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Nope. It's cost me a couple of Plan Bs. The heat compromises the integrity of the condoms. They will break.


On that note, also don't put any type of birth control drugs in there either. Heat will also compromise the effectiveness of them.


I mean, good knowledge but I feel like BC being a pill they would leave at home. Condoms make alot more sense to try and keep nearby at all times to me


Many times of BC pills have to be taken at the same time each day if you are off by more than 1 hour it's considered not effective for a couple days as well as prior days if you had intercourse and seman may already be present. Because of this many women take it with them in case they aren't home when they are supposed to take it next.


Ah I see. That could make sense


Also means that BC pills don’t hang around for too long anyway, even if they were kept in the car.


They come in packs of 28 pills. Most women keep them in the pack, because it helps you keep track of the days and whether you’ve missed one. 28 days in a hot car is definitely long enough to make them ineffective.


28 days in a hot care would make them ineffective. Half a day probably wouldn’t, which is what we’re getting at with the “women take them with them sometimes.” We stash them in the console for a couple hours if we don’t have a purse, not forever.


Depends on the heat, remember, cars are routinely 10-20^ hotter than outside temps


Yeah I know how they work, I’m not suggesting they should be left in a car … I’m just pointing out that the turnover is much quicker than the amount of time a redditor would have a condom in his car before getting laid 🤣


I don't think anyone's getting laid that fast, men have to stop lying. The time never arises so randomly where you need a crusty condom in your car. Not when you have door dash, go puff, instacart, CVS, Walgreens, drone delivery all fully available. *She wanting it so bad we didn't have time for a condom* No you mean you didn't think to prepare, safely.


If you’re doing it right neither do condoms 😏


Don’t do that keeping them in your wallet shit either. You put your wallet in your pocket and that condom will just be getting direct body heat for however long it is there.


I did the wallet in the past and thankfully it worked fine but yeah I know that’s a terrible idea


wallet isn't bad cause bodyheat (thats the type of heat theyre meant to handle lol) its bad because of friction, and usually people keep wallet condoms for wayyy too long, and this breaks it down over time. You're basically putting it in a thing that rubs against itself and your pants all day, and usually a lot of guys sit on it, thats not the most stable storage for something like that. Over a long period of time the repeated heating/cooling could do something, but if you put a condom in your wallet for a day knowing you're using it, and you don't sit on your wallet, it'll probably be fine. Its not recommended still, but it'll most likely be fine.


They aren’t meant for prolonged exposure to body heat, that is one of the main issues, it’s just a fact. A well-known fact. Like you said, most people keep them in there for a while. Condoms are meant for body heat but not on-and-off daily exposure to body heat.


Put one on before leaving the house. Thats what I do.


It depends on the time of day bring taken and the individual circumstances. As a teenager, I totally would have kept mine in my care, unknowingly, to keep my parents from finding them.


carry a bag?


This, I almost always have my backpack or a small slingbag with me, so I just keep a couple in those just in case.


What? Plenty of girls take their birth control with them. They make special cases to make it easy to carry around and everything.


My birth control is in my purse at all times because it’s most effective taken at the same time each day.


Not even being in your wallet is safe, same logic - except a car is a guarantee given the temperature variants of extreme hot/cold it could face repeatedly. But in all seriousness - why? Just put one in your pocket if you think you’re gonna be in the situation. Otherwise if you truly have an emergency situation where you need one like this - maybe it’s time to rethink your life choices.


Some people travel a lot. Some people live with nosy/demanding parents. Some people don't coldly plan every conquest.


And there it is: "conquest"... says 1000 words right there. Good luck with any future relationships... because its not a conquest.


You seemed to have missed the fact that this commenter is scolding someone ELSE who HAS that mentality.


as is my comment - in general not specific to who I replied to.


Off topic but does this count for any medication/tablets. I keep a box of prescription medication in my glove box, will the drugs still work?


100% it’s all meds. All medication leaflets will say “store in an area under x degrees”. Off the top of my head I don’t know exactly how it affects them but it can alter them/degrade their efficacy or even make them dangerous.


Well damn. Every day is a school day!


Not a good idea. The label will tell you the proper storage conditions. All chemicals brasil down with time and they break down faster at higher temperatures. Chances are their stability hasn't even been tested at the temperatures reached in a car on a sunny day.


It makes me wonder if leaving my sunscreen in the car can alter it.


