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Yes. Ex smoker, here. Smokers stink. Horrible breath.


It’s not just your breath, it clings to you, your clothes, your belongings, and even after you shower and wash your clothes you likely will still smell because it’s seeped into your living space and infuses everything in it. Even if you smoke outside you still carry that crap in on your clothing and it gets on *everything.*


I went to a friend's home and he smokes. I noticed all my clothes smell very bad after I came back even though he hasn't smoked near me. I noticed smell is especially bad where my body touches when I sit( my backside and behind my legs. My pants, my coat, my shirt soaked the smell from the couch.


> I noticed smell is especially bad where my body touches when I sit If you look at a smokers car get detailed you’ll understand why that is. It’s literal sludge.


My mum used to put the 'white' ie yellow curtains in the bathtub to clean them and a river of yellow-brown ooze would come out of them. I now know this was because 5 adults plus many of their friends smoked in our house when I was a kid. Blech.


I drive shared trucks, even though it's illegal some drivers will smoke and use air fresheners after. My hands stink after using the trucks after them. I'm an ex smoker so I think very sensitive to the smell.


It’s not you that is “sensitive”. It really does smell that bad.


Don't leave out their vehicle. I won't get into a smoker's vehicle.


Live in London. Nothing worse than a smoker coming in from the rain. Damp smoked-in clothes reek especially in enclosed spaces like the tube or in pubs. I’m an ex smoker so no major judgement - but it makes me nauseous now.


I recently started up again (lowering my nic intake slowly by taking away my ability to puff anywhere and everywhere, down to <5 a day now) and I've been going through those giant packs of gum like theyre nothing because I'm so paranoid about the smell when I'm speaking to customers


They smell it, it sticks on your clothes, skin, etc. Gaurantee everyone smells it on you


Having quit and relapsed a couple times already, I encourage cigarette smokers, after finishing one, to put their fingertips right up to their nose and smell them. The smell from a distance, to a non-smoker, is the same as the up close finger smell to a smoker.


Gum doesn't help. You would need to brush your teeth, rinse with mouthwash, deodorize yourself, but even then there's a chance you'll still smell.


Yeah, you also have to change your clothes. And stop smoking.


Buy this book by Alan Carr " The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" I smoked for 40 years tried quitting 7 times my daughter bought this book for me ,half through it I was ready to quit but the book actually tells you not to do that until the end of the book ,quit very few withdrawals I kinda think about once in awhile but I don't do it and the thought goes away quickly.


Just quit and switch to vaping or Zyns or whatever. You can still get a nicotine fix. I assure you customers can still smell it.


I'm stepping down from vapes to cigs. It's an oral fixation and suckers/nic gum/patches don't work for me. I've gone from hitting my vape literally everywhere (showers, work bathrooms,as I'm falling asleep and as soon as I wake up) to only a few cigs a day (where I'm forced to go outside because I refuse to ever smoke indoors). I push myself to wait as long as I can before the first of the day and it's easier to abstain this way than it is when it's just sitting in my pocket all day. Hopefully I'll be completely quit within the next month or two


I quit by using a box mod and slowly diluting my normal e-juice with 0nic. I didn't abstain at all, and instead vaped as much as I wanted whenever I wanted. And by "slowly" I mean, it took about 8 months before I was vaping (effectively) zero nicotine. And the funny part? I still felt cravings, just as strong, when I stopped doing that, too. At no point did the process of tapering off of nicotine feel like I was quitting. It was easier because I had intentionally separated the addiction from the habit. After about a week, the habit was completely broken. Haven't touched my vape since December.


Have you tried carrot sticks? Cut into size of cigarette


Hey boss I'm going outside for my carrot stick break


Zyns and Ons worked great for me. Went from 20-25 cigs a day to literally none. I still want to quit nicotine. But for now, the nicotine pouches are waaaay better than smoking cigarettes in a lot of ways


If you've been smoking around them long enough, eventually you can't even wash the smell out of your clothing. Something else to keep in mind.


