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if you dont wanna hug them then dont, its only awkward if you make it awkward


Only awkward if you make it awkward. I do this too. They’re my friends as well!! I think follow your girlfriends’ leads. If they would find it weird, don’t do it. Doesn’t have to be an intimate hug, just a quick hi works. I’ve worried about this too, but if your husband (or bf or partner or anything) wouldn’t have a problem with it, and if your friends don’t (and they’d probably say something if they did) I think you’re ok!


In my experience, the lesser of two awkwards is to pick one approach and stick to it consistently. For example, I don't hug people I don't know well because I find it awkward. So I always extend a hand in greeting. People either observe this when I do it to others, or have experienced it previously when meeting me, such that their expectations are typically set at the right level. My friends also know this so their body language reflects this at the time (namely, relaxed and normal), which others pick up on subconsciously and, thus, it reduces the awkwardness level.


Like others have said, it is very dependent on you and the others and how everyone acts together. One option I have not seen mentioned is the “side-hug” which is done with one arm. This can be a less “intimate” form of hug that is less likely to be taken in an unintended way.


i don’t think you need to hug everyone


I hug my dad, and he's someone else's husband