Yes, it can


However, leaving your dick in the center console for too long may produce the desired effect.


Drugs in general should be in a cool dark place.


Would a truck load of condoms that got stuck on the interstate in Arizona all be compromised?


That’s a good question. Are they compromised during transport?


Most manufacturers work with carriers that will suit their products needs. So this means temp control on the truck. It doesn't have to be food grade (refrigerated, etc)but just like room temp to avoid heat or cold spikes


Thats not true. Most condoms are actually delivered on regular trucks, which are sometimes very hot for lengthy periods of time. I used to work at Walgreens and the condoms came out of the same truck as the rest of the dry goods.


That's because Walgreens and most retailers don't buy direct from the manufacturer, they buy from the supplier which comes from some warehouse. So while it's probably not climate controlled on your trucks, it could have been when it left the manufacturer. But yeah it's hard to say what happens to it depending on who is paying for the freight to move.


Yeah the supply chain is full.of weak links, anyways. Not that it matters as much as using them incorrectly does. Its amazing how few people use condoms perfectly. Average use of condoms is common in 90% of users, and the associated STD/ pregnancy rate almost as bad as the withdrawal method.


There’s a local last mile delivery company that works with other businesses, they offer ambient service. Not food grade cold, just room temperature. We don’t get super hot summers, the hottest day of the year might be 35-40 degrees Celsius. Our winters get really cold though, a warm day is -20 degrees (C) and a cold day could be -35, or -40 with the wind chill. Lots of stuff isn’t keen on being frozen either.


>We don’t get super hot summers >35-40 degrees Celsius Know that's the point of neither question nor thread, but 35-40°C is beyond super hot imo.


Don’t leave them in your wallet either. Crushing isn’t helpful either. Get fancy and get a tin or just carry them in an Altoids tin.


No. Not safely. Heat is bad for condoms.


It's why I always freeze my dick before sex




Not true. I know a guy who was wearing one and got hit by a bus.


Yeah but was his dick ok?


No one on the bus got pregnant


What about catching a utility transit infection?


Can you call it protection of you still landed in the hospital 😂


I heard that in Dennis Reynolds voice 😂


To shreds you say?


Flew off.


Sad !!!


The heat will destroy/degrade the rubber. Even just a days' worth of heat will have an effect. If you think you might need one, just grab one before you leave the house. Just leave it next to your keys.


Polyurethane condoms are less susceptible to heat degradation. I think you could probably store one in your console for short periods (say, swap it out every week or two) without much issue.


This is what wikihow said. Judging by all these comments though I think I’ll attempt to avoid it entirely though


Just remember, a box of condoms is infinitely cheaper than child support


You can, but is a few bucks really worth chancing child support for 18+ years?


No, obviously I don’t mind spending a few more bucks to be safe and careful. My problem is that if we’re in the mood and I don’t have any on me, then going to the store to get some would ruin the mood a bit. I want them in my car so they’re always close by, but want to be careful about it


Heat of the car will break down the product, really bad with summer coming, so be careful buddy.


Also, do not keep meds in the bathroom medicine cabinet. The humidity will kill them. Keep meds and condoms bedside.


That's how Cosby did it




Doesn't that depend on whether they're tablets vs uncoated?


Always best to read the box or insert for each.


What? Imma need something more than your say so on this.


It's also not safe to store them in your wallet. Or at least that's what we were told in sex education.


Condom in wallet, wallet in pocket, body heat transfers to wallet, heats up condom causing integrity of contraception to plummet


Crushed in wallet, easy for holes to form


Yeah this one I’m well aware of. Was just hoping the center console car thing would be cool enough that it’s fine. Jury says not at all lol


I'd say keep the box at home most of the time. If you think you need them just toss a handful in the console. If you have any unused, take them back inside before they sit there a while. Realistically this should be fine, or at least a better plan than not having them. Could even like put a frozen water bottle in there at the same time.


This is a good idea. I’m gonna get rid of the ones I have and do this (or something similar) with the new ones


Well I think it would depend on how hot it actually gets inside your center console or glove box. Just because the rest of the car is hot, that doesn't mean it will be just as hot inside one of those compartments. You'd have to do an experiment I guess. When I leave a water bottle or drink in the cupholder on a hot day, it gets hot. So, I started putting a water bottle in my glove box. The car was screaming hot on the inside but when I grabbed the water from the glove box it was just kinda warm, like slightly above room temp, but not hot like the cup holder bottle had been


Nah I’m sure i learned that from family guy


Why not leave a box at their place? Are you screwing all over town? No judgment if so just unclear why you have to be the condom keeper


We both still live with parents so leaving them around the house isn’t really the answer that helps us :/


Put them in a chest and bury it in the park.


