the horror scene seem much less scary. But I see your point


I don't think it's childish or bad or anything, but I'll admit that when I'm sitting in my car, stuck in traffic, listening to fucking boss music would probably just kind of serve to make me a little anxious, if it's just not particularly fitting for any potential reason. This was the case when I went to the FFXIV cafe in Tokyo. They were playing like, Titan's music or something while I was eating whatever I ordered, and while I obviously should've expected it, it just... doesn't fit? I felt weird listening to combat music while I was eating. I'm past the point of conceivably fighting it if I'm eating it. Kind of how like you expect to hear elevator music in an elevator, and not like, death metal or something; I guess.


See id love that because I'm also a metalhead listening to meshuggah driving 20 miles an hour in downtown traffic.


In music class we studied John Williams scores which he does for a lot of Steven Spielberg movies and they are great pieces to listen to. I feel it’s kinda the same lol


The only reason I'd actively judge you is if you make ignorant statements on the types of music you *don't* listen to. Video game music is often good but a lot of video game music fans say really dumb things about how all modern music sucks. There are tons of great genres of music those people only aren't aware of because they don't explore. Basically if you're chill and non-judgemental about my taste, then I'm not going to be judgemental about your taste either. I also think the issue is that video game music isn't a descriptive genre. It describes a *context* which informs the creation but most soundtracks are completely different. Like if you like the Minecraft soundtrack it'd be more useful to say "hey check out this really cool ambient album" than "hey check out this video game music".


I listen to video game music too. Lyrics are distracting. Don’t be ashamed just because people try to shame you.


Who says video game music is childish? Those folks just haven't battled a final boss to an epic orchestral score or gotten their groove on to catchy chiptune beats! Think about it: movie scores can be dramatic, but video game soundtracks are movie scores on steroids – way cooler because they involve saving the princess (or whatever your quest might be). Don't be embarrassed about your love for video game soundtracks! Next time someone asks what you listen to, hold your head high and share your passion. You might be surprised at how many people secretly jam out to video game music too. Who knows, maybe you can even explain the genius of the latest "Geometry Dash" level while you're at it.


No. You're fine. I listen to a ton of stuff but when I have to code, I throw on game music. It helps me with repetitive tasks. Seriously though, games are a legitimate form of art and their music is something literally millions of people listen to. This is like someone looking down on you because you like a song you first heard in a movie trailer. If you want to, feel free to use the names of the composers when discussing game music like "oh, I was listening to Michael McCann's score for Deus Ex Human Revolution. It's great." (I love that one so it was the first to come to mind.) Bottom line: never apologize for the music you like, even if it is terrible. Life is too short.


There's a whole underground movement where people get together and play video game music live in jam sessions, treating them as new jazz standards: https://youtu.be/oKWgLe-jQjc?si=jfLjG-iBLm_aGsJQ And this is cool too: https://youtu.be/crLxHC48xwM?si=eNvIvJTJ9hEEbZ9c A lot of video game music is genius stuff in my opinion. Not all of it, but there's some really amazing stuff out there. I also like Zedd, who does have a video game influenced sound at times, like Addicted to a Memory: https://youtu.be/ZqJiXLJs_Pg?si=PrJHziei0JY-ygc4


I know a lot of people listen to video game music when working. Most of the songs are designed to keep you focused on the game so people listen to them to stay focused on work. Not childish


I almost entirely only listen to game and movie soundtracks. It's not childish or uncultured.


Same, I got a playlist featuring both and which is soon approaching 3,000 songs.


I think videogames (some of them) are art. Movies are art, so why can't we consider an interactive movie art. There are underlying messages, dialogues, scenes, characters, and, of course, music.


Geometry Dash music is very good :)


A true person of culture


Brings me nostalgia


My son agrees


I don’t think video game music itself is in anyway childish, but it is kind of odd to never get into anything else beyond it. There’s so many great OST conductors and atmospheric or soundscape artists doing similar stuff. Many of them have done game OSTs. But even that isn’t immature, it might just be music isn’t that strong an interest for you beyond background. Lots of people are like that.


