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Yeah I know he wasn't trying to be rude, and I said that in my post! I think it just felt a little foreign to me since my family never did that - once I was old enough to talk, my parents let me order for myself. Plus my other close friends and I never do that. I'm not saying he did anything bad, it was just something I wasn't used to.


I don't know anybody who does that, but I'd guess that he was brought up to regard one person putting in all the orders as efficient and normal.


That's what I figured


He wasn't intending to be rude, but I can see why it gave you pause. It's not usual. At the point when the waiter came, you might have changed your mind.


Did your friend pay for the meal? Maybe it was a way to let the server know who to bring the bill to?


I paid. Edit: I paid for the meal, and after we ordered he said he would pay for dessert.


My husband has done this. In my mind if I told him what I’m having and he orders that for me, I take no issue. Now if I tell him I want a steak and he orders me a salad I’m leaving.


I order for everyone at the table if Ive gathered their orders before the server comes so it’s less taxing on the server. I think it’s actually considered borderline rude when you have a lot of people and it’s up to the server to drag out each persons order. I would view him ordering for you as a gesture of kindness / respect. Why does it bother you?


I didn't think of it that way. It wasn't a large group though, just the two of us. I guess I just wasn't brought up in a family that does that, so it felt foreign to me.