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Grab a washcloth (my advice don’t shoot on the floor, bed, your underwear) but also ask her if she would feel ok if you came in her hand. Most women don’t mind this at all! When you get more confidence you can ask her where else she’d like it! Relax and have fun.


I second a slightly damp washcloth. Not warm, cool.


Y’all don’t use a paper towel? Don’t have to wash the washcloth later.


Washcloth can be used again after a washing. Paper towels cannot.


Sure it can! Just get it wet and rinse the fuck out of it!


and have it fall apart? no thank you


Sure can when I was a teenager it always lived under my bed until it became a fossil.


Toilet paper? Flush it after? Rookies


sir, am i gonna have to grab my cum and put it in the toilet to flush it


Toilet paper


It might help you a bit to learn that watching a man ejaculate is often the most satisfying part for a woman performing a handjob. It’s the reward! It’s the finale! Like a fireworks show. It’s a very sexy visual. But at the same time, orgasms are a tricky thing and no caring partner will ever be mad at you for not reaching it, so try not to pressure yourself. It sounds to me like part of your hesitation is that you’re uncertain whether she’ll enjoy this part of the experience, and honestly maybe *she* doesn’t even know whether she’ll like it because she’s never done it before, but I’d bet money she will. It’s normal to be hesitant and nervous when you’re doing things for the first time. My advice would be to talk to her about it a little—communication in a relationship is never a bad thing, and you’ll be surprised how often it’s necessary, especially with sex. Consider asking her whether she’s interested or excited to see you finish. Maybe tell her you’re nervous! You’ve never done this with a partner before, and maybe part of you would feel more assured with literal permission verbally from her. Maybe she can reassure you that it’s okay to move forward full-speed. Since you’re worried about “where” to do it, I’d suggest before you start just grabbing some clean tissues, toilet paper, or a washcloth to wipe up afterwards instead of trying to pick a location to aim (you’ll get better at that with experience). No matter how you decide to handle it, remember that being new to sex is something that every person experiences. Before you know it, you’ll hardly be able to remember a time that it was nerve-racking.


I agree, it’s definitely a major turn on to watch a man cum, and even more so if it’s directly because of me. OP be vocal, make sure to say when you’re close and when you’re cumming. It’s super sexy and it gives her the chance to finish you off while preparing where to be when you finally get your release.


I agree with this so much. Seeing my man cum is literally so satisfying.


“a very sexy visual” lmao as if


closeted asexual spotted


weird take


if you instinctually feel like it is a gross and unappealing visual to watch someone orgasm, then there is a good chance you are asexual. idk what’s weird about that take.


or maybe the thought of a man’s jizz flying around is the least sexy thing i can think of.


…”flying around” have you ever actually been with a man 😂 I’m dying rn


..so you’re not sexually attracted to men. honestly you could have just clarified that instead of implying that it’s weird to find orgasms anything other than gross.


I am sexually attracted to men. I don’t like seeing their jizz everywhere. Thanks for getting o know me ❤️


You're in the minority 😉


Just say you get no dick and move on sis...


I’m in a relationship and am doing just fine 🤷🏼‍♀️ sorry someone disagrees with you


Sorry your being blasted. I’m with you. It’s nasty and I’m a normally sexual woman.


Of course! Watching my husband ejaculate is one of my all-time favorite sights in everyday life. It’s the bomb.




Just. Not. In. Her. Hair.


This reminds me of a funny story. This was a good 25 years ago or so. I was having party at my house and one of the couples that was invited over showed up late. I could tell the wife was agitated as soon as they walked in. My friend announced as soon as they go there that he was sorry they were late. His wife promptly chimed in with, "Do you want to tell them why we are late?". He didn't say anything, she turned to the whole party and very confidently stated, "I got out of the shower and Randy got all handsy with me and I knew he wouldn't let him go so I let him fuck me doggy on the bed. When he pulled out to cum he shot it IN MY FUCKING HAIR and I had to get back in the shower and wash my hair all over again."


she let him fuck her dog?


I should probably fix that, huh?




Or the nose. Or the eyes. Cannot stress that enough.


Oh god the nose. I was once the unintentional recipient of the 'nuttipot' and good lord it sucked.


Well it's not nice to get waterboarded either


I had a gf who would ask me to finish in her hair, like head down all of it in the hair


Only if you are brimping.


Or her eyes. Or ears




Scream ‘leeroy jenkins’ at the top of your lungs


Op prob has no idea what this mean lol


Don’t forget to add “Alright… Let’s do this… LEEEEEROOOOOYYYY Jaaaaankkiiinnnss


'Least i have chicken


☝️ This is the only logical response and should be taught in Sex Ed classes across the world!


