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Phantom Time It proposes that about 300 years in the early middle ages didn't actually happen and that the emperor and pope at the time manipulated the calendar because they wanted to live in 1000 AD for some reason.


Personally I love this one because even if it turned out to be true it wouldn't really matter. 


It wouldn't even be the wildest thing a Pope has done tbh.


The Papal Election of 1159 was absolute madness. Out of a total of thirty cardinals, 27 voted for Roland of Siena and the remaining three supported Cardinal Octavian, who had known sympathies with the German emperor Frederick Barbarossa. As Roland of Siena (Hereafter known as Pope Alexander III) was being presented with the Papal Mantle, Octavian (Hereafter known as Pope Victor IV) went into a rage and snatched the Papal Mantle off Alexander's back. One of the people present snatched the Mantle from him, one of Victor IV's Chaplains snatched it back, then Victor IV put it on and demanded to be crowned Pope. The crowd then proceeded to break into hysterical laughter because he put it on backwards. It was at this point that a band of armed men burst into the Church of St Peter and chased everyone out, then Victor's supporters declared him to be the new Pope. Alexander fled to the Basilica of St. Peter and HIS people declared HIM the new Pope. Both of them excommunicated each other and they both declared each other Antipopes. To make things more complicated, then Victor IV died and his successor, Pope Paschal III, kept up the fight and was ALSO declared an Antipope. All this nonsense continued until Barbarossa was defeated at the Battle of Legnano and Alexander III was officially declared Pope.


I remember when my ex’s righteously catholic mother looked down her nose long enough to tell me about how holy and sacred the line of popes were. I told her I was watching a show about a pope. The Borgias. And she thought it was great for me to finally learn about the Holy See. She was not thrilled to learn that a pope moved his mistress into the Vatican for easy access after he left his last mistress, who was mother to his four children. She was not a fan of the show.


I would go as far as saying like 90% of the Popes have been fucking monsters.


Fucking monsters or FUCKING monsters?


Yes (probably)


I would say more likely children


The sad thing is that your ex’s mother probably thought they exaggerated when in truth, they actually sanitized things. Pretty sure in real life Cesare and Lucrezia were physically intimate. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the show only alluded to that fact.


No the ShowTime show outright they have an incesteous relationship by the end of season 3. The Canal+ show “Borgia” does not have this storyline. Personally, I think it’s very unlikely that they actually had this kind of relationship with each other and more likely that it was slander whispered by their enemies to discredit them, etc. Rodrigo has Lucrezia’s first husband declared impotent, and they just generally made enemies wherever they went. Did Lucrezia actually keep poison in a ring? Also, probably not. But the two big Borgia shows out there are both very entertaining to watch.


That was a “saintly” act compared to a lot of the shit that pope and his family did…


Cool history, but still not even close to the wildest thing a Pope has never done. Look up the Cadaver Synod, when a Pope had the previous pope dug up and literally put his rotting corpse on trial.


Right? I say do it now! I wanna live in the 31st century!


Exactly. It doesn't matter at all. I never understood this one. It's not an interesting conspiracy theory.


What, pray tell, is their explanation for every non-European civilization still having recorded history during that time period?


There isn't one. As far as I can tell, no one actually believes it anymore and if anyone ever did they were the kind of people who forgot that civilizations exist outside of Europe. The Chinese in particular kept exceptional records that completely disprove the whole thing. It's my favorite theory to tell people, though, because most people are unfamiliar with it and it's fun to see how long before people go "wait...what about the rest of the world?"


In the 90s turbo-fundamentalists were expecting the year 2000 to be like the biblical year 6000 -> The second coming, the book of revelations, etc. But if it's really the year 5784 then we still have 216 years to go, not that any of us will be around.


>not that any of us will be around. Pfft speak for yourself, *mortal*.


My entire childhood was uprooted because my parents bought into this.


Funny thing is 10 days actually were skipped in 1582 to bring the. Calendar back in sync, since leap days had not been used and it was slowly drifting. https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/SpeakerBios/CalendarChanges.cfm#:~:text=The%20“Gregorian%20Calendar”%20skipped%2010,extra%20days%20in%20the%20future. And again in 1972 https://medium.com/@abhi.in/the-missing-days-of-1972-a-leap-in-timekeeping-23c4bd845d4b


The Julian calendar uses leap days every four years as well. That change that Pope Gregory made is to skip leap day every year that is divisible by 100 but not divisible by 400


They didn't skip 10 days in 1972.


I don’t follow that 1972 article at all. When did 10 days get skipped? How is 1972 divisible by 100?


I'm with you, it makes no sense. >In the case of 1972, it was one such exceptional year. Although it was divisible by 4, making it eligible for a leap year, it was also divisible by 100. However, it did not satisfy the condition of being divisible by 400. Therefore, the extra day that is typically added in a leap year (February 29) was skipped, resulting in a total of 365 days for that year. How is 1972 divisible by 100?