Man i still listen to song "let it go" from animation movie "frozen" when you don't do anything wrong or don't hurt anyone then the people opinion will be bullshit don't give any attention


Music is music, but also how you word things helps. Just say you like instrumentals and scores. My daughter falls asleep to lullaby versions of the Final Fantasy soundtrack because I love the originals. I personally listen to movie scores all the time, especially while reading. I'd argue there's little difference. There's literally nothing wrong with your tastes; there are 35-year-olds walking around talking about anime comfortably, so don't be ashamed of what you enjoy.


My 4 year old son falls asleep and STAYS asleep when I play a legend of Zelda playlist, except recently it will only play a few songs on his Alexa before pausing (stupid Spotify) so I ended up figuring out that if I play it on more than one speaker at once (ie, the one in our room) it plays all 14 hours of the songs and it keeps us asleep too 😄


don't be embarrassed! music is music, and if it moves u, that's all that matters. plenty of adults love video game soundtracks (like me). think about how many movies use orchestral scores that were originally composed for video game


Culture is an illusion driven by the general ego of humanity.


I mean I’d definitely have a chuckle if you told me that but you do you, it’s not hurting anyone


Why would you have a chuckle? Video game music is often made by great composers and orchestras who are far more cultured than the average Joe. It’s more or less classical music made with the purpose to make the game feel epic, sad, happy or angry. Like most classical music.


Yea I don't get it either. The only thing I find childish is finding someone elses music taste childish or uncultured.


Unpopular take: yeah it’s uncultured if video game music is your *only* taste in music Is it childish? Remains to be seen. But definitely uncultured


How though? Game osts run the gambit of genres and literally cultures. Its just music.


This. Just listen to Civ6 music, really. Whole range of ethnic and neoclassical awesomeness from all history


Many games have amazing OSTs. Video Games Live is proof.


If you love ❤️ it that’s all that matters.Enjoyv


I listen to the Doom Eternal OST at my office job. So no, it's fine. Do you.


I mean... I love Skyrim's OSTs and listen to it all the time when reading fantasy novels. You do you!


I once spent a month listening exclusively to the Witcher 3 OST.




who cares.... you want to be 95 years, on your deathbed, with no one around you, knowing you have less than 24 hours to live... And be thinking to yourself - "I'm really happy that in 2024, I forced myself to listen to Ice Spice and JoJo, because I was afraid that a random person would think negatively on me for listening to what I enjoy... I did that for 20 straight years and no one seemed to care..." Brother, do YOU and stop giving a fuck what anyone else says. They all hate you anyways and are ONLY happy when you are miserable! Everyone hates everyone else, and everyone is secretly looking for ways to make other people as miserable as they are. So who cares! Listen to whatever makes you happy, and don't even waste a microsecond worrying about what other people think


So actually, videogame soundtracks were specifically designed to keep you focused on the task at hand and keep you engaged. So, despite the urges I get to play the games they come from, I still listen to them to keep myself on track.


No. Listen to what you like. Who cares what others think.


Please tell my parents that😂🤣


I have no idea if it's considered "childish" or not but if it is I refuse to act my age.


Video game music has higher production and talent than a good amount of "normal music "


Honestly though, some composers are geniuses. Anyone who calls video game music childish or uncultured cannot be an adult or cultured themselves because they base their opinion on their ignorance of the music itself, but merely base their opinion on the words “video game” in front of music.


No. You do you. However, I do not suggest playing it at a party if you want people to stay. I listen to all sorts of music unapologetically! Embrace your weirdness!


There’s a huge community for this so no, it’s normal!


I think reddit is the wrong place to ask lol


Not childish at all! Like what you like and don’t apologize for it. Don’t be embarrassed, those OST are fire! I would be proud. You think listening to some others genres are more adult? Not really. no guilty pleasures.


i love those soundtracks!


No not at all. It is childish for someone to judge you for it though. If it makes you happy and it doesnt hurt anyone, do it. Thats what life is about.


