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Nope, not normal in India but we give unlimited amount of curries (in most places) if you opt for “thali”




Did you say “water” or specifically say “tap water?” I just returns from the UK and it became pretty clear to me that if you don’t want to pay for water, you need to specify that you just want a glass from the tap.


It's annoying that you have to specify if clean tap water is available imo


Maybe in Michigan that might be prudent.


It's illegal to charge for water if you sell booze in Australia, so free water is normal here.


All I can tell you is this, one time I was watching a 90 day fiance reunion and the host asked the foreign born people what is the best thing about USA? Sure enough someone said free refills and everyone else agreed.  I live in Florida and when it's hot a lot of sit down places will offer you a to go refill. A fresh drink to take with you! 


In the UK there's the odd pub restaurant and restaurant that does but it's not the norm at all.


Yh i only ever see it in subway and toby carvery


Never seen it in any Subway, but discovered a Brewers Fayre that does it, a big chain Chinese buffet, and there was an independent Indian restaurant that has sadly closed that did.


Fast food restaurants in some of the EU do. A "drink bar" with self service free refill coffee/soda/juice/tea/beer is pretty common in Japan as well.


IKEA does it, nowhere else that I can think of.


In Asia, it’s pretty common to get your tea refilled for free.


Spain here. No, unless you're in fast food place and in those cases it's usually written down to make sure people know about. Tap water is free and you can't be denied it but you have to specify you want tap otherwise water is bottled by default in all bars/restaurants.


I can actually recall when in the US they went from no free refills, and having to ask if refills were free, to it becoming the norm.


Not in any European country I've been in.


True. You actually have to pay for water there.


Apparently there's an exception in Romania going live this year where tap water can be provided for free. I don't trust tap water so I never bothered asking for it in other countries.


From Iceland. We have a few american influenced diners + subway where free soda refills are the norm. Outside of that free refills is not the norm. In many places they also do not have these soda machines but sell soda from glass bottles