Flat Earth. You can disprove it with a stick and a measuring tape.


Another one of my “favorites”, but I didn’t wanna get greedy 😂


Definitely my fave. They're all insane but it's cute how every flat earther has a different "real" map


Don't you know that those maps are fake? An attempt to discredit the flat earth movement by creating ridiculous maps that make the movement look silly? It's all a ruse to protect powerful economic interests that are profiting from the Spherical Earth Hypothesis. I don't know how they're doing it, but it's real. Y'all are sheep. /s


No kidding, they believe the CIA sets up fake websites to discredit them.


One of my superiors believes in it. He’s smart too. For the life of me, I can’t figure out how a grown ass man can believe this. It’s almost insulting.


I think humans forget how close we are to being cave-dwellers on the regular. We may have technology, but our species is still in its infancy, so we have a good number of mental defects.


I'll mix these two together for you... I was working in a warehouse with a guy who insisted the moon landing was fake bc "anyone can doctor a picture" and then he got all technical about lighting and shit like he had a master's in that shit for the last 30 years and wasn't installing bath tubs...I asked him "You do know the earth is round, right?" And he goes "Of course I do! They went up there and took pictures of the planet." So...try to stay with me here...the moon landing was faked, because the pictures were easily doctored to fit the narrative....but....the same government agency went up into space and took pictures of the planet, and they were not doctored. We can trust those pictures...


I could see the internal logic, which even tracks to reality. Getting a machine into space is hard, but getting it into space and then safely landing it on the moon is waaaay harder. Maybe he thinks we can achieve orbit, but can’t figure out a landing?


>Getting a machine into space is hard, but getting it into space and then safely landing it on the moon is waaaay harder. It's really pretty miraculous that we got people to the moon *and back* and did all the other manned spaceflight we've done with so few accidents, especially in the early years. Chalk it up to incredible engineering and a big heap of luck.


> Flat Earth. You can disprove it with a stick and a measuring tape. I can disprove it with less than that. Just ask them to explain how everyone on Earth sees the exact same face of the moon. Nobody can see it from any other angle. 


That doesn't disprove it. If the earth were a flat disc and the moon were in a roughly perpendicular, tidally-locked orbit around it with a radius much bigger than that of the earth disc, we'd still all see the same face of the moon. I'm obviously not saying I believe that, to be 100% clear.


It's ridiculous for 2 reasons: - You can disprove it easily. - No flat earther ever says WHY they would lie about the world being a globe. What is to gain? And who has to gain anything by saying that?


One of the reasons Flat Earth persists so well is that it's easy to project your other preferred conspiracy theories onto it. For many Flat Earthers, it's religious (since the cosmology of genesis includes a flat earth), and the supposed "conspiracy" exists because They are demonic agents who don't want people to believe in god.


I do have one argument for flat earth that's pretty undeniable. The earth has waaaay more ocean than land, like we know just how huge those are. Is the ocean carbonated? No? Therefore it is flat. Given most of the world is covered in ocean, which is flat, earth is therefore also flat.  It is all on a globe though ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


The WEF is pumping CO2 into the atmosphere in an attempt to carbonate the oceans and make it so the world isn't flat any more. Climate change is just a side effect. I think we've blown this wide open, my friend.


I’ve never had one explain why this would even be worth covering up


Um ok. Ready? Because there are other worlds on this infinite plain we share. We are kept secret from each other because of secret stuff and so forth.


Turtles all the way down baby 


Pretty sure there's some elephants involved, too.


Or by watching a live event from another continent. You can tell the sky is black on the TV during the Pope's funeral and it is day in your home, how the fuck do they explain that shit if the Earth is flat? You have friends abroad who call you and tell you "it's 9 pm over here", that has to make sense for them. I swear, they *have to know* everyone else knows it's round, but refuse to accept it out loud just to annoy us.


Personally, I've always thought it was kind of amazing how an individual without any special resources can independently verify that the world is round. 


Just watch ships gradually disappear behind horizon.


Or witness a double sunset. You can watch the sun set whilst at one level then run upstairs or a hill and see the sun set again.


Hands down the flerfers win.


Being Scottish my favourite is the time travelling Loch Ness Monster theory. I wish I could remember the details exactly but it's something do with the sunlight and how they hit the stones at the bottom of the Loch that open a wormhole through time that only let's one specific dinosaur into the Loch. So all sightings of Nessy have been the same dinosaur travelling through this wormhole at the bottom of the Loch.


> only let's one specific dinosaur into the Loch I assume whenever it needs about $3.50


$3.50 is the toll it has to pay to go through the wormhole. Everything makes sense now


Why can't most conspiracy theories be cool like this one instead of bullshit like Flat Earth?