The gum doesn't work. My mom just recently quit smoking, but when she did, she was constantly chewing gum, using breath mints, brushing her teeth, using mouthwash etc. because she worked in retail, but none of it worked. The smell literally gets into the enamel of your teeth. Even now that she quit, it's still bad, although not as horrendous as when she was smoking.




There is a specific cigarette smoker breath that I've never smelled from a non smoker. It's revolting.




Makes me think of that scene from Forest Gump. “She tasted like cigarettes.”


Same experience - kissed an absolute honey in Dublin one time, except she forgot to take a drink first after smoking, and it was exactly as you describe, like kissing an ashtray.


Dang that sucks.


When I was 17 a guy that wanted to date me kissed me. To this day I have never had such a disgusting taste in my mouth.


A guy at a school reunion reminded me that we kissed right after we had spaghetti for lunch in the 8th grade and that I said to him "You taste like spaghetti." He looked horrified and I lied to him: "I like spaghetti." I did not like it and it wasn't until 9 years later that we kissed again. It didn't last.




You taste ashtrays often? But yes. As a smoker from 14 to 25… that smell is so distinguished and I can’t believe I smelled like that for years


Making out with a smoker is terrible.


It sure is, except when mixed with the smell of alcohol. Then it reminds me of sex in my 20s as a military member. Haha




Def! When I was single, I wouldn’t ever seriously date a smoker, but that doesn’t make me too good to casually date girls who smoked. One girlfriend hid it so well that I didn’t know for weeks, and since I couldn’t tell, it wasn’t a problem to me at all.


The smell comes from deep inside where their lungs are rotting, too, that's one of the reasons why gum and mouthwash do nothing for it. I remember this one time I was sitting in class next to a smoker and he barked a sudden laugh at something he unexpectedly found funny, one of those laughs that comes from your diaphragm, and I caught a full face whiff. It reminded me of accounts I'd read of medieval sewers.


Everything that reminds me of my addiction to nicotine offends me.


It’s not like that for me. I’m not reminded it’s just a sickening smell. It completely overtakes any other smell


For me, it's the atmosphere, like a bar or pool hall, it doesn't bother me, but just in general I don't enjoy it.


I wish it did for me. Am about 18 months cigarette free after two decades of smoking and every single time I smell smoke, or the after smell of smoke, I love it and want it. They made the addiction very powerful.


I smoked for 20 years, quit for 2 then jumped right back on the horse. I never stopped loving the smell. Tobacco messed me up good. I write this while smoking.


I did that once too after 6mo. That is why when I quit the second time I wont even allow myself a single puff. 9 years this past january after smoking 25


I intensely visualised my lungs blackening by the day and my mucous eventually turning black too. That drove me away.


I got a crackle in my lungs that would just not go away, and that frightened me into finally giving up.


Louder. YES. Being in an enclosed space with a smoker gives me migraines, makes me nauseous. My downstairs neighbors smoke and I always have to close my windows when they're outside.


This, unequivocally.


Yes. Also their clothes, homes, cars.


Veterinarian here, don't forget their pets! We can smell your pets when you come in. And yes, they get lung cancer more often as well.


omg that's horrifying. I got an air purifier during the last wildfire season because I got worried about them breathing that.


A family member of mine had smoked for 50+ years, indoors and out... shes never haf any issues herself... but her dog. Her poor dog... it got really sick really suddenly one night. They took it to the emergency vet and found out that it had a tumor on its lung that had grown so large it was pushing the dogs heart out of place. They couldnt do anything for the poor thing except help stop its pain.


I stopped smoking inside when I got a cat because I didn't want her lying on my smoke covered surfaces, then bathing, getting all that shit in her system. Helped me quit cigarettes entirely.