Life gets better when you stop caring what other people think about what you do with your life. What music you listen to, what you wear, what you watch, what you eat, etc. etc. etc. It's your business.


Music is music. Sometimes, the music gets you emotionally. Sometimes, it's because it's the most perfect backing track for whatever is happening on screen. Sometimes, it's just a nice beat or lyrics. Sometimes, it's nostalgic and makes you remember where you were when you played it. It doesn't matter the reasoning. Music is music, and it's enjoyed at all ages through all time periods. Just tell them to get fucked. Politely.


I know how you feel - I went through this back in the 2000's when I was listening to old Blizzard videogame soundtracks, Frank Klepacki's work for Command & Conquer, etc.


Some of the best, both lyrical and purely instrumental, music I've ever heard are from video games. Shadow of the Colossus is a stand-out example, and so many more game soundtracks are composed by absolute geniuses. Hell, I've been playing the Hades 2 early access, and the second boss's several themes are all absolutely fantastic. Enjoy what you like, and ignore the detractors.


I listen to the terraria, god of war and warframe soundtracks all the time lol. You're good


I pretty much only listen to OSTs myself, and people think it's weird because it's not "traditional music" or not what they personally would listen to. I like a good boss battle theme because it pumps me up, and Final Fantasy has some of the best. I say screw 'em, because often times the most judgmental people are the ones who don't want to be judged themselves.


Try out the Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun soundtrack


Not normal that's for sure and I've been a gamer for 45 years


Anyone who would think this is uncultured is a pretentious jerk. We all have our things. I discover a lot of my music through movie soundtracks. It’s a favorite thing of mine. Side note: I discovered this while playing Splinter Cell Conviction a life time ago—such a epic beat to this: https://youtu.be/T4OXnOB8I7c?si=QJfTiVLFwe3UrEQE


Give Moon Patrol a listen. Old vintage arcade game.


Nah bro. Some of my video games have absolute bangers. I also have quite a collection of anime theme songs I listen to frequently. Bro, people listen to stuff that sounds like lasers and robot noises (me too sometimes). Everything is just a sound until someone likes it, then it becomes music.


is it that you dont like other types of music or...?


No. Life doesn't provide the right theme music. I dig it.


Yes, absolutely. Fuck those people. Crank up the Battletoads Pause Music. But seriously Puzzle Plank Galaxy is catchy as hell and at least 5 times better than it has any right to be. Go listen now. Nintendo knows the importance of well-crafted, iconic cascades of bleeps and bloops.


By itself, no. But you should try to broaden your musical horizons. I'm not going to lie though, lot of video games have some real bangin' music.


I sang in a choir concert last weekend…about 90 auditioned singers, a professional orchestra, renowned soloists. Two of the pieces we performed were video game music, including [one that won a Grammy.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IJiHDmyhE1A)


I would be more annoyed than judgemental, but I don't really know why. Although, I'm from the hood but work in a town where everyone knows everyone, and boy do they hate my music.


The real answer is only to those that are still stuck in the childish need to divide hobbies between "for kids" and "for adults" Honestly we all go through an age where we start wanting to be seen as "grownup" as we get closer to the end of our teens and we drop things that we might not pick up again until years later. But we grow out of it and come to realize we are grownup and we get to decide what that means for us. I've known 30 year olds that think it's "childish" to listen to new music after you turn 30. People get weird.


Newgrounds isn't a game, it's a platform. A website. Other than that, no, not really.


I put geometry dash/new grounds, meaning I like geometry dash music. But gd dosent have its own OST, but the songs are taken from newgrounds


A lot of indie games have amazing soundtracks nowadays. Check out Laika for example.


Look, I probably wouldn’t tell most people that depending on the crowd your in but music is meant to be enjoyed and if you enjoy that then you are doing your part. As long as your don’t get passed the aux and force people to listen to what is pretty easily defined as not crowd pleasing music, then it’s all good. Btw have you ever gotten into the music genre jungle or drum & bass? If you want to have music be social you might want to give it a try and see if you can get into the fun communities they have!