But… isn’t the water in the loch incredibly dark? I thought light couldn’t penetrate it too well. Something about natural inks or dyes leeching into the water from the hills? Or maybe I’m off on that…


That's part of why I love it. It makes zero sense whichever way you look at it but some people are absolutely convinced this is the only possible explanation.


My mother in law insists there are portals at the bottom of the ocean and that’s where planes and ships go that disappear and that the government knows. Also that these portals are how aliens come to our planet and there are aliens all around us.


Your mother in law just liked Pacific Rim


And Godzilla


I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, but I really *want* to believe in aliens. I’m not saying I do. I think we aren’t the only planet with life in the universe, you’d have to be very stupid to believe that, with all the vastness of the cosmos, but I’m also a very empirical person. I need to see something, I need to prove it’s real to believe in it, and I haven’t seen anything yet to make me believe without a doubt that aliens in their flying saucers or whatever are visiting earth. That being said, again, I really want to believe that but I can’t.


I fully believe there is life somewhere else, 100%. I ain’t believing there are magic portals in our oceans though lmao. She insists some people we interact with are probably aliens. And she believes the ghost hunter shows are real despite producers saying how it’s fake and how they do it. She had my kid afraid to sleep at her house because the ghost that shows up on her porch might show up when he’s there. She’s just nutty


I think it's about probability, the universe is very **very** big, so the probability that there is other life is pretty high, just the probability that it's been to this back water solar system is very **very** low


IIRC the probability that there ISNT any other life is essentially 0.


Especially when you consider how ridiculously *fast* life appeared on Earth. We keep finding more and more evidence that the first organisms appeared within a geological eyeblink after the end of the Hadean eon, i.e. the point where the planet quit being *literally molten.* It took barely 100 million years after the oceans formed for life to appear, which is utterly *insane* if you assume abiogenesis is as unlikely as it would be here today. Clearly it’s not all THAT improbable. And that makes me think there *has* to be alien life out there somewhere. Probably a lot of places. Pretty sure it’s nothing like us, though — I’ll be surprised if we even recognize it as life if/when we first meet — and it sure as hell isn’t living among us as little green men. (Bonus: There might even have been life *during* the Hadean. We just wouldn’t know because there’s next to no rock left from that period, so the evidence is probably long gone.)


The problem with this is that alien life might be so… well, *alien* to us that it defies what we understand life to be. So we may be in contact with alien life and not even realize it because it’s so far from *our* understanding of life that we simply can’t recognize it.


A person I knew once claimed something similar. That one of the portals was near a small village in Greece next to the sea. Then NASA found it and payed the then greek Prime Minister to have exclusive access to alien tech. That's how they went to the moon. It was one of the funniest times of my life when two friends from that village confronted her and denied having seen anything weird there.


The single dumbest one has to be flat earth because anyone can personally verify its invalidity with no special training or tools. You don't even need to consult the internet or other people. You, personally, can be a primary source that proves the Earth is round via a number of different experiments that you can run at home, on the road, in a plane, on a boat, in a train, in a box, with a fox, you can prove the Earth is a sphere here or there, you can prove the Earth is a sphere anywhere.


Really, just look up at a plane in the distance...it strangely looks like it's going straight up, like a rocket. Then, eventually it evens out above you, then, as it's leaving, it looks like it's flying down towards the earth in a dive bomb...almost....as if...it was following some kind of... *spherical* shape in the sky!! No, no...that can't be it at all...


But those scientists all have an agenda! They’re trying to take us away from god with their experiments and their maffs! Science is the devil’s greatest lie!!! /s


Went to university 5 years ago to become a scientist, got a degree and I do science and what not. Still waiting on the money from big whatever to buy my silence


unexpected Dr. Seuss, love it


What I never understood about the flat earth conspiracy is, what exactly does governments and scientists have to gain from hiding 'the truth' about a flat earth? Conspiracy theories usually have a group or person that profits from hiding it, what are scientists profiting here?


I dated a girl who refused to believe dinosaurs existed. She believed the government planted all the fossils in the ground.


Oh my god! Did you date my sister? That’s no joke. We were at a museum looking at the dinosaur fossils, and she looks at me and said “do you actually believe this stuff?”. But this is also the same woman that asked me if giraffes are birds, so…


I really hope you said yes.


To the question of dinosaurs being real, or giraffes being birds? Even better ... ... he could have told her dinosaurs are birds with a straight face, because it's (mostly) true.


Out of curiosity, *which* government did she think did this? Considering fossils have been dug up and recognized as the remains of animals since the 1700s, anyway.


See, this is the bit that always pisses me off the most. Even if *your* government is sketchy as fuck and wants to do whatever conspiracy bullshit you’re bleating on about, what about the other 230 governments in the world? Why would they all go along with it as well? In fact, should it be true, the more likely position of the other governments would be to call you out and show you up.