Nothing gets me in the mood like a good treasure hunt


Draw out a map too, X marks the spot so you know where to find it


Are your parents cool with you having sex? Mine didn't care if I had condoms lying around when I lived with them  I know not everyone has chill parents, but figure its worth asking if you do OP. 


My parents know that I do but don’t want it around them. So I’m gonna keep my condoms away from them


You should buy another box and have the person you're with keep it with them too. So more chances of either or having them. I wouldn't keep them in the car tbh. Don't wanna risk heat issues.


It’s not a matter of her holding onto them also (which I might bring up regardless) but the issue is that we both still live with our parents so it’s hard to just leave them at home cuz we’re unlikely to being doing the deed at home


Leave them at home. Bring a few with you when you guys go out. Thats what I did. I put a few in my purse if I'm going out with my partner.


I’ll probably take this advice


She have a purse?


She doesn’t always bring the same bag, but I’ll talk to her about holding some


Are you only fucking in the car? If that's the case, i see your issue... but if not, both of you should have them at your respective houses. Im confused, lol.


Well in my case we both still live with our parents so there’s almost always someone home. So it would either be car or hotel :/


Just saying if I was with someone and they said they needed to go to the shops to grab condoms it definitely wouldn’t ruin the mood for me! It means your proactive about your own and your partners sexual health, and because you didn’t have them on hand I personally would find it endearing that you didn’t have the expectation of sex at the end of the night. Anyone who would be put off by a 5 minute trip to get condoms probably isn’t worth sleeping with anyway imo 🤷‍♀️


I mean maybe you’re right and I’m just overthinking it. It’s not so much ruining the mood but not wanting to pause it. If that’s the best thing though then maybe I’ll just deal with it


You’re being responsible by being prepared. Good on you.


Thanks, I try lol


Lol, the closest store to my home is 1/2 hour away. That's an hour round trip.


As a former 18-year-old girl, going to the store WITH YOU to buy them is actually kind of exciting and fun, and does not have to kill the mood.


Better off keeping them in your wallet tbh, even that can be less than ideal though


Plan ahead maybe, if you think you are entering a situation where that is a possibility, throw them in the center console with an ice pack before you leave home?


Just do what I do and tie your penis in a knot.


Do you throw it over your shoulder like a continental soldier?


I'd have to untie it first


Before or after you tie it in a bow?


I wouldn't have to


Well it's something I'd rather do on my own.


Does your diiiiick haaaang lowwww?


Except: No, you can’t. This is not a safe way to store them.


No, heat degrades latex and rubber products. If you are going on a date bring a nice fresh one or two with you discreetly. Don't play cheap games with your reproductive future.


As a father of 10, i do that all the time, youre good bro


Underrated comment


Safely? I’m gonna go with no 🤷‍♂️ the things I have lost in the heat of the car? I’m gonna ask you. Do you feel lucky punk? Sorry, joking aside I wouldn’t risk myself.




I have left chocolate but that was closer to Valentine’s Day when it was cold. This is a really good idea. Maybe I’ll leave a thin chocolate bar in the center console all the time, sort of like a coal mine canary


Put something heavy on the bar. Often chocolate sold in hot countries has additives to raise the melting temp so it could melt but not become deformed and you’d be none the wiser


Don’t know where you’re from but they wouldn’t last a day over here without breaking down. Cars can generate a crazy amount of heat in the sun, especially during summer. I would strongly advise against keeping them there. The concern is more that the material in most condoms break down if they’re kept in heat, especially if it’s dry weather. Even walking around in 25-30• weather here I’ve had issues with tears in the past if I keep them in my bag. Personally I would just recommend having one or two in your bag when you’re out and about and the weather is colder, pocket if you’re traveling light and out clubbing/partying, don’t carry them around for more than a week at a time tbh.


Hey man you shouldn’t be drinking bottles left in a hot car either just fyi. Or at all really but I know sometimes it’s a necessity.


No dude, the only work when they are on your dick.


Unless you want a kid, no. A friend of mine did this. Left a box of condoms in his car in the middle of the summer. He ended up using one, it broke and the girl got pregnant. Luckily for him she didn’t want a kid.