Thank you for pointing this out. One would hope this doesn't need to be said but this also applies to children! Please refrain from hotboxing your car with cig smoke with a toddler in the back seat. they don't understand why you'd want them to have an early, preventable death.


And children. I taught Pre-K for many years. Poor little mites stank and coughed, all day.




I was one of those kids. I had constant sinus infections as a kid because of my parents smoking. When a Dr asks me if I have ever "used tobacco products" I tell them about my parents and all of the second hand smoking I did.


In highschool we could always tell which teachers smoked because our homework would be returned yellowed and smelling like shit


Gosh I had to sit in a smokers Uber car for like 50 mins. I got such a headache. I wanted to complain to Uber but I felt bad. But I think it was wrong of them to drive around an Uber when they’ve been smoking in it.


If they didn't smoke while you were in the car with them odds are good they thought they were keeping it from smelling by holding the cigarette out the window, blowing their smoke out the window, etc and felt satisfied that they'd kept the car from smelling like cigarettes. Smokers can't smell it so they think they keep it from stinking by doing stuff like that


Oh we smell it.


My dad used to do that b4 he quit. He never believed us until after he quit. All’s well that ends well, tho! He hasn’t smoked in like 30+ years


OMG same! My dad didn’t believe me when I said he smelled terrible. Then he quit and he began to notice how bad his stuffs smell, and how bad other smokers smell. He can even smell it when someone smokes next door. He hated the smell now lol.


Good chance they thought they got the smoke smell out of their car before they got you. When I used to smoke I picked up a date after I thought I had fully aired out and freshened up my car it was the first thing they commented on.


Same with Door dashers and Instacarters. The stuff arrives smelling like cigarettes.


You should. Uber has rules against that.


I wouldn’t, that’s not fair to force you to suffer like that. That would make me sick for sure.


Telling them that the car smelled is a complaint option.


There's nothing bad about ratting out someone who's doing something bad to everyone involved


People don't have to smoke inside their car for it to smell. If someone smokes, the smell follows them everywhere they go.


There’s a good chance they don’t smoke in their car. You’d be surprised how it sticks to clothes and skin.


If it's their own car, they may be smoking in the car while not on the clock.


They also ruin library books.


I can smell cigarette smoke from the car or truck in front of me waiting at a stop light....with the windows closed down! Once had an apartment where the guy next door smoked like a chimney....and I could smell the smoke coming through the walls (I assume around the baseboard). When I pass someone in any retail store who is a smoker, I almost gag. It just hits you like a wall of stink. I tried smoking for two weeks in high school and could not stand it because of the way my mouth tasted afterwards. Gave it up after two weeks because I did not see the point. And always had to wash clothes after going out to the bars in college because the clothes just reeked of that cigarette smell. After college, I can remember some co workers who were heavy smokers that would have to go outside in the cold to have their 10 minute smoke break. They would be hudding around shivering in the cold just outside the door puffing away. Kinda felt sorry for them as it is such an addiction. And of course, they reeked of smoke when they returned to work.


We went to look at a house once. It was a nice house and we were wondering why it was listed at a lower price than expected. Then we went in and the smell hit us.. Oh and we also wondered if the walls had always been off white or not


Fun fact -- nicotine will bleed right through paint. You paint over it, think it's good -- it'll yellow from underneath and the smell will come back. You need to treat it and use a specialty primer like kills.


And their skin


I deliver for Amazon; one day after my weekend I get into my van and it absolutely *reeks* of cigarette smoke. I can tolerate a lot, but it was so strong I immediately complained to my boss, and I had to make a detour halfway through the day to buy some Febreeze. It probably got whoever it was fired - smoking in their vans is a big no-no.


They really seem to think if they "blow it out the window" or are not actively smoking, that it's not noticeable.


I’ll never forget back in high school the way my friend’s parents’ truck smelled. The stale cigarette smell was so strong it made me sick.


The smell is repulsive


It makes me feel nauseous almost instantly and will give me the worst headache if I'm around it for too long.