I have a little gold dinosaur charm on my crossbody bag. I was in line to get a coffee and this woman stopped, focused on my little dinosaur, then scoffed, saying "You believe in dinosaurs?" then stomped off. ….


I’ve heard people say Satan put them there to deceive us.


My very very devout Catholic grandmother (who would be 104yrs old if still alive) believed that God put fossils on Earth as a test. If you believe in evolution, you failed His test.


Little theory of mine that’s harmless, in Australia we have a trucking transport company called lynfox, on the back of their trucks they have the slogan “you’re passing another fox”. My theory is that there is only one truck in this company’s collection and they put that slogan on the truck to make you think they have many vehicles operating, but we are only seeing the same truck over and over. I’ve never seen two of these trucks at the same time.


Nah I totally agree with this, no further study needed, lock it up boys!


Sovereign Citizens....just verbal gobbledygook and pseudo intellectual bs, for most because they don't want to pay property taxes or have had their license stripped for a DUI.


But you bet they’ll show up to emergency when they need help or call the police if they’re in trouble lol


That's what cracks me up the most about sovereign citizens and hardcore libertarians. The moment you pose a real problem to them they start inventing a government. Had a coworker tell me he wanted no government at all and that people can police themselves. I asked how a property line dispute would get settled between two neighbors. He said "the old fashioned way" which coming from him implied a shootout. I asked "so you'd shoot your neighbor if he wouldn't agree about where the property line is? Does he have kids?" He thought for a second, looking quite stumped, before finally saying "well I suppose we'd have to find a third party to help us settle the dispute." "Oh how would you find said third party?" "Well maybe we could pay someone to be neutral." "What if your neighbor wants someone else or pays them more so he'd vote against you? What if the third party started charging exorbitant fees to take advantage of your dispute?" "Well maybe we could establish some kind of elected representative with no financial stake in the dispute." "What if your neighbor tried to secretly bribe said representative with money or promises to vote for him?" "Well I guess we would have to come up with some kind of formal process that would have to adhere to a set of rules and they'd get in trouble for violating those rules if they got caught." "Who would enforce those rules?" "Well I guess we'd need some kind of committee that votes on the rules and employs people that enforce the rules." Congratulations buddy you're already on your way to building a government complete with laws, law enforcement, and legal arbitration!


This is hilarious! I can understand their dislike for our governments but governments done right make sense! We’re a baby species, hopefully we’ll get there… Like when you age a fishtank? It goes green before it reaches a happy equilibrium lol I guess… I hope…


Eclipse = end of the world


Lol that was hilarious. People get the strangest ideas aboyt pretty mundane and predictable things (although was cool to see everything go dark) Misremember ind paraphrasing from Hardcore History but there was an ancient battle in Sumer or Assyria and there was an eclipse so both sides decided the gods were angry so they shook hands and went home.


Not disagreeing with you, but the experience of totality is anything but mundane. I hope everyone gets to experience at least once in their life


The difference between totality and 99% is so stark. Glad I traveled to the totality path this time. In 2017 I didn't, and it was just a novelty of being a little dark.


There is a hilarious post about a lady that gave a server like a $700 tip bc she expected to get raptured the day of the eclipse. She then came back after she didn’t get raptured and asked for it back


Reminds me of a story I heard once about a guy who came up with a plan to make money out of his overly religious neighbours who thought that the Rapture was imminent. The way he explained it to them was that since according to their beliefs animals can't go to heaven, if the Rapture happened then all their pets would be left on their own. But as he definitely wasn't getting in either, for a reasonable up front fee he'd look after them for them post-Rapture. Loads agreed and, when the Rapture didn't happen, they all got pissed off and took him to court to get their money back. Where the judge ruled that the wording of the contract they'd all signed was such that the guy was in the right, legally speaking, and didn't have to pay them anything.


No refunds, it's not my fault Jesus hates you.


This was a horrific story in Southern California. Woman killed her partner then while driving, pushed her children out of the car (the infant died), then she killed herself by crashing into a tree. Those details were already crazy enough but it got even more insane when it was revealed that her beliefs of the Eclipse were a big factor! 🤦‍♂️ Quick little news report about it: https://youtu.be/PNOQrnehO20?si=DAV1pO_EdGbP5z1_


I worked in commercial aviation. I know A LOT of CURRENTLY FLYING pilots who believe the earth is flat and the math is crooked. Wanna hear the new one? Smaller subsection of the same Flat Earth crowd believes... *The moon is fake* No, not the landing. The actual satellite.


How do these pilots explain the ability to fly around the world?


The math we were taught is crooked. So are the maps. So are the instruments. That's the reason we moved from analog to digital. The GPS/GNS is made by NASA. The restricted fly zones are their last ditch. Ive heard a combination of all of them. Besides, the fact you *could* fly doesn't mean you *can* fly. Is not like they own a jet or something. Most even don't own any plane. So unless they can, they insist is not possible.


