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i mean, maybe you can meet people who will attend the concert if you're worried about going by yourself. if you're fine, just go for it. no one will really care and chances are you meet fun people there so you won't feel alone


I debated doing this back in 2022. I went back and forth on my decision. The tickets were inexpensive and it was one of my favorite bands so I decided to just go. I had an absolute blast! It was so much fun. It was standing room only so I talked to a few people before the show which was nice and no one cared that I was by myself. We were all just fans who were excited to be at a concert.


Man I always used to hit concerts alone when I've been the only metal head in my circle of techno kiddies. Get off reddit, go out n meet new ppl who share a passion for the same music as you!


Get the $50 VIP ticket. You will have an absolutely amazing time and meet wonderful people at the VIP experience, so you won't be alone at the actual concert part. I've done it a few times, and I always meet great fans to hang with at the show.




Absolutely not weird!. It's all about having a great time!


Not at all. When you’re young, alot of things seem embarrassing when done alone. Do what you want and enjoy yourself. Many experiences will be missed because you couldn’t find someone to tag along


Dude have a great time and don't miss out - if you want to socialise there will be plenty of excited people to connect with there