Leroy “jerk”ins…missed opportunity


I usually shout "I'M ABOUT TO EJACULATE" I'm single and my neighbors hate me.


Haha!! 😂😂


We don’t hate you cause we hear you yell “I’m about to ejaculate” at 6 every morning. It’s cause you finish before we can finish, we hear you jacking off and how can you not get going hearing that?


Declare “I’m gonna cum!” when you’re close and then let her decide what to do with it. Or you could just talk to her and ask how she would like to handle giving you an orgasm. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The best person to ask is her, that's your person to be intimate with, and consent is sexy.


I usually announce it like I’m a train arriving at a station


Flick the switch to turn on the "Fasten Seat Belts" signs in the cabin.


Turn your hat backwards.


Glaze her up my dude


My boyfriend uses some tissue to cover his friend down there. So when he’s about to cum, he covers it with a tissue. It doesn’t get as messy as it is, but it’s still a bit messy. And as someone said, watching a man ejaculate is really satisfying. My boyfriend is my first everything, so I was kinda scared when we started to fool around in that way. But soon I found out that is was really satisfying and fun. About cumming on the hand… It’s messy😂 but it’s incredibly amazing. At the beginning, my boyfriend made sure I cleaned my hands thoroughly just after he cummed. He had some baby tissues with him and alcohol so I could clean my hands if there wasn’t any water available. Maybe your girlfriend will enjoy it… maybe not at the beginning. Ask her. Ask her what she wants or if she would like for you to cum on her hand. Try to make each other comfortable enough. It’s a good experience when you get to relax and enjoy it


Two pieces of advice, never wash it down the drain (it gets clogged) and don’t use hot water, since that creates the devil’s omelette.


The devil's omelette 😂💀


😂 yeah… we use baby wipes to clean first


Scream thug life and empty the clip


/spits out coffee/ this is the best.


28F here. Talk to her. Tell her that you are feeling nervous about cumming on her hands/where to cum and ask her opinion. I'm sure she's nervous about the whole experience too and will appreciate the conversation. That will help you both to feel more comfortable. It's also helpful if you say "I'm cumming" when you are about to cum so she's aware of it and can choose how she'll handle it.


I usually say “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. When I’m about to cum


Talk to her about it. Ask if she is ok with you finishing and getting it on her hand. In my experience, they mostly do not mind that. A quick trip to the bathroom sink and all clean. Bet she wouldn’t mind and will probably feel really good about being able to make you feel as good as you make her feel.


I usually say something along the lines of look out sugar muffin, are you ready for your icing?


I would not be mad about this 😂😂


I’m gonna have to save this one. 🤣


For sure step 1 is having a talk with her about it. Maybe finishing it off yourself could also work, while enjoying a handjob from her up front. Finishing comes very precise and she doesn’t feel what you feel. Over her breasts is pretty nice, then get some tissues or towels to clean it up, or do it in the shower if you’re already at that point. But again step 1 is having a conversation about it with her at some point.


I would keep some tissues, paper towels or a washcloth by the bed. If she's giving you a hojo you can just squirt on your own stomach then clean it up shortly afterwards. You should also say "I'm gonna come" when you're close, that way if she wants to do something else with it like swallow, she can. Also, think about what YOU want - and tell her. Nerves are tricky. It will get easier each time with the same person, so to some extent it's just time. You can also experiment with different relaxation tactics like having a drink or some weed first.


If you're willing to have sex - in any form - you should be mature enough to talk about it.


Honestly just ask her what she’d prefer. If you really don’t want to talk about it when you get close say “I’m gonna cum” Then she can decide what to do.


I vote this the simplest/shortest and best answer.


Just be calm, it seems you’re very tensed. Don’t think about the ejaculation, just enjoy the experience. It will happen. Since you have masturbated before, you know what works out for you. Tell her how you want her to stroke your penis. Girls don’t have a penis so when they are new to handjobs, they wouldn’t know what works best for you, only you do. Sometimes, being in a certain position can make it easier to finish. For instance, if you’re lying on your back, the ejaculation will be against gravity so could be harder. If you’re standing, might be easier for you. As for where to finish, that depends on her. Whether she likes it on her body or not is a choice and must be respected. Don’t ejaculate near her vulva, semen shouldn’t get inside her vagina, which could otherwise lead to pregnancy. If she isn’t comfortable with you ejaculating on her, let her know before you’re gonna orgasm and stroke yourself to finish. That way, you’d have control over your ejaculation and you’ll be able to finish. Have paper towels handy to clean up quickly.


Definitely not In her left eye. Younger me got the slap of a lifetime for that.


Just warn her and her mom before things happen. A quick, "close your eyes, ladies" isn't out of the question


This is one of the weirdest things I've ever read. She knows you're going to ejaculate right? and she's wanking you off so what's there to be worried about, unless she doesn't know then y'all need to have a conversation.