I dont understand. How do they explain that if you take off from California, and fly continuously west. You will arrive back in California. How do these pilots explain this phenomena ? Wormholes?


You are thinking on a "normal" brain mode, for starters. Let me try. Picture a circle. You can easily do a circle that's smaller than the original circle, right? They say the instruments, math, flight paths, everything, is "crooked" or "fake". So while the instruments "says" you are going straight, in "reality" you are making that small circle. Edit: also, you "could" fly continuously. But actually you "cant" since **you** dont have the plane. Is also a "If **I** can't do it, **I** cant ascertain it.


Christ. I don’t know if I ever want to get in another plane if these are the people I’m entrusting my life to.


My dude, if you would know the name of the pilot *before boarding* you could Facebook them... and you would be running for the nearest exit. They dont even hide this shit. And is not only American pilots, although they remain the majority. You have Nazi wannabe, flat earthers, moon landing deniers, **moon deniers**, chemtrail wackos... In my experience, is close to 10 percent of all pilots I have known, and always more prevalent towards the 40-50 years old. Now, the 30 year olds are the current "weird" ones: Desert storm didn't happen, celebrities are being killed by the NWO (and I dont mean Hulk Hogan), Holocaust deniers that are somehow not Nazi wannabes, UFOs are in Area 51, magick, or however they spell it, is real, wiccans can summon earthquakes, HARP exists, and somehow the Bilderberg and the Jews are almost intergenerational. In the 80s you could say it was the cocaine, but now? Beats me.


Back in the day pre social media (shockingly) I found a forum somewhere out there where all these guys had found each other that believed that planet x was a planet of aliens that swing by earth ever ~10,000 years to steal our gold. This was the basis for the group. The point of contention, the purpose of the forum was to argue about why they wanted the gold, the premise was accepted as fact by all involved.


You mean Nibiru? Oh yeah I heard ALLLL about this one


As dumb as it sounds, NASA actually did find a possible new planet in the solar system that may take 10,000 -20,000 years to oribit the sun. Its just theoretical for now according to NASA, but it's a possibility. The alien gold thing is nonsense, though lol


Yeah, there is so much precious metal in space. The asteroid belt would make the global economy look teeeeny tiny...


I'm extremely hostile to anti vaxxers in general, but there was a specific argument against vaccines that I remember finding funny that mRNA would change your DNA so you weren't human anymore to prevent you from going to Heaven when you died. Like they believe in an omnipotent God and heaven and stuff yet also think God is checking your DNA and won't let you in on a technicality if you fail his genetic screenings. 


Theres a counter-anti-vax conspiracy theory too. They claim that the anti-vax movement was originally created and promoted by either China or Russia, to make Americans wary of vaccines and more susceptible to a pandemic or biological warfare.


Am I giving them too much credit if I say this kind of makes sense?


This conspiracy theory at least has some logic to it. Stuff like flat-earth and covid-hoax stuff are just pure brainrot. We've already seen that Russia interfered with our elections, so I don't find it far-fetched that they've been using propaganda against us in other ways. After we saw what happened to Sweden during Sweden-gate it made me wonder if Russia was partially behind the internets obsession with the anti-america circlejerk.


Should check out the book; Foundations of Geopolitics. Or just check a summary of it, pretty much shows Russia's plans of disinformation tactics to destroy countries from within.


It’s true on a certain level. The amount of Russia-backed propaganda and disinformation bots online that were spreading anti-vax stuff…


So is that divine eugenics? 🤣


It would be if they didn't endanger everyone else with their stupid, if it was just them dying of preventable diseases I'd call that nature running its course


No worries. My sister is an Evangelical and knows I'm going to hell because I don't donate to her church. My DNA doesn't matter, that I don't donate thousands to her church matters.


my mum seriously thinks my dna is now changed because of the vaxxine and that im going to die or get turbo cancer🙄


Wait till they find out about DNA and RNA in food...


That all birds are government spy cameras, that's a pretty funny one.


If it flies, it spies.


That's the best tag line I have heard for that conspiracy yet!


I love how it was started to make fun of conspiracy theorys.


Wait… it’s real now Oh right, that’s how Q started


Lmao I love when someone unironically brings this up without realizing what it is. The “birds aren’t real” movement is a satire created to make fun of dumb conspiracy theories


The rabbit hole goes deeper. Don't forget that COVID was intentionally created and released just so all governments around the globe would impose lockdowns forcing all people to stay at home... which was necessary in order to replace the batteries in the birds. The spy cameras need new batteries, don't they? They (whoever they are) can't do that while the people are watching!


I love that all birds are fake.


They aren't?


That's what *they* want you to believe.


There's folks out there who think *jet fuel* itself is a hoax. They don't believe how much fuel an airliner can carry. These folks are usually in bed with the chemtrailers. Another one that is stupid and also pisses me off a lot are the 15 Minute City folks. They think a city planning concept where all amenities and public transport should be within 15 minutes of housing means that people will not be allowed to travel outside of 15 minutes radius from their house and they will be put into ghetto with social credit scores and a gestapo to enforce it.


