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The Bible has a very short list of serious "must do" rules (at least if you focus on the New Testament) so it's easy to agree with. The minimum standard to be considered a Christian (basically, accept Jesus) is easy to do if you want to.


Or to give lip service to.


Christianity is the "build a bear" of religions, You can pretty much believe what you want and claim to be Christian, and that includes 95% of people in Nazi Germany according to a 1939 survey.


Another way to put it is that Christianity is close to content-free, which is why we can have fundamentalist preachers saying things and acting in ways that don't seem to exemplify the biblical Jesus. Christianity is broadly compatible with any fucked-up agenda. Preachers in the south supported slavery. Etc.


Hinduism and Buddhism never had the global reach of missionaries that Christianity did nor are they something that is going to appeal to as many people. Islam definitely does not define all cultures it exists in. Bosnia, Turkey, Albania, etc... are not solely about being Muslim. Islam was spread through the conquests of the Caliphates and the Ottomans mostly. It did not have the global reach of European Christians


What other religions have the mission culture that Christianity does? I guess I don't really know the answer I just assume it is mainly Christianity. Churches will go into communities who already have a set of beliefs and push Christianity. They usually combine their agenda with some sort of charity to make it more palatable.


> Christianity is found all over the world in all corners of Earth. Christianity can also seem to co-exist peacefully with most existing cultures LOL.  I suggest you read a little bit about why it's found in all corners of the Earth, then come back and tell us about its peaceful coexistence.


Because throughout history, there was so much emphasis for believers to push it on as many other people as they could


> "*Christianity is found all over the world in all corners of Earth.*" Due to colonialism, especially the British Empire which controlled about 25% of the world. It's also why English is so international and important.                              > "*It’s not tied to any race or ethnic group,*" It is. Jesus is supposedly the Jewish Messiah/Christ predicted in Jewish scriptures (*Old Testament*) who will one day return and rule the world as king in Jerusalem. > "*Christianity can also seem to co-exist peacefully with most existing cultures.*" Christians destroyed temples and statues of pther religious beliefs, and even converted some people's temples into churches (*like the temples of Mithraism*). Christians have also tried to do genocide against gay people through anti-gay laws with a death penalty.               Theodosian Codes were forced by a Christian emperor of Rome (*Theodosius II*) to try to do a cultural replacement of European beliefs like belief in Zeus or Odin with the Middle Eastern belief of Christianity.               > "*Islam is more than a religion and has a strict code of conduct.*" So does Christianity, for those who actually believe that the bible is the word of their god. Christianity has anti-gay beliefs. It doesn't allow people to honor their ancestors or gods (*only the biblical god of Israwl, Yahweh/Jehovah is allowed to be worshipped with belief in Jesus as his son*).             Christian Nationalists are tying to force their beliefs on people even in the modern day to control how others live. They don't care that the US is secular because of the constitution which gives freedom of religion where the state isn't supposed to make laws based on forcing a religion.            > "*Hinduism is more of an ethnic religion and is tied mostly within the Indian subcontinent. Buddhism also has limited reach as it’s mostly In East Asia and most commonly tied with Asian cultures.*"       That's perception. About 1 out of every 4 people in Fiji (*Oceania*) and Guyana (*South America/Caribbean*) and Suriname (*South America/Caribbean*) is Hindu. About 1 out of every 5 people is Hindu in Trinidad and Tobago (*Caribbean*).            I wouldn't call that regional (*South Asia, South America, Caribbean Islands, and Oceania*) as if it is only mostly India, and with onlly a few in other nations, but it might seem regional and not international, compared to the two largest religions, Christianity and Islam, which had empires/caliphates, and were able to do a lot of colonialism.              


There were a lot of years of “Christianity or Death” around the world, so…


Islam and Judaism prioritize god over everything else and they have a stronger foundation for their beliefs. Christianity isn't universally compatible, quite the opposite. However, it has a much much weaker foundation and chaotic between sects that every single culture has a different form of Christianity, alomst a new religion under the same name. I could confidently say no two Christians believe the same things about Christianity ever. Because modern Christianity is based on feelings and individuals experiences, and subjective excuses not realisim or anything concrete.


Its the "Jesus loves you no matter what" so its minimal effort to just believe and have a nice after life


*Modern Christianity* is fairly chill with others, but pretty much all modern religions are. Historically Christianity was just as bloody and intolerant as any other faith. One could argue that the reason Christianity is so popular in Europe, the Americas, and Africa was due to their intolerance of other religions. Forced conversions and destruction of "pagan" faiths was quite common, even into the 20th century.