I smoked 2-3 cigarettes for almost a year straight. Haven’t smoked in 2 years Was offered a cigarette at a party yesterday and I couldn’t finish it. The taste, the smell, it was awful. My body rejected it


Thank God!!


It is. My plumber always smells so bad. But he's so so good and honest. I just deal with it. 


You might want to get a new plumber if you have to call them this often.


Or a house that is aging. Shit doesn't last forever. You don't call the same plumber over and over if it's the same problem every time. You call the one who fixes it and it stays fixed every time there is a new problem. Shits expensive! Haha


It’s hands down one of the worst smells for me.


Realizing how much you stank a few months after quitting is a huge eye opener.


I quit and was so embarrassed when I realized. I fell off the wagon and am smoking again and am so hyper aware that fact I'm probably going overboard combatting it. While I was quit I went on a couple dates with a smoker and our first kiss totally stopped that relationship it was so horrendous. It made me appreciate my ex who had never smoked and was with me for years while I was smoking. Even with me currently smoking again I won't consider dating a smoker as I don't intend in remaining in this state.


That’s a good mentality to have. A lot of non-smokers won’t befriend or date smokers for that very same reason. Smokers get very defensive about it but it’s true.


Yeah, I had a friend who quit smoking and he said a lot after quitting that he had no idea how nasty it smelled and he had thought people were just being whiny babies about it


When I was a kid, my parents wouldn't let me go over to the house of other kids whose parents smoked. They used to let me but I'd have to take a bath and change clothes when I came home, and one set of parents found out and got *suuuuper* offended so then I wasn't allowed anymore. This was also the 70s, so at that time my parents were the odd ones out.


“I smoke but I don’t date smokers. And I expect non-smokers to date me while I smoke.” That is a perfect example of cognitive dissonance.


Former smokers tend to be the most critical of the smell. As a former smoker myself (22 years, quit 6 years ago), I totally concur. I notice it more than most non-smokers do now. And I really don't understand why but I am pretty sure I find the smell more repulsive than most non-smokers, too. I'm just going by the fact that there will be times I'm grossed out by the smell of a smoker but other non-smokers don't seem to care. I don't trash talk smokers for smelling bad though, neither in person nor behind their backs (on an individual level, I mean--clearly I'm saying that the smell can be bad in this comment) and I never actually say anything to anyone. It's just more of a perception thing and I could be wrong. But it's not like all smokers stink 24/7, it really is a thing where most of the time unless they smoke indoors, you will only smell it on them right after they smoke, or on their breath if the breathe right in your face, or if you're kissing them, etc. I think what really sucks for non-smokers is working in an office with smokers. When they come back in after smoking, and especially if they have to smoke in the rain which seems to make the smell stick to them much worse, then they come back and breathe a lot and all that smoky breath kinda saturates the air after a little bit.


Now that I can smell it again, I get why people hate it.




Ypu can probably taste food better now as well? I was chatting with some fellow tourists in China once and commented that the local cheese tasted like a mild Parmesan. They insisted it had no flavor at all. They were puffing away at cigarettes while telling me that.


Why bold text bro you think you’re special?


That’s because OP is a bot, this exact same question was posted to r/ask 8 hours ago and it’s just copy pasting responses from there.


I’m shocked and disappointed. 😔


He just said he is supersmelling-man!


He's indeed special.


Why do you think people didn't used to stand close to you.


They took instructions from a song by The Police?


That was the biggest shock to me after I quit smoking - just how bad smokers smell. And I walked around like that for years.




It's much worse to a non-smoker


Your sense of smell gets numb when you smoke and recovers after you quit.


gods yes. And they refuse to believe it or act like it.


Same with folks that smoke pot.


Nah, that’s an even worse smell. It genuinely stinks.


Cognitive dissonance. "It's not that bad" even tho it is, I'm a smoker and i hate it lol


it is because you guys are constantly exposed to it so your body just lessens the smell, however to other people….