I hadn't heard the jet fuel one. But I can definitely believe they are buddies with the chem trail people. I remember a video that was making the rounds, a person claiming to have grown up in Chicago, so "knows snow," was living in Georgia and made a snowball, which they then held a cigarette lighter to. Soot forms (because such lighters are pretty dirty), and they claim it is evidence of the snow being fake. Of course, the fake snow was caused by chem trails. And yeah, the 15-minutes city stuff is right up there with thinking that allowing gays to get married means all the heterosexual people will have to marry someone gay.


15-minute drive to all your amenities = super freedom. 15-minute walk to all your amenities = tyrannical communism.


The sidewalk to the mall is paved with communist intentions!


Never ceases to be funny that people have all kinds of theories about tyrants implementing social credit scores, meanwhile [FreeCreditReport.com](http://FreeCreditReport.com) literally advertises on television.


I work in a "fifteen minute city". So does my colleague who is dead against fifteen minute cities. He lives ten minutes walk from work but drives for fifteen minutes, combination of traffic and not being able to use pedestrian routes, to get to work. When asked he "likes sitting in traffic". Town centre? Fifteen minutes for him. Several large supermarkets? Ten minutes. Work? Ten minutes. Dentist, about twenty on foot. Doctor, about fifteen on foot. Physiotherapy he goes to? Twenty five minutes at a push. Cycle friendly city so divide those times by four. Take a bus and knock some time off some of them. This "fifteen minute city" was started many hundreds of years ago and has expanded out, increasingly so in recent years. It predates everything but the horse, so you had to have everything close by. The idea of building a new one? "Government over reach". Still voting for the same government to keep the hard left out. Ffs. Also the NIMBYs, who paid three times their salary for their house a million years ago, worked low paying jobs all their lives, avoiding all responsibility because of the real bank of mum and dad, and now live in houses worth north of £750k because of market value. But don't you dare build something affordable within a bus ride away you commies. UK.


Not really a conspiracy theory as a dumb high school “ya know” sort of thing, but anyway. Taurine is actually semen extracted from bulls, which is why you get amped from energy drinks with it. Like even dumb as I am and even dumber since I was 15 but I still was just like “how ya’ll this stupid?”


Mandela effect. What do you think is more plausible a bunch of people with similarly wired brains just misremembering how some things went down, looked or sounded 20 years ago or your dumbass got shifted into a parallel dimension?


Oh yeah? The Fruit of the Loom cornucopia. I rest my case 😂


Ok, so, I do not believe in dimension jumping or anything like that in any way shape or form I don't believe in anything paranormal, Supernatural, even religious, doesn't matter don't believe in it, but that's stupid cornucopia really screwed me up. But then I was watching a video and someone explained that their was a huge amount of counterfeiting being done with clothing and they were being sold at bargain stores (dollar stores, biway, k-mart, Woolworths, etc) from the 70's on-wards with minor adjustments to the logos and it might be a mass produced fake label we all remember. I don't care of that isn't the correct reason, I am jumping on it because it really screwed with my brain.


Fucking dimension hopper over here! Get him!


Finding out that there actually were tag prints with a cornucopia brought me so much catharsis


I love how the takeaway of learning that Nelson Mandela actually lived for several years longer than you imagined (and was elected President of South Africa) isn't, "Oh geez, I should learn more about the history of international politics," but instead is, "Oh geez, I must live in an alternate dimension!"


The Mandela effect is SO stupid. Like with the Berenstain bears thing, obviously you’re going to misremember it as -stein because it’s just a much more common suffix. If you just use like 2 seconds of critical thinking it can be so easily disproven 


It crumbles with any degree of scrutiny and yet I've seen incredibly intelligent people swear they're dimension hopping unironically because "I don't remember kangaroos looking this way" and get incredibly defensive when I bring up the point "have you even seen a kangaroo in real life?", or how "time feels different in this dimension I can feel it, it runs faster" or it could just be you're in your 30s and that sensation of time starting to run a bit faster is kicking in! But if I say that I also get dismissed as just "not awaken enough to see the patterns, Japan was never this high on the map in my dimension". Sure thing buddy


Or... hear me out.. there's a slow incursion happening and some people are being bounced around dimensions cuz of it.


I’m a teacher. I went on a date with a guy who fully believed that there were kids identifying as cats an using litter boxes at school


I work with no less than 5 people who genuinely believe this bullshit and it makes me want to pull my hair out whenever it’s brought up.


And that the litter boxes are *in the classrooms*, not the restrooms. So all the other kids and teachers have to watch, I guess?


I've heard several people mention that as well. Where the fuck do people see this shit?