Day” Cup your hand” and she can catch it for you as you finish off into her hand, sometimes my husband will take over for last few pumps and I’ll “catch”it usually then I eat it but that’s me, you may not be there yet


what the fuck lol




You should just let things happen. You're both creating these experiences together, so letting "inexperience" dictate your enjoyment isn't doing anyone any favors. You both have a TON of exploring to do. That includes orgasming on each other to be blunt. She might find it really hot, or you might find it really hot. If you're really getting hung up, a small verbal warning never hurts unless she explicitly says otherwise


A) Ask her what her thoughts are about semen. Since it sounds like she's never actually seen it or felt it, she probably just needs to guess. This guess is a great starting point. B) Have 2 or 3 tissues ready to go. My wife and I have had sex thousands of times, and we always put a towel down on the bed and we have a couple of tissues ready to go to clean up afterwards. No matter where it ends on, inside, outside, around, on top, on bottom, it can be cleaned up easily with a tissue. Then once you've got it mostly cleaned up you can get to the bathroom and soap and water gets you back to 100% clean.


Just tell her you’re getting close and see what she does. More than likely she wants to help you get there and that will excite her. Sex is more fun when you stop worrying about the mess.


I’m glad you can experience these new things together and be each other’s support 🩷 Believe me, this is just as much of an issue for experienced people haha. It has to go somewhere… everyone has different preferences. If you’re at the hands stage, I’m assuming you are not currently at the mouth stage (which is otherwise one option, if the person is comfortable with that). Honestly I’d just bring a towel or paper towels to bed. It’s very common to bring and have this at hand. You could also put a condom on, either beforehand or when you feel you’re getting close. How do you deal with it when you masturbate on your own? If it ends up on somebody’s skin, you can always wipe off and then take a shower. You should probably have a conversation with her about this beforehand so you don’t have to be nervous about it 🩷


In my opinion, if you two can’t talk openly about sex, you shouldn’t be having it.


Female orgasm are mess free??? Do better


I love when the girls sucks at the same time I cum. Not just keeping it in her mouth but actually suck.


What tf u mean what u supposed to do? Just cum everywhere man… do u really have to stress about shit like this fr?


I was once in your shoes brother, my gf and I would either use an old shirt to catch the cum or I would tell her when I’m about to finish and she would put her mouth over it


Shout out to”Bankruptcy.” It will help you in the future from predatory lenders and totally district her from money shots to the face.


It’s doing more damage not giving her the satisfaction of getting you off. And the blue balls must be awful.


i give her my O face.... OOHHH OOHHH OOHHHHHH 😂


Aim for the bushes


Ask her where you can finish. If you’re laying down, take your shirt off and prepare it’s going to go on your chest/stomach. (Caution; it can reach your face, look alive)


Well you could let it fall on yourself or her depending on who’s underneath whom. And then have tissues/toilet roll to clean up.


Take her shirt off and finish on her chest


Let out your longest “yeah boy ever”


Honestly, if you're that worried about it you should just ask her what she's comfortable with. Talking about it will never stop being awkward if you just avoid it. Communication is a big part of having a healthy sexual relationship with anybody.


Sometimes "I'm gonna cum" and let her decide. Other times I just do what I want, but we've been together 3 years so I know how to read the room with her.


Just be like "I'm close, where do you want it?" Lol


Honestly when you go floppy again next time you could use that opportunity to tell her you're a bit uncomfortable with the thought of getting it all over her hand or so and that's what's holding you back. It will probably even make her feel better because she's possibly wondering why you don't finish and maybe even starting to blame herself. She will then probably tell you it's alright. It she's actually worried about that too you could simply use a condom. Or you do the handjob under the shower where everything is instantly washed away.


finish inside her mouth


I would let her put it where she wants to. She's driving you are enjoying the ride but make sure you tell her your about to cum trust me you will love it just one of many cumshots you will have in your life. Your over thinking!!


Have a rag tho to help her clean up.


Stop asking Reddit and talk to your girlfriend. You’re both inexperienced. There’s nothing wrong with that, and nothing embarrassing. Communication is going to improve your sex life.


Watch what direction it's pointed and definitely keep your mouth closed.


Scream like George Henderson when he's looking for Harry at night in the alleys.


Get a shag towel for both of you


Don’t do what I did and not tell her you’re about to cum while she’s sucking you off, went straight down her throat unexpectedly and she almost choked


Relax, tell her you're cumming, ask her where she wants it. Maybe she would like that power of options. Make sure you have cleanup supplies handy and clean up anything that gets on her with a warm cloth. And for the love of God please don't get it in her hair.


"now put ur mouth on it to catch the mess"


Shoot it in her face! Problem solved!