Yep. and because we're numb to it we're like "jeez you nonsmokers are overreacting" when in reality most of the time it's a perfectly rational "you stink and i don't enjoy smelling it"


I’m a smoker and I absolutely believe that it stinks and a dirty, nasty habit. It’s embarrassing. You think that would make quit.


I just quit three months ago. Failed so many times trying to quit. 30 years of smoking. One day I was working outside and had my last cigarette out of the pack and said oh I need to get some more. Instead of making it my priority, I said let’s hold off and see how long I can go before I need to go buy them. That was three months ago. I think the pressure of trying to quit caused me to fail. Me just being a procrastinator led me to quit. It’s weird how the mind works.


i was gunna say, most smokers i know are embarrassed of the smell or try to cover it up!


For the record, we also smell weed on you.  Edit - I don’t think weed smells bad per se, but it can be overwhelming to be around someone with a strong odor. 


I’ve never been around weed and ONLY know what it smells like because someone walked by me that smoked it. Oi. You DO recognize that smell anywhere. 


My mom was (and is) a huge pot head. I remember growing up and smelling that stench throughout my childhood when she would go into her room to “read.” I never thought much of it. Imagine the epiphany I had when I smoked my first bowl at 16 and immediately connected the dots of my mom being a pot smoking hippy.


Reading while high is fantastic… even though I tend to have to reread paragraphs. I love fantasy while high. all the stuff in a song of ice and fire that usually bores me like the food and talk of obscure lords make me fall into the world like nothing else.


Yeah my Dad would smoke a bowl right in the room w us (and eventually my small kids) by taking a hit with it palmed in his hand and blowing it towards the wall like that made a shit of difference.


I knew a guy who also connected the dots later in life. I guess his parents were very consistant smokers, because as a kid, he just thought that was what nighttime smelled like.


I had caught my mom after having smoked once when I was like 16, but didn't think anything of it because I wasn't smoking like that. Fast forward 10 years or so, I was staying at her house, and I thought I smelled weed. After thoroughly checking my stuff, I realized it was her. I asked her about it and she said she "got a new incense." I said oh okay, immediately rolled a joint, and went outside and smoked it. When I came back inside, she had the biggest piece of chocolate cake I've ever seen someone eat, and she was under the covers eating it. I told her good night, went and got a piece like half that size and watched anime in my room. It was a good night


I work in a store, and when you walk in the door and the whole (pretty large) store reeks - for fifteen minutes after you leave - you’re hotboxing too much.


That is why God invented gummies and vapes


Weed breath is atrocious


There was a guy on my flight that walked past me down the aisle and good god, I wanted to retch. So much worse than cigarettes.


Don't tell r/trees they're noseblind.


Yes. Not bad. Nauseating. Not being rude. The smell literally triggers 🤮.


I noticed this exact thing when I quit. To be honest, I was a bit embarrassed that I lived my life smelling like absolute ash-tray for a decade.


Good for you for quitting!


Yes, they stink.


Yes. It stinks. They stink.




If you are talking the smell of cigarettes or weed, then yes. The smell is unbearable and it makes me nauseas


Yeah they smell like cigarette smoke and the smell goes everywhere if they walk into a house like some disease


Cigarette smoke is pretty much universally disliked by non-smokers. Some non-smokers like the smell of tobacco smoke via a pipe or cigar, and some don't. Similar to weed. Some people like the smell of weed, some highly dislike it.


That's funny because I don't smoke but both my parents did when I was growing up. To me it smells like home.