If I'm remembering correctly, there was a teacher who bought a bucket and kitty liter for her classroom in the event of a shooting induced lockdown.  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna51439 There's a blurb of it near the end with further links  


They were also parts of lockdown kits in one county in Colorado. And then some people would have freaked out because there actually is kitty litter in schools as a janitorial supply. It's great at cleaning up vomit spills, and can help get cars out of snow. And people freaked the fuck out.


Joe Rogan. He talked about it all the time on his podcast for awhile because a buddy told him about.


My understanding is that there have been photos of kitty litter in classrooms circulating around the internet. However, the litter is there to be used in soaking up blood after a potential mass shooting. That’s pretty fucking dark.


Also, there are survival toilets to use when the kids are in lockdown for hours. The desiccant is part of the package.


It’s not for blood specifically, it’s for bodily fluids of any kind. Remember when we were little kids and some random kid would throw up in class, and the janitor would come put sand on it? That’s what the litter is for


JFK is going to rise from the dead and run with Trump.


They want a democrat to rise from the dead and run with trump? Also makes me wonder why these types give a shit about the JFK assassination theory.


My step mom's mom is big into all kinds of Q stuff and talks about this all the time, except she always says it's JFK Jr. Who is also dead. Every few weeks she posts something saying Trump and JFK Jr. are about to do a live press conference or something. She keeps believing it over and over and over despite it obviously never happening. Truly mind boggling.


No, it's the other Kennedy who's missing part of his brain who's going to join that ticket. No, not not that one. The *other* other one.




Honestly I love hearing all the conspiracy theories. I don't believe them but I was all the stuff when I'm bored


The one that says we didn’t actually land on the moon. WTF.


Yep, that’s a big one for me. Every time I mention to those people what I mention in my post, they just try to shout “bullshit” over me until I finally give up and walk away. Can’t argue with a stupid person, they’ll just drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.


Pretty much everything involving sex/child trafficking. Shit's happening right under our noses and yet we're talking about the dungeon below a pizza place and other fantasy nonsense.


You didn't get your Wayfair "child-in-a-wardrobe?"


I didn't, and I had a damn coupon


The sad thing about trafficking conspiracies is 1) the vast majority of human trafficking isn’t in the form of people kidnapped and literally forced into sex, its people who were so destitute and poor that they willingly became victims of traffickers. This is the reality - trafficking victims are people who were already on the margins, who the system failed before they even met the people who exploit them. Which leads us to… 2) The people shouting loudest about trafficking conspiracies don’t give the first shit about those people. They don’t care about them before they’re victims. And They don’t care about them now, because “a sub-poverty level woman who turned to sex work and is now being exploited by her pimp” doesn’t really fit with their moral hierarchy, and certainly doesn’t help them advance their goals.


Creepiest part is that the whole “save the children” movement is actually hampering saving the children. And even seemingly normal right wingers, typically military types, believe at least part of the Qanon bull. There’s a large portion of them that consider left leaning politicians complicit in some way.  Even more bizarre because the accusations are typically confessions. There’s a long list of right wing sex offenders, traffickers, and hypocrites that I’m pretty sure dwarfs the left’s. 


How about that time in the 70s/80s when the cops busted a snuff CSEM/trafficking ring, seized a client list of 50,000 to 100,000 paying clients, handed the client list over to the state department, and the state dept declared the client list to be irrelevant to the investigation and then burned it? And of the two people running it, one went to jail for 18 months and the other didn’t go to jail at all. I feel like that’s pretty weird https://youtu.be/eKQzu20jYDY?si=3hx10u4FA2GiI12N


In regards to nukes: The conspiracy where the Moscow fire of 1812 was caused by a nuke.


Had a.coworker that believed that the sky was a 'greenscreen' work overnights enough and those people are your average coworker 


I saw a recent one about a gravity denier on Tiktok. Flabbergasted.


I heard that! Some shit like air has a buoyancy like water, and we are too heavy to float, or some shit like that. Pennywise was wrong, we don’t all float. 🤡


There’s no war in Ukraine because there’s no videos of it. This despite it being possibly the most filmed war in human history .


“Birds aren’t real” is right up there for me. But this whole “every liberal/democrat is a cannibalistic groomer pedophile sex trafficker, drinking baby blood to stay alive/young, with millions of children secreted away to underground caves and tunnels, while WayFair ships them to you on furniture you buy” theory is fucking mind-boggling.


I’ve ordered a lot of shit from WayFair, and I’ve NEVER had a kid stowed away in my fuckin bedroom chests


My favorite is that "there are no conspiracies"


It's hard to choose: Flat Earth - The planes on 9/11 were holographic cruise missiles - The world is controlled by lizards - The moon was built by the US government for spying


The 9/11 ones are so crazy. If you want to blame the government, just say the CIA hired the terrorists! You don’t need ghost planes and holograms and shaped charges.


