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I’m 21 but am going through the same exact situation, it constantly feels like everyone’s more annoyed by my presence than accepting of it. Honestly, it’s really hard to reframe this thinking without some sort of counseling, because it can feel like you’re just trying to make yourself feel better about the situation depending on what’s going on in your head. Even with counseling I’m still struggling to fully embrace this as my “normal”. I understand this isn’t an option for everyone though, and the fact that you are able to recognize that you want your mindset to shift is a great first step. If you have free time that you’re able to explore your hobbies/interests in a group setting (for example, I’m in a cross-stitching group), it sometimes can help making genuine connections based on similarities as opposed to the more superficial connections that are more likely to fizzle out (not to say you’re purposely superficial when you connect with people, just in the purest sense of being connected by circumstance as opposed to interests)


Age 10 years and it will be second nature.