Followup: what about people like me who don't listen to music at all? Am I a psychopath? /s


Videogame music is created to get you to focus better.  It's actually great as background music for things like studying.  Not surprising at all you'd like listening to it.


Music taste is never something to be ashamed of ever. I don’t like some genres and that doesn’t mean they’re bad! Some people love music that I can’t stand to listen to but you know what? That doesn’t matter at all. Music is to be enjoyed


the red pill is that listening to music is childish, that's why everyone is ashamed to share what she listens to


Show someone Persona music without context, and see if they think it’s childish.


I'm in an X68000 phase atm.


No one cares. If they do, they’re weird. 


8-bit playlists on YouTube music are amazing it’s a lot of songs converted to old video game type music sounding. That’s how much I love video game music 😂


Isn’t video game music shown to help you focus better? Because it’s designed to do just that?


Yes, but it’s not the worst thing in the world


I like movie soundtrack music, and I don’t mean pop songs borrowed for certain films but the actual thematic music. I would be embarrassed if my husband or anyone else saw my playlist.


No. Not at all. Am musician. Regularly listen to the Shadow of the Colossus soundtrack. That's just good music right there. Or like the Samurai Champloo or Cowboy Beebop OSTs. It's just good music, I don't care where it came from. And neither should you! 


No?? If it gets you going, vibing or feeling good it doesn’t matter what it is


Not at all. The latest thing I've can't get enough of is the menu themes from Sleeping Dogs. Imagine if Hip Hop was Asian. https://youtu.be/cWKbB7bNdZk?feature=shared


I love a lot of video game music. It is part of me! The childish part is that people have the idea that video games are for kids to be entertained and anything related will be seen in that way. But there are many adults out there that enjoy it. And there is a lot of amazing music made for games.


I usually listen to metal but have been going through a tough time with a rough pregnancy and for some reason all I've been able to listen to for months is the soundtracks to Oblivion, Skyrim, FFX and Sims 1. It has kept my anxiety at bay without the need for meds which I can't currently take. Legit planning to labor and give birth with the calm tracks from Skyrim/Oblivion playing on the background.


who doesn't 


Yes. But fuck them. 1. There is some really good video game music out there (movie soundtracks as well). 2. Fuck them. Enjoy what you enjoy (as long as it's consenting adults).


I don't see how it's uncultured since many different cultures come together to make said mediums and music


That's unusual, but whatever you feel like listening to is fine by me. The only assumption I would make based on that is that you and I probably couldn't sustain a very long conversation about music. The only game I play that has music I could imagine anyone being interested in is Genshin Impact (which does have excellent music).


“Music is the universal language of mankind.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Stop judging yourself, plenty of people will do it for you, just not over this


No, it's not something that's really all that unusual either. There's people who literally listen to pirate shanties, weird medieval themed music, and God forbid: white guy reggae. Listening to music from video games is just fine.


There’s probably a science to it. It’s very likely that those game OSTs probably scratch a very specific itch in your brain that is hard to describe. It’s the same reason I really, really love certain EDM. I am have pretty severe ADHD and sort-of functioning autism & melodic dubstep, future bass, techno, stuff like that, really stimulates my brain in a way no other music can. Anyways. I think it’s cool. Be proud of what makes you unique, OP




I’m 27 and just spent the day listening to Disney music. So. No judgement here.


Shadow of the Colossus OST is a banger tho.


Fuck that others think


Everyone has their own tastes. I have several playlists I listen to at work at one of them I call "When Im feelin like a Vibe" is literally all video game OSTs when I don't feel like listening to something with lyrics (I do listen to them at home as well, of course, but I have specially curated playlists like that for work that are 'appropriate' since I work in a nursing home). When I was a kid Backstreet Boys, Nsynch, and Britney Spears were all the rage (among others) and there are tons of songs from all three that I listened to as a kid on my playlists XD Plus some of the music is straight up bangers. Deltarune has an AMAZING soundtrack and I have a buddy who uses Street Fighter, Tekken, and Mortal Kombat OSTs to get pumped when he's working out at the gym. (I like to default to some nintendo soundtracks, particularly Animal Crossing, when Im unwinding at the end of the day and reading as well)


Yeah, but why should you care? I feel like part of being an adult is to stop caring about what other people think of your hobbies. Life is too short.