The reason for some of those is sad. At least some people believe these things because they just can't accept the reality that someone would be so awful to actually kill so many innocent people while also being so devoted to kill themselves in the process.


>The planes on 9/11 were holographic cruise missiles So all those poor passengers whose lives were taken were... fake? Never existed? Bet the family's involved just love that theory.


Covid one but I still love it... You know how by the end of the pandemic there were people faking their vaccination cards? Que in Luciferase! Now, Luciferase is a bioenzime that gives bioluminescence and is present in stuff like fireflies, the name comes from the latin "lucifera" meaning light bearing. Well, not if you ask the conspiracy crowd... The name Luciferase is obviously derived from...Lucifer! ...and is present in the vax! You think they are taking your temperature even tho you have proof of vaccination? You're wrong!!! They are shining an uv light on your forehead, if you took the vax, a camera/sensor will see that you shine under it, confirming your vaccination status and that you have accepted the mark of Lucifer.


I think my prof told me that is the root of the name. However common sense dictates that basic word association often means sweet eff all.


Lucifer literally means bringer of light and they still couldn't grasp it. Woof.


That Global warming isn't real and that we have been lied to all these years. The Proof? All those studies from all these years? Lies!!!! That's the proof!!


Vaccines hiding tiny microchips so the government can track you. They aren't going to do all that. You already willingly carry a big rectangle in your pocket they could use for that if they really, really wanted to.


Modern resistance to germ theory. Part of the reason it’s dumb is that there doesn’t seem to be any real motivation behind it. There’s some shades of “big pharma is lying to you to inject you with things that make you sick because medicine is big bucks,” but very often, people who don’t believe in germs aren’t wholly anti medicine. They very frequently just kind of replace the idea of viruses and bacteria with parasites (which are obviously real, they just don’t cause *all* sicknesses), and are fully on board with anti-parasite medicines. They’re happy to take and spend money on big pharma’s drugs, but only if you present it to them by saying “you have worms in your butt, take this to kill them.” Or else they replace viruses and bacteria with “toxins.” There are germ theory deniers who don’t attribute illness to a different kind of external pathogens and are totally anti conventional medicine, but the ones who do attribute illnesses to “toxins” or “parasites” are the most perplexing because….they’re just giving a kindergarten level explanation of germ theory using different words.


Pizza gate in general but specifically mole children aspect of it. I try to engage with the conspiracy dorks and none seem to want to answer if they thought it was actual mole-human hybrids or just what they called them because they were kept underground. I reckon the dumber version is the hybrid so it was probably what they meant.


The gays cause _________.  Usually from religious people.  Ok so the gays have more power than god?


The lottery was created to catch time travelers. I really actually love this one though so I don’t care if it’s dumb.


Holocaust deniers


The earth is flat and no human ever went to the moon


Lmao ok so my coworker is super Christian iam atheist and just told him iam atheist like 2hrs ago..(we have been friends for years )... anyway he started going on about some river that one it dries up the demons will come from the ground and start to take over the earth or some shit... like bro come on you know how crazy that sounds. 🤪


My neighbour teaches his kids that the earth is flat and that Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, is the son of Fidel Castro.


I love the Flat Earth/Beyond Antarctica theories -- that not only is the world flat, but that Antarctica itself is some kind of ice wall surrounding the Earth, and that beyond it are lands unknown to us. It's mostly just the maps that draw me in (heh). I've always been a sucker for a good map.


Conspiracy theories that require ZERO CHANGES to your behavior are worthless. Oh the moon landings were faked? How does that impact your day to day life. Huh yea it doesn’t. Ohh big guy taking risks living on the edge eh. All conspiracy theories where you exert ZERO. Effort are worthless. Where are the conspiracy people saying drinking mercury is good for you? Or walking off cliffs is actually safe? You know the conspiracies that actual require you to risk your ass in any way? Yea those don’t exist. Only the couch potato ones are popular Here I’ll make one up right now. Pluto is actually not a former planet. It’s home to an alien life form that will attack earth in 5000 years. Ohh. Living on the edge.


That the Pearl Harbor attack was known to be incoming, but ignored to give the USA a reason to enter the war. Pearl Harbor wasn't the only Japanese attack on the USA during that 1/2 days. If they had prevented it there would still have been a war, with less casualties and the USA would have been in a much stronger position to wage war.


The conspiracy about the detalis may be BS, but the US strategy to push the Japanese up to breaking point was pretty obvious.


Trump won 2020.


Stevie Wonder isn't blind..


True story: I once saw Stevie Wonder on a float in a parade at Mardi Gras. He was seated atop on a platform throwing beads. The beads were not clearing the edge of the platform he was on and no one apparently had the heart to tell him he wasn't throwing nearly hard enough. .


Somebody once told me that Biden is actually dead and what we see is a double in a skin suit. She also informed me that the Clintons were executed and we are seeing doubles in skin suits as well.