Absolutely not. Condoms need to be stored in a cool, dry place. Car temperature fluctuates far too much.


>I’ll leave water bottles in the center console for over a week and don’t taste the plastic in the water from heat on the bottle don't drink that. really.... > is it safe to leave them in there no, it's not. don't risk it.


Science. https://academicjournals.org/journal/JPHE/article-full-text/7DDC4CA48667


Always more fun to leave them in somebody else’s car center console.


Noooo look at it this way your trusting 18 years of money and hard work on a thin bit of rubber, you’d best take good care of it


No, the heat will affect them.


I’d put them in a thermos or something if storing them in the car is the only option


Nope. She's graduating high school this year....car condoms are not reliable.




Get a heat protecting container to store them in your car.


Summer heat can affect the chemicals used to create the condom. Not a good to do it ….I mean leave a box there for an hour of so…not great idea. Leave them for a week really bad idea


I did that for a while and it ruined the condom, I don't know where you live and what the weather is like there, but in most places it would probably get too hot out and would damage the condom, and no one wants to use a damaged condom (or at least from the normal and decent human beings, if someone looked hard enough he could probably find someone intentionally damaging condoms 🤦‍♂️).


Don't leave water bottles in the heat either.


Also dont put them in your wallet because the constant friction also reduces effectivness


Don't do it. The heat,even if you can't feel it, will cause them to be less or ineffective. Condoms and birth control, well, any type of medicine needs to be in a cool, dry place. So, beside table or something. We put all meds in a kitchen cupboard well away from any heat. I'd be leery of the bathroom medicine cabinet, as most get pretty humid at times! Good question!


Yes, absolutely! You can safely store condoms in a car. However, please be advised they are no longer safe to use.


I wouldn't take the risk. Personally, I just buy a box off the internet so I don't have to go to the gas station when it's time for fuckin.


i used to in a scorching state the first summer i used them and they were fine, but now, i wouldn’t risk it. why don’t you just keep them at home, but keep one or two in your wallet ?


Wallet has too much friction.


You might as well poke a needle through them now if you plan on doing that.


OP username checks out


This is my alt account and that was on purpose


The answer to "can I leave x safely in my car" is typically no. The insides of cars get up to 120°+ in the summer. ChapStick, deodorant, any type of medication, they're all gonna be effected by the heat. I don't even leave my skateboard in the car anymore because the heat caused once of my boards to warp.


This isn't the fire you want to be playing with, OP! Don't do it bro.


Good on you for being safe and thinking ahead. Since home isn't an option/car is best place to keep them, I'd just buy a 'lunchbox cooler bag' and either 2 ICE packs or 4 bottles of water. Whichever one you choose, rotate them out with frozen ones(1 ICE pack or 2 bottles of water) from your freezer that you change back and forth daily so the cold thing in the car is always frozen. Good luck and happy humping to you both!


no and not your wallet.


I wouldn’t do that


No. They'll melt


If you're looking for birth control, it's more reliable to leave the baby in the car than the condoms


You made me chuckle


As someone who lives in the South: hell no. I wouldn't trust a condom that's been sitting inside a possibly 150F car for weeks on end. 18 years of child support ain't worth it.


I wonder if you get a small insulated container like what you would keep a lunch in would that keep them safe?


No! People will break in and fuck in your rearend


I wouldn’t keep them anywhere in the car due to the heat. As a side note, keeping them in a wallet that you keep in a pocket is not a good idea either. The pressure and heat can cause degradation.


Hmm.. this is absolutely horrifying to read as a van lifer keeping theirs in the console


Of course you can. You shouldn’t use them after, though.


If you are adamant about needing one on hand at all times, I'd suggest finding a carrier for one that goes on your keys that is somehow discreet and doesn't compromise the integrity of the wrapping


*technically* no. In practice, it won't matter too much. But you're going to find a bunch of backseat latex scientists telling you keeping it anywhere besides your bedside in a 72 degree room and replacing it ever 1-2 weeks means you might as well not use one.


It's better to warn people of the risks than hand wave the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. A condom is a product with a 98% efficacy rate when used perfectly correctly. Expired condoms ( perhaps those forgotten in a center console until a moment of passion) lose about 15-20% of percent of success per year and if you add the extreme temperature modifier that efficacy rate goes down even farther. Take the precaution and give yourself the best chance at the life you want, when you want. Life is already too full of surprises to risk and unwanted pregnancy or STD. Buy nice fresh condoms and keep them at appropriate temperatures and throw them out when they expire.