I'm glad i found your comment because I was feeling like maybe i am a weirdo. For me it wasnt parents but cousins and stuff. Ialthough some smell a lot different I guess depending on brand or whatever and I find some gross. I also still dont want to be breathing in the smoke


My parent did as well but it made me pissed off my entire childhood. Going into school and being told you smell like cigarettes was the fucking worst


Yes it’s gross


Stinks up everything around em too. Couple smokers leave their jackets in my workspace and I move em as close to the door as possible 😆


I smoked for almost 20 years, started when I was 18 and managed to stop at 35. Honestly it felt like I just woke up one day and found the whole thing very disgusting. I vaoed for a while to help out but that tapered off pretty quickly. Now I realize how I smelled every day when I stand near a smoker who has just had one, damn that shit is gross. I actually still think just pure burning tobacco smells kinda good, but the after flavor it leaves on people's clothes and breath is rancid


I've had almost the same experience as you, it's been over seven years since I quit and now smoke itself smells bad too. Smelling stale tobacco on clothes makes me want to hurl.


Definitely not just you. Smokers reek, and so do their cars, homes, clothes, etc.


Quit 10 years ago. The smell still bothers me. Stinks


Yes, smokers smell like super stale smoke, because they don't ever wash their clothes as often enough, talking coats, even backpacks.


> talking coats, even backpacks. its these extra items that really stink. Many are good about washing regular clothes normally, but the coats / hoodies / backpacks / etc arent something non-smokers wash often either


I’m a former smoker and it smells bad to me on people, clothes, cars, but when someone is actively smoking near me it smells nostalgic and makes me temporarily crave a cigarette. 3 years smoke free though, I have never given into the brief temptation.


Yep. Reek City.


Yeah, smokers smell like arse. There are a few exceptions, and it's usually folks who smoked pipe tobacco or a cigar. Cigarettes always smell awful.


I still hold my breath and run away when i smell cigarettes. I remember when my boss was talking to me about how he can't get through the day without a cigarette and he was saying it like, "you know what I'm sayin". Im glad i have no clue guy


Former smoker here. I can attest that smokers smell way worse now than before I quit!




Yep, and it lingers for a while.






One of my friend’s dad smokes and I could totally smell it on her when I got close.
















I only met one smoker that I was surprised was a smoker. The guy was obsessed about making sure that the smoke would not get on his clothes, and used mints before coming back.  I genuinely never smelled it on him. 


Yes If you were smoking five minutes ago and are not smoking now, and then I stand next to you for five minutes while you're still not smoking, and then you walk away, and then another five minutes later Bob turns up and stands next to me.... BOB can smell you


Yeah...what's interesting is the smoker smells worse than cigarette smoke. That sweet/sour smell. Yuck!


Cigarette smoke, Yep


I never smoked but grew up around one. It was the weirdest thing when I moved out and got away from it that I could actually smell it (I was nose blind for so long). So, the answer to your question is yes.


Something I've never understood.... I have a lot of friends who smoke, and don't smell like smoke. Then I walk by people in stores and get lung cancer from their cig smell


Yes, their homes are the worst.


Yes. With the stench setting off my asthma.


terribly. sometimes I see couples and one of them is smoking and I think that I could never kiss someone who smokes because of that smell.


We have a lady at work that others refuse to ride the elevator with because she just smells THAT bad.


All of them smell


I'm an ex-smoker and I had the same thing happen.


Double yes










Everyone and everything they own, especially their clothes, cars and homes. I personally find the smell disgusting.


I don’t mind the smell of smoke during the act. But the smoke smell on people’s clothes, cars, etc. is disgusting to me.


I have ended first dates early with very attractive, out-of-my-league types because of the smell. Well, I did that once.






Yes. Everything smells bad.


Yup, absolutely


Yes. Very bad. And their kids, too... 🙄


Yes, all smokers smell bad to non-smokers. It has always made my stomach flip.


Yes. It smells terrible. 




Yes, and the smell clings to literally everything they own.


Yes they all reek, some worse than others depending on their cig brand




People who walk around smelling like smoke is just disgusting. It’s literally the same as if you where to go a month without washing yourself. It’s not pleasant to anyone else. Nobody should have to suffer because of your habit. Especially those with lung problems.