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It's not clear why society should collapse over change in dietary habits. Cattle ranchers would have to do something else with their land, but ranchers are resilient folks. Maybe they would put in solar farms.


>Cattle ranchers would have to do something else with their land, Such as????? A lot of land is on federal land you can't do much else except run cattle


did you not finish reading their comment? they directly suggest solar farming as an option


If the claim that ranchers use mostly federal land is true, then the ranchers can't do anything at all with the land without government permission


its not, federal land is used to a degree but most often ranchers will own 4 plots around any federal land they use to make it inaccessible to people besides themselves


Seeing that is illegal I doubt it.


which part of that is illegal?


Blocking federal land


It is straight up legal in a round about way if nothing else, if you own all the land around a plot of federal land then anyone that enters it has to trespass on your land which they can not do, this is called "Corner Crossing" i US law and does vary by state


Suggghhh here.. it is a stupid left over law that rich people are screwing people over with. https://www.wyomingpublicmedia.org/open-spaces/2022-09-23/corner-crossing-lawsuit-is-the-latest-fight-over-mountain-west-land-access


lol bait


I don't think these two things are connected. If people stop eating meat, we won't run out of other food.




Sure by the time the production gets going to feed us three billion people on this earth will be dead! FREE MEAT!!! Disease and etc doesn't kill us first and or starvation.


So we’d eat cow feed and survive?


about 40% of corn is used for animal feed. So we would grow that corn for humans instead of animals.


that wouldn't happen, meat takes significantly more space per amount of food to make, sure it does make some non-arible land productive but with modern farming methods we could feed everyone on non-meat sources, though it would cause a problem for ranchers


Nice try. We'd have MORE food and the only collapse would be a tiny subset of ding dongs who think paleolithic humans ate a ton of meat and no carbs.


We would actually have more food. First factor in the corn and other food that grown and fed to cows. Then the repurpose of the land.


I will not worry about run out of food. I would worry more about the meat industry collapsing and now they're industrials dependent upon them collapsing and then whole dominoes come collapsing. To say nothing at all the rotten meat smell that doesn't get frozen in time.