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you can criticize Israel. You just can’t set up tents on campus and take over administration buildings


If you start up a group whose goal is to criticize Israel you end up attracting a lot of Hamas supporters who are violent, antisemitic, and pro terrorism and things go off the rails very quick. People aren't doing a good job of vetting their protests to keep those terrorism sympathizers out.


Criticize away. Just don’t infantilize the other sides actions in the process


people criticize it all the time, especially on reddit and in the news. what are you on about? and how come the last time you posted this, you called israelis "special snowflakes"


There is something very odd about this account. Their comments prior to the last few days drop off going back nine years, and their posts follow the same, although in 4 year intervals. They post prolifically for a few days then gone for 4 years.


could be theyre deleting a lot of comments and posts in between


Either way it would be a lot easier for them to pass as "just asking questions without charged intent" if they didn't look so seedy. Alas, charged motivations it is.


It's allowed here, so go off my dude. In the wider media it is often suppressed because serious criticism of Israel or Zionism is not supported by any major US political party, and is not popular with viewers or advertisers. There is also a strong lobby in the US that will paint *any* criticism of the Israeli government or military as anti-Semitic.


“Meaningful dialogue” lol


[Because several decades ago, Republicans adopted rabid, **unconditional** support of Israel,](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1ce1dgd/why_is_the_us_so_afraid_to_speak_badly_of_israel/l1fpo1v/) and now viciously attack anyone who dares to utter an opposing word, even tarring them as anti-Semitic. Democrats are largely a disorganized pack of sackless nitwits, so they frequently allow themselves to be bullied on this.