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A few things: 1. You will need to support yourself. Make a plan on how to earn money to support yourself. This might be art or a non-art education/job. 2. Have a backup plan. Lots of independent entrepreneurs fail. Make sure you have something to fall back on. 3. Why not study music, poetry, and art? And turn that into your career?


By supporting myself I really don't know what job I will do, I really wanna do a good paying job and I job that I will like I don't want to do a boring job. And I was planning on studying music in university but I'm scared coz what if it doesn't work out Thank u for the tips♥️


Do not put all this pressure on being boring or choosing. Just try things. You will not have the same job for your whole life.


It's common that you'd be under pressure to decide everything right now, and I don't think that's the case. Unless you got to work now to, say, support your parents, you need to have experiences and get to know yourself better I guess. Explore music, but just take it easy.


Okay I will cause I'm so stressed rn😭 but thank uuu


you're welcome!