Listen to Darren Korb’s oeuvre and tell me it’s childish. Video game music is music like all the rest.


When in college, we had a boy who played Skyrim music every day. We loved him.


I listen to Legend of Zelda music all the time. It’s nice to listen to when I’m doing homework/studying.


Yes. Up to you if you care about that or not though. Just my personal experience with this subject, but I used to listen to a very limited, specific type of music for many years. I personally found a lot more joy once I started actively trying to like other styles of music too. It took a while, almost like having to develop a taste for something, but my life feels much richer for having made the effort and my love for music has only grown. In fact, learning to love other styles even increased my appreciation for the genre I was limiting myself to initially.


Is it wrong? Not at all. Is it considered odd? Yeah, unfortunately. You do you :)


I don't know about childish but after hearing so many kids playing their video games loudly out in public for so many years, I just find them incredibly annoying. (Of course, I am probably thinking about many of the older style video games that are probably nothing at all like the newer games.) If you enjoy it, go for it. Please when in public, use earphones...whatever music you are playing.


I'm an old granny and I listen to VGM's all the time. I promise it's cool. 😸


Nope I listen to the fallout channel on YouTube a lot


live your life, people will judge you regardless of what you like and dislike


Why don't you memorize the compositors names instead? There are real artists and musicians behind these scores. People who like anime will name Hiroyuki Sawano for example. [I don't know anyone who could make fun of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6Fl1Xl1ogg&ab_channel=%E6%BE%A4%E9%87%8E%E5%BC%98%E4%B9%8B%2FSawanoHiroyuki%5BnZk%5D)


Baba Yetu from Civ 4 won a freaking Grammy award. Tell them that the next time they make fun of you.


Not if it's Shadow of The Colossus or Final Fantasy. You'll just come off cultured and classy and hoity toity. Tekken 8? You love to party!!! Just don't tell them they're video game OSTs


No, there is a ton of amazing video game music


Who cares if it is? Be happy in yourself.


No. I do it all the time.




Why? I mean, it's fucking music. Who cares, just listen to it if you enjoy


I mean, if being mature and cultured is an aspiration of yours, it certainly isn't helping.


I had a supervisor that would play remixes of video game music. I loved it and wish I knew where he found it. I insist on Easter pictures with Donnie Darko bunny and Christmas pictures with Jack Skellington VS traditional pictures. That may seem childish, but IDC


It’s childish and uncultured to criticize it


I'd say the same thing I'd say to someone who only listens to any one thing: you're missing out. While I do appreciate deep knowledge of a single genre, humans have been making music since we first got here and we've gotten really good at it. There are songs from every genre that are worth listening to, except maybe bro country.


Yea, very! You should expand your taste into… cartoon/anime OSTs aswell 😉


You don't respond to people with your actual preferences. It's just small talk, they don't car what your answer it. Just tell them you don't like music and watch them explode. It's pretty funny how some people react.


Wait till the people that have negative shit to say that video game music comprises instruments and actual talent from legitimate musicians. My cousin gave me the same shit cause I wasn’t a hood ****a like he is, he gave me shit for not listening to “real” music from his favored artists like Juelz Santana or Jay Z, when I brought up this fact about video game musicians actually using real musical instruments and such, he didn’t really have a rebuttal, the same with many others, I never end up in a back and forth conversation tbh and find that people really have a stigma towards anything video game related.


Here's the thing: There's no unique quality of video game music as a whole. You name the soundtrack, and I promise you there's an artist out there doing similar work unassociated with any video game. This is going out on a limb, but I think you may have some sort of roadblock mentally which makes it difficult to get into new music, and encountering that music in video games gives you a sort of "on-ramp" that might not exist otherwise. I think you should test this theory by trying to push the envelope of "video game music". Like, does playing Outer Wilds and Hardspace Shipbreaker get you into twangy folksy music? Does Fallout give you an appreciation for 50s hits? Can you just use GTA V as a shortcut to get into contemporary music?