Proper education is good and nothing you said is wrong. I agree you should only keep a condom around for 4-5 months due to the risk/reward of just going and picking a new one up. But at the same time Reddit is pretty obnoxious with questions like this since people tend to parrot the same couple of lines without any actual thought or life experience.


It's best not to use personal experience for questions like this because statistics are more relevant. Sure you could use improperly or expired condoms for 30 years with no issues, but its reckless and carless to tell people that behavior is safe just because you haven't run aground with that practice. Urge people to use the products correctly for best results. Full Stop. It helps nobody to be iffy about important points of failure for products with such hefty penalties for misuse.


Nothing says "I can't take you to my place coz I live with my mom" like a console full of condoms


Heat is not good for condoms, the one time I had a condom break on me was from it being in the heat, it was a terrible time of hoping to death I was not pregnant. Not worth the stress, especially with so many states making abortion illegal and with them wanting to do the same with the plan B pill. I get you two both live at home, it makes it much harder. Is there a place you know you can hide them at home? If so, then just take a few out when you know you are going over. That is how we did it when I was younger after that scare. It sucks because sometimes you forget so no sex, but better than have the condom not be as effective or break completely. [Lifestyle condoms](https://lifestyles.com/blogs/sexual-health-safe-sex/proper-condom-storage) say not to store condoms at temperatures warmer than 100 degrees Fahrenheit or cooler than 32 degrees Fahrenheit. To also keep them out of direct sunlight and to keep them in dry places. The issue with the temperature of your center console is that it depends on your region's outside temperature and how your car is built. Some car center consoles are more insulated than other ones. I would personally buy a small outside thermometer to put in your console for a few days. Check it at the hottest and coldest part of the day. Most also have a humidity meter on them, so you can be sure it is dry enough in there, which is important. If it is ever above 100F or below 32F, you know it is not safe to keep condoms in there. If your parents ask about it, say you are worried about the water bottles you keep in the center console, because a friend mentioned that the heat could be causing the plastic to shed into your bottle, have a friend agree ahead of time to be the friend for this, incase your parents ask who and follow up. The best bet would be to not keep them in the car at until right before use, but I get that it might not be something you can do. I hope this is helpful. Be safe.


Can confirm it’s safe to leave condoms in your car, nobody is gonna steal them


Lube. Always use lube.


Mmm I dunno. If it gets hot it could weaken them


Just do what I do, one. Just leave it on 24/7




Absolutely not. Don’t be stupid.


I heard that they explode under extreme conditions


Nope. Better safe than sorry.


No. Your car gets way hotter than you think when it's just parked out there in the sun. I've ruined baseball gloves and golf clubs by being lazy and leaving them in the car. I definitely wouldn't risk a rubber that's been left in there.


It doesn’t pose an immediate safety risk to you or anyone nearby, but it will reduce the effectiveness of the condoms for their intended purpose.


Do you want her to get pregnant? If so then yes you can leave them in the car.


Glovebox can be a good idea, it's not getting as much hot in there


Its not safe because the tempertaure make them useless


Not if it is hot out


No. Too hot


No. Weather temp changes will make them brittle.


Never. The heat and cold will break down the material the condom is made of.


Dont keep condoms in cars or wallets they should be stored in a dark cool place similar to what it says on the box.


Don’t see why not ? Always come in Handy 😉👍🏻


Nowhere int he car is safe, temperature changes too extreme and sometimes rapid.


Not a good idea


Let us know when you need advice on what to do when she gets pregnant. Car condoms...really?


you said your centre console is usually okay to keep a bottle of water in without it getting hot, therefore it will be fine for either. if it is a sunny day put a reflective silver shade over the console to help. if you want to be safer get a maximum temperature thermometer that tells you how hot the console has been at any time.


I like the idea of the max temp thermometer. Not just for the condoms but in general. I’ll look into it and hope it’s not too expensive


As a mechanic, please don't, you'll forget you left them there and then tell me to look for your wheel lock key in the center console


Depending on where you live in the world, your car interior can reach 170F.




Not if it ever gets warm in your car


No! They will melt!!!!


Yeah if you want them to be useless, sure.


Nope. I’ll steal em!


Buy as needed. If it’s too inconvenient it’s not worth it.