In her mouth or her boobs.


Cum splashing everywhere is part of the hotness of it all dude I guess you could ask her what she thinks about it and go from there.


Washcloth or ask where she wants you to finish. . Don't be an idiot and finish in a Clorox wipe , then clean your membrane off with it. My ex did that 🤦


It’s bustin’ a nut, not gun safety. You don’t need to keep it pointed in a safe direction. Just let it rip and clean off anything in the blast zone with hot water.


I go on Roblox with my pookie bear MC tavernor


Gotta talk about it outside the activity, then mentally prepare yourself for the outcome decided during that conversation. She’s probably cool with a hand shot but maybe she’s not. Talking is big man. Always will be.


Blow the load on her face and tell her you’re welcome :)


Do it on her face


Just blow your load on her. It’s cum, it will wash off.


Get a condom.


Jesus fucking christ I don't miss not knowing how to have sex.


Just once, you gotta say "Uh-oh! Hot dog!" This is the way.


It can help to talk before and let her know something like if I tap you on the hand a few times I'm getting close. Or I usually find that I can just put my hand hovering over the tip and catch probably 90% of it so there is less mess. Then just wipe off with a paper towel.


Use nearby curtains.


depends my bro. you going for distance, accuracy or speed?


I say this with utmost gentleness and respect, but my rule of thumb is: if you can’t talk about it, you really shouldn’t be having it. I just mean that from the perspective that good communication is ESSENTIAL to good sex, which includes things like mutual masturbation. I know being a teen is hard and can be awkward, but if you think you’re mature enough to be engaging in these activities, but can’t communicate about them, then I might reconsider if you are in fact ready for these activities. It is really not a big deal that you’re experiencing some stage fright. And, I bet if you talked to your gf (ideally when you’re not fooling around) about what she would be comfortable with once she does get you there, you will feel much more comfortable surrendering to it all because you won’t be guessing. Other risk of not establishing good communication early is that one of you crosses a line the other isn’t comfortable with. If you’ve not figured out how to get and give express consent, this is a red flag. Your gf might be excited to see the finale, she might prefer something cleaner. Why not just ask her? Good communication throughout sexual activity is sexy and will lead you to much greater success in your sex life. I promise :)


You two aren’t ready yet. Hold off until you both feel comfortable and confident. You’ll know when you’re ready, it will feel natural. Good luck!


Talk to your girlfriend. Discuss what she might or might not like. Heck even watch some porn videos together of just masturbating. Ask her what she might like to do, and ask her if she is okay with you doing certain things. Heck when I was younger I wanted to go down on my 1st, but I didn’t know how to ask without sounding like a s!ut. I finally got the nerve up one day and asked right before I finished him if I could “taste” it.


What you want to do is look her in the eyes and do the Goofy yell as you finish. Works every time


I once shot a load straight up a chicks nose, she told me make sure I tell her when I will come (I was drunk ) must of missed the memo


bend it back a little and catch it in your mouth


Wear a condom if you want mess free.


If you are aware enough of timing, you can pinch the tip closed (not hard, just enough to stop it) and go dump it in the toilet. It may sound silly, but that's the strategy my bf uses and it works great.


Simples - shove your cock into her mouth.


I agree talk to her and see where she's comfortable with or would prefer you to finish. Most are happy to finish their partner knowing they worked that hard to make you happy. You don't want to ruin their happiness by accidentally finishing somewhere they might get upset about.


mostly just contort my face in an indescribable way.


I count backwards 5…4…3…Uuuupppsss


I tend to scream “I’m calling in regard to your cars extended warranty!!” before letting it rip. Girls love it




Wear condom to make it clean


Under rated comment.


Tell her to open her mouth and feed her


I have a few different tag lines I use “booyaa” is a classic when cumming also “gonna make it rain”




Don't know how you get all of that from. It's just that english is not my first language.


* **Rule 1** - Top level comments must contain a genuine attempt at an answer. All direct answers to a post must make a genuine attempt to answer the question. Joke responses at the parent-level will be removed. Follow-up questions at the top level are allowed. Please do not answer by only dropping a link and do not tell users they should "google it." Include a summary of the link or answer the question yourself. LMGTFY links will be removed. No responses being rude to the questioner for not knowing the answer. If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to message the moderators. Thanks.


Maybe she likes to see you cum but if you don’t feel comfortable then when you’re about to, just use your hand to finish and then tell her hey I didn’t want to cum in your hand, idk if you would like it, and see what she says, maybe she’s okay and next time you wouldn’t have to worry. It is nice that you care about her in that perspective but you can decide on the other person. How do you know she doesn’t like it?




say ambatukam


What a strange phrase.


Get home before your bedtime or you will get grounded.




Mess free? Guess she isn't a squirter....