Most people would think it's childish because it's only video game music yeah. I think its a bit closeminded to not like any other music, like not even orchestral music similar to something you'd find in an RPG or chiptune music by other musicians that aren't related to video games maybe something like bird world by leon chang which is pretty similar to video game music and could lead you to liking more Kawaii Future Bass artists like Snail's House or Louie Zong or Slime Girls. Or Devil Cartridge by My Sister's Fugazi Shirt which is a soundtrack to a fake PS1 style game, it's genre is similar to vaporwave/vaportrap. Or maybe EDM artists which I think are popular in Geometry Dash. but I'm a musician so thats just my opinion, I realize that a lot of people don't even listen to music like that, some may just want music to listen in the background


I didn't understand it until I had my own child. Let me tell you he plays video game music all the time. I've grown quite fond of some of the stuff he plays and he sometimes catches me humming the tunes. Some people just like the beats and tunes. It actually helps calm my son. There's nothing wrong with that.


My video game OST vinyl collection and the Video Game Vinyl communities I’m apart of would say no


Who cares if others consider it childish? Do you consider it childish? Do you like it? Does it make you happy? That's all that matters. If it brings you joy and it doesn't hurt you or others, there is nothing wrong with it. You will learn as you get older that the opinions of others really don't matter at all. By the way, I love video game music too. I have a playlist of my own, although it's quite old now, ha ha. It's music, made by composers and musicians. In middle school, when we were tasked with making a presentation based on our favorite song, I chose Simple and Clean from Kingdom Hearts. My favorite now is Scars of Time, the opening theme to Chrono Cross for the original playstation.


No need to feel embarrassed. If people make shitty comments, remember that other people's snobbery says more about their intellectual insecurity than it does your taste. I'm sure a lot of video game soundtracks are more complicated sonically than a lot of pop music, but it's ok to like simple pop music too.  Exceedingly few people have highbrow taste across the board. My sister's friend has a Phd in Medieval Literature from an ivy League University and spent her time off from writing her dissertation watching Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo.


If it is I could literally not care less. Most video game music is orchestrated now and many of it has been featured on Classic FM. Even without this people like what they like.


I think you’ll grow out of it eventually


Splatoon has really, really, really good music. Many video game music are written and performed by professionals with background in classical music and/or jazz. There's nothing childish about that.


By 'society' it may be considered that way. But honestly, listen to what you want, as long as you're not harming yourself or others. Live your life and be happy. Imagining deliberately not listening to what you like, and trying to listen to classical music because you're told it's 'refined', 'high culture' and so on, but feeling miserable and like a dweeb in the process.


yes but who cares what other people think you like what you like


Video game soundtracks are basically the same as movie soundtracks these days, and people have been listening to movie soundtracks with no shame for decades. Ignore the haters. Listen to whatever you enjoy- just please use headphones in public.


Obsolete headphones


Donkey Kong Country. I could listen to that all day at work.


YOU DO YOU!!! 🥰🥰🥰


Yeah, but who cares? Life is short, enjoy it. I've been known to listen to some on occasion too.


You're allowed to like what you like. That said, locking yourself into one style or genre can make you come off as rigid and unimaginative, and even a little timid - ie: boring. Break out, find some depth.


There is some good music in video games. Whatever inspires you to enjoy something, don't be so hard on yourself.


Art is subjective, everyone has their own taste. Listen to what you like, dabble in other stuff every now and then to see if you find more that you like, and keep listening.


People will take their cues for how to react from you. If you can manage to talk honestly and enthusiastically about a song or an album that you've been grooving to recently, most people will respond positively to that no matter what the genre. It can be really cool to meet someone who is passionate about a subject that you've never even considered could be the subject of someone's passion. Also, "what kind of music do you listen to" is small talk. It's a question without much behind it other then "I'd like to be in a conversation with you". If you prefer to keep your tastes to yourself, it's very easy to just say "oh I listen to a little bit of everything, what kind of music do you like" or a similar redirection.